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ClareR (5577 KP) rated The Every in Books

Jan 11, 2022  
The Every
The Every
Dave Eggers | 2021 | Contemporary, Dystopia, Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Thriller
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Every would appear to be something of a ‘Marmite’ book. I liked it, but I think I would have liked it more if it hadn’t been like a personal vendetta towards what Dave Eggers in the novel , very frequently refers to as “an e-commerce behemoth named after a South American jungle”. He’s blatantly anti-Amazon, and that’s ok, each to their own. This whole book seemed to be a cautionary tale of big business (particularly the online type), and smart phones (particularly the apps). This last part I can actually agree with: my sons are pretty much glued to their phone screens (although they seem to prefer YouTube, Reddit and Discord to some of the apps described in the book).

The characters who work for The Every are evangelical about their employer - they can see no wrong in their monopoly of, well, everything really. This in itself would throw up every red flag to me - and it does to the main character, Delaney. And when her co-conspirator joins the dark side, it seems even less unlikely that she’ll be able to bring the company down. The more weird and whacky her ideas for ridiculous apps become, the more the company likes them. And that means everyone - the company and the customers. It starts to seem unlikely that Delaney will be successful.

I think that there may well be a follow up to this - it’s left open-ended. Even though I’m a big fan of the open-ended-ending, I really don’t know whether I’ll read the next one (if it comes!), although I should think I’ll have time to decide whether I will or won’t!

Many thanks to The Pigeonhole and the publisher for serialising this.
The Circle (2017)
The Circle (2017)
2017 | Drama, Mystery, Sci-Fi
Social Media involvement in political manipulation? Don’t be ridiculous!
Set in the near future “The Circle” tells a horror story of the social media age involving an omnipotent American corporate, pitched somewhere between being Facebook-like and Google-like (note, lawyers, I just said “like”!) Emma Watson (“Beauty and the Beast“) plays young intern Mae who, partly through the aid of family friend Annie (Karen Gillan, “Guardians of the Galaxy“, “Doctor Who”) but mostly through her own aptitude, lands a foothold job in customer services for the company. With the lush corporate campus fast becoming home, Mae is quickly singled out as having “executive potential” by the charismatic CEO Bailey (Tom Hanks, “Bridge of Spies“) and his more taciturn sidekick Stenton (US comedian Patton Oswalt).

Progressively brainwashed into believing the company’s intrusive snooping (a favourite motto is “Secrets are Lies”) is all for ‘the greater good’, Mae champions the cause until a tragedy rocks her world and her company beliefs to the core.
Whenever I watch a film I tend to form my own opinion first before checking out what the ‘general public’ on IMDB think. In this case, I must confess to being a bit surprised at our divergence of views: a lot of people clearly hated this movie whereas I confess that I found it very entertaining. Certainly with the alleged role of Russia in influencing elections around the world via social media, the film is most certainly topical! Many reviewers seemed quite upset that Watson’s character is such a ‘doormat’, in that her views are so easily manipulated by the corporate machine. But not every woman – as indeed every man – can or should be a Joan of Arc style role model in every film: why should they be?

I actually found her indoctrination into “the Circle way” as quite convincing, especially a creepy scene where two corporate lackies (Cho Smith and Amir Talai) say that they’re not checking up on Mae’s social life, but…. Watson enjoys extending her post-Potter repertoire well, but the talented John Boyega (“Star Wars: The Force Awakens“) is completely wasted in his role as Ty; the Wozniak-like genious behind The Circle’s technology. The script gives him very little to do other than stand around and look grumpy.

A wasted John Boyega with Emma Watson.
The film is sad in being the last movie appearance of the great Bill Paxton (“Apollo 13”) who plays Mae’s sick father and who died of complications following heart surgery two months before the film’s release (the film is dedicated “For Bill”). Tragically, Mae’s mother in the film, actress Glenn Headly (“Dirty Rotten Scoundrels”) also died suddenly at the age of 62, also due to heart problems, a couple of months after the film’s release. It’s surprising the film doesn’t have a “curse of The Circle” tag on it.

