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Merissa (11800 KP) rated Luna Ascending (Wolves of Fenrir Watch #1) in Books

Jul 30, 2021 (Updated Jul 17, 2023)  
Luna Ascending (Wolves of Fenrir Watch #1)
Luna Ascending (Wolves of Fenrir Watch #1)
Zana Wilder | 2021 | Paranormal, Romance
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
LUNA ASCENDING is the first book in the Wolves of Fenrir Watch and we find a world on the brink of war, with the humans blissfully unaware of anything.

Freya thinks she is human but there is something about her that will make you think otherwise. Maybe it's the dodgy electrics or the migraines, but from the very beginning, you know she isn't who she thinks she is. With two major factions after her, Freya needs to figure out just who she is before very much longer.

Whilst the premise of this story is a good one, the execution was a bit rough. I definitely wouldn't call it a romance as there is none. Erotica, maybe. I felt no connection between our main characters, not even the 'good' ones. There is a scene halfway through that is rape. She is coerced by a spell and thinks she wants it, but it's still rape. So be warned. The sex scenes between her and the other MC are hot (ish) but because of no connection, they still felt quite clinical. There was a lot of telling and not so much showing in this story.

It finishes on a cliffhanger and I am curious enough to want to continue this story and get some answers to the questions I have. It is very fast-paced, and with enough spelling and editorial errors to be worth mentioning. I found this to be a quick read but enjoyable.


** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Jul 30, 2021
Dead Sexy Dragon (Dragon Heat, #1)
6.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
I recently went back to NetGalley after a long duration and saw this was still sitting on my shelf. About two and a half years later. Oops. I sent it to my Kindle again and was surprised to see it show up. I figured it was high time I read and reviewed the story. Luckily it's about novella length, maybe shorter, so I thought it'd be fast and easy.

<b>Dead Sexy Dragon</b> is the first book in a paranormal series featuring shape-shifting (you guessed it!) dragons. Cora's the heroine fleeing from some trouble to her late brother's best friend and old Marine buddy, Stig Wyvern (I see what you did thar). Unfortunately for the both of them, it's his time of the month. Just kidding, but he goes through a nine-day period every three years where he's in heat. Sadly it's not called <a href=""; target="_blank">pon farr</a>.
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Anywho, they've been hot for each other for years but neither of them knows it. Naturally. Pretty soon, like the next day, they have loads of sex after she finds out he's a dragon. The sexual interactions take up around 40% of the book and treads the line between romance and erotica. Some stuff happens that I don't want to give away, but Cora ends up in peril, and then Stig. It's a romance so obviously you know how it ends.

The story is pretty rushed, and the first couple of pages were a bit rough, but there are some interesting ideas here, so I just might pick up the next book and see where it's going. In the end, it didn't rock my socks, but it was an entertaining way to spend an hour or so.

Received from Netgalley for review.
The Master and the Muses
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
After first reading <i> Tortured</i>, I was then taken in by <i>The Master and the Muse</i>. I was immediately interested in <i>The Master and the Muse</i> because it was a historical novel about an artist back when painting was still profitable career (for some). It goes through three different women he uses for models and his relationship with them. While <i> Tortured</i> was more about the plot line than the erotica, there was no want for erotic scenes in this book. McIntyre threw me for a loop with how detailed they were, too. Here, I wasn't expecting any heat and instead, I received full on fire.

Once more, I found myself ensnared by McIntyre's expert story telling. The world and characters she created were so vivid and realistic that I found myself falling in love with the novel. With each new muse, I found myself caught up in their stories, their lives, and their emotions. I felt my heart breaking with theirs and smiling with each success. My heart was always with Grace, who I felt for the most. I would have felt more sympathetic for Helen if she wasn't so pathetic, and I couldn't even begin to like Sara who just a brat. I would feel sorry for Edward, but he was so in love with Sara, he couldn't see what a snot she was.

But Grace. How could Thomas see how perfect she was? I literally wanted to punch him for being such a chauvinistic snob that he was. In all honestly, he didn’t deserve her love for how he abandoned her the way he did. And yet, I wanted them to succeed so much that I felt his love for her was apology enough. This novel brought out the romantic in me despite how dark and depressing it really was. Every happily ever after was worth the suffering of getting there.

