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Bram Stoker's Dracula (1992)
Bram Stoker's Dracula (1992)
1992 | Horror, Romance, Sci-Fi
Another Coppola classic!
Coppola's take on the classic Dracula story is to use the book as the source! So many of the other adaptations, including the 1931 classic, changed or combined characters, rather than stay true to the source material.

So many of his decisions were great when making the film including firing his original visual effects team and hiring his son, Roman Coppola to take a more "traditional" route when setting up the film's look through "old school" techniques instead of the modern day approach the original team wanted. The result was very unique, almost "cheapish" looking, but the way the filmmaker wanted it to look.

There has been much written over the years about Keanu Reeves' role in the film and how he felt out of place with the rest of the remarkable cast. In retrospect, he may have been miscast, but I have grown to enjoy his performance over years. The performances of Gary Oldman and Anthony Hopkins (fresh off his cannibalistic Oscar win) certainly carry the film. Oldman almost makes the character of Dracula a sympathetic one. You almost want to root for him to be successful instead of damning him back to hell as the master vampire.

Overall, one of my top 3 vampire flicks of all time and a consistent rewatch. Just purchased on 4K which made the look and fell, colors and darkness of the film as fresh as ever. Highly recommended.

The Return of the Vampire (1944)
The Return of the Vampire (1944)
1944 | Classics, Horror
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Bela Lugosi (0 more)
Vampire Telsa
The Return of the Vampire- at first I thought it was a sequel to "Mark of the Vampire", but it was not. Second i thought it might be a sequel to "Dracula", than i was like it couldnt be cause ths film was made by Columbia not Univerisal. So what is it than. Its a stand-alone. Its Bela Lugosi playing as a vampire, sound like anethor film? Anyways..

The Plot: In 1918 London, Hungarian vampire Armand Tesla (Bela Lugosi) uses his servant, werewolf Andreas Obry (Matt Willis), to assist in procuring victims. When a friend of Lady Jane Ainsley (Frieda Inescort) becomes Tesla's next victim, Jane and an acquaintance stalk the vampire and kill him by driving a stake through his heart. But 23 years later, a German bomb disturbs Tesla's grave, and cemetery workers restoring the site pull the stake from his corpse, bringing him back to life to seek revenge.

The Return of the Vampire is not an official sequel to Lugosi's 1931 Universal Studios film Dracula, but the film has been interpreted by David J. Skal as an unofficial follow-up with Lugosi's character renamed only because the film was not made by Universal.

Bela Lugosi's scenes were filmed in August and September 1943, prior to his final two Monogram films. This was also the last time he would receive top billing by a major Hollywood studio.

Its a really good film.

Merissa (11805 KP) rated Dracula in Books

Dec 17, 2018  
Bram Stoker, Ang Lee | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
8.1 (47 Ratings)
Book Rating
The one that is credited with starting them all - this was, and remains, a classic. I am possibly in the minority in that I love the vampire genre, both film and book, but have never seen Bram Stoker's Dracula on the screen. So this book was completely new to me.

This is taking the vampire back to basics. There is no "glory" in being bitten, it is hurtful and raw and will not leave you feeling aroused to pleasured; it will leave you feeling weak, lethargic and near to death. The vampires in this aren't uncommonly handsome although they do possess charisma in bucketloads. This version is written in 1800's English so at times it can be a bit hard to follow although, on the whole, it is an easy enough read. It is also written completely in diary format although the diary could be one of 6/7 characters. There is a lot of detail given in the surroundings, the ambiance, the feelings and you will definitely be reading a lot about how sweet a woman Mina Harker is! A compliment given to her in the book is that she has a woman's heart but a man's brain!

The whole book builds up to the characters meeting up with Dracula and the struggle and fight that will commence once they do. However, the book itself seems to wrap everything up within a couple of pages and so has the feeling of being incredibly rushed at the end.

