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10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Such a fun read for young readers. The age range of 8-12 is perfect for this book, boy or girl. Frankie Dupont is just like a young modern day Sherlock Holmes trying to solve a mystery along with his dad, a few friends and his trusty sidekick dog. This was a fun mystery as it involved two mysteries that end up being surprisingly related. The book is a simple but a fun engaging read. I was trying to figure out the clues and who-dun-it as i read along. I love how Frankie's mind works and his fun gadgets and scientific knowledge he uses to solve the mystery. Sure made me want some chocolate too. A recommended read!
Tranquility Base Hotel & Casino by Arctic Monkeys
Tranquility Base Hotel & Casino by Arctic Monkeys
2018 | Indie, Rock
When it came to thus album I felt like there were really two groups when it came to Arctic Monkey fans... You have the AM fans who just wanted another AM album and you have the Arctic Monkey fans who knew that this album was going to be different and were ready for it... I was firmly in the ready for something new and I was not disappointed. Yes this album really channeled a more Bowie-esque sound and I will admit to tearing up while giving it the first listen through but at its heart this was a Arctic Moneky album and like their other albums I loved it. Also hearing Four Out of Five live made me dog the album even more.
The Fox and the Hound (1981)
The Fox and the Hound (1981)
1981 | Animation, Family
8.4 (32 Ratings)
Movie Rating
The overall message, the story-line, the music, the art (0 more)
Get ready to cry (0 more)
If you've never seen this movie, do it now
Contains spoilers, click to show
This is one of my favorite Disney movies and I still remember watching it in the theater when I was 7 or 8 years old. I cried then and cry every time I watch it. Tod is a fox who was orphaned and raised by Widow Tweed. Amos Slade is Widow Tweed's neighbor and owner of Copper, a hound dog. Tod and Copper meet up and become fast friends, unaware that they are meant to be enemies. There is great music, a great story and a wonderful message about friendship. Best of all, it doesn't focus on beautiful princesses looking for a hero.
Rory runs the Lucky Dog Boutique in Destiny, CA. When someone starts breaking into local shops and leaving bad luck symbols in their wake, no one wants to talk about it for fear of bringing down even more bad luck on the town. After the real-estate agent who has been trying to find Rory the perfect home confesses to the vandalism and is subsequently murdered, Rory decides it is time to investigate.

Destiny is a quaint, almost fairy-tale like town where superstitions are real and good luck charms are a necessity. I might not like to live there, but it is fun to visit for a while!

<i>Note: I received a free copy in exchange for an honest review.</i>
Doggone It (Dreamwalker, #3)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Book 3 of The Dreamwalker Series.

I frequently read paranormal cozies, but this was my first encounter with a ghost dog! Baxley’s abilities as a dreamwalker were unique, and when they stopped working for her, it added a whole new layer of conflict to the story. The mystery kept me guessing, the characters were entertaining, and the paranormal element was a lot of fun.

Doggone It is book #3 in the Dreamwalker series, but the first one that I read. I had no trouble figuring out what was going on, or who was who, but I wish I would have read the other books just to have seen the characters relationships develop firsthand.

<i> NOTE: I voluntary read and reviewed an advanced copy. </i>
Crown of Midnight
Crown of Midnight
Sarah J. Maas | 2013 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
9.1 (48 Ratings)
Book Rating
Alright - This book was alright - it was mid range for me. I had a hard time with the first half the book, a lot of it I found to be uninteresting and boring - but then the last half of the book came and it knocked my socks off. There was a lot going on (I still can't pronounce half the words and names), I enjoyed where the story went after a certain point, I didn't think I'd end up wanting to read Book 3 but now after the way this story has ended it just makes me want to request book 3 from the library. Darn those cliffhangers! Is it wrong how I think the dog is my favourite character in the book? No. okay.

Andy K (10823 KP) created a post in Dear Smashbomb....

Sep 29, 2018  
OK number one complaint about getting older...can't stay awake! I used to be able to start watching a movie at like 10 pm, but this is no more. If I don't have my movie going by 7:00 or 7:30 I will guarantee to fall asleep by the time it is done.

I even try caffeine and that doesn't seem to help. I know getting enough sleep is probably part of it. Because I sleep with my dog, I most likely don't get enough deep sleep as I should, but it's very frustrating.

I take movies very seriously, so when I miss something and have to rewatch I get so upset with myself.

(I'm also upset the word"rewatch" isn't recognized as an actual word!)

Sarah (7799 KP) Oct 9, 2018

@Andy K I completely missed this post, sorry! Sadly I suffer from the opposite, struggling to get to sleep,

How much sleep do you get usually during the night? It does sound like this could be a factor. Is it only through watching films that you find you can’t stay awake?


Andy K (10823 KP) Oct 10, 2018

Usually 6-7 hours. I sleep with my dog which is probably part of the problem. Not just movies, that is just when it is the most annoying. Sometimes I wake up and then have to rewind what I missed.

I try caffeine, but that only helps a little.

Probably not much I could do.