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I got maybe three or four chapters into this novel. Ella seemed like a strong character with potential, and the basic plot seemed like it could have been really good. Sadly, I couldn’t get past chapter 4. There are a few reasons why.

1. Drama. Drama, drama, drama! Really that’s what most fiction boils down to, but what makes a book good is that the drama is realistic. This drama was a little overdone. Ella goes to college (running away without telling anyone where she went, which technically is impossible: trust me, I know. My university sends my parents stuff all the time with their logo on it). when she comes back, Micah is a mess, and has been looking for her everywhere.

2. Physicalities. I felt like this book was an excuse to write steamy romance… bad steamy romance at that. When Ella comes home, she still wants Micah, but she won’t admit it. And he knows it. Then he starts flirting with her, touching her, kissing her on the ear, etc. Really? The girl won’t even look you in the eye, doesn’t want to talk to you, and you can’t even rekindle your friendship before getting touchy-feely? Talk about being a douche bag. After she tells him off and leaves, he climbs into her room through the window and climbs in bed with her. C’mon. Really? Does this girl have no self respect? Then there was the factor that it wasn’t even hot. I mean, if you want to write erotica, fine. Write erotica. don’t disguise it as a New Adult novel… and at least make it good. It was just sappy and corny. Trust me, writing emotional and physical scenes is really hard: I’ve written a few now since I’ve gotten through some of my own books. But if you suck at writing love scenes, don’t make your whole book a drawn out love scene.

3. The sorority best friend. Every time this b!tch opened her mouth, I had flashbacks to this video (
). That was one thing the narrator did really well: She nailed the rich kid! And I couldn’t stand her. Maybe that was the point… but it was just the nail in the coffin for me.

So yeah, that’s why I didn’t like the book. Also, the female narrator sounded like she was fourteen, and the male narrator sounded twenty eight… So that was awkward.

Maybe if I read the book instead of listened to it, I would like it more… but as of now, I can’t recommend it.
The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty (Sleeping Beauty, #1)
The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty (Sleeping Beauty, #1)
A.N. Roquelaure | 1999 | Erotica, Fiction & Poetry
7.5 (11 Ratings)
Book Rating
Anne Rice wrote a trilogy of books under the pen name A. N. Roquelaure, based on the fairy tale Sleeping Beauty. These books were titled The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty, Beauty's Punishment (Sleeping Beauty), and Beauty's Release: The Conclusion of the Classic Erotic Trilogy of Sleeping Beauty. Yep, you read it right - erotica. The set is the only thing I have ever read by Anne Rice, and the only erotica books I have ever read. I have told maybe one or two other people that I have read the series, because it just does not match up with my "good girl" persona, and it resulted in the shocked expression I was expecting. Why would I read such an abomination? One part boredom, one part fairy tale superfan, and three parts secret naughty indulgence/curiousity (one for each book) - I found the books at a slow point while working at a bookstore, and sneakily read them at the customer service desk when I had nothing else to do.

In the first book, Beauty is awakened from her hundred-year sleep with a deflowering by the Prince. He takes her to his kingdom, where she is trained as a sexual slave and plaything, but she fails to be obedient, so is sent to brutal slavery in the neighboring village. In the second book, she is sold at auction and a power struggle ensues as she refuses to be completely broken by her various punishments. Actual plotline wanes in this one until towards the end some of the psychological aspects of sexual slavery are explored before Beauty is kidnapped for a Sultan. In the third book, the various characters all reach closure in varying forms as the sexual aspects of the plot take on a more religious and philosophical tone, as opposed to the crudity of the European castle and village. By the end of the series, it felt more like I was reading a study of a lifestyle for the education and not so much for the indulgence.

The sexual scenes are extremely explicit and graphic with the theme of sado-masochism replete throughout the text, but amazingly, there is still a plotline and decent character development. The first book was my favorite of the three, simply because that is the only book of the three that actually uses the fairy tale in its plotline, and by the third book much of the sex seemed vaguely repetitive and did not affect me as intensely as it did in the beginning. I would even dare to recommend it to those who are of the appropriate age.

I likely have A. N. Roquelaure's influence to thank for my unquestioning devotion to the Kushiel's Legacy series by Jacqueline Carey, now that I think about it...
Sleeping Giants (Themis Files #1)
Sleeping Giants (Themis Files #1)
Sylvain Neuvel | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (20 Ratings)
Book Rating
I received a complimentary copy in exchange for an honest review.

