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I downloaded this novel free from Amazon because I was looking for a lighthearted paranormal romance to distract me. I assumed it was along the same vein as other paranormal romances I have made like Karen Chance’s Cassandra Palmer Series or Patricia Brigg’s Mercy Thompson series. I wasn’t too far off.

My favorite part of this book had to be the diversity of characters. Each character had their own personality, that it felt like you were reading about real people instead of caricatures. It seemed to come naturally too. There were no page long paragraphs tediously describing each character. You picked up bits and pieces along the way.

The world and story that Chase created were also pretty interesting. I am partial to ghost stories, which is what drew me to the book in the first place, so that whole aspect and how they dealt with the ghost was fantastic. The rest of the Chase’s mythology, however, is what was really interesting. After looking at future novels in the series, however, I feel that the series will become way to complicated and in depth for me. I also don’t enjoy reading about angels v. demons.

The novel has a couple twists. The one concerning the ghost didn’t feel like a twist to me. I figured it out much earlier in the novel so when it was confirmed I really didn’t even notice. The secret surrounding Kane, however, was pretty surprising. I wasn’t expecting it even though I knew he had a secret.

All in all, Haunted on Bourbon Street is a well-rounded novel with engaging characters, an interesting world, and plot that keeps you reading til the very end. I cannot think of a single thing I didn’t like about the novel. I am not sure I will read the rest of the series, however, after reading the synopsizes and seeing where the story is headed.

If you are looking for an enjoyable quick read, I highly recommend downloading it, especially since it’s currently free!
Dangerously Dark (The Dreamcaster Series #3)
Dangerously Dark (The Dreamcaster Series #3)
C.J. Burright | 2017 | Paranormal, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Dangerously Dark (The Dreamcaster Series #3) by C.J. Burright
Dangerously Dark is the third book in The Dreamcaster series, and I would recommend you read the first two books prior to this one. Although we don't hear from the 'older' characters until the latter part of the book, you will still need to have some idea about the V'alkara to gain the most enjoyment from it.

So, that being said, let's start. We have Zaire, who popped up in Ella and Dax's book. We found out he was 'helping' the Red Crows but only because he had to. In this book, we learn more about Zaire's history, and why he feels unworthy of love, indeed, he fears it. As for Quinn, we don't find out much about her past as a 'normal' person, but as a Dreamcaster, she rocks! She is tough, having fought her way through too many demons to count. She takes her knocks and rolls with them. She sets her sights on Zaire (through their connected past), and won't let him go. Just what the stubborn-ass V'alkara needs.

For me, this was the best of the bunch so far. I don't know if it's because I know their world now, The Faction, the Red Crows, the V'alkara, or maybe it was just Zaire and Quinn. Whatever the reason, I was completely committed to this book from the very beginning.

Full of action, and yet with a smooth and flowing pace, this book is full of brilliant characters and situations. Our tortured hero is dark enough to be fully rounded, whilst our sassy heroine sparks off him and keeps things interesting. With no editing or grammatical errors that disrupted my reading flow, I thoroughly enjoyed their story. I am really hoping Mel and Izzy get a story, and it won't be too long in coming! Absolutely recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Imagine waking up without knowing where you are, not remembering who you are or why you are here - only to realise that you are in coma, and you only have a few days to live.

In order to get out of this ‘’in-between’’ place, you have to beat your demons… Would you be able to do that? Would you be able to realise what you were doing wrong, and become a better person?

See the full review on my website -

Purgatorium is a wonderful thought story.

The main character is very unique, and a lot of people can relate to that certain type, for many different reasons.

I like how the story covers a little bit of Dante’s idea for a Purgatory, and a little bit of Alice in the Wonderland fantasy. I love how the time is presented, and every day has its own lost soul to help the main character.

The pace of the book goes easily, as it is nicely split into little chapters, all split into separate days, so we can keep track of where in time we are.

I found the character really amusing, how he changes over time, how he realises that he should have been a better person and tries to fix his life and make amends.
The story will blow your mind - it did blew my mind for sure. Expect to find a lot of unexpected things to happen, lots of twists, that will haunt you in a good way, for a very long time!

This story is so intriguing, unpredictable, and definitely worth reading. It makes you wonder about the true values in life, about who we really are, and all the sins we are making without realising the consequences.

It also makes you wonder whether a person can really change, entirely become a better person, or would he try to be a better person, just so he can have another chance in life to continue living the way he always used to live his life.
This is definitely one of the books that will make you want to re-read it over and over again.
Being Alpha
Being Alpha
Aileen Erin | 2018 | Young Adult (YA)
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Being Alpha
Tessa and Dastien are now finally married and are on their well overdue honeymoon. Dastien wants to relax and enjoy himself with Tessa but like always she's on edge and a good thing too, because something is lurking around the corner and like always it's after her...

