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Roberta Lee has put a name to the layers upon layers of stress that eventually break down our bodies and ruin our lives—it’s called SuperStress. She tells of the physical and mental affects that this SuperStress has on us. She also gives us ways to fix it—without drugs.

This handbook is holistic. Therapy means physical therapy, exercise, meditation and breathing control. Prescriptions means herbs and health foods and vitamins. Lee is not taking away the symptoms of stress-related bad health—she’s fixing the problem behind it.

The program outlined in this book is one you can follow with or without a doctor helping you along. She gives physical exercises and stretches that you can do, a two-week food plan to get you going on a better diet, journaling prompts to learn how to release your stress in words, and lots of other things.

I would recommend reading two parts of the book at once: Read through the first half, a little bit at a time, and learn about the science behind our stress, at the same time follow the program outlined in the back of the book. This way you’re reading and changing your lifestyle at the same time.

The only reason I don’t give it a 5/5 is because some of the meditation aspects in this book are self-centered, and by that I don’t mean prideful and greedy, I mean self-focused. I have learned that focusing on self will not release any stress, it will only pile on more. The only true way to release everything mentally is to lean on Christ. The journaling prompts in the book are in line with that, but some of the affirmations that are to be recited while meditating are so self-centered that I cannot see how any relief would come of it. That is coming from me as a Christian.

 The SuperStress Solution is a fantastic book for people who are in heavy stress and need a way out without the use of drugs or extensive therapy. Recommended for ages 16+.
Climax (2018)
Climax (2018)
2018 | Drama, Horror, Musical
Does it satisfy?
#climax is a highly #depressing character study/a stomach churning look into darker human traits. As a huge #gasparnoe #fan I know his work is often dissmissed for being vulgar, #discusting, explicit, grotesque & pretentious but I actually find him to be a master of portraying human #emotion, relationships, #sex & #violence truthfully, realisticly & passionatly on screen. Climax is no diffrent & a fantastic mash up of #horror & #musical with such raw style/talent its hard not to get lost in its harsh madness. We are introduced to a diverse range or characters all with intricatly woven personalities & surrounded by books/movies that give us as an insite into Noes inspirations as a film maker & a taste of whats to come later. We learn from this that every one has thier own fears/problems, is searching for happines or has pent up anger, #fetishes, predatory traits, innocence, #passion, #lust or desires. They all also seem to use #dance as an escape, a display of emotion/personality, to make a statement or to evolve, #empower or rebell too. What follows is a simple story of what happens when #drugs are added in to this mix. Kind of like a messed up social experiment the #drugs highten personslity traits, magnify social problems & intensify eratic behaviours/emotions sending people spiriling out of cotroll. Just watching this group self distruct is nausiating & gaspar manages to filp from #happy into an atmospheric, unnerving real life horror movie with terrifying situations many of us have actually experienced before. Filmed in long takes & acompanied by such an impressive soundtrack & #beautiful cinimatohraphy the work gone into this film is simply stunning & much like a flawless dance routine itself. Sex plays a big part here too & as the dancers frequently use #sex/#sexually to express themselves we start to see the likening of dance to the act of vilolence as the #sexual tension ramps up with things like #trust, temptation, jelousy, infatuation, #passion, aression, manipulation, betrayal & animalistic urges present in both acts. A stunningly intricate piece of work that left my #heart pounding/my emotions attacked proving again that Gaspar really is an #artist.
Born To Be Blue (2016)
Born To Be Blue (2016)
2016 | International, Drama, Musical
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Ethan Hawke is fantastic (0 more)
The back and forth between flashbacks and the film within a film is confusing at times (0 more)
Seriously depressing, a masterful musician and his addiction
As a fan of jazz great Chet Baker, Born to be Blue is an honest and brutal portrayal of the trumpeter, especially during his worst time battling addiction. After a mysterious but vicious assault Baker, portrayed by Ethan Hawke, he is left unable to play and kicked out of the industry on parole.

While it is mostly accurate, his love interest is an amalgamation of his three ex-wives and so there is a bit of artistic licence. And at times it flips into flashbacks of black and white, which is a film in a film, when Baker played himself in his biopic. But mostly it's his relationship with heroin which he took until the end of his life in 1988, though the film only concentrates on his growing insecurity between 1950 and 1960.

