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Nadine Brandes | 2018 | Young Adult (YA)
9.5 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
When history meets magic...
Fawkes by Nadine Brandes is one of those books that draws you into a world, enlightens you with its magic, and then sends you back to reality, so you can enlighten others while you glow!

Nadine used the history of Guy Fawkes and the failed attempt to blow the parliament as a base to her story, that follows Guy Fawkes’s son, Thomas, into an incredible magical journey.

‘’A foundation of truth represents what life was intended to be.’’

Thomas is about to get his mask, that is supposed to make him control one colour. He also happens to be affected with the plague, that turns his face into stone. His family are all Keepers, and he, by default is a keeper too. But things are never that simple. What will happen when he might not get his mask, and the plague is about to kill him?

We follow the journey of Thomas through a first - person perspective. He feels incomplete when he has the plague, and all his life he is waiting to get his mask, and to be able to control a colour. Any colour, even though he prefers Grey.

Only with my mask could I bond with a color.

But on the day when he is about to receive his mask from his dad, he learns that his father is in London, and is not willing to come.

Scared for his life, and angry at his father, he goes into an adventure to find him. His father is Guy Fawkes, a Keeper that is involved in a Gunpowder plot, which will kill the whole parliament, and most importantly, the king of England, who is the cause of the plague!

Thomas joins the plot, knowing that this is the last chance for him to survive the plague! If the king is dead, the plague would be gone. But will it?

I never imagined a single moment of acceptance could reverse a year of bitterness and prejudice.

Through Thomas’s eyes, we see a war between the Keepers and the Igniters. It might be a metaphor for the Catholics and Protestants, but I won’t go into this now. The Keepers were loyal to one color only, and Igniters wanted to control all colors. Igniters used the White Colour as a source to control all power. But White Color doesn’t obey like other colours do - the White Color makes people go crazy for power and glory. Something similar to the ring in Lord of The Rings.

‘’Igniters believe that for each Keeper that dies, one person is cured of the plague’’.

We see Thomas caught between two sides - the keepers want to be free of oppression, and the Igniters want to be free to use color speech as they wanted. On such a crossroad, Thomas wants to find the truth for himself. But there is no time, and not many people that he can trust.

‘’You’ve given me your truth. I have to find it for myself for it to become mine. And curiosity is the first step’’.

On his journey, his relationship with Emma becomes stronger. She is an Igniter, and they share different beliefs, and she also knows he has the plague. But she is still around, and she accepts his as he is. And Thomas, taught to always hide his face, because otherwise he would be killed by the Igniters, is able to relax around Emma. This will teach him to accept Emma as she is, once she tells him her secret.

I loved the character of Emma. She is a strong person, but unable to show her true self due to the fact that she is not like the others, that she is not the same. In this book it is also shown quite well how women were underestimated in the 17th century. How they were thought to be unworthy. The only bit I didn’t like about Emma is that, even though such strong character, she would have never fought for herself if Thomas wasn’t there to ‘’save’’ her.

This book is a lovely story about Thomas, and how he finds his true self, how he is not afraid to stand up for the things he believes in, how he learns that he shouldn't be hiding his true self anymore and embrace his fears, as they might turn out to be the best things that ever happened in his life.

‘’Take a breath, Thomas. There has always been fear. There will always be fear. It’s up to us to stand tall, even when the fear demands we bow to it.’’

So yes, my lovely readers, I loved this book so much! I loved the magical moments, I loved how it turned out to be an amazing plot, based on real history events. I loved Thomas’s character, and I loved Emma. I loved Guy Fawkes as well, especially in the end of the book.

If you happen to love these types of books, please get your copy as soon as you can. You won’t regret it at all!

I have received a complimentary copy of this book from Thomas Nelson through NetGalley. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.
Friends With Benefits (2011)
Friends With Benefits (2011)
2011 | Comedy
Sleeper Hit
Friends With Benefits succeeds largely because of the chemistry between Justin Timberlake and Mila Kunis. This movie could have had the most honest of intentions, but would have easily fallen flat without a couple you can get behind. That's not to say that their relationship didn't annoy me at times. Realistically had they just come clean with each other sooner, you could cut the run time of the film by about thirty minutes. It's a movie, however, and alas this is what movies are known to do at times.

Mila's character Jamie continued to win me over as the film progressed. She's spunky, witty, and has a vulnerability that you can appreciate. I appreciate Mila's ability to switch emotion on a dime when she needed to (going from happy to hurt, etc.).

