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Bram Stoker's Dracula (1992)
Bram Stoker's Dracula (1992)
1992 | Horror, Romance, Sci-Fi

"And then, another film that’s kind of out of this realm again: I really love Coppola’s Dracula. I just love it. I love the way it was made, how operatic it is. The production design — the production value — on that movie is so amazing. It’s just such a gorgeous, sumptuous movie to watch. And I think at the time that I saw it, I totally fell in love with Gary Oldman. I think I was 13 or 14, and it made me an Oldman fan for life. He’s incredible."


Awix (3310 KP) created a poll

Apr 20, 2020  
Vote, vote, vote for your favourite incredibly obscure Marvel character they'll never make a movie about!

Devil Dinosaur, the super-powered tyrannosaur
Squirrel Girl, mistress of the buck-toothed tree-rats
Son of Satan, guaranteed to get multiplexes in the bible belt burned
NFL Superpro, who got his powers from breathing in the fumes from burning sports memorabilia (I'm not making this up)

0 votes

U.S.A the cyborg space-trucker
Asbestos Lady, who these days spends most of her time fighting lawsuits

0 votes

Hellcow, a victim of Dracula who became the world's first vampire ruminant
Leather Boy (don't ask)

0 votes

Bram Stoker, Ang Lee | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
8.1 (47 Ratings)
Book Rating
Dracula by Bram Stoker is the ultimate horror classic of all times. This is where it all started. A tale about a creature that feeds on the blood to survive, but also a tale of friendship and love, described and presented in a way we rarely have a privilege to see these days.

If Vampire Diaries, Vampire Academy, Twilight and the Sookie Stackhouse series pop to your mind when you first think of vampires, this book might feel extremely slow to your taste. However, if you want to experience the real horror and the building tension through many diary entries - you will enjoy this book completely.

I am a fan of both, and I had moments where I fell in love with the detailed explanations of weather and whereabouts. But the setting of writing many polite letters to people dear to the characters also made me cringe. I suppose a cringe can’t be all bad for a horror book though?

Through many diary entries of various characters, we follow their experience with the Count Dracula. Young Jonathan Harker is sent to go to Transylvania and arrange for the apartments the Count Dracula wants to buy in London. During his stay, he faces many unusual things. Meanwhile, his fiance Mina and her friend Lucy are in London, and Lucy is facing some unusual experiences herself, when Dr. Seward arrives to help better her condition.

“How blessed are some people, whose lives have no fears, no dreads; to whom sleep is a blessing that comes nightly, and brings nothing but sweet dreams.”

I knew what I was getting into, and I believe knowing this is a classic, and not a fast-paced romance with a paranormal twist put me in the right mood from the very beginning, so I was aware of what I was going into, and I really enjoyed it!

Dracula as a character is so mysterious, so powerful, very feared and secretly admired. I both loved and hated the fact that we don’t get to really see much of him, but we have to be satisfied with what the other characters are going through. And even though, he continues to be a shadow, a fear, a thought of everything they are doing. He is always there, even when he isn’t, and it requires great skills as a writer to create that presence for a character.

The characters of Lucy and Mina were very interesting - from a time perspective. How things have changed for women in all these years. What women were doing and thinking at that time, and how different it is now. I suppose I could make all the comparisons in the world - but one thing stays true will all classic books - they leave a mark of the time they were written, and this mark always gets better as time goes by.

“It is really wonderful how much resilience there is in human nature. Let any obstructing cause, no matter what, be removed in any way - even by death - and we fly back to first principles of hope and enjoyment."

I am glad I read Dracula, and I will try to read more classics in the new year. The writing style, the past of them, they remind you to take a big breath and acknowledge many things you take for granted in today’s world. In a world of page-turners, you sometimes need a slow book that makes you think deeply.

Kirk Bage (1775 KP) rated Dracula in TV

Jul 6, 2020 (Updated Aug 6, 2020)  
2020 | Drama, Horror
6.1 (14 Ratings)
TV Show Rating
Claes Bang as Dracula (1 more)
The Production Design
Doesn't Sustain to the End (0 more)
Smashbomb Giveaway Prize
This was a surprise treat for me in the early weeks of lockdown, and my first win of anything in the suburb Smashbomb giveaways. It was a very welcome distraction, and a very fun thing to do in a blitz over the course of one evening.

The DVD presents the episodes as three feature length chapters, as opposed to the six episodes as shown on the BBC.

The look of it all is superlative for the budget, and I would praise the production design, music and visual style above anything else. Claes Bang as Dracula is a revelation, at once funny and terrifying in just the right balance.

However, the adaptation, and attempt to update the story somewhat, doesn't always work. It begins very well indeed, the first hour being far more moody and of a high quality than I had expected. And then slowly, as it strays from the classic elements of the story into camp and unnecessary modernity it loses its bite!

The quality curve goes completely the wrong way, with all the best bits up front and the worst bits at the climax. Close, but nothing more than a disposable curiosity in the end.

Regardless, many thanks to Smashbomb for the giveaway! Appreciate it!
Doctor Who: Son of the Dragon
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Once I got over my surprise that this was not a story set in Asia and featured no dragons, I quite enjoyed myself. It feels like a long while since I heard a 5th Doctor pure historical, (not true, this being the era of Peri and Erimem, but still) and like Peri, I kept waiting for that supernatural element to appear. We are talking about Dracula, after all. But nope. Just a wonderful straightforward historical with some great performances. I tire a bit of the "let's throw Erimem to the lusty bad guy trope" but other than that, high marks. For more on this, visit

Awix (3310 KP) rated The Legend of the 7 Golden Vampires (1974) in Movies

Feb 7, 2018 (Updated Feb 9, 2018)  
The Legend of the 7 Golden Vampires  (1974)
The Legend of the 7 Golden Vampires (1974)
1974 | Action, Adventure, Horror
6.8 (6 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Chop Sucky
One of those movies where a bunch of very talented people get together and somehow manage to produce something not all that great. The famous British horror movie studio Hammer gets together with Hong Kong's Shaw Brothers to produce a Gothic horror kung fu movie that also manages to pastiche The Magnificent Seven (et al).

You want to know the plot? Well, a gaggle of Chinese vampires feel they aren't getting the respect they deserve, and so they recruit Dracula as a sort of foreign signing to help with their brand awareness, or something. However, also on a lecture tour of China is Dracula's nemesis Van Helsing (Peter Cushing, using all his powers to elevate deeply suspect material), even though they've apparently never met before, and he sets off with a gang of local kung fu experts to sort the problem out. Cushing is not required to do any kung fu, the Chinese cast are not required to say 'Transylvania' more often than is absolutely necessary, and Christopher Lee flatly refuses to participate (Dracula, who appears to be overdoing his make-up, is played by another actor).

Nevertheless this is still schlocky good fun, although the script doesn't even make sense on its own terms and credited director Roy Ward Baker doesn't seem quite sure of what to do with the kung fu genre. One of the most bonkers of the late-period Hammer horror movies, not that this is necessarily a bad thing.