This book features the aftermath of what Luciana was trying to do, the whole summoning of demons. This time the demon she was trying to bring to our world is only a few moments away. The gang are back together in order to bring this demon down, except Meredith and Donovan as they are having their own problems. We get introduced to a new character along the way. This character has a pretty cool ability.

Like each book before this one we experience upset, drama and danger. All of which come together to create a good story.

I feel that this book didn't really need to happen if I'm honest, because that's what I want my reviews to be... honest. The reason I felt this is because we already defeated Luciana, we didn't then need to defeat what she did again. I like that this book was in this series and I do have mixed feelings about this and I don't know if it's because for the last seven weeks I've been reading the same series and I'm getting bored of it. Or because there is something after seven books that I don't really like about Tessa but I loved more with the other characters. This book was good, but it didn't need to happen. The buildup for the next book could of happened in the sixth and this one could of been the eighth book if that makes sense. I find that really this book should of been half of what it was, so maybe it could of just happened as a shorter story or tied in with the last book and made it long?

 Anyway I am looking forward to the next book where we get to see more of Chris and his soul mate!!!


Christina xx
Feels Like Summer - Single by Samuel Jack
Feels Like Summer - Single by Samuel Jack
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Rating
Samuel Jack is a singer-songwriter based in London, England. Not too long ago, he released a charming contemporary soul tune, entitled, “Feels Like Summer”.

“There’s definitely a sense of nostalgia about the whole song. I wrote it at a time when I needed those good times to see me through some stuff. Music can totally transcend time and space and take you to all sorts of places when you’re not exactly where you want to be. That’s what this song is for me. It takes me back, it takes me forward, it takes me through.” – Samuel Jack

‘Feels Like Summer’ tells an interesting tale of a young guy who celebrates the good times shared with someone from his past.

Apparently, reminiscing about those magical moments when he was a teenager somehow makes him feel alive. Therefore, he wishes he could live in that moment forever.

‘Feels Like Summer’ contains a relatable storyline, ear-welcoming vocals, and feel-good instrumentation seasoned with stomping percussion, bright brass, and shimmering soundscapes.

Samuel Jack spent his formative years in Johannesburg with his father, a film director.

He was raised on Motown, blues, soul, and roots music. His favorite musical themes include love, pain, and occasionally politics.

Everything he sings is from the heart, about moments in his life and the journey he is currently on.

Not too long ago, he confessed that writing for him is a form of therapy and that honesty plays a key role throughout his songwriting.

“I listen to all sorts of music, but there is something about Rhythm ‘n’ Blues, about Soul, about Gospel that just gets into my veins. The history of it all, the hurt, the pain, the joy, the sex. And when those emotions are delivered by a voice that really means it, I just feel like there can’t be a better way to express yourself.” – Samuel Jack

Samuel Jack’s upcoming album, which is due later this year, narrates the struggles with inner demons and the turbulence of family and relationships.

Also, the project highlights the desire and want for something or someone, and how music helps to build bridges and establish new relationships.
I received an ARC edition of this book in exchange for a fair and honest review.

As the title says, this is book 2 in the Eternal Mates series and as such I recommend reading Kissed by a Dark Prince first, although this is not altogether necessary.

A lunar month has passed since the end of Book 1 and during that time Sable has been dreaming of King Thorne but keeps telling herself that she isn't interested. She is aiming to be Commander in Archangel and is determined to make the mission to help King Thorne a success - but only for career options, of course! Thorne has also been dreaming of Sable and knows that she is his fated female but is at a loss on how to proceed. During which time he is also trying to find a way to stop his kingdom from being overrun and how to improve his subjects' lives (if they survive the coming battle).

Felicity Heaton has written another fantastic series that you can lose yourself in. There are aspects of most characters that you can either relate to or admire... and trust me, I did a lot of admiring of Thorne! But with elves, werewolves, dragons and vampires there is someone there to interest everyone. And I just have to say that I love how the Vampire Erotique Theatre makes a show (another fantastic series if you haven't read it yet).

This book has everything from shapeshifters, vampires, demons (obviously) to war, battles, portals and angels. It is a book to immerse yourself in and not come up for air until you've finished it. Claimed by a Demon King is smoking hot and if Thorne is inexperienced, then all the angels in heaven won't be able to help Sable once he gets some experience under his belt! A perfect blend of innocence and pure, unadulterated male who has found his match in Sable. May the gods help Hell, because with this pair, anything is possible.

Highly recommended for all fans of Paranormal Romance and Felicity Heaton.
Kings or Pawns (Steps of Power #1)
Kings or Pawns (Steps of Power #1)
J.J. Sherwood | 2016 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Thriller
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book contains the usual staple fantasy races: elves, humans, dwarves, centaurs. There are epic battles and bold heroes, princesses in peril and magic. There is even a map at the front.