I was surprised by the number of funny moments throughout. The comedy carries from beginning to end successfully which makes it all the more easier to sit back and enjoy. The ongoing Captain Sully joke was a nice touch along with the clever way the film kicked off having the opening Screen Gems intro being a part of a computer screen.

Friends With Benefits is a sleeper hit. It's the story of two friends who start a just-sex relationship that blossoms into something else. Cameos from Andy Samberg and Emma Stone ("We missed 'Your Body is a Wonderland'!") in the first few minutes sets a hilarious tone that never lets up. Highly recommended from me, I give the film a 92.

LoganCrews (2861 KP) rated Pan (2015) in Movies

Sep 21, 2020  
Pan (2015)
Pan (2015)
2015 | Action, Sci-Fi
Huh? … what? H-how? Why..? I'm not even sure what like 80% of this crackpot, drug-fueled children's fever dream even was but I'm pretty sure I loved it. Everyone sings "Smells Like Teen Spirit" and "Blitzkrieg Bop" to hype up a grisly-looking, scenery chewing pirate Hugh Jackman for no reason at all. You're also able to witness a severely miscast Garrett Hedlund give one of the worst performances the screen has ever seen as Rooney Mara pulls an Emma Stone in 𝘈𝘭𝘰𝘩𝘢 and the fairies savagely murder an entire ship full of people one by one. In all seriousness, perhaps my allure bias for these cockamamie box office bombs is showing but this isn't even a quarter of the disasterpiece it has been dubbed. The visuals are lush, varied, and colorful with Wright's lifeful eye hard at work - and it has a lot of fun with its setpieces, while taking fine care of its effects. My biggest complaint is that this nutty curio has to be stuck within the confines of those obnoxious kids' films where the bland protagonist (here at least acted exceptionally by Miller) who obviously has some arbitrary, special talent spends the whole movie claiming they don't have said arbitrary, special talent only to find out completely unsurprisingly that they did have the aforementioned arbitrary, special talent all along. This would make an awesome PS2 game, if I didn't know any better you could have effortlessly convinced me Luc Besson directed this. Rushed through plot but who cares, it's mostly a blast.
Cruella (2021)
Cruella (2021)
2021 | Comedy, Crime
8.0 (24 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Fights to find the right tone - but succeeds more than it fails
The new Disney live action film CRUELLA (telling the origin story of one of the most well known villains in Disney animation history) is one of those strange films that is trying to walk a thin line between “G” rated “kid” entertainment and an “R” rated film intended for a more “mature” audience.

An that, ultimately, is the issue with this film, it bounces around tonally - sometimes bumping up against the “G” rating and often times landing closer to the “R”, so that, in the end, it will not be a totally satisfying experience for either the “G” or the “R” crowd.

Emma Stone takes on the title role of CRUELLA and in this film you watch her become the Cruella DeVille that you see in the Disney Animated Film (and the Glenn Close live action remake). Stone is very good in this role - almost a perfect fit. However, it looks to me that she is having a much better time playing the evil “R” rated version of Cruella rather then the comic-bookish “G” rated version, so her performance is, at times, brilliant and at other times, not as brillaint.

Emma Thompson steals just about every scene she is in as Cruella’s nemesis “The Baroness”. It’s good to see this terrific actress getting a role that she can really sink her teeth in. I hope this leads to other, strong important roles for this actress “of a certain age”.

The supporting players are strong…or should I say…Mark Strong (hehehehe). He brings his usual gravitas to the role of The Baroness’ right-hand man. But the players who impressed me the most were Joel Fry (YESTERDAY) and Paul Walter Hauser (RICHARD JEWELL) as Cruella’s 2 best friends/henchmen. They both were able to flesh out these characters (who are usually portrayed as bumbling buffoons) and both were able to find the line between “G” and “R” very well - and stay on it the entire film.

Director Craig Gillespie (I, TONYA) finds the correct tone for this film more often than not, but it is in the “not” portion of this that he fails this movie. The shifts in tone (often on a dime) are often jarring and the blame for this would have to be put right at the Director’s feet, though the look of this film (sort of a 1960’s Austin Powers meets SteamPunk look) succeeds VERY well and is as much a character in this film as the performers.

One final thing, the soundtrack used in CRUELLA is an interesting touch. Gillespie and Composer Nicholas Britell eschews (for the most part) a conventional score and highlights most of the scenes with a Pop song - though here Gillespie whips us around tonally as well. For, since the film is set in 1960’s London, a good many of the tunes used are ‘60 (and early ‘70’s) rock hits. But….every now and then…he will drop in a ‘80’s number.

But…as I sit and write this review, I am finding myself falling more and more on the side of “I Liked It”, so…set aside the tonal shifts…and you will be entertained by CRUELLA much more than you would expect.

