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Black Widow (2021)
Black Widow (2021)
2021 | Action
The first Marvel movie out of the stables since the start of the Worldwide Covid-19 pandemic; I believe this was originally to be released before the likes of even WandaVision (shown on Disney+).

This was alos released concurrently on Disney+ (behind a paywall) and in the cinema: indeed, this is the very reason for ScarJo's lawsuit against Disney (she says she was told it would be theatres first, then Disney+ and that she only gets a percentage of box office takings).

Anyway, all that aside: this is actually set pre-snap; the majority of it back just after the events of 'Captain America: Civil War' (and thus before 'Avengers: Infinty War'), with Natasha on the run from the US government having broken the Sokovia Accords. It's not long, however, before she receives a package from a previous safe-house (Budapest. Yes, the Budapest mentioned before with Hawkeye: 'remember Budapest?') that leads her into a further adventure, this time involving her surrogate 'family' from when she was undercover in America as a kid in the mid 1990s.

Her 'dad' (David Harbour) 'Red Guardian' steals the show, while Florence Pugh (as her younger 'sister') and Rachel Weisz (as her 'mum') also provide sterling back-up.

Plenty of action, but the film does, perhaps, fall into the common Marvel trap of having a CGI-heavy ending ...
Avengers: Disassembled
Avengers: Disassembled
Brian Michael Bendis | 2006 | Comics & Graphic Novels, Young Adult (YA)
5.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Okay, so not long after I posted my review of HOUSE OF M, I wanted to jump right into AVENGERS: DISASSEMBLED. I know there is a lot of haters in regard to this, and even with that knowledge, I still wanted to give it a go, especially considering how much I enjoyed my re-reading of HOUSE OF M. Man, I wish I had gone with gut instinct instead of trying to be more liberal towards comics I had previously avoided!

It's hard to believe this was written before HOUSE OF M! This is like Bendis at his worst! None of the characters are written well! Tony Stark's a ridin' the "Immma Asshole Express", while Clint Barton (Hawkeye) was written like a misogynistic asshat! And that storyline? TERRIBLE! It was like an 'Afterschool Special' (D'oh! Showin' my age with that reference!) about nihilism!

And as bad as the writing and dialogue, the art varied. Look, I love me some David Finch, but here, hmmm, not so much! The male characters seemed okay enough, but dear God, I felt like most of the female characters were drawn more like fanboy commissions rather than the actual characters!

Here's the bottom line: <b>it sucked!</b> Skip it! You can read HOUSE OF M without needing this dumpster fire! Jus' sayin..

Dean (6925 KP) rated Tenet (2020) in Movies

Aug 30, 2020 (Updated Aug 30, 2020)  
Tenet (2020)
Tenet (2020)
2020 | Action
John David Washington (1 more)
Visually awesome scenes
Overly confusing plotlines (0 more)
Mind bending Action
I saw a tag for a review that called this Bond on acid. That's a good summary. At times it feels like a modern Bond film. Global locations, wicked villain, butch henchman but packed with plenty of style. Visually it's very impressive as you'd expect for a Nolan film. Especially the time related action scenes, which look a bit surreal. The plot is simple in reality like a Bond film, stop something terrible happening. The whole time and inversion is where it starts to get complex, definitely a film with many layers. It just feels some sections of the film are overly complicated, almost for the sake of it. Not helped that hearing the dialogue in some scenes is difficult. I'm sure more will unravel with a second viewing.
I've not seen the lead actor in anything before but he had a likable swagger in the role. The rest of the cast are pretty good as well.
Overall a film that is well made and unique, with some almost strange to watch action scenes. It's classy if a little overly complex on the plot. By the end it does enough to bring the film to a good conclusion. Although you'll still be trying to understand some points long after.
Megamind (2010)
Megamind (2010)
2010 | Action, Animation, Comedy
7.1 (27 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Holds up well - very entertaining
When one thinks of Animation studios, the first 2 names that come to mind are, probably, PIXAR and DISNEY ANIMATION. Coming in 3rd on that list is probably DREAMWORKS with such hit franchises as SHREK, HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON and KUNG FU PANDA. But Dreamworks also made a few, fun "one-off" films (animation films that spawned no sequels), most notably OVER THE HEDGE, SHARK TALE and the animated film I'm reviewing today, MEGAMIND.

