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Graduation Day  (1981)
Graduation Day (1981)
1981 | Horror, Mystery
Original idea (0 more)
Horrible acting (2 more)
Terrible ending
Shitty special effects
Stay in School kids, so you don't end up in a shitty movie like this
Midvale High, 1981.
Point form version. Track star wins the race. Track star drops dead
Sister comes for funeral
Students drop dead
The coach is a suspect
More students drop dead
Coach gets killed by real killer
Real killer digs up and poses dead girl in grad gown
Real killer gets bumped out a window with girl corpse on top of him
THIS MOVIE STINKS TO HIGH HEAVEN!!!! Only reason it got two bombs is Vanna White was in it. And the always reliable Linnea Quigley makes an appearance...
Horrible script, even more horrible acting and a shitty ending made this movie the worst thing I've ever seen... Next to the Brittany Spears movie, Crossroads... And the Spice Girls flick... Which both stunk up the place... But this movie, from a genre I love, ranks down there amongst the shittiest of the shitty.
The Walking Dead - A TellTale Games Series: Season 1
The Walking Dead - A TellTale Games Series: Season 1
2014 | Role-Playing
Just another good Telltale game (0 more)
Very Good Prequel
Contains spoilers, click to show
Whether this game is "canon" or not, they did a good job telling this story. I am not a hard core Walking Dead fan, but I watched enough to know what was going on in the game. This story covers the adventures of Lee and Clementine. The two go through many good times and through some bad times. As with the Telltale series, your decisions and actions decide the outcome of the game to an extent. Lee and Clementine find different friends along the way that help them get through the apocalyptic world. They also run across some not so friendly people. For instance a family that turned to cannibalism to survive...yikes! Lee protects Clem and Clem protects Lee. Of course you heart is ripped out when Lee is attacked by a walker and bitten only to get infected. In his dying breath he tells Clem to stay strong and be smart. You can also have a negative effect on Clem and your friends. It's all up to you. You even run into Glenn at one point. In the end...I recommend this game, especially if you are a fan of the Walking Dead series
The Girl With All the Gifts (2017)
The Girl With All the Gifts (2017)
2017 | Drama
Melanie (0 more)
Slow paced (0 more)
An enjoyable watch
I stumbled across this when I was looking for a zombie fix after The Walking Dead season had ended on a cliffhanger.

I wasn't disappointed. It jumps right into the story and lets you in on the secrets as you go along. The characters are believable and Glenn Close is very good in it.

This isn't the scary, violent blood everywhere zombie film. It is creepy though and leaves you feeling a little unnerved. It's a nice twist to an old genre that until The Walking Dead I thought had been overdone and should be put out to pasture. The revival of the zombie genre has seen some very inventive challenges to The Walking Dead's crown. This is one of them.

It can be a little slow moving, it's not gore and excitement all the time. It doesn't need to be though, the story makes up for the slow paced action.

Sarah (8 KP) rated Jar of Hearts in Books

Sep 4, 2018  
Jar of Hearts
Jar of Hearts
Jennifer Hillier | 2018 | Crime, Mystery, Thriller
8.3 (8 Ratings)
Book Rating
Engaging (2 more)
Twists and turns
Can be gruesome to some (0 more)
Gripping page turner
Wow...just wow. I read so many reviews of this book and they seemed to be a bit mixed, I almost didn't grab this book to read and I'm glad I gave it chance. Amazing. You have one friend who is dead, one who went to prison and one trying to get to the truth. This book will take you on a journey...and when you get to the end...wholly moly, look out! I enjoyed the journey this book took me on (it is possible for some a few scenes may be too gruesome) but all in all I loved this book and highly suggest it.
Dying Light
Dying Light
2015 | Action/Adventure
Awkward parkour (2 more)
Terrible story
Disappointing loot
Mutton dressed as lamb
This game came out in January last year, so it’s now more than a year old, but honestly it feels much older than that. I can remember when this came out to glowing reviews and I was pleased, because I was a big fan of Techland’s first open world, first person zombie game, Dead Island. Plus this looked really cool as it added free running and a transformation of zombies. I bought the game in about September last year, but I have only recently gotten around to actually playing it, so I figured I’d give my thoughts on the game so far. To be honest I am very disappointed, after the glowing reviews and audience praise I was expecting a game that was a lot better than this. I honestly think I may prefer the original Dead Island to Dying Light and although I may be looking at Dead Island through rose tinted glasses, it was only a couple of years ago that I played it, so I’m not so sure.