The title of this is what drew me. Sleeping Giants? Sounds right up my alley. It has been a long time since I read a sci-fi novel that wasn't heavy on the romance/erotica also. However, this novel was captivating. I know there are novels out there told through interviews and the like but I have never read them before. Therefore, it was something new and different. I honestly felt I would have enjoyed the novel more if it had been written more traditionally. That doesn't mean I didn't enjoy it. As someone who loves to thoroughly research things, I almost felt that I was the narrator going through all the relevant information I have collected to put the story together. It was appealing.

Style aside, it also has an interesting plot. Giant robots and recovered technologies are nothing new, but the author weaves a stories that grabs your attention and keeps you turning each page. I was hooked until the very last page. In fact, once I finished, I sat in a daze wrapping my mind around everything I had just taken in.

If the description interests you, I highly recommend that you read this novel. I understand it is not expected to be published until April 2016. It is definitely worth the wait.
Cursed (Beholder, #1)
Cursed (Beholder, #1)
Christina Bauer | 2016 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I received a complimentary copy in exchange for an honest review.

This is not my normal read as lately I have been hitting the erotica/contemporary romance hard. However, it had to do with necromancy and that is something I simply cannot pass up. Necromancy is something I am highly interested not only because it is rarely written about (compared to vampires, shifters, etc.), but also because rarely is the hero/heroine ever the necromancer. Usually the necromancer is the villain/antagonist.

This story was refreshing, like a breath of fresh air from what I have been reading. Elea is such a powerful character, both in magic and personality. I could definitely get behind her and her ideals. The author’s created world was also fascinating. I felt she not only created a marvelous world but also did a good job at explaining it. Sometimes in fantasy novels, I get lost concerning the author’s created mythology, but I wasn’t with this novel.

It definitely has a young adult feel to it though. Regardless, I loved it and can’t wait to read more. If you are a fan of strong heroines with interesting magic, and a fascinating world beyond imagination, then you may enjoy this novel. Not to mention the young love that spurs main characters. I am all for young, dewy eyed love…
Crimson Sky (Dark Sky, #1)
Amy Braun | 2016
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I received a complimentary copy in exchange for an honest review.

This is the first novel I have read from Amy Braun, but it is certainly not the last. While I appreciate other genres beyond romance and erotica, it has to really be something to grab my attention. Crimson Sky had me from page one. Not only did it blow me away, I became obsessed, having to know what happened next and not being satisfied until I finished the novel.

Crimson Sky is an action packed novel that is hard to describe. Braun is such a talented writer, she easily incorporates multiple genres into one. It can be classified as steampunk, horror, action, romance, and dystopian all in one. I appreciate that Braun could easily show so many themes without having to shove it down our throats. She does such a good job of showing, there is no need for telling.

This novel is an intense roller coaster ride that begins from the very first page. Filled with complex realistic characters in a terrifying world, Braun weaves a story filled with twists and personal growth that keeps you hooked until the very end. It’s been a long time since I have been this obsessed with a novel that didn’t qualify as erotic. Even now, I am stuck in literary limbo because nothing seems to match up to the intense emotions this novel pulled from me. I can’t wait to read more.

ArecRain (8 KP) rated Masks in Books

Jan 18, 2018  
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I know I recently did a review for another one of Anderson’s novel, but I was able to download this for free and it was a quick read.

I still don’t know how I feel about this novel. I felt like the sex scenes in Claimed were much hotter, but Masks didn’t lack heat. However, she jumped into bed with him so quickly that it was mind-boggling. I am not saying anything against anonymous sex, but it seemed out of character for her. The author spends so many pages enforcing what a mouse she was, and then she has sex with him almost immediately. Honestly, I skipped most of the beginning because it was just Zoe and Chloe interacting, and it wasn’t very interesting, nor progressive to the storyline.

The synopsis make the novel out to be BDSM erotica, but the closest it comes to BDSM is he ties her to a St Andrew’s Cross (only to immediately untie her) and leather everywhere. I am not saying it shouldn’t be classified as BDSM. Just don’t expect any more than some light bondage.

Not to mention I was annoyed with Zoe. She is a horrible sister and I would furious with her.

