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This Is the Sea by The Waterboys
This Is the Sea by The Waterboys
1985 | Folk, Pop, Rock
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I suppose this is another more upbeat song. I feel like I can remember it from one of those Best of the ‘80s compilations from when I was a teenager, but unlike a lot of the songs from that era, it has a lot of real lived experience and heart to it. “Although these songs are in chronological order, this had an influence on me when we were touring with Klaxons in 2007. At the end of the tour I stayed in New York to write on my own for a few weeks. I’d read that Mike Scott from The Waterboys was living on the East Side, and I would walk around that area every day listening to “The Whole of the Moon” hoping I’d bump into him. Which I never did, unfortunately. “I love the story behind this track. Essentially, one night Mike Scott had been out drinking and he met this girl. As he walked her back to her apartment, he told her he was a songwriter and she said “Well, then write me a song now.” He looked up at the sky and there was a half crescent of the moon, and he wrote the first half of this song on the walk home, just to impress this girl. I was so blown away by the romance of that. “I would sit on this bench at a dog park and think ‘How do I summon that greatness in a song.’ A few days before I flew home, I wrote “Two Doors Down”, sat on that bench in that dog park. And I feel I’ve got Mike Scott to thank for that."


Mark Arm recommended Stooges by The Stooges in Music (curated)

Stooges by The Stooges
Stooges by The Stooges
1969 | Rock
9.4 (5 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"It's hard for me to choose between The Stooges and Fun House even though they're very different. I probably bought them within weeks of each other in 1980 when I was at college and I loved them both equally, you know? The first record has some of Ron Asheton's greatest guitar leads. The guitar sound is fantastic. It's occasionally got tribal drums which Fun House doesn't have. There's a whole different feel and Iggy's vocals are sort of detached. The Stooges opens up with '1969' and 'I Wanna Be Your Dog', but then there's this mellow thing that lasts nine minutes or something... Oh man! I kind of love 'We Will Fall' for its weirdness We did the Big Day Out in Australia in 1993 and that had us, Iggy, Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds, The Beasts Of Bourbon and a few other people on that bill, and we all got on stage to do 'I Wanna Be Your Dog' and had a ball. There's something primal about all of the Stooges. Fun House almost feels like a live set. It's got the show opener 'Down On The Street', it builds up a bit more with another couple of songs and then you flip it over and all of a sudden the saxophone kicks in. The song 'Fun House' in particular is kind of what jazz rock fusion should have been instead of Al Di Meola and shit like that. There's a jazz element but with a totally rocking rhythm section. I suppose I have chosen a lot of records with the sax on, I'm not opposed to the saxophone!"

Welcome to Night Vale
Welcome to Night Vale
8.7 (36 Ratings)
Podcast Rating
Mysterious and Unique characters (0 more)
I don't really enjoy to much of the weather reports (0 more)
From the faceless old lady who secretly lives in your home
A fictitious but friendly desert community. Cecil Palmer narrates the goings on of strange characters, strange locations, and sometimes even stranger happenings. With characters like the librarians and the Glow Cloud (all hail) and locations of the Dog park one is lead to believe this town is but another boring stop along Highway 800. Very quickly, you realize the Faceless old woman who secretly lives in your home might be more than she seems. With friends like the blogger Hiram McDaniels, a literal five-headed dragon, who can breathe fire from at least one of those heads, crazy and exciting things are bound to happen.
When I first saw this book I wasn't sure, a book written from the dog's point of view and a Dachshund's point of view at that, hmmm, how wrong could I have been. The author, Kathleen Chamberlin, captures the spirit and character of doxies totally. Showing how it is their home and life and we should be honoured to be allowed to share it with them. Marcy's disdain for the visitor is clearly felt and when the story takes a twist the reader eagerly follows Marcy, cheering on the family and generally revelling in the feeling of euphoria by the end.
A real, feel-good book for dog or pet owners, but a true treasure for anyone who has ever spent time with a doxie. I love it.
Stan is hired to cater a birthday party for a dog at a neighboring farm. However before the party can even get started, the owner is found dead. Did one of Hal’s business dealings turn deadly?

While I enjoyed the first book in the series, this one was even stronger. The characters are growing in an engaging way, and I liked spending time around them. The pacing of the plot was better than the first, and I was surprised by several twists before we reached the climax. There were several engaging sub-plots as well, and some plot threads from the first book were picked up and resolved here as well.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.
National Lampoon&#039;s Vacation (1983)
National Lampoon's Vacation (1983)
1983 | Comedy
The dog went on the picnic basket!
The Griswolds!

Everyone's favorite adventurous family embarks on their inaugural journey together to go see Wallyworld in California and encounters creepy annoying relatives and all sorts of unsavory characters along the way.

I once had a long discussion with someone about which was better, the first Vacation or Christmas Vacation, this one being my favorite of the bunch. The family dynamic on the open road, for me, was slightly more entertaining than Christmas at home with the relatives which is also still a lot of fun.

Seemed like a liked the introduction of Randy Quaid, John Candy, Christy Brinkley and Imogeen Coca and just thought it was a lot of fun waiting to see what happened next.