Definitely a must read in my opinion.

ArecRain (8 KP) rated Tortured in Books

Jan 18, 2018  
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I was ensnared by the man's look on the front of this cover that I had to buy it. I don't know why, but I was just fascinated by his expression. After reading the description, I was so taken by this book that I immediately had to read it. I actually expected the female protagonist, Sierra, to be a whore with prisoners. The description led me to believe. It also made me think that she was some week female under the influence of her enemy.

I was so completely wrong. Not only does Sierra only have sex with three people the entire novel --two because she wanted to and one because she is pretty much forced--, but she is one of the strongest heroines I have ever read. She watched her mother, who had the gift of sight, being forced to work for the enemy Saxons, who later murders her for hiding Sierra's brother. Sierra and her brother, Torin, are then forced apart. It is thought that Torin is left for dead, while Sierra takes up her mother's job as the Saxon king's Seer. Her entire life, Sierra never loses her fire, her hope, or her determination. When she sees Dryston, she sees her chance to escape and doesn't hesitate to snatch it.

I was so completely enraptured by this novel: by Sierra's life and emotions, by Dryston's mission, determination, and tenderness when taking care of Sierra, and by the entire nations hope of being free from the Saxons. McIntyre weaves such a compelling story that one cannot help but be tangled up in. I actually completely forgot that this was meant to be an erotic novel because I was so caught up in the storyline. I am glad, however, that I did not read this book for the erotica. Honestly, the erotic scenes fizzled. They were short, lacked description, and were actually passable.

One of the best novels I've read in a long time.
Depravity (Beastly Tales, #1)
Depravity (Beastly Tales, #1)
M.J. Haag | 2015 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
First off, let me say how furious I am that this is a three part series with each novel ending in a cliff hanger. Each novel has enough meat to it to count as individual novel, but they all end in maddening cliffhangers. I loathe cliff hangers more than I loathe serials.

That being said, this series had me from page one and I couldn’t put it down until the very last one. I missed a lot of sleep for it… I am a huge fan of fairy tale retellings, especially if there erotica involved. This is definitely one of the better retellings of Beauty and the Beast, albeit a very dark one. The female lead is almost raped more times than I can count, abused by her obnoxious sisters, manipulated by an arrogant sorceress, and subjected to dealing with a short tempered man child stuck in a beast’s body. Through it all, Benella stays determined and loved her grit.

There are some themes that may not sit well with some people, especially with the Beast’s treatment of Benella in the second novel. I think they are missing the point of this story, however. The premise is not just about looking beyond aesthetic value, it is about personal growth. While it is the Beauty’s purpose to look beyond outer appearances to appreciate what people have on the inside; it is the Beast’s role to develop from …well a beast to a better person. I feel that most people look past that.

This is a great series for those looking for an adult retelling of Beauty and the Beast and can handle the dark themes and cliff hangers that come with it. If you can accept an anti-hero with faults who falls for a strong woman who can hold her own in a hateful sexist world, then this is definitely the series for you.
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book was read and reviewed as part of an Author Feature Week over on Lily Loves Indie. Here is a snippet of the review, but the whole thing can be viewed here -

Well, where to start? I'm going to do my best to keep this brief (partly because I still have a few chapters of the next book to read and Jayden is calling me, and partly so that you can go one-click this and get reading yourself!) but I truly do have so many positive things to say about this book that it is going to be very difficult. If you've read my earlier reviews of Hargrave's writing you'll know that I absolutely love her style and ability to weave a story, and the same is true in this book.


I'll make a confession here, I usually avoid BDSM and erotica books because they really don't appeal to me and I have been known to label them with all sorts of names, but right now, in the blogoshpere and beyond, I'd like to rescind all those comments - Hargrave has most definitely opened my eyes to the fact that these books can be more plot than sex, and they can be wonderfully engaging reads, and that they are just as difficult to put down as 'normal' books. I opened the book and thought, 'here goes nothing', fully expecting to find it difficult to get in to, purely because of my own prior opinions, but it was so damn good to be proved wrong! I was hooked from the first page, drawn completely and irreversibly into the webs Hargrave weaves, wanting to find as much as possible about the characters, especially Erin/Catherine, and not even cringing when reading the sex scenes (which is a first for me!) but instead, I thoroughly enjoyed them. I guess what that garbled paragraph is trying to say is that I absolutely flipping LOVED this book!