Letter Grade: B+

7 1/2 (out of 10) stars and you can take that to the Bank (ofMarquis)
Cruella (2021)
Cruella (2021)
2021 | Comedy, Crime
8.0 (24 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Back in 1961; Disney adapted the 1056 Novel The Hundred and One Dalmatians and in doing so; crafted a beloved animated classic and introduced the world at large to Cruella De Vil. The film has not only endured but has spawned television series, a direct to video sequel, merchandise, and two live-action versions.

Despite being delayed due to the Pandemic; Disney has scheduled the much-anticipated “Cruella” for release and I am happy to announce that the film is a Wickedly Delicious new entry into the series.

The story follows young Estella as she and her mom plan to start a new life in London in the 1960s. When tragedy strikes, the young girl finds herself on the streets and working a life of crime and grift with fellow street kids Jasper and Horace.

Flash forward to the 1970s and Estella (Emma Stone) toils away in a store cleaning while hoping for her shot in the world of fashion. When fate arrives and places Estella in the path of vain, self-centered, and vicious fashion magnate The Baroness (Emma Thompson); who hires Estella to begin her career in fashion.

The savage way The Baroness treats those around her intimidates Estella but her friends Jasper (Joel Fry) and Horace (Paul Walter Hauser); see this as an opportunity to rob from The Baroness and this places them at odds with Estella as her designs start to gain traction.

When situations clarify and things begin to evolve into a mission of revenge; Estella transforms into Cruella which had long been the name associated with the darker side of her personality.

Cruella takes the fashion world by storm for her innovative looks, bold designs, and theatrical events which upstage the Baroness at major fashion events.

With her sales and reputation in decline, The Baroness declares war on Cruella which sets a dark and sinister series of events into motion which drives the film into darker content then one may expect from a Disney film.

The cast is very strong as Stone and Thompson are amazing as they are both wicked and captivating without ever going to far over the top or extreme with their characters. The supporting cast is great as well as Fry who was hysterical in the series Plebs brings a depth to Jasper which takes him above just being a stumbling sidekick.

Mark Strong also does great work and elevated all the scenes in which he was in with his strong presence. While at first I wondered if we really needed to have this part of Cruella’s life told; the story is engaging and the cast is fantastic which makes this movie dark and delightful.

While elements of it may not be ideal for younger viewers; the story was captivating and the performances were amazingly engaging.

The film ran about two hours and 10 minutes and seemed a bit long in one segment but the film does regroup brings the story home. There is a mid-credit scene audiences will want to stay for as it was an unexpected and very charming nod to what is to come and is not to be missed.

It will be interesting to see if the film is the hit that I expect it to be if Disney will consider more films in the series as it would be amazing to see this cast return for further wickedly dark adventures.

4 stars out of 5
The Favourite (2018)
The Favourite (2018)
2018 | Biography, History
An unusual period piece
This is a very unusual film and for the most part very good. Period dramas aren’t usually my thing, but The Favourite isn’t your average period drama. It’s a very subtle tongue in cheek, witty, humorous and sometimes bizarre tale that’s very clever and entertaining to watch. Whilst Olivia Colman May have won the Oscar, I think all 3 of the female leads in this are very strong and a delight to watch, especially when their characters are all together in the same scenes. Indeed the scenes with Emma Stone and Rachel Weisz sniping at each other are by far the best to watch. Even the rest of the supporting cast too are very good, although I do think Mark Gatiss was a little underused. Nobody does posh upper class toff like he does!

The film itself looks beautiful. The costume and set design, and music, are fantastic, and the whole thing looks stunning. I did however have a slight issue with the cinematography. I found some of the strange camera angles a little frustrating and irritating after a while, especially as some of them don’t really seem to fit in with the style and tone of the rest of the film. I also think the final act and especially the final scene were a bit of a letdown. Most of the film has a rather humorous or at least light hearted undertone, but the final act takes it a little too seriously and the final scene is just too ill fitting too. Despite this, it’s a very different period drama and definitely worth a watch for some stellar performances.

Andy K (10821 KP) May 6, 2019

Glad you liked it Sarah!

Contains spoilers, click to show
So I've done a small comment on each but overall most of the were pretty good! I have several new authors to read and loved a select few! If you are looking for pure naughtiness it's definitely in this book!


Feathers by Petra j knox

Wow this was hot and heavy. Kicks off this collection nicely 😍

All the devils are here by Kendra Moreno

Ok so that made Lucifer even more attractive. Will be reading more of Kendra.

