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Gone with the Wind
Gone with the Wind
Margaret Mitchell | 2014 | Fiction & Poetry
7.2 (23 Ratings)
Book Rating
In 1861, Scarlett O'Hara is the belle of Georgia. Young, passionate and full of life. But when war comes, she is faced with hardships that she never even dreamed possible.

"Hardships make or break people."

Follow Scarlett O'Hara and her family through the destruction and despair of the Civil War and the years that followed in Reconstruction. With the old way of life dead and gone, will she wilt away along with many others of her previous status and class? Or will she find the gumption to press on and strive for survival, no matter the cost? Her love for one man blinds her to the truth about herself and those around her. After everything she has been through, will she lose the one thing she desires above all else?

"After all, tomorrow is another day."

**If you are not familiar with this story please be aware of a few minor spoilers**

I have grown up watching Gone With the Wind, but somehow, I never got around to reading the book. I am happy to check this one off of my "Bucket (Reading) List". Very long, (hence my relative blogging silence) but worth every word. Margaret Mitchell's descriptions are so detailed! I could feel the Southern sun upon my skin and could smell the scent of the magnolias growing around Tara. If you have seen the movie you will know that this is not a happy tale. But there are very valuable lessons to be learned. After reading the last page today, I was thinking about what I wanted to say in my review. And I think that what stood out to me the most, is that sometimes we are so blinded by what we think we want, what we have idolized for so long, that we can not see true happiness when it stares us in the face. There have been times in my life that I wanted my life to go in a particular direction, but the Lord changed my course. For a time it was challenging to see the good in the situation. But I would come to the realization that if I had continued down that path, I would have been miserable. Instead, I am exactly where I need to be and am continuing to learn to put my trust in God, knowing that He knows best and that He is guiding my steps. For all of her faults, Scarlett is a woman I can admire. No matter what life threw at her, she would not let herself be beaten. Her determination for survival drove her to extremes. But survive she did.

Merissa (11938 KP) rated Speechless in Books

Oct 11, 2023  
Rachel Grey | 2023 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
SPEECHLESS - that's what I am after reading this story! For any Release, let alone a debut, this was absolutely fantastic. However, do take notice of the TW as there is a part that some readers may not be comfortable with.

Jade has lived through hell, and now her abusive father is dead, she thinks she's finally free. Having been kept on the farm with no one else, not even her mother, and no education to speak of, Jade is both innocent and wise to the world. When her home is found by two Alphas, she tries to hide, unsuccessfully. They take her back to their Pack and proceed to claim her - for her own safety, of course. But Jade doesn't want to be claimed and has no knowledge of what is expected from her in their eyes. She can't fight back physically so she shuts them out instead.

What follows is an intricate layering of expectations and reality. Told from multiple perspectives, you get to see the inner workings of all of them. I loved Jade's strength in adversity and the size of her heart when she forgives. I loved all the Alphas (although it was definitely in question for a time!) and Brody was just a cinnamon roll to give you cavities! This little family won me over with their recognition of doing wrong and their attempts to make amends.

One thing to mention - 'that' non-con scene. It's not gratuitous. It's there for a reason, and it's not shock value. It plays an integral part in the story, showing how the Alphas believe they are doing the right thing, but also showing how terrifying it is for Jade, who has absolutely no knowledge of the human body. No, it's not comfortable reading. There's no way in hell it should be. But it is so extremely well-written. If you can, read it, don't skip it.

The ending was simply superb. I adored the last sentence! I really hope we return to this world. I would love to know how they are all getting along, or maybe have cameos from them as we find a new family to tag along with.

Absolutely brilliant and HIGHLY RECOMMENDED by me. Just remember the TWs.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Oct 3, 2023

Dana (24 KP) rated Crooked Kingdom in Books

Mar 23, 2018  
Crooked Kingdom
Crooked Kingdom
Leigh Bardugo | 2016 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
9.1 (22 Ratings)
Book Rating
This post will 100% be full of spoilers for both the first book and this book, so if you have not read either, please leave the post now, because you need to read this series. The review will be here when you get back, I promise.

