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The Painted Man (the Demon Cycle, Book 1)
The Painted Man (the Demon Cycle, Book 1)
Peter V. Brett | 2013 | Fiction & Poetry
7.4 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
First in "The Demon Cycle", this is very much what I would term a dark fantasy novel: not urban fantasy (like The Dresden Files), not heroic fantasy (David Gemmell) and not high fantasy (Lord of the Rings).

This is set in a world where Demons rise through the ground every night to terrorise/slowly cull the few remaining humans, the novel follows three seperate survivors of such attacks. It's pretty obvious that they are, eventually, going to meet up, which only happens in the latter porion of the book, by which stage one of the survivors has become The Painted Man (i.e. covered in magical wards, which the demons can't stand) of the title.

An enjoyable enough read, but I did find this to be occassionally hard going. I also picked it up when Waterstones had it on sale for about £3: for that price, I'm happy enough, but I also wouldn't be looking for the sequels at full price either.
Wizard's First Rule
Wizard's First Rule
Terry Goodkind | 1994 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.4 (19 Ratings)
Book Rating
Amazing Characters (1 more)
Epic Plot
Too Detailed (0 more)
This series is what got me into the fantasy genre. It's unique and the world that Goodkind has created is absolutely stunning. The characters are easy to relate to, while also giving them a sense of being completely different. It can be dark at times, but it's balanced by the wit and humor of some of the characters.

ArecRain (8 KP) rated Lexin's Quest in Books

Jan 18, 2018  
Lexin's Quest
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I received a complimentary copy in exchange for an honest review.

This is the second story I have read by Tamara Hartl, and further solidified my appreciation for her. If you have read her novel Dark Lord of Kismera, then you are familiar with her fantastic world and characters as well as her easy writing style. If you haven’t read Hartl before, I highly recommend her. Her Dark Lord series is a perfect mesh of fantasy and romance with a nice touch of heat. Her mythology is easy to understand and I didn’t feel left behind when she described anything fantastical. I also feel that you don’t have to read the first in the series to enjoy the second. The author lets you know everything pertinent to enjoy the story.

I recommend Hartl to anyone looking for a steamy fantasy with an amazing world.
105 of 220
Fantasy Lover ( Dark Hunter 1)
By Sherrilyn Kenyon

It might sound like a man's favorite fantasy - to live forever, destined to be the lover of thousands of women. But for Julian of Macedon, it's a nightmare. Once he was a proud Spartan general; now he's a love-slave, his essence magically held captive in a book, cursed to spend all eternity pleasing women. Then, one day, Grace Alexander summons Julian to fulfill her passionate dreams - and sees beyond the fantasy to the man himself.

Long years as a sex therapist, listening to other people's bedroom problems, have taken a lot of the fun out of the physical side of love for Grace. But with or without sex, the rules of the enchantment cannot be changed - Julian is hers for the next month. And, as their time together slips by, Julian and Grace find more to share than sympathy and conversation and they begin to wonder if love might be within their grasp. That leaves only one question. Is love enough to break a 2,000-year-old curse?

This is a reread for me and one of my favourites. The Dark Hunter series has to be one of the best fantasy series out there. I love the Greek gods and everything these books bring.