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    M.K. Tod


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    Liza Perrat


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Merissa (12271 KP) created a post

Sep 27, 2022  
"WWII and the mid-seventeenth century are entwined in this fourth dual timeline novel about Nazi art theft, bravery, friendship, and romance."

Tour: Brushstrokes from the Past (Soli Hansen Mysteries #4) by Heidi Eljarbo - @Archaeolibrary, @maryanneyarde, @HeidiEljarbo, #BlogTour, #CoffeePotBookClub, #DualTimeline, #solihansenmysteries, #HistoricalFiction, #Sweet, #Mystery,

ClareR (5777 KP) rated The Cruise in Books

Mar 17, 2023  
The Cruise
The Cruise
Catherine Cooper | 2022 | Crime, Fiction & Poetry, Mystery, Thriller
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Well. That’s another holiday off the list.

That’s the problem when an author writes an attention-grabbing book, with a nice setting and not-so-nice events.

Lola, one of the dancers on a cruise ship, falls to her death over the side of the ship, and her brother Antonio is devastated. But then more things are revealed - and I don’t want to give any of them away!

This book has a dual timeline: we go back in time to find out more about the characters, and it gives the reader some idea of why they’ve behaved the way they have. I do like a dual timeline.

No-one’s blameless or particularly nice in this, and I did wonder if Antonio was actually in possession of all/ any of his faculties.

I’m not going to say anything else about the story. I will say that it was a gripping read with a lot of forehead-slapping moments, and a few “Oh my God”s! (It’s not just me that does this, is it?).

Very enjoyable!
I enjoyed Rebecca Reid’s compelling debut novel Perfect Liars.

Perfect Liars is a thoroughly satisfying character driven psychological thriller. It’s cleverly plotted and clear from the beginning, despite being paced on the slow side, that it is a compelling tale.

The characters are somewhat unlikeable in that they are typical stereotypical pretentious, entitled, self-centered women. The story is told using a dual timeline, past and present. Whilst they display a close friendship to the world it is deeply flawed.

There are certain parts of the storyline that I felt were a little too unbelievable and that is why this does not get a full five stars from me.
I enjoyed Rebecca Reid’s compelling debut novel Perfect Liars.

Perfect Liars is a thoroughly satisfying character driven psychological thriller. It’s cleverly plotted and clear from the beginning, despite being paced on the slow side, that it is a compelling tale.

The characters are somewhat unlikeable in that they are typical stereotypical pretentious, entitled, self-centered women. The story is told using a dual timeline, past and present. Whilst they display a close friendship to the world it is deeply flawed.

There are certain parts of the storyline that I felt were a little too unbelievable and that is why this does not get a full five stars from me.

A fantastic debut by Rebecca Reid and I very much look forward to whatever she comes up with next.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publishers for the opportunity to read and review this novel at this time. 
The Edge of Belonging
The Edge of Belonging
Amanda Cox | 2020
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<a href="">Travelers Wife 4 Life</a>
The Edge of Belonging by Amanda Cox was like a breath of fresh air amid uncertain times that cause you to reflect inward to who you really are. It is listed as a dual timeline, but I think it reads just like a complete story of getting to know a person from beginning to end, with some very thought-provoking moments.

<b>“What if this whole thing is really about finding your missing pieces?”</b>

This book and the characters in it made me go on a roller-coaster of thoughts, emotions, and feelings. I was hooked from the very beginning and read the book in one sitting because it was so good. I loved how Amanda Cox used the dialogue to make me feel as if I were in the story observing everything unfolding. She also used everyday life situations to convey hope for every situation tastefully touching on topics like depression, abandonment, abuse, PTSD, and death. It was masterfully done and quite hard to believe that this was her debut novel! (I cannot imagine what she will write after getting “practice” under her belt). The Edge of Belonging has some of the most poignant moments in it that I have ever read before in a book. Ivy Rose, Harvey James, Reese, and Pearl brought to light one of life’s most resounding questions… Who are you?

<b>“You are Braver than you know. And more Loved than you realize.”</b>

The plot is a dual timeline, I do not always like them because they can be kind of wonky, but wow, this one was done to perfection. It was really like looking through a window and watching the characters interact on the other side, definitely one of the best (if not the best) dual timelines I have ever had the pleasure of reading before. Interwoven with great landscape descriptions and interesting background on all the characters plus, the 20 years kept secrets… well this book is one I will be recommending for a long time to come.

While diving deep into the different characters' lives Amanda Cox managed to give many happy endings and bring you on a journey of discovery that I think everyone can relate to and enjoy. I highly recommend this book and give it 5 stars. Great job on your first book Amanda Cox, I cannot wait to see what you write next!

*I volunteered to read this book in return for my honest feedback. The thoughts and opinions expressed within are my own.