Can I just say that Leigh Bardugo is a phenomenal writer? I just want to put that out there first, so we can move on to some more interesting stuff, but damn. That woman is a genius when it comes to the written word! Her plot lines are almost always amazing and her characters are just, wow!

Okay, so let's start off with the overall plot arc. As much as I hated the beginning because Inej wasn't with the crew, it was so cool to get the other characters working together to try to help save her. I do enjoy the fact that saving her wasn't the biggest aspect of the plot. If it was, I don't think it would have been as convincing of a story. Then we move on to revenge as the rest of the plot. I just want to say that I freaking love revenge plots. They give purpose to everything that each character does, and just moves the story along well!

The fact that we weren't just tied to this book was great too! I loved how we got characters from the Grisha Trilogy in here. I was hoping that we would get more than just the mention that was given to us in the last book, but we got Genya, Zora and freaking Nikolai! They were amazing and brought more depth to the story that we may not have gotten without them.

I loved how Kaz was able to plan out every step in detail, assuming what people would do next. He is a master at his craft, I will tell you that.

Okay, so now onto some character studies:

I am going to start out with Nina. That girl has been through so much already, and it never fully gets better for her. From having to deal with the side effects of the withdrawls from Jurda Parem, having her best friend kidnapped, to having to find out her powers have been altered, to having the love of her life ripped from her, she does not have a good time in this book! I just wanted to wrap her up in a coat and feed her waffles, but she doesn't even really get those either! I just hope that she is able to find peace in Ravka with her fellow Grisha.

Now onto Matthias. He was honestly one of my favorite characters. The way he would try not to like or agree with the Dregs' way of doing things was just so hilarious and when he would try to fend off Nina's advances, I would actually cackle. He was the signal of change in the book. The proof that things could get better, but even that failed him. In his attempt to share the light of truth onto another Druskelle, he was inevitably killed for his beliefs. At least he finally got to kiss Nina, even if it was one of his final acts.

Now we are moving on to Jeseper. We got to meet his dad! Woo!! That was a really interesting relationship and backstory. I really like how sassy he is at all times, even if his sarcasm gets him in to trouble more times than not. Also, I love how he is a great shot because of his innate Grisha abilities. That was freaking amazing and I am so damn happy about it. I also love how smitten he is with Wylan. Like, for Christ's sake he calls him Wy when he starts crying. They are each others' rocks in the seas of shit that they cling to for dear life.

It's Wylan's turn! I hated how he wasn't fully himself for most of the book, but mostly I hated how inadequate he made himself feel. He is a genius and he shouldn't think anything less of himself. His relationship with his mother (who ISN'T dead?!?!?!?) is so sweet. But his brutality and unforgiving nature that shows up throughout the book was kind of a shock. He had been so mousy and quiet in the first book, but boy did that boy spit fire once he found out his father's assholishness. His back story is so tragic, like his father tried to straight up have him murdered when he thought he was just going off to a school that could actually make him happy. Jan Van Ick (lol) deserved every bit of punishment he got. I am glad he got what he wanted out of life. I also am in love with how he and Jesper first met.

Kuwei's got to get a little paragraph too. He is kind of annoying. I decided I didn't overly like him when he tricked Jesper into kissing him. Like, I totally understand, Jes is amazing, but he is TAKEN by my favorite ginger. Step back! I do, however, hope he is successful in finding a cure for Parem and making sure it does not get into the wrong hands.

Off to my boy Kaz. He makes himself out to be this stone cold guy with no feelings, but we all know how much of a lie that is. Holy hell, that boy is smitten with Inej. He takes every precaution he possibly can with her, much to her chagrin, but he just wants her safe. I was constantly yelling at my book, and therefore at him, to just take a chance! Tell Inej how you feel and why you are the way you are, but he wouldn't!!! It was so frustrating! But then, that moment when he is changing her bandages was so freaking tense. Like, they didn't even do anything, but damn, the tension in that room could have hurt someone. And then, at the end when he got her the boat AND found her parents, I almost died. I was so freaking happy he finally did something with his feelings, even if he didn't fully tell her, I think she got the hint. He even got the Menagerie to be shut down and burned, if that doesn't scream romance (from him), I don't know what does! And him getting the Dregs back was such a cool power move! He got every bit of revenge he wanted, including scaring the shit out of Pekka Rollins. So freaking good! Brick by brick bitches!