All in all, it wasn’t terrible. It came nowhere near the level that Claimed was. Like I said, it was a quick read with a realistic ending that I appreciated.
Best Lesbian Erotica: From Sweet to Spicy
Best Lesbian Erotica: From Sweet to Spicy
Janelle Reston | 2018 | Erotica, LGBTQ+
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
great box set!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

These stories are only short, 9 stories across 164 pages, but they are so delicious!

I can't say there was a stand out MOST favourite, because they are all really good. Very well written, in a variety of tenses, in the first and third, from lots of different characters. There is no connection between the stories, save the same author and they are lesbian erotica.

Some are really sweet, some more hard core. Some are just about the sex, and some have a more romantic feel to them.

I read them all, which for a box set, is unusual for me!

But there was one that stood out as my LEAST favourite. It's written from the main character's point of view in the first person. But when she talks about her partner, she uses YOU. So it's written using the second person. I find it a really difficult way to read a book, sorry! It doesn't affect my rating, but I felt the need to mention it, and you know I'm all about the feelings!

Apart from that one, they are all really good. I find myself wanting to read more by Ms Reston, something longer, with more pages to lose myself into!

Having had a run of male/male romances, this landed right in the queue at just the right time!

4 solid stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
The Quest of All Ages
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I already wrote a review for this once but I don’t know what happened to it. I feel that this one won’t be nearly as good as the first especially since I am aggravated that I have to retype it. I will try to capture some of the first one though.

When I requested this from NetGalley, it was because I am a fairytale/mythology buff who can never have enough novels about it. I enjoyed the author’s interpretation because she stayed true to the originally mythology while making it her own. What I loved, however, was that it was not a modern telling, i.e. about the gods children or gods themselves in present day. That’s a trope I don’t enjoy.

Maha Devi Li Ra La masterly weaves a fantastical story of self-discovery with dynamic characters. It is story about adventure and coming into oneself, discovering one’s self. It was a powerful journey that had me on the edge of my seat and rooting for love in way I haven’t in a long time. I think it is because I have read erotica for so long where the couples have been hurt and jaded by the time they reach other. The love in Quest is fresh and dewy eyed like younger lovers falling in love for the first time. It has that hopefulness that young love seems to draw from.

Definitely a feel good novel. While it did not blow my mind, I walked away feeling optimistic and lighter.
Love or Sacrifice (Mages of the Nether #3)
Love or Sacrifice (Mages of the Nether #3)
A.M. Halford | 2017 | LGBTQ+, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Love or Sacrifice (Mages of the Nether #3) by A.M. Halford
Love or Sacrifice is the third book in the Mages of the Nether series, and we focus on another 'Shield' - this time, it's William. He has appeared aloof, even cold, in previous books but we learn more about him in this one, and realise that it is just because he takes himself and his duty to Daniel and Aiden very seriously. However, he does want more, but is resigned to a lack of love in his life as he always put duty first. When Nevada drops into his life, he wants more, a lot more, but is afraid to move forwards. It takes some words from Daniel before he is prepared to open his heart to Nevada.

This is a brilliant book in the series, and we reunite with Daniel and Aiden, as well as Marcus and Edmond, whilst still giving William and Nevada plenty of time. As with the previous couples, you get some serious sexy times, but you get a story too. It isn't just erotica! It is a hot and steamy, well-thought-out and thoroughly enjoyable fantasy series. There were no editing or grammatical errors that disrupted my reading flow. I was engrossed from start to finish. And now I am left REALLY wanting Zachary's story! Absolutely recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Winter Renshaw | 2017 | Contemporary, Romance
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This has been borrowed from the Kindle Unlimited Library.

I'll be honest. With how this started I was expecting it to be erotica. That prologue with how "Absinthe" walks into the principles office, sucking on that lollipop, and how they recognise each other from their voices alone. I expected it to be a bit...kinky with them going on to have sex in his office. But then we go back three months and see how their relationship started with the Karma dating app.

I was really rather enjoying this. It had the angst of love that couldn't really happen but them being unable to fight their feelings or stop seeing each other. But then their secret got out and things fell apart around them both. And then years passed. YEARS! I began to get a little fed up with the characters after five years had passed and they hadn't found each other. Yeah, one of them was looking for the other wasn't really going anywhere.

They did eventually find each other but it wasn't great between them for quite a while and my initial enjoyment of the story had waned a little by then. I did like the epilogue and how their love of classic literature worked its way into their lives. That bit was cute.

It was those five years with the travels and the trying to find each other and despising each knocked it down a star for me. It just seemed too long.