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Game Of Thrones  - Season 3
Game Of Thrones - Season 3
2013 | Sci-Fi
Peak Thrones
Season 3 is where Game of Thrones really hit it's stride.

Robb Stark continues his march to King's Landing, Danaerys continues to gather supporters for her cause - where we are also introduced to the Unsullied, and we also spent a lot of time beyond the wall with the wildlings.
With so many story lines spinning at once, the writers continue to do a fantastic job and keeping you engaged.

Each character from the huge ensemble cast is given ample screentime and development, even as new characters continue being introduced.

This season also contains the now infamous episode 'Rains of Castemere' - where The Red Wedding takes place - this episode and the following episode dealing with the aftermath are nothing but absolutely prime television.

Valar Morghulis.
Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)
Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)
2014 | Action, Sci-Fi
“Marvel has gone mad.” This was the kind of reaction that many film-fans greeted the news of a film adaptation of Guardians of the Galaxy, one of the comic-book company’s lesser known band of heroes.

Thankfully, the film is an absolute masterclass. With the best ensemble cast of the entire MCU, some crazy set design and a great soundtrack, James Gunn’s MCU directorial-debut is practically perfect in every single way. We even get a decent villain in Lee Pace’s Ronan the Accuser. Plus, it’s got Glenn Close spouting absolute nonsense and Vin Diesel getting paid a ridiculous amount of money to say three words over and over again. What could be better?
Nine Perfect Strangers
Nine Perfect Strangers
2021 | Drama
8.5 (2 Ratings)
TV Show Rating
Cast line up (0 more)
Nicole's Russian accent (0 more)
Good ensemble cast drama
A weird drama currently on Amazon Prime with a big cast line up. Including Nicole Kidman, Luke Evans, Melissa McCarthy and Samara Weaving to name a few. They all go to a wellness centre in a remote location to deal with their various issues. Is everything as it seems as Marsham (Kidman) who leads the retreat hand picked this group for other reasons. Her unconventional methods start to panic the group.
A decent drama with so many good actors on show. I did feel there would be a bizarre twist out of left field totally unexpected. However it never quite goes that extreme.
OK for a short series to distract you for a while.
Parks and Recreation  - Season 1
Parks and Recreation - Season 1
2009 | Comedy
Chris Pratt's dorkiness (2 more)
Amy Poehler is hilarious
Aziz Ansari is a D-bag but plays it well
Storyline drags on for more than one season (0 more)
A brilliant, comedic ensemble
There are plenty of well known faces in Parks and Recreation including Hollywood A-Lister Chris Pratt, who plays a lazy slob, and looks surprisingly different from his current heartthrob self.

But Amy Poehler steals the show in this, playing the deputy director of Parks and Recreation for local government in this small town called Pawnee. She's rather sweet and hugely optimistic in the face of everyone saying no to her as she tries to fill in a giant pit and turn it into a park.

 It is a hilarious take on local government and all the pitfalls of being a representative.