But that is where any similarity between this book and most other epic fantasy novels ends. Sherwood tells the tale of an elven country that has become corrupt with a ruling council who make decisions for reasons of profit, driving the rightful kings away and installing a puppet regime. Meanwhile the country is facing a war led by a brilliant defector.

When his father, the king, dies young Prince Hairem is determined to stand up to the council and stop the rot. But the council has ruled for hundreds of years, how can he possibly change things? Meanwhile Jikun, the general of the army must obey the council's wishes, even if the orders will only lead to destruction.

Sherwood starts with a few scenes and set pieces and gradually introduces the key players; Jikun is bold and brilliant but has a lot of inner demons which threaten to destroy him. Hairem is idealistic but naive.

The machinations of the council are real House of Cards type stuff, every way that Hairem tries to exert his authority blunted and diverted by the wily council members, who simultaneously try to make out they are on his side. As a political thriller this works amazingly well despite being set in a fantasy world; the descriptions and characters are perfectly pitched. It seems that pretty much everybody has dark secrets which everybody else is either trying to discover or use to their advantage.

There are scenes of action too, with Jikun and the army and also Sellemar mounting a daring raid into enemy territory plus duels and assasination attempts. This book really does have everything packed into it and the ending is both shocking and perfectly balanced to allow for further books in the series while satisfyingly closing a number of plot threads.

I was expecting a fairly standard fantasy book when I started this; what I got was an absolute gem that just begged to be read. A total masterpiece.
You Were There Too
You Were There Too
Colleen Oakley | 2020 | Contemporary, Romance
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Mia and Harrison move to tiny Hope Springs from Philadelphia, each hoping to escape their own problems. Here they have a picture-perfect house and a supposedly matching perfect life. But Mia is struggling with infertility and her husband has his own hidden demons. Plus Mia has a secret: at night, she has recurring dreams about another man. So imagine her surprise when she runs into him--in the flesh--in Hope Springs. Even more surprising? He tells her he dreams of her, too.

This was an odd and intense read--nothing like what I expected, though I'm not sure what I was expecting, really. In fact, it was so serious at times, I had to read it in chunks. It was too much to take in, Mia's miscarriages and her emotions, the dreams and what they could mean. I don't really mean this in a bad way, either. The feelings in this book are just strong and extremely well-done.

I really liked the idea of dreams in the novel and how they are presented. I mean, what would you do if you were suddenly face to face with your fantasy, with someone who had been in your dreams for over a decade? What a particular situation.

"It's only that--at times--he feels so real. And has for the ten or more years that he's been starring in my nighttime reveries."

For me, where this book went off the rails, is when it started to meander. Oliver--Mia's dream guy in real life--and Mia join forces to try to figure out what their dreams mean. Mia laments about the men in her life. And then the book takes a turn and is just so damn sad. I felt betrayed, honestly, by its outcome. While I feel that it was very well-written--the way infertility is portrayed is well-done in a lot of ways--I felt as if I read an entire book for nothing. Why, I wondered, did we go through all that?

So, while I found the book to be quite captivating and emotional, what was going to be a 4-star read fell down to 3. Alas.

Matthew Krueger (10051 KP) rated the Xbox One version of DOOM in Video Games

Mar 20, 2020  
2016 | Action, Horror, Shooter
Kick Some Ass 2016 Style
Doom 2016- yes i called it this because when you talk about it to people, sometimes their like "which one". So i call this one "Doom 2016". So lets talk about it.

The Gameplay:

According to the game's executive producer Marty Stratton, the key principles of Doom's single-player mode are "badass demons, big effing guns, and moving really fast".

"Glory Kills" is a newly-introduced melee execution system; when enough damage has been dealt to an enemy, the game will highlight it and allow the player to perform a quick and violent melee takedown, rewarding the player with small health recovery.

The game features a large arsenal of weapons which can be collected and freely switched by players throughout the game and require no reloading.

Many enemies also return from the original game, such as the Revenant, Pinky, Mancubus, and Cyberdemon, with many also redesigned. Doom's campaign was made to be at least 13 hours long, and the "Ultra-Nightmare" difficulty level features permadeath, which causes the savegame to be lost once the player dies. The campaign also features 13 levels.

Many of the levels have multiple pathways and open areas, which allow players to explore and find collectibles and secrets throughout the levels. Other pickups include small Doomguy figurines that allow the player to view 3D models of different characters, and data files that expand on the characters and story. Additionally, each of the game's levels contains a hidden lever which opens an area extracted from a classic level in the original Doom or Doom II. Finding each of these areas unlocks them, making them accessible from the game's main menu in a section called Classic Maps.

The Plot:

Players take the role of an unnamed space marine as he battles demonic forces from Hell that have been unleashed by the Union Aerospace Corporation on a future-set colonized planet Mars.

The Thankz:

Thank you id software and Bethesda software for rebooting this game.

Doom 2016- is a epic game and return to the Doom format that once was and adds more new.