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Doctor Sleep (2019)
Doctor Sleep (2019)
2019 | Horror
Originally, I wasn't sure I was going to be able to see this film. I'm not a huge fan of horror, but I am a fan of Kubrick's The Shining. I'm not a huge fan of Stephen King, his writing style is obnoxious to me.
Anyway, I had no idea as to what to expect out of this film. While it was long, it was nicely paced, and I was never bored. I thought Euan McGregor was a great Danny. The story line was interesting, and I liked the new characters introduced.
My favorite part was the end, when they returned to the Overlook.
Also, with the way it was shot, you could tell the director was a huge fan of Kubrick's film. The overhead shots were a good choice.
Overall, I really enjoyed the film. BUT, seriously, the recurring lady in the bathtub freaked me out for a few days and I made sure my shower curtain was drawn all of the way back.

Matthew Krueger (10051 KP) rated Doctor Sleep (2019) in Movies

Nov 11, 2019 (Updated Nov 12, 2019)  
Doctor Sleep (2019)
Doctor Sleep (2019)
2019 | Horror
39 Years Later: Redrum aka Murder
Doctor Sleep- if you dont know is the sequel to the shining. I have been waiting for this movie to come out ever since it got announced. I read the book over two years again and i loved it. I didnt even know their was a sequel to the shining until i read the book. The book is phenomenal, it is acutally my first stephen king novel that i read and finshed, so to say at less, i was hyped and very anticpated, so what did i think. I thought it was good. I liked it alot.

Ewan McGregor was a perfect cast for Danny Torrance and Rebecca Ferguson was excellent as Rose The Hat and newcomer actress Kyliegh Curran was great as Abra Stone. Mike Flanagan was amazing choice for the dirctor. I liked his other movies that he directed and also loved The Haunting of Hill House which he created and directed.

The Recreated sences from the oringal film was intresting, i liked it not to bad. The hotel looks the same, old, crooked, haunted, scary, horrorfying and terrorfying. The replacements for Dick Hallorann, young Danny, Wendy and Llyod/Jack were intresting. I really liked the actress who played Wendy. As for Dick, i liked the actor who played him. As for young Danny he was good and Llyod/Jack the actor who played him was okay/bad, he just did a impression of Jack Nichoslon and looked like a young Jack Nicolson.

This is intresting, i just found this out: Danny Lloyd, who played Danny Torrance in The Shining, makes a cameo appearance as Bradley Trevor's father. Lloyd had been retired from acting for roughly 38 years, and was direct-messaged on Twitter by Flanagan to appear in the film. Producer Trevor Macy said of Lloyd's involvement, "[Lloyd] was excited to do [the cameo]. He hadn't acted since [the original]. He's a schoolteacher, and a very successful one at that, [who] like[s] making the world better. He came back for a day, and we were thrilled to have him." When pressed as to why the filmmakers did not extend the same offer to Jack Nicholson, Macy responded, "With Jack, I knew that they approached him for Ready Player One, and that he seems to be very serious about being retired. I had known that he was supportive [of the sequel] but retired." Flanagan admitted, "I didn't know how that would really work. Even if he were to come back, if he were appearing as a different character, I thought that would set people's hair on fire. He was absolutely a presence on set, though, whether he knew it or not."

So thats intresting. I would of loved to see Jack Nichloson come out of retirement and play old Jack Torrance.

Doctor Sleep was a great/excellent sequel to the shining and what Mike Flanagan did was perfect he toke elements from Stanley Kubrick's film and made it his own. The cast is great, the story is great, the hotel is great.

If you havent seen the shining than watch it and read it. If you havent seen this movie, than go watch it and read it.
Doctor Sleep (2019)
Doctor Sleep (2019)
2019 | Horror
Characters – Danny Torrance grew up to learn how to contain the nightmares of the Overlook Hotel, he has turned to alcohol and drugs to get him through adult life, until he looks to clean up his life and start fresh, using his ability to guide people to the afterlife. He does make a new friend that communicates through a wall, one that will force him into using his ability to a new fight, a new evil, where he must protect a teenage girl who is being targeted. Rose the Hat is the leader of the cult, she selects who to eat or who to turn, she is the strongest of her group and keeps them in line, she searches for the next targets, with her eyes set on Abra, only to learn just how strong she really is. Abra is a teenage girl that has the ability to look and see miles away from her location, feeling the pain of the victims, she communicates with Danny for years and now calls for his help to deal with Rose and her friends. Billy is the man that sees the good in Danny and wants to help him clean up his act, becoming his best friend. Snakebite Andi shows what it is like to be recruited by Rose, she is one character that you did want to learn more about, because it feels like certain parts of her arc are left in the editing room.

