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Erika (17788 KP) rated Death Wish (2018) in Movies

Mar 16, 2018 (Updated Mar 16, 2018)  
Death Wish (2018)
Death Wish (2018)
2018 | Action, Crime, Drama
I haven't seen the original Death Wish film, so I'm just reviewing this as an Eli Roth directed movie with Bruce Willis in it. One, I was glad that there wasn't as much gore as I was expecting. I know Roth typically directs horror and torture porn, so I'm glad he showed restraint. It did take a bit to get going, but when it did, I was glad. It was interesting and was a really good idea to base it in the Chicago area, given it's like the wild west up there. The only real problem had was the pacing, and it did feel like a long hour and 47 minutes.
Death Wish (2018)
Death Wish (2018)
2018 | Action, Crime, Drama
Good cast (0 more)
This is a decent enough revenge action film. It's not really a remake as such as the story is different to the old Death wish film. There's a bit of a gore, expected as Eli Roth is the director. The story is good and the violent encounters feel raw and not glamourised. A entertaining film but if you fancy something more indepth try @The Brave One (2007) or @Death Sentence (2007) both slightly better I felt.
Cabin Fever (2002)
Cabin Fever (2002)
2002 | Horror
Sick Water
Cabin Fever- introduces Eli Roth in his directorial debut and 80% of this movie is sickening, disturbing and gross.

The Plot: Bert (James DeBello), a college student vacationing with friends in the mountains, mistakenly shoots a local man (Arie Verveen) with a skin infection while hunting in the woods. Panicking, he abandons the scene and leaves the man for dead. When the man stumbles into a reservoir, he infects the water supply, and soon one of Bert's friends becomes infected. The friends struggle to stop the contagious, flesh-eating disease while on the run from a group of ornery backwoods locals out for revenge.

Its a okay underrated horror movie from the early 2000's.
Hostel Part II (2007)
Hostel Part II (2007)
2007 | Horror
Hostel Part II is certainly an improvement on the first. Hostel feels like it was made to shock, and dare audiences to keep their eyes open. Part II isn't too dissimilar in that regard, but it feels like it has a deeper sub text this time around, and that sub text has everything to do with how women are treated within various industries, and it's really quite horrifying. Its not an overly subtle execution, but it shouldn't be, and for that, I can respect what Eli Roth is going for.

In terms of narrative, Part II doesn't just repeat the same old tricks from before. The scenario is seen from differing perspectives, and offers some interesting ideas. As far as this kind of horror goes, it certainly gives us a more compelling reason to sit through another helping of mean spirited gore.
The House with a Clock in Its Walls (2018)
The House with a Clock in Its Walls (2018)
2018 | Fantasy, Horror, Mystery
I had no expectations going into this film. The only thing I knew about it was that it was based off of a book that was originally illustrated by Edward Gorey.
It's strange that Jack Black has found his niche in making kids movies. I thought he was great as the eccentric uncle, and Cate Blanchett was a good counterbalance. Their banter was enough to keep me entertain most of the film.
Yes, the story line is very predictable, and you would think it's because there have been so many films like it before, but since the book was written in the 1970s, I'm assuming all of the other films were originally riffing off this story.
The costumes and visuals were great, and I liked the creepy vibe. Eli Roth did a pretty good job keeping it PG. It wasn't great, but I didn't hate my life while watching it.
Knock Knock (2015)
Knock Knock (2015)
2015 | Thriller
Keanu Reeves (1 more)
Great sex scene
Too extreme or not extreme enough? (0 more)
Contains spoilers, click to show
Much like when you slow down and look at a car accident to see if you can see any carnage is the same way you feel when watching a film directed by Eli Roth. Whether it's Cabin Fever, the Hostel films or the depraved The Green Inferno, you always know you will be watching something like you have never seen before.
The much-maligned Keanu Reeves actually holds his own not being in control and saving the world for once being the victim of circumstance and his own poor decisions. The new acquaintances he lets into his life certainly take advantage of the situation and make him understand the consequences of his decisions. In comparison to his other films, this one seems subdued with no hacking or entrails on display, just a sadistic duo hellbent on lesson-giving. Some of the twists approach and exceed the ridiculous; however, I found the film entertaining which a film like this has set out to do. Some of the dialogue and motivations stretch in the plausibility or cohesion as well, but you are not watching Citizen Kane here.
I have certainly utilized 99 minutes in worse ways.