What? You don't remember MEGAMIND? Well, you should. Spooffing SuperHero films by focusing on the villain, Megamind stars some incredible voice talents - Will Ferrell, Tina Fey, Brad Pitt, David Cross and Johan Hill - and tells the cautionary tale of "be careful what you wish for, you just might get it."

Ferrell, of course, stars as the titular Megamind, a Super Villain who after years of failure, finally defeats SuperHero Megaman (Brad Pitt). He realizes that without his arch-nemesis, his life is empty and begins to search for meaning in his life. Along for the journey is a reporter (Tina Fey), her Cameraman (Jonah Hill) and Megamind's Minion (long before Despicable Me), David Cross.

Sounds like pretty standard stuff, huh? But in the hands of comedians like Ferrell, Fey, Cross and Hill it elevates itself to something more. The comic sensibilities make a little more sense to me when I realized that Ben Stiller and Justin Theroux were the Excecutive Producers - both very funny men. They, smartly, turned the Direction of this film over to Dreamworks Animation veteran Tom McGrath (REN & STIMPY, some of the MADAGASCAR films and THE BOSS BABY), he keeps the events of the film moving swiftly and simply, being really clear of the events and motivations of the players while not getting too clever and complex.

I caught this film on HBO, and am sure you can stream it elsewhere. If you're looking for a fun film for the whole family this Holiday Season - especially one without Princes & Princesses in it - check out MEGAMIND, it's a fun way to spend a few hours.

Letter Grade: A-

8 (out of 10) stars and you can take that to the Bank(ofMarquis)

Sarah (7798 KP) rated Hellboy (2019) in Movies

Dec 31, 2019  
Hellboy (2019)
Hellboy (2019)
2019 | Action, Adventure, Fantasy
I know the original Hellboy films didn’t do well critically, but they got a fairly decent fan following and I personally loved them, so I really didn’t see why they wanted to remake it. And after watching this disaster, I definitely cannot understand why they bothered to remake it!

I’ll start with the good bits, which won’t take long as David Harbour and Ian McShane are pretty much the only decent things about this film. Ian McShane seems to be playing his usual charismatic, crazy old man character (very reminiscent of Mr Wednesday) and I’m not complaining, as this is exactly what I love about him and he’s a rather good less nice version of Professor Broom. And David Harbour is a good Hellboy and gets the very few laughs there is in this, although I think he’s very let down and not able to shine properly because of the dodgy script and just general terribleness of this film. There’s also a decent rock soundtrack accompanying the fight scenes and a fairly fun amount of gore.

And now the bad. There’s far too much cgi in this and it isn’t always good, and they should’ve toned this down a lot. The plot and progression of the entire story is just bizarre, it was just downright ridiculous. They seem to have decided to try and fit in a strange assortment of folk tales and historic legends, like the Pendle Hill witches and King Arthur, and this is alongside the already crazy (but just about believable) origin of Hellboy himself and the Nazis. Even the bad guys in this are cheesy and not particularly threatening - Milla Jovovich with a horrendous English accent and a pig creature with a Scouse accent?! I know Stephen Graham is from Liverpool but that accent on that particular character was possible the most bizarre and frustrating thing I’ve ever seen. And also despite the main lead up being slightly different, the end result to Hellboy personally is exactly the same as the original. Why not try and come up with something completely different to avoid yet more negative comparisons to the original?

This is one film that should never have seen the light of day.

