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Kara Skinner (332 KP) rated Dreamz in Books

Jun 12, 2019  
A. R. Von | 2013 | Dystopia, Fiction & Poetry, Paranormal
7.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Genre: Science Fiction, Dystopian

Word Count: 12,470

Average Goodreads Rating: 4.54/5 stars

My rating: 3/5 stars

To be honest, I automatically started to dislike this book because “Dreams” is spelled with a Z. And while it was okay, it was not as good as it could have been.

Wunder has been dreaming about a man for as long as she can remember, always the same man. The dreams leave her aroused to no end at night. Unfortunately, this man doesn’t exist in her life, at least not yet. But her love life is nonexistent and thanks to her being half zombie, that’s not going to change any time soon.

Little does she know that her dream man exists and his name is Pete. Not only does he exist, but he’s been dreaming about her as well. Pete is also half zombie and lives in the next town over with his uncle. When he moves to Wunder’s town to recover from a huge zombie attack, will they finally get to meet in real life?

You can get this book for free on Smashwords.

I have such mixed feelings about this book. On one hand, it’s a cool story with some damn good world-building. The explanation behind a half zombie, half human is actually logical, or as logical as anything to do with zombies is. This also sets up a lot of potential plotlines for the other books in the series, all of them sounding interesting. And the Resilient Infected Police, or RIP, have a fantastic name.

Also, I can always appreciate a bad-ass girl who knows how to kick some ass, zombie or otherwise.

But learn to fricking edit.

Aside from the grammatical and punctuational atrocities that made my eyes widen in horror while I was reading this, there are so many strange things in this story that aren’t even rookie mistakes. This story is as loose as your post Taco Bell shit.

Never mind the crazy summaries and excessive telling instead of showing. I’ve seen that so many times by now, I’m almost immune to that. What I haven’t seen is a fucking tree fetish.

Yes, ladies and gents, you read that right. Either Wunder loves trees a little too much, or the author does. Why else would Wunder interrupt her retelling of a very hot and kinky sex dream to describe at length the tree she’s tied to, when she first saw it, and how beautiful she thinks it is.

Damn, Wunder, get back to how your sexy dream man is dominating you. I don’t have patience for this arousal-killing nature shit.

Also, A. R. Von got so distracted with setting the stage for future plot lines that she totally forgot to dazzle the reader with the current plot. There was an awful lot of talk about how Pete’s town attracts zombies a lot more than normal towns do, and about the life test they have to take every month to make sure the people aren’t dead, although I feel like the rotting flesh would give it away. (Also how does a person keep their zombie side secret when being blood tested monthly for proof of life? Asking for a friend).

But the current plot of restless RIP agents going to save a town from a hoard of zombies while having kinky dreams is sadly neglected. The exchange between Wunder and her friend feels more like a free write than a final draft and the epic battle is slow-paced and anti-climactic.

Then at the end, Pete asks his uncle about Wunder, and Pete is able to tell him all about Wunder’s famous reputation of being an all-around badass, which brings up the question: how does Pete, who lives with his uncle and works with his uncle in the RIP not know even a little bit about Wunder’s existence when his uncle is able to recognize her on sight and gush about how awesome she is?

But I do like Pete and Wunder. Wunder is a bad-ass and Pete is sexy as hell. The chemistry between them is great. While there’s only a promise of a love connection in this book, I do believe they have a very juicy love story ahead of them.

Unfortunately the story needs massive editing and the dialogue and action often feels forced. I’m tempted to read the next book in the series, just to see how the love story plays out, but I doubt I will because I have a feeling the other stories are as unedited as this one was. But if you still want to check it out, you can get it for free on Smashwords.
Seoul Station (2016)
Seoul Station (2016)
2016 | Animation, Horror, International
6.2 (5 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Story: Seoul Station starts as we see a homeless man injured and ignored around the station, we move off to see Hye-Sun who along with her boyfriend Ki-woong have been struggling for rent, forcing him into attempting to pimp her out, when her father Suk-gyu discovers this, he heads to Seoul to save his daughter.