The big gimmick in this game is the free running. I went into the game expecting Dead Island meets Mirror’s Edge, but instead I got something more akin to Shadow Fall or Far Cry’s janky free running. The player character honestly feels so heavy and clunky and there is no coherent flow to the free running at all. The other gimmick is the idea of ‘drops,’ which are basically supply drops that are dropped in various locations throughout the map. The controller will vibrate, the blue icon will appear on the map and you haul ass across the environment towards it, in the awkward parkour motion that you are forced to endure throughout the game. The first couple of drops are difficult when you don’t yet really know what you are doing, but after a while you know what to expect and as soon as you feel the controller rumble and the icon appear on the mini map you know to just run as fast as possible towards the icon and everything will be straightforward. Also, while I am aware that players don’t tend to love this game for it’s immersive story, what story they attempt is garbage delivered by poor voice acting, in addition it makes absolutely no sense that you are just some random guy that the people from The Tower find out on the street and within spending a day or two with them they declare you to be the best free runner in the whole tower, it is all just far too convenient. The game also attempts to force you to change your play style at night, some of the zombies transform into hulking, hard to kill beasts with super speed, but their field of vision also appears on the map, so as long as you can avoid that, everything will be hunky dory and even if you do get seen you can just run away for a bit and climb onto a ledge and they will soon forget about you. I actually think that the virals that attack you during the day are more dangerous as they don’t have a specific field of view and are faster than the night time virals. Now while all these minor gripes do add up to my dislike of the game, the biggest let down in this game is it’s loot system. The loot in Dead Island was so good and when you had a great weapon, you knew it was great because it was so effective and felt so good to use in combat, there was just a charm to the weapons you could find in that game. The loot in Dying Light is much more generic and the effectiveness of the weapons has been neutered. The game starts you off with flimsy blunt weapons, which is expected, then you either find or save up your money and buy a sweet new axe or machete, you think that this is going to help you take out everything so much easier, but there isn’t much more of an effect, like maybe instead of dying after 18 hits a guy will die after 15, but that still doesn’t exactly feel effective to me. Also, the weapons degrade quickly, but that doesn’t matter because there is a good amount of weapons to buy and find, but since they have all been nerfed anyway it renders the whole process totally pointless, the loot system is really redundant and has no impact at all on the game. Also the guns are overpowered as all hell. The big guys with the heavy weapons will take you around fifty smacks with a hammer to bring down, but if you have a pistol and jump over a three foot wall, they can’t follow you and so they just stand still, so you just pop two or three caps into their skull and they go down in a couple of seconds. I also dislike how the damage you inflict on an enemy is the same no matter where on the body that you hit them. You can whack a guy repeatedly in the head or the legs and he will fall down in the same amount of time either way.

Overall, this game tries to be the next gen version of Dead Island, but what it delivers is a game that looks and feels like it came out at the same time as its predecessor and in a lot of ways it is even less intuitive than the first game. I know that I keep comparing this game to Dead Island, but I honestly believe that if you are looking for a first person zombie survival game, you should save yourself the cash and go pick up Dead Island as it plays better than this one and is graphically on par. However even though I have torn this game apart for the duration of this review, it is still a good game and I can see why people like it, I just don’t understand the massive amounts of praise it gets when Dead Island was a better game.
Ibiza Undead (2016)
Ibiza Undead (2016)
2016 | Comedy, Horror
3.8 (5 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Watchable to pass the time...
It is like a less funny version of the Inbetweeners mixed with the Walking Dead on a party Isle...
If you are a gamer think of Dead Island with nightclubs...

I didn't expect much from the story and if I'm honest I was right, the humour worked in places and there were some good bits, but not enough to save it. The intentionally irritating friend was very irritating, in a way that I'm sure wasn't the writers hadn't intended. One character disappears midway through the film for a large chunk and it makes you wonder why the character was there in the first place only for him to reappear near the end.

Not enough was done to make you care about the characters - It didn't really make a difference if they would make it off the Island or end up as Zombie fodder, you didn't really find yourself willing them on - I know it's a 'comedy,' but whatever you are watching you should feel something for the characters.

That being said, it passed the time with something I didn't have to think about, after watching a couple of series that required subtitles recently I just wanted to Zombie out in the chair to wind down.

