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The Royal Tenenbaums (2001)
The Royal Tenenbaums (2001)
2001 | Comedy, Drama
8.6 (10 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"This is really a sneaky way to list all of Criterion’s editions of Wes Anderson’s films. Tenenbaums is by far my favorite, but Rushmore, The Life Aquatic, and the new edition of Bottle Rocket are all pretty fantastic, too. I’m always immediately won over by the artwork and illustrations that tie all his films together. Even with different artists (Ian Dingman and Eric Chase Anderson) there is a consistency, due in no small part to Wes Anderson’s own particular aesthetic, that makes these films feel like four stories from the same hyperreal, idyllically melancholy world. There’s an interview in the Tenenbaums supplements section with artist Miguel Calderon that’s totally worth a listen."

The Pilgrims (Pendulum #1)
The Pilgrims (Pendulum #1)
Will Elliott | 2010 | Dystopia, Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Pilgrims is the second book by Will Elliott and the first in the Pendulum trilogy.​ It follows Eric (a down on his luck journalist) and Case (an old vagrant that Eric befriends) who discover that a small door under a bridge leads to a different world.

The story follows them as they travel across this new land of Levaal and encounters various inhabitants - human and other races. There has been a war simmering between The Castle - ruled by the (not to beat about the bush) insane Vous - and a coalition of still-free cities governed by their respective mayors. Eric and Case arrive just as the war is about to become a full battle, and it's clear that this is not a coincidence.

I'm always wary of fantasy books where people cross from this world into the world of the writer's imagination, it always seems like a bit of a fanboy's wet dream and sometimes it isn't handled well and leaves a lot of holes. Elliott does adequately well in addressing these - Eric (at least) does not cross by accident, the magic that brings them to the world allows them to speak the correct language and so on. Elliott also wisely immediately plunges the antagonists into action, revealing the wonders of Levaal rather than letting them frolic on some untouched green hillside.

The other notable deviation from this being any sort of wish fulfillment fantasy is that Levaal actually isn't very.... nice. Danger, intrigue and double dealing abound. Vous could be nominally labelled as the 'bad guy' but it's clearly described that he is doing what are bad things for what he considers the right reasons. There are no 'dark lords' here and by the same token the 'good guys' really aren't particularly good.

Eric and Case are not spared from this. Neither is a paragon of virtue, Eric has some distinct character flaws, which are made very clear to him by other characters and perhaps at least some of the arc of the trilogy will be Eric becoming a 'better' person. Case has served time in prison for murder and is an alcoholic, the latter fact makes him behave erratically at best.

The inhabitants of Levaal do not deviate far from stock fantasy races, but all are unique and the world does seem to fit together and work quite well as a 'real' place, I did like the mechanism of how the magic worked and its limitations. Elliott has really put some thought into this.

The writing is hard to find fault with; the descriptive passages have real atmosphere, the dialogue is sharp and always in keeping with the characters, which in themselves are complex and nobody is represented as a cipher or standard trope. The story is engaging and moves at a terrific pace, covering a lot of ground (both metaphorically and across Levaal).

The ending is a real cliff hanger with a sting in the tail and it will be interesting to see where the story goes in the next volume, Shadow.

Highly recommended, though not for younger readers due to explicit sexual references.
Kilmeny of the Orchard
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Kilmeny of the Orchard is the tale of Eric Marshall, who as a favor to a sick friend comes to the small town of Lindsay on Prince Edward Island to teach at the school. While walking one day, he wanders into a long forgotten orchard and hears beautiful violin music being played by a beguiling young lady, the book's namesake, Kilmeny. Frightened, Kilmeny flees the orchard and though Eric comes back the next night and then the next, she doesn't return. Disappointed and intrigued, he asks his landlady about the girl he has seen, not yet knowing her name, and in doing so learns the story of Kilmeny. Mute since birth, she lives sequestered at home with her aunt and uncle who the town considers odd because they keep to themselves, so no one in the town has ever laid eyes on her. Soon after that first meeting, she comes back to the orchard and a friendship between the two begins to bloom towards love.