Suswatibasu (1701 KP) rated Her Body and Other Parties: Stories in Books

Nov 22, 2017 (Updated Nov 22, 2017)  
Her Body and Other Parties: Stories
Her Body and Other Parties: Stories
Carmen Maria Machado | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry, LGBTQ+
6.0 (8 Ratings)
Book Rating
Good writing but fairly disappointing
Her Body and Other Parties is like most short story collections I have read in that some of the stories worked for me far more than others.

Carmen Maria Machado mingles fabulism, body horror, erotica and 'feminist' commentary in her debut novel. The thrust of this book is perhaps best encapsulated by the second story in the book, 'Inventory'. It starts with the narrator cataloguing everyone she's slept with, taking on that now-near-compulsory clinical tone, that Muumuu House type of thing of talking endlessly about sex but doing so in an affectless style that doesn't communicate any passion or joy or pleasure. It suddenly becomes more interesting when a hidden narrative emerges: as the narrator progresses through her later conquests, she talks of a pervasive virus, family members lost, a quarantine zone, evacuations and refugees. It's an unexpected approach to the dystopian theme and a pleasing subversion of first impressions, yet the story as a whole remains unsatisfying.

Among the weaker stories is 'Especially Heinous', which reimagines plot summaries of Law & Order: Special Victims Unit episodes through a surrealist lens, playing on the ubiquity of violence against women in such shows. Except it was far too long, going through an entire seven series, becoming increasingly bizarre.

My favourite was 'The Resident'. While the subject matter is slightly more staid than some of the others – presumably semi-autobiographical in its portrait of a writer unravelling during a retreat – it's a relief that it isn't told at a cold, impersonal remove. It actually has heart and a personality, unlike so many of the others, and contains one of the few truly rousing scenes in the book, when the narrator lashes out at a patronising acquaintance and defends her right to write about 'crazy' heroines and madwomen in attics.

Nevertheless, there's something I find so depressing about the kind of writing that's ostensibly feminist but seems to focus incessantly on the negatives of being a woman. In fiction such as this, the approach is often paired with candid-yet-detached writing about sex that I also find off-putting (not to mention extremely unsexy). The stories are well-crafted and (when they don't feel workshopped to death) spark with strong ideas and entertaining metafictional touches, but Her Body and Other Parties didn't work for me the way I hoped it would.
Holding Out for a Hero (Jelvia: Not Human #1)
Holding Out for a Hero (Jelvia: Not Human #1)
L. Wise, T.E. Kessler | 2018 | Erotica, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Holding Out for a Hero (Jelvia: Not Human #1) by L. Wise, T.E. Kessler
Holding Out For A Hero is the first book in the Jelvia: Not Human series, and this book balances a line between a romance story, and an erotica filled with sex.

The birth rate of humans is down, and the birth rate of Jelvia's is up. Not only that, but the Jelvia's are faster and stronger than 'normal' humans, and also have super-pellets of venom that can kill humans within mere seconds. They have a bad reputation, mostly deserved, but Macy is convinced they are not as bad as the media portrays them. When her roommate is attacked, Macy sees first-hand that you can't tar a whole race with the same brush.

This is a book of intrigue, with twists and turns aplenty, and also of opposites. Macy wants to find out more about the Jelvia, and thinks they are getting a bad press. Courtney is Macy's long-term friend, and wants absolutely nothing to do with them. In fact, her sympathies lie more with a criminal who attacked her and nearly raped her, than with the Jelvia who's appearance saved her.

Macy and Narcifer go full throttle very early on (it is for over 18's after all!), and quickly spout off their 'I love you's'. It was good to see that connection, although Narcifer slid in my estimation when he explained a phone call as being 'boy talk'. Macy holds great store in knowing if she can trust someone, but it appeared to me that she trusts very easily, and then it bites her in the ass.