LeftSideCut (3778 KP) Jan 1, 2020

I was so so disappointed with this. I was hoping it would one of those films that everyone hates, but I still find something to love, but sadly not. Apart from DH of course


JT (287 KP) rated The Guest (2014) in Movies

Mar 10, 2020  
The Guest (2014)
The Guest (2014)
2014 | Horror, Mystery, Thriller
If there was any further indication needed that British leading men make for accomplished villains, this is a prime example. The softly spoken Dan Stevens (Downton Abbey) can now walk shoulder to shoulder with the likes of other talented antagonists such as Mark Strong, Tom Hiddleston and Ben Kingsley.

Director Adam Wingard‘s home invasion horror You’re Next received high acclaim so this was always going to be an exciting follow up. When I caught the trailer not a lot was given away. I like the fact that you’re going in almost blind. It makes for better viewing.

David (Stevens) enters the life of the Peterson family who are still grieving from the loss of their son Caleb who was killed in Iraq. Quickly he becomes an integral part of their lives, always around to help them out of difficult situations or as a shoulder to cry on.

It’s clear there is something more disturbing beneath his chilling blue eyes and it doesn’t take long for us to find out what. The Guest is a tense intriguing thriller that never gives too much away, making it one of its strong points. We all know there is something wrong with David, that much is clear from the shots of him grimly staring into the distance.

He manifests himself as a psychotic guardian angel with ulterior motives that are never revealed until the bodies start to pile up and we get to delve further into his back story. Even then Stevens plays his character with deadpan charm that makes us like him even more.

There are a number of genres all thrown in that ultimately work well alongside each other. A nice dose of action thanks to a backyard shootout is quickly morphed into an 80s slasher horror that echoes Halloween. The soundtrack is slick and pulsating, with comparisons drawn to Drive not just from the score but from Stevens somewhat uncanny resemblance to Ryan Gosling.

It never feels disjointed at any point and while it might wobble a little with the surprise ending (of which you knew was coming) it doesn’t damage the overall integrity if the story.

Matthew Krueger (10051 KP) Mar 11, 2020

One of my all time favorite psychological horror films.


JT (287 KP) Mar 11, 2020

Goes from thriller to 80s slasher flick almost seamlessly

Trusting Cade (Custos Securities #1)
Trusting Cade (Custos Securities #1)
Luna David | 2018 | LGBTQ+, Romance
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Trusting Cade (Custos Securities #1) by Luna David
Trusting Cade is the first book in the Custos Securities series, and also the first book by this author I have read.

We start off with Cade, who is feeling dissatisfied with his personal life. His best friend takes him to task, telling him he needs someone completely different from himself, and as luck would have it, fate drops someone into his lap (not literally!) Bradan is a diabetic runner and baker who is having stalking issues. His business partner is Cade's best friend's sister, so there you have the link. They have insta-lust, with promises of forever pretty much straight away. Bradan's stalker has other ideas though.

This was an easy, but long, read with no real surprises along the way. In some respects, although the storyline is full of hard issues, it was all too easy! Cade figures out who the stalker is immediately, although he isn't able to find him. As stated by other reviewers, some of the conversations are a bit stilted, and definitely don't sound like 'normal' conversations. However, as a first book, I found it to be enjoyable, and would definitely read more by this author.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!