And finally, it's time for my favorite: Inej. Just like Nina, she has been through too much shit for her being such a youngin'. I am so glad she is okay and that she got her family (all of her family, including the Dregs) back in her life! She has a boat and she gets to go stop human trafficking (something that is really important and actually needs to be done in real life! Go to to find more information on how to stop this human rights violation). I think Inej is so strong in everything she does, but she still has those moments of doubt. When she goes against her "shadow" as she calls her, there are hesitations. She is only able to succeed when she gives in to all of her, both the Wraith and the Acrobat. That is something I think is really striking about her as a character. She isn't just one thing, she compartmentalizes herself, but once she comes together as a whole person, she is better for it. I think Leigh did a great job making Inej into someone to emulate toward (you know, minus the killing thing).

I'm going to write some of my favorite quotes out here, so bear with me for a bit:

"You are forsaken. As you have turned your back on me, so will they turn their backs on you." Inej, 64

"People point guns at each other all the time in Ketterdam. It's basically a handshake." Jesper, 79.

"Vile, ruthless, amoral. Isn't that why you hired Kaz in the first place? Becouse he does the things that no one else dares? Go on, Van Eck. Break my legs and see what happens. Dare him." Inej, 104

"When you were outgunned and out manned, you sought the less defended targets." Matthais, 107

"I would come for you. And if I couldn't walk, I'd crawl to you, and no matter how broken we were, we'd fight our way out together--knives drawn, pistols blazing. Because that's what we do. We never stop fighting." Kaz, 185

"Because through it all, he'd believed that he deserved his father's contempt, and now he could admit that somewhere, in some buried place, he'd hoped there might still be a way back to his father's good favor. Well, his father could keep that good favor and see what it brought him when Kaz Brekker was finished." Wylan, 223

"You aren't a flower, you're every blossom in the world blooming at once. You are a tidal wave. You're a stampede. You are overwhelming." Matthias, 233

"When Inej was on the high wire, it became her world. She could feel its tilt and pull. It was a planet and she was its moon. There was a simplicity to it that she never felt on the swings, where she was carried away by momentum. She loved the stillness she could find on the wire, and it was something no one else understood." Inej, 272

"After all she'd endured, he was the weak one. But she would never know what it was like for him to see Nina pull her close, watch Jesper loop his arm though hers, what it was to stand in doorways and against walls and know he could never draw nearer." Kaz, 364

"Wylan summoned every bit of bravado he'd learned from Nina, the will he's learned from Matthias, the focus he'd studied in Kax, the courage he'd learned from Inej, and the wild, reckless hope he learned from Jesper, the belief that no matter the odds, somehow they would win." Wylan, 427

"But just as surely as life connected everything, so did death. It was that endless, fast-running river. She'd dipped her fingers into its current, held the eddy of its power n her hand. She was the Queen of Mourning, and in its depths, she would never drown." Nina, 455

"But what about the rest of us? What about the nobodies and the nothings, the invisible girls? We learn to hold our heads as if we wear crowns. We learn to wring magic from the ordinary. That was how you survived when you weren't chosen, when there was no royal blood in your veins. When the world owed you nothing, you demanded something of it anyway." Inej, 460

Overall, I freaking loved this series. I am so sad to see it go, but I was glad to be a part of it. Leigh, if you read this (which I doubt you will, but whatever) I want to thank you for your phenomenal writing in this world and I cannot wait to see what you do next!
Forever Fudge
Forever Fudge
Nancy CoCo | 2019
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Forever Fudge by Nancy Coco is a sweet cozy mystery. Readers will salivate with the fudge recipes, be charmed on the Mackinac Island, and attempt to crack the murder mystery along with the main character Allie McMurphy.