Performances – Ewan McGregor taking the leading role is wonderful in this film, showing how damaged his character’s life is. Rebecca Ferguson is a joy to watch in the villainous role. Kyliegh Curran gives a fantastic performance filled with fear, determination and aggression in the fight.

Story – The story here brings us into the modern times as Danny Torrance is all grown up, dealing with most of the nightmares from his childhood, until he starts communicating with a teenage girl that has seen herself targeted by a cult that preys on the children with the shining abilities. This is a sequel to the much-loved The Shining and does bring us a brand-new story that does make complete sense. We do see certain ideas from other Stephen King novels come to light, with the idea of good and evil joining up before a battle, much like The Stand, while we get references of others through the film. The biggest and best part of the story comes from the idea that both sides can be dealt with the scarier moments in the story, making nobody feel safe.

Horror – The horror is the most interesting and strongest part of the film, we get Danny having his nightmares and to impress more, Abra and Rose using their abilities to try and stay ahead of each other, not to mention one of the most disturbing sequences of the year.

Settings – The film might be known for the iconic location of the Overlook Hotel, the rest of the locations see the gypsy characters travelling around showing how the powers are more than just a long time alone in a hotel.

Special Effects – The effects in this film show just what will happen to the cult if they don’t receive the steam, while also managing to recreate iconic moments from the original.

Scene of the Movie – Rose visits Abra.

That Moment That Annoyed Me – Snakebite Andi did seem to have more to her story.

Final Thoughts – This is by far the best horror film of the year, it spins the horror ideas on its head by having both sides being put through the horror elements and does continue the legacy created by The Shining.

Overall: One of the Best Horrors Ever.
Doctor Sleep (2019)
Doctor Sleep (2019)
2019 | Horror
Better Than I Expected
Over the years, there has been "cash grab" sequels thrown out onto an unsuspecting public years after the beloved original film has settled into the warm memories of time. Films like THE TWO JAKES (sequel to CHINATOWN), THE EVENING STAR (sequel to TERMS OF ENDEARMENT) and, most notably, THE GODFATHER III (sequel to the first two, terrific GODFATHER films) all were filmed more than 10 years after the original classic and quickly died at the box office.

Thus, I steered very clear of the sequel to the great Stanley Kubrick film THE SHINING (based on the novel by Stephen King). This time it was Ewan MacGregor as a grown up Danny Torrance, otherwise known as DOCTOR SLEEP. True, this one was based on Stephen King's sequel novel, but still, I avoided it.

Well...2020 being 2020...I was searching for something "new" to watch and tripped across this, so thought "what the heck, I'll give it a go"...

And...I was pleasantly surprised - Doctor Sleep is actually a pretty good flick, capturing the flavor of the original while becoming an entity of it's own.

Doctor Sleep tells the tale of an adult Danny Torrance (Ewan MacGregor) the grown-up son of the Jack Nicholson character (Jack Torrance) in THE SHINING. Danny struggles to come to grips with what happened at the Overlook Hotel - and with his ability to "Shine".

As written and directed by Mike Flanagan (GERALD'S GAME), Doctor Sleep serves as a creepy "chase flick" and a homage to The Shining at the same time. Flanagan does a decent job of giving us motivations and meanings to Danny's own personal journey while weaving in a plausible, effective use of the characters and locations of The Shining.

Part of this success rests on the castings of actors to recreate the roles - and feelings - of characters from the original Stanley Kubrick film. Alex Essoe (Wendy Torrance), Carl Lumbly (Dick Halloran) and Henry Thomas - yes the kid from ET - (as "the bartender", who is clearly Jack Torrance) all bring the essence of the previous film's characters to the events while carving out their own versions of the characters. The same can be said for Flanagan's use (re-use?) of the Overlook Hotel locations and stylings. From the patterned carpet to the typewriter in the lobby to the elevators spewing blood to the hole in the bathroom door that the axe went through - all added to the creepy eeriness of "I've been here before".

But, I think Flanagan was more interested in that part of the story/film than the other part, for faring less successfully is Danny's journey. Fault cannot be made of Ewan MacGregor's performance, he is very good, considering the clunky dialogue he is given, and he gives Danny a haunted feeling, simultaneously chasing and running from his past. But Flanagan really skims over this part of the film - why/how Danny becomes the titular "Doctor Sleep" is almost in a "blink and you'll miss it" moment. While I like the pacing of this film, I think it could have used a little more care and feeding on the front end, to help us understand/invest in Danny's journey more.

