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A Gathering of Shadows
A Gathering of Shadows
V.E. Schwab, Victoria Schwab | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
9.5 (11 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book was fantastic. I loved the plot. I loved the new characters. And I loved the new relationships formed with previous characters.
Delilah and Kell, I want to end up together. I didn't even acknowledge that I wanted this until the very end when I saw how much they cared about each other.
I loved the development of Rhy as a character as well.
Surprisingly enough, this book was superior to the first.
Towards the end, I could not put this book down for the life of me.
Smith's Corner: Layla & Levi (The Heartwood Series #2)
Smith's Corner: Layla & Levi (The Heartwood Series #2)
Jayne Paton | 2021 | Contemporary, Romance
9.3 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Holy fluff!!! This is as hot, if not hotter than the first in the Heartwood series. It follows on from Dallas & Delilah and I'd definitely recommend starting with that one as it sets you up for this.

My heart aches for Layla and I was rooting for her all the way, especially as Levi is so awesome. As with the first book there's a bit of hot loving and lots of emotions. With a deep, dark past waiting to engulf her Layla really struggles to trust and watching her transform is amazing.

Definitely an adult read with adult themes and trigger warnings.
Delilah (Ties That Bind #4)
Delilah (Ties That Bind #4)
Fay Lamb | 2019
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
They’ve sparred for years, but now they’re both headed for a knockout.

Newly elected judge, John M. Turner, tries his best to soothe the hard feelings of former Circuit Judge Delilah James, the woman he bested in the election by only a narrow margin, but his friend’s and her haughty reputation are making it difficult for him to let things slide. Worse yet, a vengeful assistant state attorney, the other candidate whose entry in the race actually handed the win to John, is seeking to have them both removed from the Florida Bar. Delilah wants to make amends to John, but every time she attempts to apologize or to behave in court, she makes a mess of it. Since leaving the bench, life has become complicated: John’s teenager sister hates her, Libby Carter, has been arrested for battery on a police officer and embroiled her in the plight of the homeless, her past has returned to haunt her, and if that’s not enough, she’s fallen into the one experience in life she never thought would happen to her. John finally offers to make peace, but Delilah’s not ready for that. Calling a truce with the man you love? What’s the fun in that?

My Thoughts: What more can I say? A story about friends who become like family; they care for one another, they look out for one another and they are there for one another. This is a fabulous book! I honestly could not put this one down.

All the characters are fun, the storyline runs smoothly. Yhis is a book the reader won't put down until it's finished.

The themes that I pulled from the story were, forgiveness and grace. It's about showing the love of God, and how it can influence others. It's about knowing the peace of God and showing His love to others.

This was book 4 in the "Ties That Bind" series. This book can be read by itself without the reader wondering about past events in the series. I enjoyed this book so much that I will go and read the others in this series.
Local Woman Missing
Local Woman Missing
Mary Kubica | 2021 | Contemporary, Thriller
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I had been after a good thriller for awhile, when I read about Local Woman Missing by Mary Kubica, my interest was piqued very much. I will say that this book certainly filled that thriller sized hole for sure!

As soon as I started reading Local Woman Missing, I was instantly transported inside the book. I kept trying to piece together what happened to Shelby, Delilah, and Meredith just to find out I was totally wrong each time. That's one of the beautiful things about this book, there are so many twists and turns! I loved all the plot twists which there were plenty. Just when it looked like one mystery was solved, the author would through in a twist. I loved how Mary Kubica had us going back and forth between present time to eleven years earlier when Meredith, Shelby, and Delilah all went missing. The world building is done fantastically, and the pacing is spot on. I found myself frantically reading each page to try to guess what would happen. I did like the way all the loose endings were tied up by the ending. There's nothing left to speculate which was a big plus in my book as I hate guessing what happened to each character. I like being told exactly what happens, and Kubica did just so.