Coco is a great pseudonym for the Fudge series. “I really enjoy writing these cozy mysteries with the humor and solving the puzzle. While writing my first series, I would put recipes on my blog. Then a friend of mine suggested I should write in this genre with a gluten free bakery. My last name was specifically chosen for this series. I love fudge, actually anything chocolate. The person in the apartment next to us said it always smells like chocolate in my house. Not only does it smell good but tastes good as well.”

Allie is an amateur sleuth. She and her dog Mal have an uncanny ability to find dead bodies. In the past, she has helped the police solve cases. As the owner of a delightful hotel and fudge shop on Mackinac Island, Allie’s excitement has grown after a television crew arrives on the island to film a television pilot for a mystery series. Throwing a wrench into the enthusiasm is the dead body found by Allie’s adorable Bichon-Poo puppy, Mal. Shot in the head, the body discovered has a letter with clues from chess moves. As the killings mount up, the murderer continues to taunt Allie, trying to get her to play his game.

The island plays a role in the story. “I have a huge family living in Michigan, which is where the island is located. If you ever saw the movie, “Somewhere in Time” starring Christopher Reeve, you can picture the setting. The island does not allow cars so people travel by foot, horse and carriage, or bicycle. It is a cool touristy place.”

There is also a love triangle. Allie is being wooed by two courters. She broke up with Trent Jessup because a long-distance relationship is not working, with him spending a lot of time in Chicago. The other beau is police chief Rex Manning who is being persistent in pursuing her, yet, willing to give her time and space.

“I thought it is interesting to compare ‘in love versus loving someone.’ I love my male friends but being ‘in love’ has excitement, a commitment, and intimacy. Allie is starting to build connections but some old timers see her as an outsider. One of those who accept her as part of the community is Rex who sees it as his responsibility to protect her and the community.”

Actual recipes are dispersed throughout the story. “I purposely did it this way to show what Allie is working on. I sprinkle it throughout to give the feel and flavor to what she is actually making. I try to relate it to the story when possible. I remember my first contract with Kensington Books required me to write ten recipes per book. Luckily, they downsized that amount. Since they had to be originals it was a relief.”

This story has an intriguing mystery, some romance, and humor. It is a fun who done it plot that has no shortage of suspects. Readers will be looking forward to the next installment, Fudge Bits, out next fall, a Halloween plot. It will highlight her cat instead of her dog that finds a Zombie body.
Buried Deep (Jessie Cole, #4)
Buried Deep (Jessie Cole, #4)
T.R. Ragan | 2019
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Two missing persons. One apparent suicide. Three cases pushing PI Jessie Cole and crime reporter Ben Morrison closer to the edge.
Lacey Geiger could be a very rich woman. If Jessie Cole can find her. The beneficiary of a sizable estate, Lacey vanished years ago after escaping an abusive childhood and is veiled now behind a new identity. Jessie has two weeks to find her. It’s enough time to discover that Lacey is hiding from so much more than anyone realized. But she isn’t the only one with secrets. And Jessie’s not the only one searching for the truth.
A concerned daughter has asked for help finding her mother—a woman said to have been murdered thirty years ago. And Jessie’s colleague Ben, an amnesiac still struggling with the bloody memories of a shattered life, is nearer to piecing together a very dark picture. Especially when someone he detests is found dead, hanging from a tree by a riverbank.
Now as the mysteries, puzzles, and lies of three investigations are unearthed, Jessie and Ben will risk everything to bring all that is hidden into the light.

Jessie Cole a private investigator, girlfriend to Colin, friend to Ben, mother to sister's daughter Olivia, and boss to Zee has another round of nail biting, page turning, what the heck is going on cases to solve.
This series just keeps getting g better and better. Jessie Cole is super busy now with several cases open when she gets two more cases added to the load and they just happen to be missing person cases.
The story was well written with characters I love. It was fast paced with lots of suspense.
We finally come to some conclusion and magnificent reveals for some.
Wow what an ending this one had!
Waiting and hoping there will be a book 5.; if not a spin off series???!
Highly recommend reading.