Doctors orders by Golden Angel

Ok do classes like this exist?? I think I'd play doctor with mitch.

Her Alien Renegades by Lucy Carter Anderson

Ok well not sure what to make of this one big blue aliens and a crazy human ready to accept her fate so easy 🙈🤣

12e primal: The first hunt by Kinkaid knight

Apart from almost a page of her describing his dick it wasn't too bad. I will give her her books ago I'm interested enough to want to read more.

Desire In her reflection by Nichole Riley

Well that's not like any ladies nights I've been too 🤣🤣. I'll be looking into Nichole more!

Bow by N.K. Stackhouse

Think I like this one and I'd definitely be the Dom!!

Picture purr- fect by Emma Cole

So far this has to be my favourite! It was brilliantly written for a short and wow!!!
Will definitely be reading more by Emma Cole!

Primal innocence by Caia Daniels

I kinda got bored just a little. It was a rather sweet way to lose her virginity though.

Rebel by Savannah Rose

Well that was a super fast read not sure how much you can get from it

Snatch me by C.F. Rabbiosi

Another good one personally I love the idea of this shirt lol I'll be looking her up!


The good girl by Chloe Jane

Very much shirt and sweet

Voyeur by Bea Paige

Ok so I now have a new favourite!! That was just soooo good!!


What a show by Jennifer Stone

Not one I enjoyed something about it just didn't click with me

When night and day collide by Kandi vale

The best till last!! The whole reason I brought the book and I'm so glad I did! What a birthday present for Kisa! Any excuse to get me some Dolor and I'm there! I'm no patiently waiting for Kandi Vale s next book 😍😍
Cruella (2021)
Cruella (2021)
2021 | Comedy, Crime
8.0 (24 Ratings)
Movie Rating
The two Emmas (2 more)
The rest of the ensemble cast
The technical team: cinematography, hair & make-up; costuming
An astonishing attack on the senses as Disney goes to the dark side.
- The battle of the Emmas! It's really difficult to say who wins, since both Emma Thompson and Emma Stone give such fabulous performances here. You might think that Thompson steals a scene at one minute, only for Stone to come surfing in on a garbage truck and outdo her! I think it would be a surprise if both were not nominated for Actress and Supporting Actress Oscars for this.
- The supporting cast is also very strong. Paul Walter Hauser picks up the 'comedy villain' role as Horace Badun, and is so entertaining I could just about forgive his 'gor-blimey-guvnor' cockney accent: one that gives Dick Van Dyke a run for his money. Joel Fry - most recognisable to me as the useless roadie from "Yesterday" - plays the straight man in the duo, and does it very well. Mark Strong, cast against type as an evil henchman (#humour) is as good as always. And Kirby Howell-Baptiste and John McCrea round off the strong ensemble cast. But a particular shout-out I think should go to young Tipper Seifert-Cleveland who plays the young Estrella: she's way down the cast list, but I thought she gave a knock-out performance to ground the dramatic opening scenes of the movie.
- Technically, the film is marvellous and surely in line for a slew of technical Oscars next awards season. In fact, I think - even at this early point in the year - you would be a VERY brave person to bet against Cruella picking up the awards for Hair and Makeup (Nadia Stacey), Costume (Jenny Beavan and Tom Davies) and Production Design (Fiona Crombie). It's a stunning technical achievement - a real attack on the senses.
- The cinematography (Nicholas Karakatsanis) is also spectacular. A 'single-take' fly-through of the Liberty store from top to bottom is a tour-de-force, worthy of "1917"-style applause.
- And we should also add to this list a truly banging soundtrack from Nicholas Britell. Many of the tracks chosen - although regular visitors to cinema screen - catch the mood of the movie brilliantly and add to what is a joy-ride of a flick.
- The script is deliciously dark in places for a Disney film. Definitely NOT one for young children. Perhaps - given that it went down some of the roads it did, it could have been made EVEN BLACKER in places. (Did we REALLY need to see the Dalmatians again!) But some of the twists are delightful, especially 'mothageddon' which made me howl with laughter (even though I rather saw a variation of it coming).

- At 134 minutes, I felt the movie was a bit too long. There's a point (at about 100 minutes, where Emma Stone does her "I am Cruella" speech) which felt to me like the perfect end to a (first) film. I was delighted, happy and very content with the movie, thank-you very much. But then we dived back into the third reel. And, don't get me wrong, the ending was really entertaining. But, given that I suspect Disney KNEW that this was likely to be a big hit, I think a shorter film teasing for the sequel would have worked better.

