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    Claudstersxd (0 KP)

    Book Dragon (aka book hoarder)

    I am book obsessed, a video game fanatic, a mother and wife, childish, and so much more.


    ESTyree (0 KP)

    Educator, Book Dragon, Author, Jogger & weirdo

    I am a single mommy and Music and ELA teacher in small town USA. In my 30 seconds of "free" time a...


    Glittery Sawa (5 KP)

    Pirate Book Dragon

    I am a rum drinking pirate who when not terrorizing the seas reads any book I can find. I'll read...

    Last Active: Jan 11, 2018

    Shells323 (0 KP)

    Book Dragon Wannabe Writer and Artist

    I grew up with a book always in my hand. I read for entertainment, escape, and education. I love to...


    SLColman (0 KP)

    Book dragon, lover of fandoms, tv and movie binger

    Books, T.V., movies, fandoms


    Jennifer H (1 KP)

    Book dragon

    I am a bibliophile who loves to share books with friends and family. Always on the look out for my...

    Last Active: Jul 25, 2018

    DarthVix (3 KP)

    Book Dragon, Fur Mommy, Sith.

    Happy wife, fur mommy, Vegan, book blogger, hardcore gamer, bibliophile, cosplayer, librarian in...

    Last Active: Sep 21, 2018

    Dominique Marie (7 KP)

    Book Dragon/Mermaid

    Ravenclaw with a minor in Hufflepuff. I like several genres. Lately I've been reading a lot of Fairy...

    Last Active: Jan 15, 2019