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Moby recommended Station to Station by David Bowie in Music (curated)

Station to Station by David Bowie
Station to Station by David Bowie
1976 | Pop
8.8 (6 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"This is his Los Angeles album, and what's funny about that is it's one of his most European records. On the 'Station To Station' song he even sings "the European cannon is here", and it's ironic that he recorded it in the Hollywood hills while doing tons and tons of cocaine. It's odd when you talk about these really iconic artists, whether it's Led Zeppelin or The Rolling Stones, there's always that debate about which is their best album, and usually there's some degree of consensus. With David Bowie most of my music cognoscenti friends will go with Low, but for me Station To Station is the weirdest, most subtly strong David Bowie album. It doesn't have the ambient beauty of Heroes or Low, but it's almost as if he was trying to make a conventional record, but it ends up sounding even stranger because it's trying to be conventional. And that's why I picked it. In a way it reminded me of some of the Roxy Music albums being made around this time, like Manifesto in that was these very strange artists trying to be a little more normal and ending up making something even more disconcertingly odd. How he could make this amazing record when he was constantly out of his mind on cocaine, and also the courage of having the first song on the record nine and a half minutes long, but the music on 'Station To Station' doesn't even get going for the first few minutes. When I was growing up Bowie really had this otherworldly mystique. There was so many different David Bowies, there was glam Bowie, European Bowie, then later on there was dance album Bowie. There was an assumption that whatever he was doing was phenomenal because he was David Bowie. To be a celebrity name-dropper one thing that amazed me was that I lived across the street from David Bowie for a while in New York and we had BBQs together, we went on tour together, and one of my most treasured memories, if I'm on my death bed this might be the thing that I think of. One morning David Bowie came over to my apartment and we were sitting on my couch at 10 in the morning drinking tea, and I played 'Heroes' on acoustic guitar and he sung along. Even if I end up getting married, having children and a family life, my favourite memory will be playing 'Heroes' on acoustic guitar with David Bowie."

Labyrinth (1986)
Labyrinth (1986)
1986 | Adventure, Fantasy
Be careful for what you might wish for
A great story about fantasy. A young girl wishes for a goblin king (david Bowie) to take away her young baby brother. She realizes she makes a mistake and wants him back and must go on an adventure to get him back. Then end has a great song movie sequence sung by Bowie is great an remember able.
Labyrinth (1986)
Labyrinth (1986)
1986 | Adventure, Fantasy
David bowie is wonderful as the goblin king. When Sarah wishes her baby brother be taken by the goblins the goblin king obliges. Will Sarah save her brother in time. Amazing puppetry and great characters also an amazing soundtrack.

LucyB (47 KP) rated The Age of Bowie in Books

Jul 23, 2017  
The Age of Bowie
The Age of Bowie
Paul Morley | 2016 | Biography
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Interesting read (0 more)
Didn't really cover anything new (0 more)
Interesting angle for a Bowie biography
At first, I wasn't so sure about this biography. It seemed too focused on the author, not enough on Bowie himself.

However, once it got going, it was great! A really novel take on the biography format, almost veering into fiction in places, which might not be for everyone, but I personally thought it worked very well.

Did I learn anything new? No. However, I enjoyed it immensely, and in places, it made me view David Bowie in a new light. I very much enjoyed it.