There is a slight hint of BDSM in this book (spankings), but it seems like book two will delve deeper into this world. I just hope it doesn't become the same thing in every book. The next book also stars Courtney, so we will be able to see if her opinions have changed much.

A great read, with no editing or grammatical errors that I noticed. There is enough world-building for the Jelvia's to fit in. I thoroughly enjoyed book one in this series, and look forward to reading more.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
The Jack&#039;s Heart
The Jack's Heart
Demi Vice | 2018
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
So we meet Jack not long before he gets released from prison after doing a stint of seven years for a crime he didn't commit. He's asked by his cell-mate of the last three years to deliver a letter to his sister who it turns out lives near where he grew up as a kid. Upon sight, they have an instant attraction and things get very heated.

I'll be honest, I wasn't sure about Jack at the start. He seemed very cocky, almost intimidating in those first few chapters. But he did grow on me, quite a lot in fact. He had lines he wouldn't cross like having sex with Ahri while she was drunk. I liked that. I liked how protective he was of her. One quote summed him up pretty well:
Jack had the whole, "don't judge a book by its cover," down to an art form. There were layers to him no one ever expected, and they were addicting.

Ahrianna was a fighter. She'd had a tough childhood but was striving to do better, be better. She worked two jobs, barely getting any sleep, and was doing an online course so she could get her dream job in management--where the money was.

The sex scenes were a little too dirty for me. We had anal play and very filthy dirty talk (which I'm not the biggest fan of. I don't mind the odd bit but this was very in-your-face-description dirty talk) and I skipped a few paragraphs.

As for the romance in this, it was nice. Two really damaged people coming together and the attraction being so sudden that the romance just evolved naturally. They were...I don't know how to describe it. So alike in so many ways but complimented each other in others. They were a really great couple.

With those first few scenes and the hot sex I expected this to be more erotica than romance but it wasn't like that at all. Definitely more of a romance.

I've just finished it and seen that Ceifador, a character from Jack's past is the next book and with that last scene in the prison I'm wondering if that guy might be him? I may have to read it and find out.

If you like steamy contemporary romances with good-hearted bad boys and feisty female characters then you should give this a try.
The Queen&#039;s Consorts
The Queen's Consorts
Kele Moon | 2019
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
“We should feel nothing toward her, yet I’m drawn to her– as powerfully as I’m drawn to you.”

If you’ve been reading Lover’s Quarrel reviews, then you know how much I love plot and character with my sex scenes. I mean, look at how much I hate The Doctor’s Slave compared to Mine for Tonight when they (very) roughly have the same concept. The scarcity of plot in erotica can be particularly vexing when I’m in the mood for a MMF threesome. (Doesn’t happen often, but even then I want some plot and good characters.)

The Queen’s Consorts definitely delivered. “In the days before the darkness the sun shone so brightly flowers grew right out of the ground,” Sari said softly. “Just like magic.”

Like everyone else on the planet of Auroria, Sari has never seen sunlight, and she never will unless the Queen returns to her Consorts and takes her proper place on the throne. But she doubts that will ever happen. After all, the young Queen has been missing since infancy, separated from her Consorts who were kept away from the world in the Sacred City, the palace in the Capital.

It took me a little bit to get used to Auroria. It’s common in this world for a woman to have two husbands, who will love and please her. With women so rare, they are valuable and meant to be cherished. Or they are meant to be extremely profitable sex slaves.

Sari resisted the urge to take Aria to a shelter, knowing there was usually a far worse fate than a life on the streets for young, unclaimed females. Being much more rare than males, if a girl was unfortunate enough to be orphaned and alone, they were usually seized for the underground sex market that was saturated with males.

Pretty crazy for a Queendom, where women are revered, huh? But it’s actually not a flaw. It just goes to show how out of whack everything is without the Queen there.

Unfortunately, the scarcity of women get Aria and Sari hunted down by a pack of teenaged boys, looking to make some quick money. Sari is able to fight them off enough for them to run, but she takes a bad beating. She only lives when a Sacred City guard recognizes her as a Rayian Sister. The guard takes her into the Sacred City, where she’s left to the care of the Consorts, Taryen and Calder, in their private chambers. After years of being abused by the Rayian Sisters, Taryen and Calder are used to only relying on and trusting each other. But it isn’t long before they realize Sari isn’t like the other Sisters.

