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Eastern Promises (2007)
Eastern Promises (2007)
2007 | Drama, Mystery
This is very similar to A Histroy of Violence with the same director (David Cronenberg) and Viggo Mortensen teaming up again. It is just as violent and possibly more bloody and graphic. The acting is of a very good standard and although it is a bit slow at times you are likely to be engrossed in the story too much to notice.
A midwife delivers the child of a young Russian girl who dies at birth. Trying to trace her relatives she gets her Russian uncle to translate her diary which only uncovers a look into the life of the Russian mafia in London. If you liked A History of Violence, The Godfather you should really like this film.

Andy K (10821 KP) rated Crash (1996) in Movies

Aug 31, 2018  
Crash (1996)
Crash (1996)
1996 | Drama
Bad words in review (0 more)
Do you get turned on after being in a car crash?
Contains spoilers, click to show
The people in this movie do and it pretty messed up. I love David Cronenberg and all his body horror films and also the deeply provocative and sometimes controversial subject matter in his films; however, this one seemed just a bit too random and out there for me.

Don't get me wrong, I enjoy a great steamy sex scene in a film as much as anyone, but this movie seemed like a never-ending stretch of handjobs and random nastiness for no reason whatsoever.

The characters were not even that interesting in that all they wanted to do was grope, suck and fuck each other just for the turn on of being around a crashed car and that didn't really make any sense.

Do yourself a favor and watch Naked Lunch or Videodrome instead.

Awix (3310 KP) rated Scanners (1981) in Movies

Oct 12, 2020  
Scanners (1981)
Scanners (1981)
1981 | Horror, Sci-Fi
Horror-SF from David Cronenberg. A man with psychic powers is sent to infiltrate a dangerous network of others with similar abilities: they have many subtle telepathic and telekinetic powers, such as being able to make people's heads explode.

Actually rather less graphic and icky than the film's reputation (and advertising) might suggest; the really spectacularly gory bits bookend the movie, and much of the rest of it looks like a relatively conventional thriller. The film is arguably ahead of its time in its suspicion of the military-industrial complex and big pharma; there is perhaps a subtext about the souring of 60s idealism as free-thinkers are persecuted or exploited by vested interests. Pretty good performances from the hero and the villain, but (not really surprisingly) Patrick McGoohan steals the film as the protagonist's father-figure. A thoughtful and intelligent film that isn't afraid to really go for the splatter now and then.
Scanners (1981)
Scanners (1981)
1981 | Horror, Sci-Fi
I'm Gonna Suck Your Brain Dry
Scanners- is anethor excellent film directed by Cronenberg. I love his style which is sci-fi mixed with horror. With disturbing, gory effects.

The plot: Scanners are men and women born with incredible telepathic and telekinetic powers. There are many who exercise the benefits of their special gifts in a safe and judicious manner. However, there is a group of renegade scanners who plan to create a race that will rule the world.

In the film, "scanners" are people with unusual telepathic and telekinetic powers. ConSec, a purveyor of weaponry and security systems, searches out scanners to use them for its own purposes. The film's plot concerns the attempt by Darryl Revok (Ironside), a renegade scanner, to wage a war against ConSec. Another scanner, Cameron Vale (Lack), is dispatched by ConSec to stop Revok.

Writer and director David Cronenberg has called Scanners one of his most difficult films to make, citing an incomplete script when the shooting schedule commenced, as well as a lack of constructed sets.

The iconic head explosion scene was the product of trial and error, eventually settling on a plaster skull and a gelatin exterior packed with "latex scraps, some wax, and just bits and bobs and a lot of stringy stuff that we figured would fly through the air a little better" as well as "leftover burgers." When other explosive techniques failed to give the desired effect, special effects supervisor Gary Zeller told the crew to roll cameras and get inside the trucks with doors and windows closed; he then lay down behind the dummy and shot it in the back of the head with a shotgun.

Michael Ironside is a excellent job as the villian.

Its a excellent sci-fi body horror film.
Shivers (1975)
Shivers (1975)
1975 | Horror
8.3 (4 Ratings)
Movie Rating
They Came From Within
Shivers- is a distubing, terrorfying, horrorfying, sci-fi film directed by David Cronenberg and it was Cronenberg's first featured film and what a way to start.