Also not faring as well as it could have is the bad guys in this film - a group of characters called THE KNOT. Flanagan enlists a "decent enough" group of character actors for this group though, I think, this film pulls it's punches with these villains and it suffers from it. The leader of the group is "Rose The Hat", played by Rebecca Ferguson (THE GIRL ON THE TRAIN) and she is charismatic (as always) and draws you into her world, and her group. She is very seductive in this role - and that is really good. HOWEVER, when it is time for this "spider" to pounce on her prey, she just doesn't have the intimidation and fear factor, so I was never really scared or unnerved by her.

But, as far as sequels go, this one holds up very well and does a very good job of being an homage to the original film while driving it's own story - and characters - along.

Letter Grade: B+

7 1/2 stars (out of 10) and you can take that to the Bank(ofMarquis)

Smashbomb (4683 KP) created a post in Smashbomb Council

Dec 3, 2020  
Hey Influencers (be prepared for a long post!)

Since we got so much positive feedback on the End of Year Polls idea - we’ve decided to do it again!

But obviously, we want to check with you, our influencers, before we make anything final. So below are the Nominations we have for each category - and we want your opinions!

The way each nomination is chosen for each category, to begin with, is easy - we simply have the most positively rated items that came out in the year 2020 (excluding Apps, Shows & YouTube Channels)! But, if you think something should be swapped or changed let us know!


 - Hearthstone (8.8)
 - Netflix (8.7)
 - Amazon (8.9)
 - Amazon Kindle (9.1)
 - Spotify (8.6)


 - Matt Haig - The Midnight Library (8.6)
 - Sharon J. Bolton - The Split (9.0)
 - Kate Elizabeth Russell - My Dark Vanessa (9.5)
 - Danny Tobey - The God Game (9.0)
 - Maggie O’Farrell - Hamnet (9.3)


 - 1917 (8.8)
 - The Invisible Man (7.8)
 - Onward (8.3)
 - The Gentlemen (8.3)
 - Bad Boys For Life (7.7)


 - Eminem - Music To Be Murdered By (10)
 - Blossoms - Foolish Loving Spaces (7.5)
 - Idles - Ultra Mono (9.0)
 - Tame Impala - Slow Rush (8.0)
 - Starflyer 59 - Miami EP (9.0)


 - Sword and Scale (7.1)
 - Loot Tine Postcast (7.9)
 - No Such Thing as Fish (8.9)
 - And That’s Why We Drink (8.8)
 - True Crime Garage (8.6)


 - Wicked (8.7)
 - We Will Rock You (8.0)
 - The Lion King (9.5)
 - The Exorcist (8.7)
 - Les Miserables (8.0)


 - Calico (9.0)
 - Faza (9.0)
 - Chronicles of Crime: 1400 (9.0)
 - Macaron (9.0)
 - Tales of Evil (9.0)


 - iPad Pro (7.4)
 - MacBook (7.2)
 - Dell XPS 13 (7.2)
 - Nest Learning Thermostat (8.4)
 - Amazon Echo Plus (8.4)


 - Locke and Key (7.8)
 - Tiger King (7.7)
 - Umbrella Academy - Season 2 (9.0)
 - The Haunting of Bly Manor (8.1)
 - Lovecraft Country (8.7)


 - Final Fantasy VII Remake (8.7)
 - Animal Crossing: New Horizons (8.5)
 - The Last of Us Part II (7.4)
 - Ghost of Tsushima (8.8)
 - Assassin’s Creed Valhalla (8.0)


YouTube Channels:
 - Ted-Ed (8.3)
 - The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon (7.6)
 - Walt Disney Studios (8.7)
 - BBC News (8.2)
 - 20th Century Fox (9.3)


There will be one poll for each category, narrowing each of the 5 nominations down to one winner over the course of 2 weeks!

Would love to hear what everyone thinks below!
Show all 15 comments.

Smashbomb (4683 KP) Dec 7, 2020

@Melika Jeddi - Yes you're completely right - that's why the list above is of the items with both the MOST + HIGHEST ratings! :)


Kirk Bage (1775 KP) Dec 7, 2020

The Queen's Gambit 100% should be in TV. And yeah, Tenet in Movies maybe.


Smashbomb (4683 KP) created a post in Smashbomb Partners

Dec 3, 2020  
Hey Partners (be prepared for a long post!)

Since we got so much positive feedback on the End of Year Polls idea - we’ve decided to do it again!

But obviously, we want to check with you, our Partners, before we make anything final. So below are the Nominations we have for each category - and we want your opinions!