It's sad knowing how it ends, too many talents lost in the haze of drugs.

Suswatibasu (1702 KP) rated Digging Up Mother: A Love Story in Books

Oct 14, 2017 (Updated Oct 15, 2017)  
Digging Up Mother: A Love Story
Digging Up Mother: A Love Story
Doug Stanhope | 2016 | Biography, Humor & Comedy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Crude, hilarious, and sombre at times
Listened to on Audible.

For all lovers of gonzo, Doug Stanhope reaches the top of the list of crude humour, insane experiences muddled in with bittersweet memories.

This autobiography is hilarious, and the only way to read it, is to listen to it, given there are so many 'director's comments', in which Doug and his friends discuss the incident at hand. Also the fact that he is drunk at times and will loudly burp just adds to the book so much more than skimming through the pages. While the majority is about him, it premises around his mother's life and death which have ultimately shaped him. She's no ordinary mother that's a fact.

From being a pyromaniac as a child, a teen male prostitute to telephone salesman, Stanhope has had an interesting life mixed in with drugs, alcohol, women and stand up comedy. And while you do think he's a bit of a so-and-so, it's still very funny. A great listen.
Marvel's Jessica Jones - Season 2
Marvel's Jessica Jones - Season 2
2018 | Drama
Jessica Jones origin (1 more)
Character development
Weaker than Season 1 (1 more)
Trish was annoying
Adequate Season
Contains spoilers, click to show
As a huge Jessica Jones fan, I was excited for Season 2. But when watching it, I felt a little disappointed as I had waited 3 years for an merely adequate season. Don't get me wrong, I was glad we got to see Jessica's origin story as it wasn't fully explained in Season 1. I was also happy to see all of the main characters developing, which they failed to do in Season 1. I was a bit annoyed by Trish this season as she became a completely different character to how she was portrayed in Season 1, but this could be down to the enhancement drugs she was on. I was extremely happy at Jessica's new love interest, Oscar, and his son, Vido, and how the three of them became a family-like group. Even though I felt let down by this season, I would still watch Season 3 to see where the show goes and because I am still a fan of Jessica Jones as a character.
The Girl in the Rain (Deep Waters, #1)
L.G. Davis | 2017
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I jumped between giving this book a 3 and 4 stars, it started off quite exciting, it stayed quite engaging throughout the book, and it ended quite exciting, for that I'd say it's a 4 star book, however, I had a bit trouble with the MC and her interaction with her brother.

The whole concept of this book was great - coming from someone who lived with a brother who both abused drugs and alcohol for quite a while, I can see where she was coming from, however, there was a lot of the "woe is me" syndrome that I HATED. I get the feelings of burden and guilt but - as someone who has been there done that, but I think this was taken way to the point of excess.

I know it was meant to build suspense, but it had me kind of hating the MC a lot, hating the whole mid part of the book, which was frustrating. The end highly made up for it though and now I do want to continue with the series because, cliffhangers amirite?
Animals (2019)
Animals (2019)
2019 | Comedy, Drama
It's well shot and Holliday Grainger is great (0 more)
Hateful characters that acted in depressingly negative ways that I couldn't relate to. (0 more)
As sponsored by Jacob’s Creek.
Laura (Holliday Grainger) and Tyler (Alia Shawkat) are two late twenty-somethings partying their way to an early death through drink, drugs and lack of sleep in Dublin. They are co-habiting best friends, with Laura a hugely unsuccessful part-time novelist and Tyler a barista. But these “professions” are just to fill the day and provide cash (SURELY not enought!?) to fuel their nights. They are swimming against the current of convention, but when Laura falls for concert pianist Jim (Fra Fee), and ‘settling down’ starts to look like an option, then this begins to put a terrible strain on their friendship.

A well made film, but I just found all the characters hateful and unrelatable to. Didn't enjoy it.

For the full review, please visit One Mann's Movies on

Diva (60 KP) Dec 17, 2019

I agree with you - I didn’t have any emotional connection to the protagonists! I had been looking forward to this film all summer, the trailers made it look like a comedy. But it was more of a dark, tragic tale.