The plot: After a scientist living in a posh apartment complex slaughters a teen girl and kills himself, investigators discover that the murderer had been carrying on experiments involving deadly parasites. Roger St. Luc (Paul Hampton), a doctor living in the building, and his aide, Nurse Forsythe (Lynn Lowry), then realize that the parasites are on the loose, attacking fellow tenants. And those who become hosts turn into erotically obsessed maniacs who pass the bugs on through violent sex.

It was also known as The Parasite Murders and They Came from Within, and, for the French-Canadian distribution, Frissons). The original shooting title was Orgy of the Blood Parasites.

Shivers was Cronenberg's first feature film, and was the most profitable Canadian film made to date in 1975, but was so controversial that the Parliament of Canada debated its social and artistic value and effect upon society, because of objections to its sexual and violent content.

Its disturbing but a excellent film.
Jason X (2001)
Jason X (2001)
2001 | Horror, Sci-Fi
5.4 (24 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Jason X might be trash, but by God its glorious trash.
At this point, we're in full blown "fuck whatever has happened in the previous films" territory, with liberal splashings of narrative bullshit just to get Jason into a space setting, as he's cryogenically frozen only to be unwittingly thawed 450 years later aboard a spaceship, where he is snapped out of his slumber by teenagers shagging in another room. It's damn good then, that Jason X knows just how silly it is. The first Friday the 13th movie to release in a post Scream landscape, its self awareness gives it a much needed pass, as Jason slashes his way through a suspiciously 2000s looking cast.
The set looks cheap as hell, the CGI is terrible, the script is overspilling with cheesy one liners and puns, most of the characters are generally forgettable or unlikable, but despite all of this, it's an incredibly enjoyable film. Kane Hodder is back (sadly, for the last time movie wise) as Jason and once again cuts an imposing figure (especially when Uber Jason infamously rocks up near the films climax) and just to top it off, there's an inexplicable David Cronenberg cameo near the beginning.

Jason X is obviously flawed, but it's a damn good time, isn't boring, and boasts some decent gore. A two star film that I would recommend to anyone. Final thought - it's weird that Jason has a full head of hair in this...

Jackjack (877 KP) Feb 1, 2021

Haha your reviews honestly crack me up and are always spot on!! It is a really good shit film 😂👌


LeftSideCut (3778 KP) Feb 1, 2021

Glad to hear it man!


Morgan Spurlock recommended Scanners (1981) in Movies (curated)

Scanners (1981)
Scanners (1981)
1981 | Horror, Sci-Fi

"My fifth film — it’s the movie that literally got me wanting to make movies to begin with — is the David Cronenberg film Scanners. When I was a kid, I was a little weird kid, and I loved horror films, I loved gore films. When Michael Ironside made that guy’s head explode in that movie, I was like, “Whatever this is, I want to do this!” I was ten, eleven years old, and my parents would take me to see these. Like, I saw The Exorcist in movie theaters; I saw The Evil Dead in a movie theater. I went to see all this crazy, freaky s*** that you would never take a little kid to see today. But I saw Jaws in a movie theater. Like, I wanted to see all these scary movies, and my parents were like, “Absolutely. Let’s go.” And so here I was, as a teenager, learning how to make my own blood, and my own scars and wounds. I wanted to be Rick Baker or Tom Savini. When I was a kid, that’s who I looked up to. When I saw An American Werewolf in London, it was phenomenal, to see all those makeup special effects they were doing. And then when I went to high school and learned you could actually go to college to study film and learn how to make movies, I was like, “I’m in. That’s exactly what I want to do.”"

Suspiria (2018)
Suspiria (2018)
2018 | Horror
Not the Suspiria you were looking for.
"Reimagined" would be the only word to describe this new vision of the original cult horror Argento classic from director Luca Guadagnino. It reminded me of a lot of other 70s and 80s horror including the original Hellraiser, The Wicker Man, or some early David Cronenberg body horror films.

The same basic story of American dancer Susie Banion coming to join a famous European dance company only to discover its leaders are a coven of witches is still there, but with much more complexity. As with the original, the coven does not take kindly when girls try and leave the group and usually meet with some sort of gruesome outcome.

Things get intense slowly over the 2 1/2 hour runtime with the last 20 minutes being some of the most explicit freak show, sadistic, torturous bloodbath I have ever seen. Not sure how this would play with a mainstream audience. I think some would be bored with the beginning and then get up and leave during the extreme climax scene.