The way each nomination is chosen for each category, to begin with, is easy - we simply have the most positively rated items that came out in the year 2020 (excluding Apps, Shows & YouTube Channels)! But, if you think something should be swapped or changed let us know!


 - Hearthstone (8.8)
 - Netflix (8.7)
 - Amazon (8.9)
 - Amazon Kindle (9.1)
 - Spotify (8.6)


 - Matt Haig - The Midnight Library (8.6)
 - Sharon J. Bolton - The Split (9.0)
 - Kate Elizabeth Russell - My Dark Vanessa (9.5)
 - Danny Tobey - The God Game (9.0)
 - Maggie O’Farrell - Hamnet (9.3)


 - 1917 (8.8)
 - The Invisible Man (7.8)
 - Onward (8.3)
 - The Gentlemen (8.3)
 - Bad Boys For Life (7.7)


 - Eminem - Music To Be Murdered By (10)
 - Blossoms - Foolish Loving Spaces (7.5)
 - Idles - Ultra Mono (9.0)
 - Tame Impala - Slow Rush (8.0)
 - Starflyer 59 - Miami EP (9.0)


 - Sword and Scale (7.1)
 - Loot Tine Postcast (7.9)
 - No Such Thing as Fish (8.9)
 - And That’s Why We Drink (8.8)
 - True Crime Garage (8.6)


 - Wicked (8.7)
 - We Will Rock You (8.0)
 - The Lion King (9.5)
 - The Exorcist (8.7)
 - Les Miserables (8.0)


 - Calico (9.0)
 - Faza (9.0)
 - Chronicles of Crime: 1400 (9.0)
 - Macaron (9.0)
 - Tales of Evil (9.0)


 - iPad Pro (7.4)
 - MacBook (7.2)
 - Dell XPS 13 (7.2)
 - Nest Learning Thermostat (8.4)
 - Amazon Echo Plus (8.4)


 - Locke and Key (7.8)
 - Tiger King (7.7)
 - Umbrella Academy - Season 2 (9.0)
 - The Haunting of Bly Manor (8.1)
 - Lovecraft Country (8.7)


 - Final Fantasy VII Remake (8.7)
 - Animal Crossing: New Horizons (8.5)
 - The Last of Us Part II (7.4)
 - Ghost of Tsushima (8.8)
 - Assassin’s Creed Valhalla (8.0)


YouTube Channels:
 - Ted-Ed (8.3)
 - The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon (7.6)
 - Walt Disney Studios (8.7)
 - BBC News (8.2)
 - 20th Century Fox (9.3)


There will be one poll for each category, narrowing each of the 5 nominations down to one winner over the course of 2 weeks!

Would love to hear what everyone thinks below!
Show all 3 comments.

Hadley (567 KP) Dec 4, 2020

I think this is a great way to pick for the polls.


Kirk Bage (1775 KP) Dec 7, 2020

The Queen's Gambit is a glaring omission from TV :)

The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993)
The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993)
1993 | Animation, Family, Sci-Fi
Everything about this movie i love. The amimated, the visuals, the story, the songs, the charcters and so much more. It is both a halloween and christmas movie. It is not just one, but its both. Thats what i love. So lets talk about it...

The Plot: The film follows the misadventures of Jack Skellington, Halloweentown's beloved pumpkin king, who has become bored with the same annual routine of frightening people in the "real world." When Jack accidentally stumbles on Christmastown, all bright colors and warm spirits, he gets a new lease on life -- he plots to bring Christmas under his control by kidnapping Santa Claus and taking over the role. But Jack soon discovers even the best-laid plans of mice and skeleton men can go seriously awry.

Danny Elfman wrote the songs and score, and provided the singing voice of Jack.

The charcters are so memorable, you remember what their look like, what lines their say, who their are.

Even though Henry selick directed this film, it is Tim Burton's film. Everything about this movie is a Tim Burton film- the charcters, the setting, the story, the darkness and so much more. Makes this film a tim burton film. Its also called Tim Burtons: The Nightmare Before Christmas.

It is a classic animated fantasy stop motion horror film, that is loved by all. A must see film.

Lastly shout out to @LeftSideCut for getting the hints/clues for this review right.
Doctor Sleep (2019)
Doctor Sleep (2019)
2019 | Horror
Brilliantly done
I always go into a Stephen King film with a huge sense of trepidation. He’s my favourite author and sadly far too many film adaptations of his books have been badly mistreated. I have read Doctor Sleep, however this was a long time ago and I’m not quite sure how my vague recollections have impacted on my opinion of this film, but I’m very pleased to say that I absolutely loved it.