I've seen definitely seen better but I have also seen far worse...
Coco (2017)
Coco (2017)
2017 | Adventure, Animation
The Book of Life was one of my favorite films of 2014. When I first saw the trailer for Coco, it was hard not for me to draw comparisons. A celebration of the Day of the Dead. Mariachi. Centered around music. Coco brings its own flavor, however, a unique experience all its own. In fact, if it weren't for the god-awful twenty-five-minute Frozen short right before (since removed due to numerous complaints), this would have been close to a perfect moviegoing experience.

Little Miguel loves music. He has to sneak away to watch old recordings of his favorite musician Ernesto de la Cruz because the rest of his family thinks music is a curse. Following a mysterious chain of events (don't want to ruin it for you), Miguel finds himself in the Land of the Dead and must somehow find a way to get home before its too late.

The colors. Oh man, the colors. Vibrant, popping off the screen. It screams life even during the scenes in the Land of the Dead. This is one film I wish I would have seen in IMAX. The colors add an amazing pop, from the spirit animals to the city landscapes at night, making this one of the most beautiful animated films I have seen.

The colors alone are just a small touch to the overall creativity and originality behind Coco. The Land of the Dead is loaded with sights to behold, some you might miss if you blink. The attention to detail is spectacular from the cool bridge that guides the dead to the Land of the Living to the colorful spirit animals. I've seen a lot of movies and I haven't seen anything like this.

Not only are the visuals amazing, but the music holds its own as well, driving the entire story in an entertaining and powerful way. There are a lot of touching moments that revolve around the soundtrack. There will be musical numbers that make you laugh while others leave you with more of a somber feel. Maybe I cried a little. Maybe I didn't. You'll never know for sure. One thing I can say is this movie was about as touching as any I have seen this year.

Disney/Pixar is known for leaving you with a great message and Coco is no exception. Miguel was willing to follow his dreams at all costs, even if it cost him his life. How many of us can say the same? Another phenomenal job by Pixar. I give the film a 96.

Dork_knight74 (881 KP) rated Curvature (2018) in Movies

Jul 24, 2018 (Updated Jul 24, 2018)  
Curvature (2018)
Curvature (2018)
2018 | Drama, Sci-Fi
6.0 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
The concept (0 more)
The storyline (0 more)
It's just ok
This movie is on hulu right now. It's about a woman using her dead husband's time travel machine to go back and punish her husband's partner for killing him. The acting was mediocre. The story was a little, meh. The cinematography wasn't too bad. I watched the whole thing but didn't think it was very good overall. You have to be careful making time travel movies. They've been done so much you really need to bring something new to the table to make yours unique. If you're a die hard sci-fi fan you might enjoy this one. Otherwise, I'd say it's not really worth a watch.
Open Season for Murder (Mac Faraday Mystery #10)
Open Season for Murder (Mac Faraday Mystery #10)
Lauren Carr | 2015 | Crime, Fiction & Poetry, Mystery
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Open season for Murder, Get you involved with a cold case from the beginning. You get brought in with a mysterious phone call to Mac. Who is the caller? We get all kinds of killers. We also get deaths at every turn. Why the Diablo ball?
Who wants Carlyle dead or anyone else for that matter. Brian Galestar, comes about and his he as suspects to Lindsey York death? Who wanted Lindsey York dead and Jasmine Simpson? Reva Saint Clair is around as well. Who killed Aston Piedmont?
You go for a ride with Mac and David on an adventure. We sure find out who good at solving mysteries around Spencer Maryland. Lauren Carr plots are good and you are invested throughout the book. There's a story inside the main story. You get captive into the story and you will not want to leave these charters from this series or any of Lauren Carr mysteries.

Lauren Carr is one talented writer. She brings you along to find out who the killer is. One thing I love about her mysteries is that you never know who the murderer is? I have read a few of her books already and reviewed a few of them. You are welcome to read my reviews that are part of this audiobook palooza. My reviews are Cancelled Vows, A Fine Year for Murder, Killer in the Band, The Murders at Astaire Castle, Candidate for Murder, 3 Days to Forever, Kill and Run, Old Love Die Hard, 12 To Murder.

Andy Bell recommended 604 by Ladytron in Music (curated)

604 by Ladytron
604 by Ladytron
2001 | Rhythm And Blues
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"Sounds like a post Chernobyl Fallout album very similar musically to early Lene & Pet Shops. I love 'The Way That I Found You', 'Commodore Rock' and 'Playgirl'. I don't know what it is about them but I love her voice and dead pan delivery - there's a hint of 60's Lynne Redgrave from Smashing Time & loads of mid 80's references. Which leads me neatly to..."
