The Rules of Attraction (2002)
Movie Watch
Sean Bateman is a freshman at Camden College, who's in love with Lauren Hyde. She's waiting for her...

CSI: Crime Scene Investigation
TV Show
The Las Vegas PD Criminalistics Division is the #2 crime lab in the US, solving crimes that...

CSI: Crime Scene Investigation - Season 10
TV Season
Riley Adams leaves the CSI team in turmoil, as Catherine's leadership skills are called into...

CSI: Crime Scene Investigation - Season 4
TV Season
Nick accidentally leaks information to a news reporter ("Assume Nothing"), and Catherine tries to...

CSI: Crime Scene Investigation - Season 1
TV Season
It's all change at the Las Vegas Crime Lab following the shooting death of Holly Gribbs ("Pilot"),...

CSI: Crime Scene Investigation - Season 2
TV Season
The murder of a Police Chief leads Willows and Brown to Miami ("Cross Jurisdictions"), in the second...

CSI: Crime Scene Investigation - Season 8
TV Season
As the CSIs race to save one of their own ("Dead Doll"), Sara makes a life changing decision...

CSI: Crime Scene Investigation - Season 5
TV Season
Greg begins his journey from a lab rat to a field mouse, as the Las Vegas Crime Lab faces a...

CSI: Crime Scene Investigation - Season 16
TV Season
Immortality is the two-hour series finale of CSI: Crime Scene Investigation aired on September 27,...