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Chris Parnell recommended Dune (1984) in Movies (curated)

Dune (1984)
Dune (1984)
1984 | Sci-Fi

"Dune, directed by David Lynch. I just love that movie. It’s so weird. It’s such a great combination of the book that Frank Herbert wrote, and then David Lynch’s sort of take on that and spin on that. It’s so otherworldly, but you know, so human obviously. I love Kyle MacLachlan, Patrick Stewart; it’s an amazing cast. I love science fiction, and it’s just so weird in so many ways. It’s so different than any other science fiction film that I know. I saw it (in the theater), I can’t even remember how old I was. I was a teenager maybe. But I remember when you went in to see it, they gave you a one-page glossary of terms used in the movie, because I guess they felt like that was going to be necessary for you to get what was going on. Of course, you get in there, it’s kind of hard to read this in the dark. But I enjoyed it. And I kind of rediscovered it. Later on at some point I watched it and I was like, “Oh my God, this really is so good.” I mean, there’s a few cheesy aspects to it, but it’s just awesome to me."

The Elephant Man (1980)
The Elephant Man (1980)
1980 | Drama, History
Rather fictionalised bio-pic from David Lynch and Mel Brooks. A surgeon in late-Victorian London discovers a man with extreme deformities being shown as a sideshow freak. The surgeon realises this man's case could make his name, but is he really any less of an exploiter than the owner of the side-show?

Very good-looking and well-acted by a fine cast. However, the film seems a little ambivalent about what kind of effect it's going for - the build-up to the big reveal of Merrick's deformities is almost done like a horror movie, only for an abrupt change of tone to take place once it is revealed that he is a gentle, almost saintly individual (the film simplifies the facts of Merrick's life: in reality, it was his idea to join the sideshow). There's also the fact that the story is short on incident once Merrick moves into the hospital and a kidnap-and-escape subplot has to be contrived. A well-made film and very watchable, but it is in the end just a bit simplistic and sentimental.
Hellraiser: Inferno (2000)
Hellraiser: Inferno (2000)
2000 | Crime, Horror
5.0 (6 Ratings)
Movie Rating
The 5th entry in the Hellraiser series is certainly a mixed bag. It's has a script and narrative that clearly threw in Hellraiser elements as an afterthought, really scales back on the cenobite stuff, and has some truly dodgy effects work.
With all that being said, everything about Inferno that's surrounds those points is pretty positive. The corrupt cop who cheats on his wife/snorts coke/is a general asshole whilst trying to solve a huge case trope has been done a million times, but it lends itself well to the conditions of the lament configuration. The films whole vibe screams David Lynch, and there's some genuinely creepy imagery delivered with ambition by a feature-debuting Scott Derrickson, clearly showing off some stylistic choices that he would go on to hone in his future successful career.
Throw in some decent gore and a pretty solid cast, and we're left with a Hellraiser film that would 100% be seen in a more favourable light if it had been afforded a bigger budget.

LeftSideCut (3778 KP) rated Twin Peaks - Season 1 in TV

Sep 7, 2019 (Updated Sep 7, 2019)  
Twin Peaks  - Season 1
Twin Peaks - Season 1
1990 | Drama, Horror, Mystery
I was only introduced to Twin Peaks a few years back, not long before the much anticipated season 3 was announced.
I wasn't overly excited to watch an early 90s show that on the surface seemed like a run of the mill murder mystery. I had heard to the odd thing or two, about how it was actually quite unsettling etc.

But I wasn't prepared for what I witnessed - a truly great series of television - as mentioned, on the surface, a murder mystery, sometimes verging into lighthearted sitcom territory, bit with some seriously disturbing undertones.

Twin Peaks made my skin crawl on more than one occasion. As I slowly fell in love with the quirky characters, and beautiful American log town setting, I found myself almost constantly on edge. Mainly because of Bob. Goddamn Bob.
The first time Bob graces the screen will stick in my mind for the rest of time.

The unsettling nature of Twin Peaks, woven so lovingly with the less serious moments, and woven again with the just straight up bizarre moments, proves that David Lynch is a master of his craft.
Angelo Badalamenti's musical score elevates the show to even greater heights.

It's hard to truly describe Twin Peaks - but it's something I'm damn glad I was made to watch.