The film was directed by James Ponsoldt, who also wrote the screenplay with novel-writer Dave Eggers (“Away We Go”). I particularly liked the on-screen use of captioning (posts) which was reminiscent to me of last year’s “Nerve“, a B-movie film I rated highly that also had a string social media theme.

While the ending of the film is a bit twee – a movie definition of “being hoisted by your own petard” – it’s overall a thought provoking piece sufficiently close to the truth as to where society is going to raise the hairs on your neck.

Kyera (8 KP) rated The Circle in Books

Feb 1, 2018  
The Circle
The Circle
Dave Eggers | 2014 | Fiction & Poetry
8.8 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
Even a day after finishing The Circle by Dave Eggers, I’m still not quite sure how I feel about the book. The story follows Mae, a young twenty-something year old as she gets a job at the Circle the biggest tech company around. They’ve essentially outperformed, purchased and influenced their competition like Google, Facebook and Apple – and have become dominant in the field. The plot progresses as the company invents more and more ways to progress technology and access to knowledge.

I didn’t find any of the characters in this book particularly likable. In fact, I really didn’t connect with or like the main character at all. She seemed to have no backbone, became very defensive and accusatory with no motivation, meddled in other people’s private affairs, and made some terrible decisions in her life. Her choices throughout the book were very frustrating, as she succumbed to bad decision making, alienated her family, and pushed away her true friends.

For me, this book was very stress-inducing. Just Mae’s job in customer service became overwhelming very quickly. When she was introduced to her job, her desk and her coworkers, it was explained to her that she would have multiple points of contact that she must keep her focus on. Her first screen was for her work and interaction with customers, where she would respond to their queries and assist them with problems. The second screen was for inter-office communication (which was constant) between her and her colleagues. That in and of itself was overwhelming, but she was also told that she had to pay attention to her phone on her desk and the health monitor/smart watch type device on her wrist. As if that wasn’t enough, over time the number of screens that were installed at her desk multiplied and became completely overwhelming to me as the reader. Just attempting to imagine having to deal with that was stressing me out a little.

As the book progressed, it reminded me more and more of 1984 and Big Brother. One of the first things that horrified me was the installation of cameras across the globe, although it was touted as a way to disseminate information and curb crime – I could only think of the implications. What happened to personal privacy? As an introvert, the ideas put forth in the Circle were incredibly hard to accept. Circle membership grew, voting became mandatory and privacy all but disappeared. What makes the book even more hard-hitting and thought provoking is that the ideas in the book are the way that the world is currently progressing.

The book and its ideas definitely force you to think about the state of the world today, our reliance on technology and willingness to put so much information about ourselves out there in the world. Just as a slight spoiler, in the next paragraph I will discuss my feelings about the conclusion of the book. If you don’t want to know whether they followed the path of Big Brother or rebelled, please just skip that paragraph and continue reading after that.

<spoiler>The entire book, I was expecting there to be a lesson about the overwhelming power of technology, our loss of privacy and the world’s discovery that this is not the way to live. There is a line that perhaps we should not cross and continuing on the path the Circle is taking is crossing that line. Unfortunately, that is not what happened in the book. In the end, the Circle’s way of being with no privacy, a world monopoly and forced participation in everything was accepted, wholeheartedly. I was baffled and so I have no idea how I feel about the book. It seemed like it was a technological horror, warning humanity but the acceptance at the end makes me question the purpose of the book. </spoiler>

One of my problems with the book may just stem from the issue of converting the book into eBook form and not formatting it well. As I have never paged through a physical copy, I don’t know what the book is supposed to look like – but beyond basic paragraph formatting there was no delineation between sections in my copy. Scene changes would occur where the day, location or character being interacted with would change and it caused a split-second of confusion. There were no chapters and no page breaks. The only formatting I had in my copy where the headings for book 1, 2, and 3. Again, this may just be my copy and if so I don’t want to fault the book – but if the physical book is like that, then I take issue with the formatting. It doesn’t look professional and affects the readability of the book.

This book definitely forces you to think and may cause a few nightmares depending upon how you feel about technology, just be warned. Overall, I would recommend this book but to adult readers as it is not a young adult book.