Since I watch a ton of movies, I seek out the strange and unusual at this point and this one did not disappoint. It is interesting to see another director's take on the story and going in a completely opposite direction. Argento was always known, especially in this film, for his use of wild colors and patterns and this new version stands as a stark contrast opting for more neutral tones and white and black.

If you have a strong stomach and crave an interesting challenge, I highly recommend. Then let me know so we can discuss.


Matthew Krueger (10051 KP) rated Dead Ringers (1988) in Movies

Sep 15, 2020 (Updated Sep 15, 2020)  
Dead Ringers (1988)
Dead Ringers (1988)
1988 | Drama, Horror, Mystery
Jeremy Irons (0 more)
Not really horror (0 more)
Whats The Difference Between Us
Dead Ringers- is a decent movie, its the last movie david cronenberg did in the 80's. So his 80's streak ending on a low ball/a dispointment. I really liked Jeremy Irons he was really good. And the psychological espect was good as well. Other than that it was a okay movie.

The Plot: Elliot (Jeremy Irons), a successful gynecologist, works at the same practice as his identical twin, Beverly (also Irons). Elliot is attracted to many of his patients and has affairs with them. When he inevitably loses interest, he will give the woman over to Beverly, the meeker of the two, without the woman knowing the difference. Beverly falls hard for one of the patients, Claire (Geneviève Bujold), but when she inadvertently deceives him, he slips into a state of madness.

In his DVD commentary, Irons claims that Robert De Niro declined playing the Mantles due to his unease with the subject matter and portraying gynecologists, while William Hurt decided to reject the parts because "it is hard enough to play one role".

Irons was given two different dressing rooms with two sets of costumes for playing his two characters. However, given the fact that he said "the whole point of the story is you should sometimes be confused as to which is which", he chose to use only one of the rooms and combine different costume items intended for different characters. Irons also developed an "internal way" to portray each character, employing the Alexander technique for "different energy points", giving each character his own appearance.

Like i said before the psychological espect is good in this. Jeremy Irons was excellent. I wouldnt really recordmend this film, rather davids other 80's films instead.
The Fly (1958)
The Fly (1958)
1958 | Classics, Horror
As the wife (Patricia Owens) of "murdered" scientist played by Al (David) Hedison, is maniacally hunting for a fly with a white head, both the police and his brother (Vincent Price) are trying to uncover the truth behind his death, which seems by all accounts to be the work of his wife.

But as she recounts the tale of how they both ended up embroiled in the hydraulic press, one under it and one at the controls, the plot thickens and a Sci Fi classic is born. Hedison's scientist has invented the teleporter and during one of his human tests on himself, a fly enters the chamber with him and the pair are fused: The fly's head and left arm are now a part of Hedison, whilst his head and arm are buzzing around as part of a common house fly.

The film makes an effort to offer some real science, though be it toned down and simplified by today's standards, but it is easy to feel that this is a naive movie at face value, if you forget that in 1958, teleportation was a fantastical concept, but mid 60's science fiction such as Star Trek would make this much more matter of fact and play around with science more freely.

But by the time of the remake in 1986, David Cronenberg was gifted with an audience who understood these ideas and offered a more comprehensive take on what might have happened, in this case, gene splicing and DNA replication, with the cells using the corrupted hybrid DNA code as a basic every time the cells replicate, a process which would eventually turn Jeff Goldblum's man in to a man/fly hybrid monster!

But here, whilst almost all of this is present, it is simplified for an audience unprepared and unarmed with the scientific knowledge with would be more common in the 1980's, thanks to films like this. Here, Hedison's man/fly is changing mentally into a fly the longer he has the mutation, leading him to commit assisted suicide in order to prevent his work from been replicated, fearing the consequences.

This is ground breaking stuff. A Sci-Fi classic which spends most of its running time building an intriguing, intelligent suspenseful thriller, with little time given over to the eponymous Fly itself, but it is omnipresent, chilling as is the reveal of the scientist's deformation in the final act, the change in personality and loving relationship with his tragic wife.

And that penultimate scene in which the white-headed fly is revealed to us with Hedison's head and arm as it/he is about to be devoured by a spider in his web, must be one of the most chilling scene's of the genre. Simple, effective and not for the special effects or gore, but for the concept, one which leaves you thinking and considering what you have just witnessed.

What would you do if you saw a fly with a human head? A human with a fly's head? Creepy...