Soon the homeless dies, but he doesn’t stay dead, turning into a zombie, it isn’t long before the zombie plague hits Seoul and Suk-gyu must work with Ki-woong to locate his missing daughter and escape the city before it is too late.


Thoughts on Seoul Station


Characters – Suk-gyu is the father searching for his lost daughter, he knew she ran away and now he gets the chance to come and save her from the seedy underworld her boyfriend wants to put her in, only to become the real saviour against the zombies. Hye-Sun is the runaway daughter, she struggles to keep the rent coming and after her argument with her boyfriend wanders the streets alone just as the zombie outbreak starts. Ki-woong is the boyfriend who seems to be a slacker spending more time in the internet cafes over supporting his girlfriend, he is forced to work with Suk-gyu to find Hye-Sun.

Story – The story here follows three main characters who are trying to survive a zombie outbreak in the big city of Seoul, this is a prequel to Train to Busan and shows us how the outbreak started to spread. The story keeps the attempts of a father trying to save his daughter the focal point in this film, this gives us two main characters to support and hope see get reconnected after she had run away from home at a young age. We also get to see a father and new boyfriend interact with the tension you would expect from this. This isn’t anything ground breaking for the zombie genre and by being animated we get to increase the scale of everything which does help show how a big city would cope with the panic of a sudden outbreak.

Horror – The horror in the film comes from the zombie outbreak, the zombie behaviour will always work for horror and the idea that nowhere is as safe as it should be only adds to the horror in the film.

Settings – The film is set in Seoul which is one of the locations the train goes through in Train to Busan, the scale of the city shows us just how a big population would react to an outbreak.

Animation – The animation used in the film is great to see, we get to see each bloody wound suffered through the outbreak.

Scene of the Movie – Third act twist is shocking.

That Moment That Annoyed Me – Shut the bloody doors.

Final Thoughts – This is a great prequel to put us in the world of Train to Busan, we get to see just how conflicted people can become and just follow one small story in the bigger picture makes us interested to learn more.


Overall: Great fun animation.
22 Bullets (2013)
22 Bullets (2013)
2013 | Action, International, Drama
7.0 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Story: 22 Bullets starts when retired Mafia godfather Charly Mattei (Reno) is ambushed by multiply gun man who riddle his body with bullets, 22 in his body and somehow, he survives the attack. The man behind the attack Tony Zacchia (Merad) wants the job finished so he can take the control he wants over the business, while detective Marie Goldman (Fois) has her own scores to settle with Mafia who were behind her husband’s and fellow cops’ death.

Charly brings his trusted friends back together to go into a full-blown war with Tony which see the bodies piling up, until he can get his hands-on Tony himself.

Characters – Charly Mattei is the retired Mafia godfather that walked away from the business with strict rules on how it will continue, he gets left for dead by the new boss who wants to play by his own rules. Now the bear has been poked he will seek revenge on everyone who tried to eliminate him, no matter how many bodies get left in his way, he knows this is the only way to keep his family safe. Tony Zacchia has taken over the business, he doesn’t want to play by the same rules though, he needs to take care of Charly before changing the rules and after that attempts fails, he starts to throw waves of men as Charly to finish the job. Martin is the closest friend to Charly, he will help make the connections to who else was involved in the assassination attempt. Marie Goldman is a cop that lost her husband to the Mafia, she has wanted to take them down for years now and this will be her best chance after she get put in the middle of the blood war.

Performances – Jean Reno is fantastic in the leading role of the film, he brings back the type of performance we saw in Leon where he is the cold-hearted killer with the heart of gold. Kad Merad, Jean-Pierre Darroussin are both good in the supporting role, though it can be easy to mix the two up. Marina Fios is good as the detective trying to get to the bottom of everything with her own tragic back past.

Story – The story here follows a former Mafia Godfather that goes on a revenge mission against the new godfather after he failed to have his assassinated bring France into a battle for power between the two leading sides in the war. This does play out like a revenge thriller with plenty of bullets, we have seen this done most recently with John Wick and this follows the same tone and body numbers you would be seeing in this one. The added side story of the cop wanting to final takedown the person who killed her husband adds to everything making this feel like a three-way war between the sides. The does play out how you would imagine which is great to see and the story doesn’t hold back either.

