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Trouble in Paradise (Paradise, #4)
2.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I am not entirely certain that I want to publicly acknowledge having read this book. The blurb is not only poorly written, but inaccurate. The cover art - is that art? I'm not sure what or who it's supposed to depict, and after reading the book I still couldn't describe the four main characters in terms of anything but sexual characteristics, and even then, all three men might as well be one guy copied a few times, what with all the huge, throbbing, hard, chiseled, tan, and muscled going on.

I probably wasn't supposed to demand any kind of real plot or continuity out of erotica, but I'm contrary that way. We meet a woman who has worked all night in her garage. We're told she has exceptionally good hearing as she takes off her iPod headphones. Shortly afterwards, we learn that some THING has been stalking her - wait, she worked all night in an unlocked place without an alarm system, wearing headphones that block her oh-so-good hearing, despite supposedly being all anxious about a killer who is after her? I don't buy it.

I frequently felt that this might be an excerpt of a larger work, or from a series of stories that readers are expected to be familiar with. Decent authors know how to repeat key information without boring returning fans so as to help new readers get their footing. Is that just not done in erotica?

Yes, I'm probably being too critical. But if it doesn't work for wanking, it should work as story. And it didn't work for either, for me, at least.

ArecRain (8 KP) rated Meat in Books

Jan 18, 2018  
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I did not expect to like this novella as much as I did. After reading the synopsis, I really wanted to read it, especially since I have a thing for romance/erotica featuring chefs. Meat did not disappoint. Overall, it has likable characters, steamy scenes, and an alpha male who isn’t a sexist bore! The only downside, is that the story is highly predictable. I am not sure if the twists were supposed to be twist because I picked up on them right off the bat (and I am a bit slow at these things.) Not that it detracted from enjoying the story. What I appreciated most, however, was how realistic the erotic scenes are. I won’t give anything anyway, just that you should read it.
The Naughty Girls Book Club
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Received this book in a good reads giveaway and boy am i glad i did. I couldn't put it down and read it in one sitting,i loved all the different characters who all seemed so real ,if i found a reading circle like that id join it in a shot,loved the ups and downs and felt i lived it all with them,i am a big fan of erotica,but i wouldn't class this in that genre,it was more chick lit with spice ,i was in stitches with laughter at some points,it was nice to read a book with such strong, normal, female role models. But by far my favorite character had to be Reggie, loved the chic geek,so glad to have discovered a new author.
Not the best erotica I've ever read but not the worst either. I found it to have a bit of a plot which was good and I do like mythology. Some parts I found quite hot but others...not so much. I think it was a bit wasted on me really being from's a farmer's paradise down here and there are many cows...many, many cows. I must admit I have never found any of them remotely sexy in any way...until they became a steak (medium-rare please) sooo I guess intercourse with a Minotaur just doesn't really do it for me. The only parts I enjoyed was the back story and when I was able to forget that this being was a human/bull creature...with a monster penis.
Desire (The Seductors, #1)
Desire (The Seductors, #1)
B.L. Wilde | 2013
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Finally giving this story up. DNF @ 27%

I'm not the biggest fan of erotica, so this was a little iffy for me going in. I thought it would be better because its plot sounded interesting: Men and women who work for an agency who seduce people to find out business secrets, plots for bad things, microchips etc, but Jade--the main character--starts to have feelings for her target.

I'm not sure if it was the writing style or just the way the author had decided to play the story out but I couldn't get into it. It was really heavy on the sex in that first 25% and like I said not a fan of too much sex.

I really need to stay away from books that are more sex than romance.
Blackthorne (Heart of Fame, #8)
Blackthorne (Heart of Fame, #8)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I liked this. It was nice to take a break from all the YA I've been reading lately and go for something a bit more adult.

From the start it was sexy and fun. Josh came across as being fun and quite down to Earth after the first meeting. Caitlin was quite cool too, she tried to do what was right.

One thing I wasn't so fond of was the sex. It was erotica and that isn't my favourite genre. I preferred the bits between the sex scenes as most of the relationship occurred before the sex took place.

I also feel like the book should have had an epilogue as it seemed rather abrupt how it ended.

If all the authors works are like this then I wouldn't mind reading more of her work.
His Mercenary (Mercenary In Love, #1)
His Mercenary (Mercenary In Love, #1)
Vanessa Sims | 2014 | Erotica, Fiction & Poetry, LGBTQ+
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Well I might like my short stories but I should be wary if freebies--many of them or good, but some I just don't like/can't get into--and that was the case with this one.

It didn't hold enough romance for me. I get lust and that seemed what this was but the fact that they'd known each other three days and had sex all of those three days and suddenly wanted to be just didn't ring true to me. Added in that erotica isn't my favourite genre and the spelling of "come" as "cum" pees me off, I wasn't exactly enjoying it that much.

The crime side of the story didn't hold my attention either, and I felt the ending was rather sudden.

Not for me.