Additional Notes:
- It's 12A certificate for a reason. Although a Disney, this is the dark-side of Disney and is not suitable for younger children.
- Yes, this one has a mid-credit scene - and for once its worth staying for: an introduction to two of the stars of the original cartoon that we haven't met yet, and for a rendition of a well-known tune (a TERRIBLE ear-worm that I've been quietly humming to myself ever since!).

Summary Thoughts on "Cruella": The cinema summer's still young, but it's already had some tricks up its sleeve. First "Nobody" came out of nowhere to delight me. And now, what a surprise! "Cruella" is a blisteringly funny, gloriously colourful and hugely entertaining blockbuster.

You'll know I'm not a fan of these Disney live-action re-imaginings of classic cartoons (although of course this one has previously had the Glenn Close treatment in two previous films in 1996 and 2000). But this is an origin story I really thought I didn't want... but now feel that I was wrong.

I've seen it described as "Devil Wears Prada meets Joker". The Prada analogy is well-deserved. But I'm not sure I agree with the Joker analogy. In Joker, our anti-hero was an everyman (albeit a disturbed one) driven to madness and anarchy by others. In Cruella, it's all inbred and that makes it perhaps even more deliciously dark. The fact that Disney released this - forewarned by a distinctly sombre and stormy castle logo at the start - is a minor miracle, and hopefully signs of more spice and adventure to come.

If you haven't caught it yet, it's highly recommended. As well as being in cinemas, its also available to buy on Disney+ streaming.

(Please check out the full graphical review at One Mann's Movies here - Thanks).
The Amazing Spider-Man (2012)
The Amazing Spider-Man (2012)
2012 | Action, Sci-Fi
6.9 (33 Ratings)
Movie Rating
There's a lot to love about this film and a lot to hate. I think this film does the best job of allowing you to live through Peter more than any other film. Some of my favorite shots throughout the whole movie are the ones where it looks like we're in Peter's perspective as he traverses New York City. I love Andrew Garfield in this role. Even though he's 27 in the film, he played a high school kid fairly well - at least I think so. I love Emma Stone too. As a blonde, I feel like she has this innocence that she doesn't have as a redhead.

Truthfully, I like Andrew Garfield's Spiderman and Tom Holland's Spiderman way more than I like Toby McGuire's. I think this film is entertaining and a good watch. You definitely get hooked in on Peter and are rooting for him. The only thing I didn't like were some of the effects. It's clear that there was more effort or money put in some scenes than others. Maybe that's just my opinion, but those small details can really pull you out of the world the film creates.

The other detail I appreciated is Gwen. When we think and talk about Spiderman, unless you're a die-hard fan, you think of Mary Jane. And she's great. Don't get me wrong. Kirsten Dunst in Toby McGuire's and Zendaya as M.J. in Tom Holland's, but Gwen often gets forgotten. I like that in this series, Gwen is the love interest instead of Mary Jane.

Overall, I really enjoyed this film. I think I still like Tom Holland's Spiderman better, but I think the fact that he's in the MCU plays a part in my love of him. I would recommend both of these films just to say you watched them.
Zombieland: Double Tap (2019)
Zombieland: Double Tap (2019)
2019 | Action, Comedy, Horror
Contains spoilers, click to show
Not going to lie, Zombieland: Double Tap had me from it's opening minutes, where the four familiar main characters storm the White House in search for a new home, smacking the shit out zombies in slow motion, all whilst Metallica's "Master of Puppets" blares out of the screen. Well played Zombieland, well played.

The four main characters - Columbus (Jesse Rosenberg), Tallahassee (Woody Harrelson), Wichita (Emma Stone), and Little Rock (Abigail Breslin) - are a huge part of what made the first film work so well, and thankfully, the chemistry between them all is still intact.
It takes a minute to show though.
After the gratuitous opening scene, Double Tap struggles to find its feet somewhat.
It's not until the main plot kicks off that things get rolling again, and from there, it's great gory fun.
Zoey Deutch is great as Madison, a stereotypical blonde bimbo character who didn't really grab me in the trailers, but is actually pretty damn funny in the finished product.
Rosario Dawson is also here this time around and I'm pretty much guaranteed to love her in anything she's in, so thumbs up there.
The climax to the film feels a little out of nowhere by the time it's rolls around, but it's pretty spectacular to say the least, not too unlike the first film.

Honestly, Double tap is best explained as more of the same, and that's not a bad thing.

On a final note, I found the film to be a solid 7/10 throughout, but Bill Murray battling zombies during the initial outbreak whilst promoting the fictional Garfield 3: Flabby Tabby pushed it to a well deserved 8/10. Well played Zombieland, well played.