Action/Crime – The action is brutal when it comes to the bullet wound, even if certain moments can become overkill when it comes to the bullets flying. The crime world shown gives us an insight into the world in and out of the world with people wanting out or control.

Settings – The film is set in Marseille which shows us a new type of city for a crime film to take place in, we have all the locations you would imagine for a Mafia film.

Scene of the Movie – Dinner meeting.

That Moment That Annoyed Me – Sometimes overkill.

Final Thoughts – This is an enjoyable action revenge thriller, that puts Jean Reno front and centre on a bloody rampage, one well worth watching for the action fans.

Overall: Enjoyable Action Film.
Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker (2019)
Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker (2019)
2019 | Action, Adventure, Fantasy
Rose relegated to the background, where she belongs. (0 more)
A Sequel to Force Awakens
It's no secret, I hate the Last Jedi. Now, at this point it's completely null and void, and I am thrilled. Yes, I threw shade at Rose, because I thought that them pushing her into the background was hilarious, and the correct thing to do with the vanilla-boring character. No hate towards Kelly Marie Tran, you can't fault her for her character being lame AF.
I debated on whether to write a spoiler filled review, or a non-spoiler review. I decided upon a non-spoiler review.
The first half of the film did have a ton of planet-hopping and moved very quickly. I think it was this way to sort of show the main trio working together. You know, since TLJ did nothing to develop their relationships to one another.
It was a mistake to keep Carrie Fisher in the film. The scenes with her felt forced and fake. She did serve some sort of purpose, but I feel like it would have made more sense had she been dead.
Finally, what we'd all been waiting for happened, Rey's family was finally revealed. It was a little anti-climactic, and predictable. The entire film was fairly predictable, but was that a bad thing? In my book, no, I like being right about my theories. I liked the ending, and thought that certain characters endings made sense.
I didn't think the cameos were all that much fan service, they could have thrown in a lot more... Like, who was piloting the Ghost (see Star Wars Rebels)? Was it Hera or Jaden Syndulla? I loved, loved everyone they included in the very specific group cameo.
Overall, it was a satisfactory ending. I'm going to have to read more about the Knights of Ren when the collected volume comes out.
I saw articles b-tching about the additional force powers and force-sensitive people, this hasn't been a secret. Force-sensitive beings: Chirrut Îmwe (Rogue One), Finn (suggested in TFA and TROS trailers), Maz Katana, Bendu (Rebels). Beings with additional force powers: The Child from the Mandalorian (healing and suggested telekinesis), Ezra Bridger from Rebels (speaks and has strong connections to animals), and Karr from the Force Collector (sees the past from touching artefacts). I'm now ready to see more of the Star Wars universe, without the Skywalker family being the focus. Knights of the Old Republic plz.


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The Last Child of Leif
The Last Child of Leif
Chris Pridmore | 2016 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Did you hear about the child who ran away to join the circus? How about if that child was a crown prince called Valiant who escapes the murder of his father, barely escaping with his mother and faithful swordsman Sebastian?

That's an extremely simplistic rendering of the start of this book, but one that is quite illustrative of the way that the whole story unfolds. What starts as something very simple evolves into something a whole lot more complicated.

Valiant does indeed end up hiding in a travelling circus as its traction engines slowly pull it across an alternate 19th Century Eastern Europe. But this is no ordinary circus and among it's various performers and other attractions much skill and knowledge is hidden. As the journey continues it becomes clear that forces want Valiant dead and really will stop at nothing to achieve this.

With a story this complex and with the very big cast of characters it would be easy for the reader to get confused, but Pridmore is very careful to introduce everything and everybody gradually, giving each time and space so the reader becomes familiar. The characterisation is outstanding, everybody in the circus is very much their own person and very well realised and each character develops throughout the book, sometimes with some surprising revelations.

The plot itself is really good, building at each turn, becoming gradually more complex and more expansive as each chapter passes. The threats appear credible and the efforts to repel them are completely in line with how the characters have been developed up to that point.