A classic.
Son of Frankenstein (1939)
Son of Frankenstein (1939)
1939 | Classics, Horror
He's still alive!...
The son of Dr. Henry Frankenstein comes back to the family mansion many years after the events in Bride of Frankenstein with his family eager to start a new life. There is still a foul haze over the town and villagers after the havoc the monster had wreaked oh so many years ago. Frankenstein finds it hard to change the mood.

Enter Ygor, a strange man who enters Frankenstein's life and reveals a vastly kept secret, the monster is alive! Frankenstein, eager to rescue his family's reputation decides it a good idea to revive the monster. Unfortunately, the newly risen monster has become the henchman of Ygor and does his ghastly bidding.

The story this time around is starting to feel a bid tired. There are several sections where the monster does not appear at all making the story fairly slow going at times.

The best addition to this film is Bela Lugosi as Ygor. The original Dracula shows up here and is marvelously wicked and hilarious. I'm not sure I had ever seen him in anything except Dracula, so it was a refreshing change to see him with different make up and costumes and such a charming and sinister villain to play.

I would still recommend to fans of the franchise, but I was really disappointed we didn't get more of the Bride of Frankenstein in this one especially since the monster was back. They could've found a way to bring her back as well.

Spooks Run Wild (1941)
Spooks Run Wild (1941)
1941 | Comedy, Horror
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
The East Side Kids Meet Dracula
Spooks Run Wild- is a funny entertaining horror movie starting the East Side Kids and of course Bela Lugosi as the creepy man/villian.

The plot: The East Side Kids are sent to summer camp, and shortly after arriving they encounter a mysterious man named Nardo (Bela Lugosi). Naturally, the Kids assume Nardo is the "monster killer" they've been warned about. Their theory is strengthened when they see Peewee (David Gorcey), seemingly risen from the dead after getting shot, walking around Nardo's house in a zombie-like trance. The Kids take it upon themselves to capture Nardo before he can kill anyone else.

Like i said its funny entertaining and over a good black and white comedy horror film.

Lev Kalman recommended Blood for Dracula (1974) in Movies (curated)

Blood for Dracula (1974)
Blood for Dracula (1974)
1974 | Classics, Comedy, Drama
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"This is the kind of film I love most—the kind I’m never really comfortable recommending to anyone. I can totally picture someone saying, “It’s awful,” and I’d be like, “Yeah. I see that.” Like, why is it so funny? And why, despite the constant silliness—an effete, vegetarian, sulky Dracula; Joe Dallesandro as a he-man socialist Brooklyn peasant; the jokes about finding young “wirgins”—is the overall effect so mournful and lonely? I think the answer has to do with the way the film never telegraphs its intentions. It modulates between horror, satire, spoof, porn, and tragedy, but imperceptibly. To catch the changes, you have to be in the flow of the movie, enthralled by it—and then everything works."


Luke (12 KP) rated Castlevania in TV

Oct 2, 2017  
2017 | Action, Animation, Horror
Great Animation (2 more)
A-list voice cast.
Faithful to the lore of the video games
Really short (1 more)
Enemy design is a little boring
Castlevania (Netflix) is a 2017 animation series based on the video games of the same name. Based on Castlevania 3: Dracula's Curse, with some elements of Symphony of the Night included, the series follows Trevor Belmont, voiced by Richard Armitage, as he investigates the incident in Wallachia after the townsfolk murdered the wife of Dracula. It's very clear that the Belmont family has had a history with the local church and that Trevor is clearly an outcast in this sleepy little town. Normally with these types of shows, Dracula is usually seen as the villain. However, the first episode shows that he might have just a little bit of humanity left in him, as shown by the voice work done by Graham McTavish. The animation here is abosulutely beautiful. Some of the action scenes are really well done, especially one in particular in the fourth episode. If I had any gripes with this series, I would say that the design of the gargoyle like creatures is a little uninspired. And right now, the series is only four episodes long. But they are currently working on a second season which will be much longer, so that is definitely something to look forward to. Overall, I would say that Castlevania on Netflix is a great series for both fans of the games and of vampire fiction in general. And this might be the best video game adaptation to date. This is definitely a great night to have a curse.