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Dazed and Confused (1993)
Dazed and Confused (1993)
1993 | Comedy
Killer soundtrack (1 more)
Great ensemble cast
Alright alright alright
Love this movie!

Possibly my favourite movie and have watched and rewatched countless times.

The beauty of the movie is the familiarity of the subject matter, I was not born until 1979 but the trials and tribulations of teenage life presented here will be comfortable and accessible to any viewer.

The cast of (then) unknowns largely seem custom made for each individual character, and the casting of even the small roles was nailed with perfect execution.

The soundtrack keeps everything ticking over like a movie score, so much so I find that hearing a song from the movie will always bring my mind back to that scene (Bob Dylan "Hurricane" a standout)

Linklater would go on to do bigger films, but for my money... None better

Awix (3310 KP) rated Aliens (1986) in Movies

Feb 20, 2018  
Aliens (1986)
Aliens (1986)
1986 | Action, Horror, Sci-Fi
James Cameron's muscular sequel doesn't muck about admiring the art direction or trying to be atmospheric, but reinvents the original movie as a gut-busting action thriller. Slimy corporate types have colonised the planet on which a lethal alien predator was discovered in the first film; now contact has been lost and sole survivor Ripley is sent in with the troops to investigate. The ultimate fate of the cat remains a mystery.

After a long, tense build-up, once the action kicks off the film feels relentless, and in the Queen Alien it comes up with a monster just as iconic as the original creature. Great ensemble cast led by Weaver, terrific set pieces, interesting subtext about the maternal instinct. Every other Alien film since has been judged by the standards established here.
Traffic (2001)
Traffic (2001)
2001 | Drama
A complex and ambitious movie documenting several interconnected stories about the drug trade. Steven Soderbergh’s style is almost documentary like (plenty of shaky cam) and I liked his use of blue and yellow filters illustrating the different stories . Personally I found the film a bit overlong and some of the cartel storyline a bit draggy and convoluted. The film is more successful when showing the human side of drug addiction and I particularly enjoyed the storyline documenting the daughter of a senior politician tasked with tackling drug trafficking descending into addiction. Michael Douglas performance here was excellent and quite moving and definitely the standout amongst the ensemble cast. So a very impressive movie for its scope and scale, not all of it works but what does works very well.
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood (2019)
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood (2019)
2019 | Crime, Drama, Thriller
Great cast (0 more)
Way too long (2 more)
Painfully slow
A bit pointless
There will always be a lot of hype for a new Tarantino film. After seeing a trailer for a peek of Hollywood in '69 this looked interesting. It has a large ensemble talented cast playing many of the stars of the era.
Unfortunately there doesn't appear much point to this film until the last 15 minutes. Up to then it's very slow and overly long at nearly 2 hours 40 minutes long. It jumps from scenes of characters to others with little connecting them. I thought this was going to be a fairly accurate account of events that took place at the time... But it's far from that. It has its good elements but overall it was a bit of a dissapointment.
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Dean (6927 KP) Jan 9, 2020

Yes it did seem a somewhat odd film overall.


The Marinated Meeple (1853 KP) Jan 10, 2020

I liked Brad Pitts performance.... but Oscar buzz? I'm not seeing why....

The Avengers (2012)
The Avengers (2012)
2012 | Action, Sci-Fi
Great first collaboration. Good view at each heroes backstory. A hint at what the MCU will become. (0 more)
Great first collaboration movie
The Avengers first go at the group ensemble is a win in my books. Who knew all those years ago what the MCU would become. This movie combined all the heroes, and their beginning backstories, together well. The heroes must come together to go against Loki and his intergalactic strike team. The team comes together after a brief hiccup of inner fighting, to save New York from the Chitauri and more importantly, Thanos. We get our first glimpse at the purple faced titan and what is to come from him and his army. Loki and the Tesseract play center stage in this first Avengers movie, but I don't think it will be the last time Loki plays center stage.