Overall this is an utterly compelling read that has been very well written
Blood Father (2016)
Blood Father (2016)
2016 | Action, Mystery
7.3 (11 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Mel Unleashed
418. Blood Father. I had the feeling the whole time that this easily could have been the script for the last Rambo flick, Sly said no, Mel just got off house arrest so, it worked out. In this, I think Mel is playing a version of himself, and just went with it. Link is an ex-con recovering alcoholic that gets a call from his missing daughter, like legit missing, reward money type missing, anyways, she just called to let her know that she just killed her Mexican mobster boyfriend, and she's on the run and needs help. So Link goes and picks up Lydia and brings her back to his home/tattoo parlor. But wouldn't you know it, those mobsters find out where she went, and show up in a pretty amusing gunfight, each time Link pulls the trigger he announces out loud the criminal charge he is now going to face. Escape they do, on the run they must go. Once at a motel, obviously terrified that a criminal organization wants her and her father dead, she still has time to be a teenage girl and come flirt with the checkout guy, and that's when she sees the TV, the law is now looking for them as well. So go deeper into hiding they must, she dyes her hair blonde, Link shaves his pretty awesome beard to look like Mel's very real mugshot, and off they go again. Will the mobsters catch up? Of course they will or there'd be no point! It's definitely not great, but still fun to watch. Filmbufftim on FB!
Coco (2017)
Coco (2017)
2017 | Adventure, Animation
Aspiring musician Miguel, confronted with his family's ancestral ban on music, enters the Land of the Dead to find his great-great-grandfather, a legendary singer.

This film really does deserve all the excitement around it, and oh my god how I cried.

As a way of not ruining films for me this year I'm trying not to read anything about them before I actually go and see them. The most I'm doing is seeing trailers while I'm at the cinema and then possibly catching the odd synopsis. When it comes to Disney Pixar though it's difficult not to be engulfed in a wave of information months before they're due out. I was however successful on this occasion, and I'm grateful that I got to enjoy it without any more information than had been in the trailer.

For something with a slightly morbid edge to it I thought it was done really well, and while the topic of death is obviously a potential pitfall you're reassured with the warmth and humour throughout the film.

If the songs in a film are good then I'll always be won over, and these ones gave me goosebumps. They bring a smile, and a tear, and that warm feeling inside that makes you sigh.

My last passing comment would be the tears... because I wasn't exaggerating. I cried A LOT. Even though I came out of the film loving the whole thing I was still crying as I drove home. *calming breath* I can feel myself losing my mind right now just thinking about it. It's a beautiful film, everyone should go and see it.
Pretty Guilty Women
Pretty Guilty Women
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Four women—old college friends—are reunited at the elegant Banks wedding. They haven’t been in touch in ages and some hold grudges. There's Ginger, a receptionist and weary mom of three. Ginger's former college roommate, Emily, now a marketing manager. She and Ginger no longer speak and Emily seems to be harboring a pile of secrets. There's Kate, a beautiful and well-off lawyer, whose boyfriend breaks up with her the day before the festivities. They all knew the bride, Whitney, in college. At the resort where the wedding is being held, Ginger, Emily, and Kate meet Lulu, a wealthy woman in her sixties. Her husband is related to the groom; Lulu may have wealth, but she's worried about her marriage. By the end of the rehearsal dinner, a man will be dead. Even more intriguing, four people will confess to the deed.

PRETTY GUILTY WOMEN was a really interesting and dramatic read. I was caught up in these women’s tales. I have a group of close friends from college (thankfully not estranged!) and also could relate to the harried mom, Ginger. I was fascinated by all that was going on in everyone’s lives (a lot of drama). There's a lot going on here--a college feud, the wedding, a mysterious young mom, each woman's own issues, but LaManna makes it all work. The book is told partially in police reports and then narrative from all the women. It's certainly fascinating, as details unfold slowly, and it keeps you guessing.

Overall, this was a quick read and perfect to finish up on my beach trip! I'm looking forward to reading more from LaManna!