This film is very long, but necessarily so. Nothing in this feels like it isn’t needed and apart from feeling ridiculously tired, I was never bored or never found this was dragging at all. It’s helped by a haunting and wonderful score, and the entire film just looks and feels great. The horror aspects whilst scarce, when they do appear they’re very well done and I was pleasantly surprised by one of the especially gorier scenes. Story-wise as far as the book goes, it stays fairly close for the most part. Other than the references to the original film (as the book and the original are polar opposites), there is only one major difference that I identified which was the ending and I actually thought it was a good choice to do this. Ewan McGregor is great as Danny, he isn’t how I would’ve pictured Danny whilst reading the book but he does a great job and Kyleigh Curran is fantastic as Abra, such a talented young actress. The star of this though has to be Rebecca Ferguson. I’ve been a fan of hers for a while and she’s truly menacing as Rose the Hat. I can’t imagine anyone having played her better.

Throughout the film there are of course references to the original and these are so impressively well done. I was surprised at first that they didn’t just use clips from the original, but by the end of the film the reasons for this were made very clear and this worked well. I am torn between being disappointed and happy that they didn’t use CGI to bring back the original actors, but considering the original was made in 1980 I’m overall quite glad they didn’t go down this route when most other films are.

For me, the best part of this film was the final act and this is where I’m so happy they differed from the book. Going back into the Overlook is a truly terrifying and tense experience. I was on the edge of my seat the entire time, both because I was scared and elated to be back where it all began.

Other than the rather lengthy runtime and the slight differences (for the better?) to the book, I can’t think of anything negative to say about this film. Which for me is a rather novel experience. I cannot wait to get this on blu-ray and watch in the comfort of my own home.
Show all 4 comments.

leanne (14 KP) Nov 14, 2019

great review


Jo Taylor (16 KP) Nov 15, 2019

Was amazing film


Lee (2222 KP) rated Dumbo (2019) in Movies

Mar 31, 2019  
Dumbo (2019)
Dumbo (2019)
2019 | Animation, Family, Fantasy
Dumbo is very cute (0 more)
Everything else is just... lifeless (0 more)
It's set to be a busy year for live action Disney remakes, with Aladdin and The Lion King already lined up for release this year. Kicking things off though, is this reimagining of the 1941 classic Dumbo, with Tim Burton directing.

It's 1919 and Holt Farrier (Colin Farrell) has returned from World War I, arriving by train to join the Medici Brothers Circus, where he worked before the war as a performer. But Holt has a number of issues to contend with on his return, the least of which being the loss one of his arms while in service. He's greeted at the station by his two young children, Milly and Joe, who lost their mother, Holt's wife, to influenza while he was away. On top of that, he learns that while he was away, the cash strapped circus owner, Max Medici (Danny DeVito) decided to sell the horses that were part of Holt's star act. Holt is put in charge of pregnant elephant Jumbo, with Max hoping that the arrival of a cute baby elephant will bring in the much needed crowds. It's a lot for Holt to come to terms with and adjust to.

Soon after, the baby elephant is born. But with clumsy, oversized ears, he's not quite the cute crowd pleaser they had all hoped for. Attempts to hide his ears only end in disaster, and ridicule from the circus crowds. Milly and Joe fall in love with the new arrival, and when they discover that he has the ability to use those big ears for flying, interest in him is quickly renewed.

The flying elephant not only draws in the crowds, but also the attentions of V.A. Vandevere (Michael Keaton), who offers Max a deal for him and his circus troupe to join his huge fancy theme park. It's at this point that the movie should really begin to soar, having introduced the circus family and their new arrival. Unfortunately, the arrival of Vandevere signals a sharp downward spiral in terms of story telling. The circus cast are all but forgotten, with the story focusing instead on the tired, familiar tale of sleazy, greedy businessman who is only interested in money and success, at the expense of the poor, trusting people who believed him.

The computerised Dumbo is simply oozing cuteness and technical wizardry. The eyes and the facial expressions are wonderful and he manages to steal every scene he is in. Every time he takes flight, it is a joy to watch. Unfortunately though, this version of Dumbo is trying to add a lot more to the original story and ends up becoming bit of a drag at times. The human characters are poorly written and mostly forgettable, and the movie really only soars when Dumbo himself does. While trying to steer clear of being a straight up remake, opting instead for the addition of plot and characters, it ultimately loses a lot of the charm. As with the recent remake of Beauty and the Beast, it's another case of style over substance.