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Four: A Divergent Collection
Four: A Divergent Collection
Veronica Roth | 2015 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
The follow-on we all needed
The novel contains 5 short stories set in Tobias Eaton’s (Four’s) perspective. Some of the stories are events that you have seen from Tris’ point of view during the Divergent series. Throughout the series, he is quite a mysterious character and the only thing you really know is the small bits of information that he decides to reveal to Tris.

Free Four: Tobias Tells the Divergent Knife-Throwing Scene is the first story of the book and it recaps events that have already been told to those that have already read the trilogy. The second story, The Transfer, begins to give you a bit of a backstory into Four’s past who has always been somewhat of an enigma to readers. It shows you how he became a part of Dauntless and explains more about his character.

The third short story is one of my personal favourites as you are introduced to Eric and you begin to see the vendetta that he held against Four and why. Just like Tris, Four is a Divergent and contains traits of more than one faction. When Four begins his Dauntless training he is able to recognise reality from fictions during the tests and has to be careful that it is not discovered as a Divergent.

The last two stories are titled The Son and The Traitor describing more recent events of how Tobias knew that his mother was alive and recaps how he becomes closer to Tris. It is a heart-warming collection that makes you feel like the Divergent series lives on. I was absolutely heart-broken when I finished the trilogy so once Roth brought out a follow-on for it, I couldn’t read it quick enough.

Roth does well to switch from character’s perspectives particularly when she has already told some of the story in a different person’s point of view. This was the series that I wasn’t ready to put down and I can’t wait to read it again.
The Children on the Hill
The Children on the Hill
Jennifer McMahon | 2022 | Horror, Mystery, Thriller
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I read Jennifer McMahon's book The Invited and liked it, so when I read the synopsis for her new book, The Children on the Hill, I was well intrigued. I decided to give it a read and ended up liking it.

The plot of The Children on the Hill definitely piqued my interest. The book switches between two different years. I was drawn into each time frame. I felt like I was right beside each narrator as their story was being told. Most of the story takes place in Vermont, and I felt that through McMahon's writing, I was transported to each location in Vermont. I was interested in Vi's and Eric's monsters. I also was rooting for Vi to solve Lily's mystery of where she came from. I wanted to know what Gran's secret was for being super successful. I had to know more. This book left no cliff hangars, and I was glad that all my questions were answered. I would have liked to know more about certain characters such as where they came from, but I understand why the author didn't include it in the book. There are a couple of big plot twists in The Children on the Hill. I guessed one right before it was mentioned, but I really didn't see the other one coming. (Kudos to Jennifer McMahon on that!) As for the pacing, there were times that it slowed down to the point where I would get a little bored and take a break. However, the pacing would quickly pick back up. In the last quarter or so of the book, the pacing is done brilliantly, and I didn't want to put the book down at all!

I enjoyed the characters from The Children on the Hill. McMahon did a fabulous job with making each and every character feel realistic instead of make believe. Violet was such a vibrant child, and I enjoyed reading about her quest for knowledge no matter the cost. She was definitely quite the detective! Lily was an enigma that I couldn't figure out at first, but I really liked reading about her. It was interesting to watch her grow each day around Vi and Eric. Lizzy was also a likeable character, and I admired how determined she was to find her sister and solve the mysteries of the missing girls. Gran/Dr. Hildreth came across as a sweet old woman, but I always suspected she was up to something. I had my reservations about her, so I enjoyed reading to find out if my suspicions were correct. McMahon did an excellent job presenting Gran/Dr. Hildreth as a sweet grandmotherly type to Eric and Vi.

Trigger warnings for The Children on the Hill include some profanity, murder, violence, torture, kidnapping, and gaslighting.

All in all, The Children on the Hill is a book with a solid plot featuring a small cast of characters that are interesting to read about and how far they'll go for their cause. The plot will leave you guessing as you try to make it all make sense (though everything will be explained by the end of the book). I would absolutely recommend The Children on the Hill by Jennifer McMahon to those aged 17+ who love trying to figure out a thrilling mystery. This is one book you'll definitely want to pick up!