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Suite Francaise
Suite Francaise
Irene Nemirovsky | 2007 | History & Politics
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Suite Francaise by the talented Irene Nemirovsky is divided into two "books," so to speak. The first part, Storm in June, begins with the French fleeing parts of Paris and surrounding areas to avoid the German occupation. The story focuses on two families and one couple primarily: the Michauds, the Pericands, and Gabriel Corte with his mistress, Florence. Throughout the book the characters' stories are intertwined with one another beautifully in vignette style chapters. The first book covers June 1940 through the end of November in 1940. The main story in Storm encompasses the fear and desperation that so many French people experienced at the beginning of the war-fear they would never return home, fear they would be killed in an air raid, fear they would just not survive. In Dolce, the second part, covers how the French are handling things back at home after the Germans have begun occupying various cities and have begun living with the French in their homes. This part in the story covers Easter Sunday 1941 through the end of July 1941, so a much shorter time frame than Storm. This section focuses on a different set of characters, involving the Angelliers, the Sabaries, and the Montmorts. The main come away from this is, how do you put up with someone who may have killed your loved one in the war?

Overall, this book was incredible. I don't typically go for this type of book (war-themed), but I was intrigued and I'm so glad I gave it a chance. Irene Nemirovsky was a French-Russian who was writing these books while all of this was happening around her in France. While the characters in the stories are fictional, the emotions they feel and the thoughts they have are very real and very comparable to what others were feeling during this time. In the beginning, yoiu will find your heart racing as everyone flees their possessions, their livelihoods, their families, just to escape the Germans and the certain death they bring. Your breath will catch at the description of the sirens and the air raids, and you will be angry at these Germans for what they have done. However, in the second part, you will find yourself sympathizing with the Germans, even after the brutalities explained in the first part. You will find yourself thinking about the French and how torn they were seeing how kind and generous the Germans were, how the children loved them so, not understanding what horrors they had committed against others. Irene paints such a beautifully descriptive landscape that you will feel like you are experiencing all these accounts first hand. I would recommend this book to anyone who has an interest in war-era books, and even those who have never read it before.
Avengers: Infinity War (2018)
Avengers: Infinity War (2018)
2018 | Action, Sci-Fi
How the characters react to each other and the different characters that directors Joe and Anthony Russo put side by side (3 more)
Thanks actually does something other than sit in that chair! (Sorry couldn't resist putting that joke in) all joking aside he is practically the star of the film and Josh brolin does a great job in it
The Twist ending which I will not spoil here is freaking brilliant and when I saw it I nearly cried and I assume those who have watched the movie agree with me.
Lots of Easter eggs to the source material...if u remember reading the infinity gauntlet or the infinity storyarch both of which are what this movie is inspired by you'll love the references
If I had to pick one bad thing about this movie which is hard to do especially if it's this good is that I wish more characters got more screentime other than that nothing else crosses my mind (0 more)
Infinity war is the embodiment of what marvel is!
Ok this movie is the greatest marvel movie ever in my opinion and there's reasons why...number one, ten years of story building lead to it. I remember when I was 8 years old and watching iron Man and the incredible hulk on either DVD or on the TV and I never thought that it would lead to something like this, keep in mind this was something that at the time iron Man came out that was never done before and that's pretty darn impressive especially if they keep impressing me with every movie that came out (yes I even liked iron Man 3 and Thor: the dark world).

Now as for reason number 2 almost all of the storylines from every corner of the MCU is tied together here and if u have been watching for the past 8 years u would be invested the same way I was and then they did something I thought took guts.

Which leads me to reason 3, one of if not the best Twist ending since the empire strikes back in my opinion, one that I won't spoil here but warning bring tissues. also like all marvel movies stay til the very end of the credits and I mean not mid credits but waaaay after.

Overall the finest marvel film I have ever seen at Least until avengers 4 comes out next year.

Now I bet y'all are probably wondering what negative thing can I say well...that's kinda hard for a movie this good but if I had to say something it would be I wish some of the side characters got a little more screen time but other than that nothing to major

Justin Taylor (59 KP) Oct 29, 2018

Also I realized I misspelled Thanos in my review spell check is an idiot sometimes sorry about that

Jason Goes to Hell: The Final Friday (1993)
Jason Goes to Hell: The Final Friday (1993)
1993 | Horror
5.6 (14 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Sleepaway Hell Camp 1993
Since its Friday the 13th today, im going to review, the one that couldnt have the Friday the 13th title because new line couldnt have the title. The one that teased Freddy vs. Jason at the end of the movie, and then didnt happen for anethor 10 years. The one that was the ninth one. This one continued teenagers being teenagers. The one with Jason being blowed up in the beginning and transfering his soul from people to people, wait what??? Why???

The Plot: After being blown away by a team of FBI agents, Jason Voorhees (Kane Hodder) needs to find a way to overcome certain death. When his bloodied remains are sent to the morgue, his heart, still intact, is able to hypnotize a coroner and take over his body. After brutally dispatching a couple of FBI agents, he heads back to his favorite stomping grounds: Crystal Lake. Jason commences another teen massacre while a bounty hunter (Steven Williams) discovers the only way to kill him.

Tony Todd auditioned for the role of Creighton Duke, which went to Steven Williams. He should of been in it.

In November 2017, Adam Marcus revealed that an overlooked plot-point of the movie is that Jason Voorhees is actually connected to the Evil Dead franchise. The filmmaker stated, “Pamela Voorhees makes a deal with the devil by reading from the Necronomicon to bring back her son. It’s not like I could tell New Line my plan to include The Evil Dead, because they don’t own The Evil Dead. So it had to be an Easter egg, and I did focus on it…there’s a whole scene that includes the book, and I hoped people would get it and could figure out that’s what I’m up to. So yes, in my opinion, Jason Voorhees is a Deadite. He’s one of The Evil Dead.”

Marcus revealed Creighton Duke's intended backstory, "A teenage Creighton was out on Crystal Lake with his girlfriend. Jason capsized their small boat and pulled the girl down into the lake. Creighton tried to save her but could not. She was never seen again. Creighton vowed revenge and from that moment on he spent his life in the study and pursuit of Jason. He became a bounty hunter just to fund his work in taking down his nemesis.

Im not sure why this movie excist, but it does. A question is unanswered is how did Jason go from a kid at the end of part 8 to a full adlut in this one. Also how did Jason get back to Crystal Lake from Manhattan? Question that will not have a answer too.

Its still entertaining kind-of, its still a popcorn horror film kind-of. Its Jason Goes to Hell.
    Iron Marines

    Iron Marines

    Games and Entertainment

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