I absolutely adored how each character was written. I could imagine each and every character in my mind. It was like I was right in the midst of the action with them. It was easy to imagine Meredith's husband Josh's panic when his wife and 6 year old daughter went missing. As a mother of a 6 year old myself, I think I would just go crazy! I could also feel Meredith's pain when things started to really go wrong for her. I really just wanted to be a friend to her because she seemed really sweet and down to Earth. Bea and Kate were two of my favorite characters. I thought they had such a great relationship, and I thought they were really great people for being so helping and warm towards everyone when things when Meredith and Delilah went missing. I enjoyed reading things from Kate's point of view to piece together everything that was going on after Meredith and Delilah went missing. Reading Leo's point of view was the most interesting for me. It was eye opening to see how having his sister and mom missing affected him. I really wanted to adopt little Leo as my own because reading what he endured really broke my heart at times.

Trigger warnings for Local Woman Missing include profanity, cheating on spouses, child abuse, kidnapping, violence, death, mentions of suicide, and drunk driving.

All in all, Local Woman Missing checks all the boxes to be a successful thriller such as a fascinating plot with a plethora of twists at turns throughout. I would definitely recommend Local Woman Missing by Mary Kubica to those aged 18+ who love to expect the unexpected. This book will not leave you disappointed one bit.
Smith's Corner: Layla & Levi (The Heartwood Series #2)
Smith's Corner: Layla & Levi (The Heartwood Series #2)
Jayne Paton | 2021 | Contemporary, Romance
9.3 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Layla's history is dark, and painful reading and I cried for Layla
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book 2 in the Heartwood Series. I would STRONGLY recommend you read book one, Delilah & Dallas, before this one. THAT book sets this one up nicely.

I also said in my review for that book, that I made put the clues together, and made a picture, but that I was fairly certain it was going to be worse than I thought.

And I wasn't wrong.

Layla has had to be strong, for Delilah and Cora but both girls are growing up now, and moving on with their lives. Levi is one of Dallas' older brother, and is quite literally, smitten with Layla. He knows she has secrets (Dallas knows some​ of them but wont tell Levi) but Levi also knows Layla is his, and he won't let her go.

I loved that Cora plays a bigger part here than Delilah, that Cora approves of Levi, and that Cora actively helps Levi win Layla over. And he does that beautifully!

When Layla eventually tells Levi all, he does exactly as Dallas does, all Alpha-Male-Protect-whats-Mine, but he tempers his reaction, he holds it all in til he is not in Layla's presence, and I loved him for that.

Layla's history is dark, and painful reading and I cried for Layla. Layla the child, but also Layla the adult. She has a huge support network now, but she didn't always, and she still struggles with letting people in. That Levi takes his time with Layla, getting to know her and letting her set the entire pace of their relationship was probably the only way he could have gotten in.

When Layla's past comes back to cause problems, I loved that ALL the brothers came to stand with her, beside her, to see that the past stays there. And that all solves itself so differently to what I was expecting!

And we are set up nicely for Ash and Alora, who are next. Ash has a tale to tell, and I can't wait to read it!

This book contains triggers: please be mindful of those reading this book.

Creeping up from 4 stars to 4.5 stars but rounded up for the blog.

same worded review will appear elsewhere​
Smith's Corner: Delilah & Dallas (The Heartwood Series #1)
Smith's Corner: Delilah & Dallas (The Heartwood Series #1)
Jayne Paton | 2021 | Contemporary, Humor & Comedy, Romance
8.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Hot in more ways than one!

Delilah is a fun, strong-willed character. I liked her straight away, from her desire to achieve her goals and being family orientated right the way to having the hots for the scrumptious Dallas.

Dallas....swoon!! Hot, protective, funny.....I could go on but you need to experience it for yourself.

As with all good books there are plenty of hurdles to overcome, misunderstandings, some 'adult' moments and danger....definitely hard to put down.

A brilliant start to what promises to be a fantastic series. This can be read as a standalone but I highly recommend it as a series....there's another four hot brothers to get to know! We meet them but, obviously, this isnt their story.