Both Taryen and Calder are extremely sexy in their own way. Right away I had Taryen pegged as the kinder one who would freely love Sari first and Calder would take longer to learn to love and trust Sari.

“I want to care for her,” the other man said before his friend Calder could answer. “It’s not fair for her to suffer for misdeeds of others, Cal. I know you know that.”

“She’s Rayian, Taryen. Her needs will be the same as the rest of them.”

Calder is definitely the more wary of the two. He’s incredibly protective of Taryen, and he doesn’t trust Rayians for good reason. I knew he’d come around eventually, but for the time being I enjoyed Taryen’s amazingness. He was quick to take care of Sari, even at his own risk.

“She will be angry and inclined to punish if others of our sex have abused her.”

“That’s all right,” Taryen whispered a breath away from Sari. “I will bear their punishment for them if that’s what she needs to heal.”

Can I also just say that I love it when authors know that “alright” isn’t a word and they use the correct form? Good editing gets to me just as much as good characters.

If you’re thinking Taryen’s character is over the top and unrealistic, then you would be right. But that’s explained! He was born with a defect that makes him pure of heart. He’s unable to hold onto negative feelings and he’s incredibly selfless because of it. And damn, he’s pretty wonderful. Just perfectly wonderful.

Calder’s not pure of heart and like most people who have been sexually abused for years, he’s angry and resentful. The only person he trusts is Taryen. I was hoping for a long love story between him and Sari, honestly. He needs to work through trust issues, and even if he is attracted to her, he can’t bring himself to fall in love with a Rayian after what he’s been through. Right?


Calder is wary of Sari… for like an hour. I know that the laws of nature have demanded that he love her and everything, but it was still too insta-love. Taryen is pure of heart and doesn’t have the emotional baggage Calder and Sari has. Of course Taryen is going to fall in love quicker. Calder, however, should have held out a little longer. I wanted one of them to take his time falling in love with her.

But I love Calder and Taryen together. They are beautiful without a doubt, and their love for each other actually made it really difficult for me to imagine them loving Sari just as much.

“Never treat me like one of them,” Calder growled as if the words themselves were hurting him. “I’m your lifemate. You’re allowed to take pleasure from me.”

Taryen’s groan was breathy in a way that betrayed his desire. “I’m sorry. It just slipped out.”

Don’t apologize.” Calder’s tone softened as his touch became gentle, his fingers tracing the line of Taryen’s jaw. “Just tell me what you want. Tell me what you think about when you’re with them. What thought makes it bearable?”

“I think of you.”

I was swooning in the college library when I read this. SWOONING!

I mean seriously, Calder and Taryen have way too much heat and love for me to handle. They alone can put the entire erotica industry to shame, let alone adding Sari into the mix. I mean, it’s like having both Sayid and Sawyer from Lost in all their sexiness.

My biggest problem with the story was the question of who the Queen was. After all, the Queen is the only woman the Consorts are supposed to be attracted to, she’s the same age as them, and because she was missing, she would be a Rayian without a clear past. And yet it’s not until over a third of the way through the book that Taryen and Calder figure out who she is. Seriously? It’s not like there are many Rayians running around who are their own age and have a clear past. It also irritates me that everyone believed Laysa when she claimed to be the Queen. Of course she would claim credit when the sun came back because she’s an opportunistic bitch. But if she was really the Queen, then wouldn’t she have brought the sun back when she started using the Consorts? Years ago?

The only other thing that bothered me was the sound effect when they were performing, um… fellatio. Whenever the action is completed, it’s completed with a soft popping sound. What the hell is that? That’s not sexy. No. Stop it. Sound effects are never appreciated in sex scenes.

But all in all, this book rocks. I loved the world of Auroria and the political war. The love story was fantastic, all things considered. And if you’re looking for a substantial erotica book with good writing and a well-developed plot, then you really need to check out The Queen’s Consorts.