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Fae’s Captive (Fae’s Captive #1)
Fae’s Captive (Fae’s Captive #1)
Lily Archer | 2020 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
191 of 200
Faes Captive ( Faes captive book1)
By Lily Archer

My college roommate is the worst. Cecile steals my food, brings guys over at all hours, and parties instead of studying. But those quirks pale in comparison to what she does next. She drugs me, and I wake up imprisoned in an alternate universe full of terrifying creatures. Now, the biggest and scariest creature of all--a fae king--believes I'm his mate. He's freed me from the dungeon but keeps me close. So close, in fact, that I'm beginning to like his wintery gaze and ice-chiseled body. But secrets and villains lurk throughout this new world, and I don't know if I'll survive long enough to figure out how to get back home.
Author's Note: Fae's Captive is the first book in a series that will set your imagination--and other parts of you--on fire. Mind the cliff, but book 2 is already out.

Had so much potential but read as a novella instead of a novel! Short and apart from the kidnapping and palace escape (which I didn’t actually get why as he was a king in his own right wasn’t he? ) not much happened! I will continue hoping the others get better!

Wayne Coyne recommended Maniac Meat by Tobacco in Music (curated)

Maniac Meat by Tobacco
Maniac Meat by Tobacco
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"We saw their show a couple of weeks back, and of course I love the Black Moth Super Rainbow stuff, and Tobacco too. But I have to say when I was at the show there was a lot of new music he played and I was like 'Fuck, that's cool'. And then he gave me the new record and I discovered that a lot of what they played is on that, so to me it's the best that they've, or he's, done. He does the same song, over and over. He's working in the same colour palette every time, and he knows it, and he knows he's trapped in it, and I know it too. And it's rejuvenating. Even though you've heard these sounds he does a lot, it still comes back at you. Very effective. It's very evocative. He uses all these reverbs and echoes and distortions and it doesn't become music to you, it becomes an atmosphere, a mood. That's what a lot of this music I've talked about does: you don't think it's about drugs, you don't think it's about guitar playing, it's about a world that's created in your mind as these sounds are playing. It's fantastic."


Jerry Cantrell recommended Hotel California by Eagles in Music (curated)

Hotel California by Eagles
Hotel California by Eagles
1976 | Rock
8.0 (4 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"The Eagles are fucking bad ass. I've always been a fan of multiple voices in bands and the Eagles are another example of that. Classy musicians who fucking earned their bones through backing up other musicians. I love that documentary that they did ‘The History Of The Eagles’: the drugs, the fights, the stardom, that's just fascinating. I always really admired that band for its uniqueness and the quality of the records they made, the songwriting, the musicianship. This album and that particular track... it's like bigger than they are. Even though that's them. I mean, sometimes musicians, the song and the actual thing that gets recorded at the production, all three of those things line up at the right time and you get that magical thing, bigger than any one of you, even all of you together... it just goes a little step above. It's the whole thing: music is not about perfection, the closest you're gonna get to reaching perfection is the pursuit of trying to get there, I guess. But every once in a while, there's one song or an album that just kind of poke out, that just goes above the ceiling. That title track does that. It's a very magical song."


Marc Riley recommended Fun House by The Stooges in Music (curated)

Fun House by The Stooges
Fun House by The Stooges
1970 | Punk, Rock
8.9 (9 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"The first Stooges album came and went, it was a band finding its feet, learning how to play, being part of a scene, being influenced by the MC5, and it's really amazing. But Fun House… just listen to the difference between the two records. You have to wonder what happened in between; was it mind-bending psychedelic drugs? That's what you'd think, isn't it? It's psychedelic, there's jazz in there, it's an unfathomable album and it's been very influential. It was produced by Don Gallucci from The Kingsmen, which seems like a really weird combination. They had real problems recording it, which is why there are so many different versions you can get of it. And nothing was working so they ended up stripping everything out of the studio and just doing it as a gig. So it's Iggy with a handheld mic and the band are just amped up and really going for it. And there are real punk songs on there like 'Down On The Street'. That is prototype punk: like the blueprint for punk. It's a benchmark album, and the fact that they produced it in 1970 is even more amazing. Imagine being a kid in 1970 when that landed… it didn't sound like anything else on Earth."

The Yin and the Yang of Mr. Go (1970)
The Yin and the Yang of Mr. Go (1970)
1970 | Thriller
3.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
'It'll make you think of Dr No!' promises the poster for this almost indescribable comedy-thriller written and directed by Burgess Meredith. It didn't make me think of Dr No: it made me think of what it must be like to take hallucinogenic drugs while suffering from a bad case of the flu. The details of the plot are almost enough to defeat the English language - suffice to say that the key turning point in the story comes when the Buddha (who also narrates the story) uses his mystic powers to turn villainous Chinese-Mexican Mr Go (James Mason - yes, it's James Mason trying to play a Chinese-Mexican) into a benevolent philanthropist.

It's not just that the film is bizarre and incoherent, with plenty of gratuitous nudity, and European actors cheerfully playing Asian characters: it's also that the production values are incredibly primitive. It's almost like watching pornography without the sex (or so I would imagine). Not one element of this film is robust enough to elevate it into 'so bad it's funny' territory. It's just bad. That said, Jeff Bridges made his film debut in it, which presumably goes to show that even the least promising starts can lead to a distinguished career. But even so - for masochists and the troubled only.
The Written (Emaneska #1)
The Written (Emaneska #1)
Ben Galley | 2010 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
154 of 200
The Written ( Emaneska book 1)
By. Ben Galley

His name is Farden. They whisper that he's dangerous. Dangerous is only the half of it. Something has gone missing from the libraries of Arfell. Something very old, and something very powerful. Five scholars are now dead, a country is once again on the brink of war, and the magick council is running out of time and options. Entangled in a web of lies and politics and dragged halfway across icy Emaneska and back, Farden must unearth a secret even he doesn't want to know, a secret that will shake the foundations of his world. Dragons, drugs, magick, death, and the deepest of betrayals await. Breathtakingly vast, chillingly dark, brooding and dangerous, The Written will leave you impatiently waiting for the next adventure. Welcome to Emaneska.

Not going to lie I struggled for the first half of the book! I decided around chapter 11 not to give up. It got so much better the world building is good the concept is good and it’s very well written. The dragons are the big draw in this for me they really lifted the story and completely changed my mind. Worth a read if you like fantasy YA.