Hazel (1853 KP) rated As I Descended in Books

Dec 17, 2018  
As I Descended
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>This ARC was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review</i>

With this retelling of the famous bard’s tragedy <i>Macbeth</i>, Robin Talley takes steps to add another genre under her belt. Talley is fairly new to the young adult literature scene with <i>As I Descended</i> being her third publication. Many avid readers may already be aware that the author likes to tackle homosexuality and the surrounding stigma, whilst also encompassing other issues, i.e. black civil rights and long distance relationships. This novel is no different, however the other “issue” is on a paranormal level and follows the key themes in the Scottish play.

The story is set in a Virginian private school full of rich adolescents full of high expectations and the desire to be the best. Maria is always coming second best despite all her hard work, and Lily, her girlfriend, thinks this is entirely unfair. The student in first position, and set to win the Kingsley Prize, is Delilah, a popular girl who bullies and manipulates people to get what she wants. Determined to get Maria to see she should be the winner, Lily arranges a séance where she plans to pretend a spirit has contacted her telling Maria to beat Delilah. However the plan falls through when a real spirit begins communicating with them.

Lily is almost as manipulative as Delilah and convinces Maria to cheat her way to the top. Keeping in mind this is a retelling of <i>Macbeth</i>, a play that contains several deaths; you can guess the direction events are going to take. With Delilah out of the picture, Maria’s best friend Brandon and his boyfriend Matteo begin to suspect Maria of foul play.

Due to their initials it is easy to work out which of the original cast each character is representing. Maria, Lily, Delilah, Brandon, Matteo… Macbeth, Lady Macbeth, Duncan, Banquo, McDuff… As a result, the fate of the characters has already been predetermined, causing readers to jump to conclusions about each individual. However the introduction of a supernatural theme gives the storyline an entirely new outlook.

Initially I felt sorry for Maria and Lily, two lovely girls hiding their romantic relationship from the rest of the world. Maria never put a foot wrong, and Lily gets sympathy on account of being disabled. I related a lot to Lily at the beginning as I have also experienced severe leg pain and suffering around on a pair of crutches. However once the actual retelling of <i>Macbeth</i> began I took an instant dislike to the pair. I have never liked people who sabotage other’s lives and successes in order to be the best. This put a damper on the entire novel, making it a lot less interesting as there were no longer any characters I fully respected.

What I did enjoy was they way Talley managed to produce a modern retelling of the play. <i>Macbeth</i> is not the easiest story to bring into a contemporary setting, especially as it is about a King and set in a castle. Talley successfully created a narrative that no one else would have thought of – a particularly clever feat.

Those familiar with the play, especially those who had the opportunity to study it at school, will recognize a lot of the chapter headings as direct quotes from Shakespeare’s writing. It is exciting to find all the references to <i>Macbeth</i> and use your own knowledge to understand where the story is going.

Do not worry if you are unfamiliar with Shakespeare’s works, <i>As I Descended</i> is not reliant on prior knowledge in order to work. Ignoring <i>Macbeth</i>, the book is about greed and perfectionism as well as homosexual relationships and the worries about how others will perceive them, especially homophobic parents.

Overall, <i>As I Descended</i> was not as great as I hoped it would be due to the nature of the characters’ personalities. The risk Talley took in undertaking a retelling of <i>Macbeth</i> however has been an extremely successful accomplishment. It may even be beneficial for students struggling to understand <i>Macbeth</i>. If schools can get over their fear of homosexual content, it would be lovely to see this book being read as part of the curriculum.
Between the Lines
Between the Lines
Jodi Picoult | 2012 | Contemporary, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
9.2 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
I was given Between the Lines by Jodi Picoult & Samantha Van Leer by the PR company in England who is promoting it in exchange for an honest review.

The book is written by the best selling author Jodi Picoult and her teenage daughter Samantha Van Leer. The idea for this book was actually Van Leer's, and what a fantastic idea it was!

What happens after you close a book? What happens to the characters in the book? What if they actually had their own lives which went on after a book was closed?

Oliver is a character in a children's fairy tale. However, he wonders if there's something more out there. He wants to escape into the Otherworld which is the reader's world. He is sick of being stuck in a fairy tale doing the same things over and over with the same people.

Delilah is a 15 year old girl who just doesn't fit in. She daydreams about falling in love with her prince charming. However, her prince charming is a character in a children's fairy tale.