A Special Thank you to Thomas & Mercer and Netgalley for the ARC
Fatal Affair (2020)
Fatal Affair (2020)
2020 | Drama, Thriller
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
After a night of passion, a woman finds her partner dead in the bath and an unknown stranger grabs her starting the beginning of the movie. Forward to present day and a married couple are moving into that same home to start a new life, from the get go you can see this couple are struggling as they face away from each other in bed.
Ellie goes to work the next day and meets a new male colleague David, whom she went to college with, he's charming and there's a lot of flirting between them. Ellie gives him her number and asks him to call her anytime. She invites him out for drinks with her and her friend, but when her friend can't make it, her and David take the time to catch up with plenty more flirting back and forth, they start kissing in the toilets but before it got too far Ellie backs off and goes home, telling David that she is sorry.
Ellie thinks that's the end of it, but we soon discover David isn't that charming man she thought he was, he keeps texting her, turning up wherever she goes and watches her at home, he even turns up at her house as a plus one with Ellies friend just to be close to her.
I can't say this is a one of a kind movie, as there are a few like it and all very similar, it's still enjoyable but unlike the movie 'obssessed', it's not one I could watch over and over.

Mark @ Carstairs Considers (2163 KP) rated Word to the Wise in Books

Mar 26, 2021 (Updated Mar 26, 2021)  
Word to the Wise
Word to the Wise
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Stalking Lindsey
It all starts innocently enough. Lindsey Norris is more than happy to help out Aaron Grady when he walks into the library asking for help with his roses. But when he begins to show up with roses to offer to her as a thank you, she begins to grow concerned. Despite repeated confrontations, Aaron doesn’t take no for an answer and shows up in places he doesn’t belong. Until he turns up dead behind the library. Lindsey’s fiancé, Sully, quickly becomes the prime suspect. Lindsey knows that Sully wouldn’t have killed Aaron despite the growing evidence. So, what is really going on?

This book is definitely a cozy with a thriller edge to it. It worked for this fan, and kept me glued to the book until I reached the very end. I did have a problem with how a couple of minor characters reacted to Lindsey’s situation, mainly because I found it unbelievable given their position. Then again, maybe it’s just wishful thinking that they’d react like I would in that situation. I did feel things were slowing down a tad at one point, but then the plot kicked into high gear and didn’t slow down again. All the series characters are here and are just as charming as usual. The new characters fit in well. We have the usual assortment of extras at the end of the book. This may be a more serious book, but we get some humor, and the two were balanced perfectly. Once again, this is a book that fans will enjoy.
Tulle Death Do Us Part
Tulle Death Do Us Part
Diane Vallere | 2023 | Mystery
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Can Poly Catch a Killer Before They Dance Away?
Poly Monroe has been asked to close her fabric shop, Material Girl, for a private customer. It makes sense when she realizes that the customer is Beatriz Rosen, a famous ballerina trying to hide from the paparazzi, and she is looking for material for her wedding dress. Even with all the secrecy, a man shows up and picks a fight with Beatriz. That evening, Poly witnesses the two of them fighting on the street. A little while later, Poly finds the man dead. It’s only then she learns her connection to the wedding. Suddenly, Poly wants to figure out what is going on. Can she do it?

It's been seven years since we last visited these characters, and I hadn’t realized how much I missed them until I was reading this book. Yes, there is plenty of context given so if you are new to the series or haven’t read them recently, you’ll be in Poly’s world in no time. While I was happy to see the characters again, I really appreciated the growth that came out of the story. The mystery unfolds a little differently than a typical cozy, but that’s not a complaint since I was hooked the entire way through. There were a couple of small timeline issues, although they were minor overall. The worst made me chuckle. There’s a fun shout out to one of the author’s other series in the pages. Old fans will be happy to be back in Poly’s world, and new fans will be quickly hooked.