I went into Kilmeny of the Orchard expecting a sweet love story, which is basically what I got, but I wanted to love the book and unfortunately only ended up finding it so-so. The writing was as lovely as you would expect from L.M. Montgomery and the descriptions brought a certain life to most scenes. However, while I enjoyed the story for the most part, I didn't become immersed into either it or the characters. This may have to due with how perfect both Eric and Kilmeny were and there was really no "impossible obstacles" to overcome (as the book put it). While I expected a slight fairy tale feel to the book, I was disappointed that there really wasn't depth to the overall story or the characters, especially whenever Eric thought about Kilmeny it was mostly to mention her looks or how innocent and without guile she was. Okay, so it's a new love and his first true love, but a little more interaction rather than rhapsodizing over her perfections would have been preferable. Because the book is a product of a different time and place, a few remarks about "foreigners", such as Neil Gordon who was born in Lindsay to Italian peddlers, Kilmeny's "defect", and other mindsets stood out. I wouldn't say they alienated me from the book but they occasionally took me out of the story. Even though I understand those views in context to the time this was written, it can still be a hard adjustment for a modern reader. So while this was at times a nice read, it's hardly something I'll remember back upon.

Jon Cryer recommended GoodFellas (1990) in Movies (curated)

GoodFellas (1990)
GoodFellas (1990)
1990 | Crime, Drama, Thriller

"It is one of the most effective and, in my mind, realistic gangster movies ever made in that it shows you what the allure of that criminal life is, but it also shows how petty and dangerous and stupid it is. But all the time you’re dragged along. It has this incredible compelling force that drags you along whether you want to go or not. And, I think, a beautiful and brutal use of comedy along with absolute horror and fear and moments of sort of operatic beauty, like when they open up the back of the truck with the Eric Clapton song, and the camera goes in to find one of the dead gang members. That mixed with these incredible moments of subtlety like when Ray Liotta realizes that Robert De Niro may well be setting him up. It’s just this tiny little moment. It’s great because it’s incredibly small, mixed with these incredibly big things. And they shoot Michael Imperioli in the foot. You know, come on, that’s wonderful."

The Trees Grew Because I Bled There
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
71 of 220
The Trees Grew Because I Bled There: collected stories
By Eric LaRocca

Eight stories of dark fiction from a master storyteller. Exploring the shadow side of love, these are tales of grief, obsession, control. Intricate examinations of trauma and tragedy in raw, poetic prose. A woman imagines horrific scenarios whilst caring for her infant niece; on-line posts chronicle a cancer diagnosis; a couple in the park with their small child encounter a stranger with horrific consequences; a toxic relationship reaches a terrifying resolution…

This was a compilation of stories from a very talented authors. You get taken on a journey with these short stories. A few stories stood out from the crowd! The Strange things we become a story of how cancer destroys everything it touches and plays with the mind.
You’re not supposed to be here l, I think this is my favourite of them all a parents worst nightmare and a dark tale of secrets and desperation.
I’d also mention Where Flames Burned as Grass, would you sacrifice your child on the word of a complete stranger?

Really enjoyed these stories and the writing style.
Waves (Inhuman Love Collection #1)
Waves (Inhuman Love Collection #1)
Howl Avery | 2023 | LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
WAVES is the first book in the Inhuman Love Collection and we start off with a selkie and a marine biologist. I loved how the first bit with Ezra was titled with his name, but the first bit with Kai was titled with what he was. A small detail, but one I liked.

There were a few things in this I didn't like - the ex-fiance for one, but then, I wasn't supposed to. I thought there would be more to his storyline as it seemed like a big deal but then it sort of fizzled out. Also Mary and Eric. I know Mary was Ezra's BFF but it felt like she was a little pushy. Eric was nice most of the time but jumping to conclusions when someone is injured isn't a good way to be. Some of the side characters didn't add anything to the story either in my opinion.

What I did like was the constant affection between Kai and Ezra. The forehead touches were so sweet and I loved those. And things like the pool and trying to get the pH levels right to imitate the sea. That's a love language right there. There was an occasion when Ezra is being slightly forward with Kai, but Kai did agree and ended up enjoying it, so I guess it worked out. It just felt a little icky considering Kai's preferences up to that point.

On the whole, I enjoyed this story and that epilogue was so sad! It left me with so many questions though, I'll admit! I definitely recommend this book and look forward to reading more in the series.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Jun 21, 2023