To sum up the plot, Delilah and Oliver try to find a way to get Oliver out of his fairy tale book. You are shown the struggles of which they try to do this. Will Delilah ever get to be with her prince?

I loved this book. Everything about it was great. The plot was well thought out and very original. I actually felt like I was part of the story. What also makes it great is it kind of feels like you are getting two stories for the price of one. The reader is told the actual fairy tale for the most part as well as the actual story.

The actual story is told from Oliver and Delilah's point of view which I love! That way you can get how each character is feeling.

Also, the other character is this book are very well thought out and say some amazing things! My favourite supporting character was the trusty steed Socks. He was always worrying about how he looked and would come out with some funny lines!

One other thing I enjoyed about this book was the illustrations. They are beautifully drawn, and I believe it makes this book that much more interesting.

If you are looking for something a bit different to read, don't pass up this book. It is amazing, and you won't be disappointed.

I give it a 5 out of 5.

(This review is also posted on my blog).

Tom Jones recommended Just as I Am by Bill Withers in Music (curated)

Just as I Am by Bill Withers
Just as I Am by Bill Withers
1971 | Rhythm And Blues
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I heard this on the radio in the States, and I loved the songwriting. He was coming up with something different, it was a soulful folk, so I went and bought the album in LA, I thought “I gotta hear what this guy does” and every bloody track on it is a gem. I’ve always loved the sound of an album, maybe as much as the songs themselves, you know the performance, the sound of it makes a big difference to me. And now you know you can get box sets with alternate takes, and you realise then how long it took them sometimes to get the final take. The first time they did it was good, but then all of a sudden - boom - and there it is. I think there’s a good learning process to listen to the ones they didn’t let go, where the producers said “not yet”, and they persevered until... there it is. When I’ve been in a club sometimes, I’ve gotten up [on stage] and they’ve been like, “Do ‘Delilah’!”, and I’ve said “Let me just do this, which I don’t normally do"". So it is, because when you’ve made big records - great onstage, the way you do your own show - but it’s great to do other stuff when you don’t have to do those things. Not that I don’t like them, you know ‘Delilah’’s a great record, but its nice to do other things. So when you hear someone like Bill Withers doing something like that and being successful, you think, “See, there’s room for that.” There’s room for all different kinds of records. They don’t all have to be the same, or in the same vein, or chasing some things just to get a hit record."

<i>This eBook was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review</i>

The magic continues in Charlie N. Holmberg’s latest novel <i>The Glass Magician</i>. It is three months since the ending of <i>The Paper Magician</i> and Ceony is still apprenticing under Magician Thane – now mostly referred to as Emery. Despite the near death experiences of both the characters in the previous book, Ceony is well on her way to become a Folder – a magician that uses paper.

When an explosion occurs at a paper mill that Ceony is visiting, she realizes that not all her problems have been solved. Her defeat of an evil Excisioner has resulted in two more wanted criminals on her tail. Mistakenly, Ceony believes she can tackle this problem by herself, putting those she loves in danger.

As well as the characters from the first book, <i>The Glass Magician</i> contains a few new names including Delilah, an apprentice of a glass magician, who is a similar age to Ceony. Through Delilah the reader is introduced to another form of magic using glass or more precisely, in the case of this novel, mirrors.

In comparison to <i>The Paper Magician</i> there is a more romantic theme running throughout the book. Events of the past have brought Ceony and Emery closer together causing Ceony to fall in love with him, however she is uncertain whether Emery feels the same way. Even so, fantasy or steampunk remained the key genre.

A criticism I had of the first book was that the characters felt far too modern for the time period it was set in. The case was the same in <i>The Glass Magician</i>, although this may be more to do with the author’s writing style and therefore was unlike to differ. On the other hand the events in this book were more plausible and therefore less confusing which ultimately makes this a slightly better story.

Readers need to have read <i>The Paper Magician</i> before starting this book, as it requires knowledge of previous events, which are vital to the story line. If you loved the first book it is almost guaranteed that you will love the second.