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    Dugs n' Pubs

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    The Dug App from Dugs n' Pubs helps you find UK Dog Friendly Pubs, Cafes and Shops. Scotland: There...

Extreme Honor (True Heroes, #1)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<b>Crossposted at <a href="">What's Detetiv Doing Now?</a>

Ok, can I just gush about this cover? That was the first thing that caught my eye! I have a soft spot for combat and working dogs, so naturally after reading the summary I had to request this. Normally I do not go for suspense but this had great buildup and lots of twists and turns! This book slightly reminds me of D.D. Ayres's K-9 Rescue series as they are both suspense romance around a working dog. Really can not wait for book two.

</b><i>I do not get paid for this netgalley arc~</i>
The Story of Diva and Flea
Mo Willems | 2015
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Flea is a street cat in Paris who lives by his wits all alone. Diva is a dog in a small apartment building who is afraid of everything. When their paths cross one day, they build a friendship. How might that change their lives?

This early chapter book is longer than normal for author Mo Willems, but it still holds all of his charm and bits of humor. The story is utterly charming for all ages, and the lessons about the power of friendship are great.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.
John Wick (2014)
John Wick (2014)
2014 | Action, Thriller
Keanu at his best (2 more)
The best fight choreography since The Raid: Redemption
A surprisingly touching story, much deeper than: Man's dog gets killed.
John Wick was a surprise hit for me. I got the amazing action I expected and wanted, but the heart behind the story surprised me. I was expecting a simple revenge flick, what I got was a movie about a man releasing his anger at the life that had been taken away from him too soon (his wife's) in a way that gave sympathy for his plight (the death of his puppy). Remarkably touching between all the violence, this movie is a cant miss.
The Predator (2018)
The Predator (2018)
2018 | Action, Horror
Good action scenes (1 more)
Feels like a throw back to 90's action films
Silly plot elements (0 more)
Bloody good
You have to have an open mind for this type of film. The first was a classic and the series along with Avp has gone down hill mainly since. Although @Predators (2010) was OK.
This has a vibe more in keeping with the original. Gory kills, the humour and camaraderie of the soldiers. Along with the finale. The action overall is pretty good. The only downside is the rather silly storyline at times and the Predator dog. A film to enjoy rather than take too seriously.
If, by and large, books can be compared to food - the classics being haute cuisine; the terrible books being dog-food - then the X-Wing series of Star Wars books (all written pre-Episode One, and based on the popular LucasArts games) could probably be best described as fast food: enjoyable enough in small doses but you wouldn't want to live on them and not always that memorable.

With regard to this book, which picks up from the end of Timothy Zahn's "The Last Command" (with the ending of that novel shown from a different perspective), it's also more than half way through before the jacket blurb begins to make sense.
Into the Fire
Into the Fire
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The great thing about reading the fifth novel in this thrilling series is that you know what to expect and Gregg Hurwitz does not disappoint! While this novel had a few wonderful debuts (Dog the Rhodesian Ridgeback) the best “new” element was seeing Orphan X vulnerable and human. Although it has been said and implied throughout the previous books that he can/does get hurt, his exceptional training and amazing (reflexes? talent?) proficiency make it highly unlikely. To see him struggle with physical challenges as well as his spiritual and emotional ones continues to round out this character we have come to know (somewhat) and love (unequivocally)!


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