Ross (3282 KP) rated Legacy of Ash in Books

Dec 21, 2020  
Legacy of Ash
Legacy of Ash
Matthew Ward | 2019 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Epic but too lengthy
A very ambitious debut novel, epic in scope, cast of characters and plot. However, I found myself struggling to pick it up too often.
The book takes place in an empire with far-from-happy constituent parts and angry neighbours. The heirs of the traitorous Southweald "phoenix" are held captive as figureheads warning off any thoughts of rebellion. Meanwhile, a cliched corrupt council tries to keep the empire safe from impending invasion.
The book is filled with interesting magical creatures and abilities, with a demon, witches, crow-themed goth assassins and ancient spirits. These were at the fore nowhere near often enough, treated as curses and cast aside in favour of political plotting and old fashioned battle.
The first third of the book was awesome: learning about the richness of the world, its history, politics and magic. It really was set up to be an epic story of political intrigue, deception, plotting and underhand nastiness.
Sadly, this all lead to a battle sequence that lasted far too long. It was really like Joe Abercrombie had taken one of the First Law books and shoved The Heroes into the middle of it. I really struggled to get past this long, fairly boring conflict.
The second half of the book then calms down and focuses once again before taking a massive left-turn and changing to something very different.
As with many books of this size, the cast was massive and a number of characters not distinct enough to remember by name. And so many had such promising abilities to offer but were largely absent when they would have been so useful. It was like having a superstar in an amateur dramatic society and leaving them out of most of the script. Having said that, I once saw a pantomime with David Van Day in the cast and it was in everyone's best interests that he was largely absent.
The book finished well, but it was an 800-page book that read like a 1200-page one, taking me 5 weeks to read.
Allegiant (2016)
Allegiant (2016)
2016 | Action, Romance, Sci-Fi
The third film in the popular “Divergent” series is here and will follow the pattern of recent book based films of splitting the finale into two films. In “The Divergent Series: Allegiant Part 1”, we catch up with Tris (Shailene Woodley), and Four (Theo James), shortly after the events of the previous film.

The wall has been opened and residents seek to leave the city and see what lies beyond. This is cut short when a power grab arises as Four’s mother is putting people on trial for supporting the last regime and executions or a common place as mob mentality has arisen.

Risking it all, Tris, Four, and a few companions make a daring brake and discover a wasteland beyond the wall before being taken in by a seemingly ideal community under the leadership of David (Jeff Daniels). It is learned that via sophisticated technology, they have watched Tris and the others as well as their society for ages as they were conducting a social experiment to undo evils of the previous world which lead to war.

Tris is highly prized as she is seen as genetically pure and David hopes to find out why and how so it can be replicated for the betterment of humanity. Naturally things are not always as they appear and before long, Tris, Four, and the others are forced to pick sides especially with a civil war brewing back at home.

The movie has some decent visuals but relies on the characters to carry the film. In many ways this is the downfall of the film as Woodley simply does not emote and James is very one-dimensional. Only Miles Teller and Jeff Daniels show any real or sustained emotion throughout the film.

There is also the matter of plot holes such as a society which amazing surveillance technology but they could not see a fairly obvious and common effort used during the finale of the film.

The movie is setting up the finale which hopefully will bring some advancement and satisfying closure to the series and characters. For now the film is a flawed but at times entertaining entry which should keep fans happy until the final film arrives.
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<b><i>I received this book for free from Author in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.</i></b>
<h2><strong>Three words: Hackers. Go. Missing.</strong></h2>
I'm not talking baby hackers who have no clue what they're doing and slipped up badly – I'm talking top of the ladder ones.

Mallory Park is a hacker who moderates The Forum, a message board where hackers are anonymous, crack down on the dirty secrets of companies, and leak them out to the world anonymously. She's extremely motivated and passionate about her work, and likes to have control – she's independent, wants to do her own thing, and based on her background, it definitely fits her character. Mallory, however...

Just comes out cold. Apathetic. Indifferent. She doesn't really have any clue what to do with herself because hacking IS who she is. She is also extremely brilliant (I would love to have her math skills right now in Calculus...), hates being touched (much like me...), and is as awkward as David 1 and David 2 (one of them is a <a title="The Sorcerer's Apprentice review" href=""; target="_blank" rel="noopener tag">Physics major</a> and the other is <a title="Steelheart by Brandon Sanderson review" href=""; target="_blank" rel="noopener tag">terrible with metaphors</a>).

While I like Mallory, I think Mallory came more out of her shell when she meets Warden. Warden is very cheery, optimistic, and hilarious – he's really just one of those adorable nerds who would love to squish hug. And despite the fact he is introduced as Mallory's online friend from The Forum, I can hear his voice and see his facial expressions leaping off the screen at Mallory.

There's so much anticipation and danger (and Warden's humor laced throughout) as Mallory gets closer to finding out about the missing hackers, but in the long run, <em>Echoes</em> really just teaches about online safety in a similar, yet different way compared to other books related to online safety.

But you should really just read it for Warden's humor.

<a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>