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Matthew Krueger (10051 KP) rated The Purge (2013) in Movies

Apr 14, 2020 (Updated Apr 18, 2020)  
The Purge (2013)
The Purge (2013)
2013 | Mystery, Sci-Fi
Would You Participate
The pruge- the idea of which all criminal activity including murders is legal for 12 hours is really intesting. Like whould happen, if this really happen. I mean, its kinda of happen, but with tolet paper, paper towels, napkins and food. That their is nothing left, and if their is people are rushing to the stories just to get it. Survival of the finest thats the saying. Surviving just to see anethor day/tomorrow. I like ethan hawke, i think he is a underrated actor and he is really good in this. The bad guy is soo laughable, thats hes good but bad.

The plot: In an America ravaged by crime and overcrowded prisons, the government sanctions an annual 12-hour period during which all criminal activity -- including murder -- is legal. James Sandin (Ethan Hawke) and his family face the ultimate test when an intruder drags the vicious outside world into their home. James, Mary (Lena Headey) and their two children struggle to survive the night while trying not to turn into monsters like the ones they are striving to avoid. Also this takes place in the year 2022, so maybe it still might happen, who knows.

For me, i perfer the 2nd and 3rd one, but this one was a good start, to a good horror franchise.
Predestination (2015)
Predestination (2015)
2015 | Mystery, Sci-Fi
A story about a girl named Jane
It seems I've been watching a fair amount of Ethan Hawke lately, total coincidence. I have to say he is probably one of my favorite current actors as he always seems to select smart scripts. His recent film First Reformed was amazing as was another recent Hawke watch, Daybreakers. The directors of Daybreakers recast Hawke as a time traveling policeman of sorts trying to track down one last killer before hanging up his hat.

His current status as a lonely barkeep is interrupted when a stranger walks in, sits down and begins telling their story. Intrigued, Hawke sits down and listens to the tale of an unwanted orphan, a unique person misunderstood by society but maybe destined for great things. They try not to let the hardships of their life get them down, but disappointment lies around every turn. The interactions they have in their life may seem adrift and random, but maybe they have some deeper meaning about the meaning of life or at least their place in it.

Ok, this is kind of a vague description; however, if you take the time to watch this film (I sure wish you would) you will thank me for not saying too much

It is easy to get caught up in all the time paradox stuff when writing or watching a time travel film. What would happen if Marty McFly meets his future self or disrupts the meeting of his parents? Themes are a lot deeper here and the mystery continues to weave itself into a knot before slowly unraveling as the film reaches its end.

Hawke and Australian actress Sarah Snook are captivating together onscreen as their characters interact and their true feelings and motivations are revealed. Both are flawed in their own way, but also looking for redemption and validation that their time on Earth has meaning.

I was totally blown away by the smart, completely interesting story and hope I can convince others to view. Mesmerizing!

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Andy K (10821 KP) Nov 8, 2019

I love those types of films!


Versusyours (757 KP) Nov 8, 2019 (Updated Nov 8, 2019)

Yeah mind melters lol


Josh Radnor recommended Before Sunrise (1995) in Movies (curated)

Before Sunrise (1995)
Before Sunrise (1995)
1995 | Comedy, Drama, Romance
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"I’m a huge fan of those Richard Linklater films, Before Sunrise and Before Sunset, which are kind of like one movie, I think — I’ll call those one movie, ’cause it’s of a piece, right? I don’t know, just something about watching Ethan Hawke and Julie Delpy walk around European towns and fall in love. That movie taught me how active dialogue can be if underneath it is something dramatic. And I love Richard Linklater for that, because he loves dialogue and he lets his characters talk and I certainly want to let my characters talk. It’s not all quivering lips and, you know, weird angles. He really just puts the camera on people and lets it be dramatic."


Josh Radnor recommended Before Sunset (2004) in Movies (curated)

Before Sunset (2004)
Before Sunset (2004)
2004 | Comedy, Drama, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"I’m a huge fan of those Richard Linklater films, Before Sunrise and Before Sunset, which are kind of like one movie, I think — I’ll call those one movie, ’cause it’s of a piece, right? I don’t know, just something about watching Ethan Hawke and Julie Delpy walk around European towns and fall in love. That movie taught me how active dialogue can be if underneath it is something dramatic. And I love Richard Linklater for that, because he loves dialogue and he lets his characters talk and I certainly want to let my characters talk. It’s not all quivering lips and, you know, weird angles. He really just puts the camera on people and lets it be dramatic."


Dana Calvo recommended Boyhood (2014) in Movies (curated)

Boyhood (2014)
Boyhood (2014)
2014 | Drama

"One of the first movies I saw on a date after my marriage fell apart. My date and I, both single parents, were glued to the performances of Ethan Hawke and Patricia Arquette–parents doing the best they can with the tools they have, all while the clock of their son’s childhood ticks on. I know other people were amazed at Richard Linklater’s feat of filming over twelve years. But I would have been sold on the story if there were twelve different actors: I loved the longitudinal look at how the decisions or mistakes that parents make can define their son’s childhood. And, like The Ice Storm, Boyhood never loses touch with our constituency: the boy."

The Purge (2013)
The Purge (2013)
2013 | Mystery, Sci-Fi
Ethan Hawke is no stranger to the horror genre, in 2009 he starred in the Australian vampire flick Daybreakers, a film which promised so much, and delivered relatively little. Now he teams up with director James DeMonaco in a horror film that promises to be anything but ordinary; The Purge, but can it live up to its exciting trailer?

The Purge plays out like a poor-man’s Hunger Games. In the year 2020, America is prospering, crime is at an all-time low and unemployment is at 1%. The reason? Once a year, for twelve hours, all crime is legal and people across US can commit any atrocities they wish.

Ethan Hawke plays James Sandin, a security salesman who has capitalised on the public’s fear of being ‘purged’ by selling hi-tech safety equipment to the rich to ensure they stay safe. Lena Headey plays his wife Mary and his two children, Charlie and Zoe are played by Max Burkholder and Adelaide Kane respectively. In a moment of madness after the commencement of the annual purge, a ‘target’ (Edwin Hodge) is let into their home causing all hell to break loose.

Borrowing heavily from other ‘home invasion’ horror films such as When a Stranger Calls and The Strangers, The Purge really ‘gets going’ about two-thirds in when an army of killers swoop on Ethan Hawke’s impressive property looking for their ‘target.’ The family have one hour to reply before they all become ‘targets.’

Unfortunately, an exciting and unique premise is completely lost in a film that is riddled with many horror clichés, some of them blatantly obvious, (woman opening fridge door, door closes and harmless child shocks woman), some not so obvious. This is a terrible shame as the idea of all crime being legal is ridiculously exciting, but after about 40 minutes, we are locked in the Sandin’s home as they play cat and mouse with an array of forgettable serial killers and the original story is lost.

Another problem is the acting. Competent is the only word to describe it; Ethan Hawke is good in his role and his stern demeanour which has earned him so many acting jobs in the past is in full force here, but you can’t help feeling he was a budgetary decision rather than being who the producers actually wanted. Lena Headey seems to phone in a rather wooden performance, whilst the two kids do marginally better. By far the stand-out here is Rhys Wakefield, credited only as ‘Polite Stranger’ who is excellent and terrifying as equal measure; his facial expressions are enough to make you wince.

Overall, The Purge is an exciting film that delivers some unique thrills and spills mixed in with the usual horror clichés. Unfortunately, it doesn’t deliver on its unique and exciting starting point and delves into a generic slasher film around 45 minutes in. A stand-out performance from one of the cast isn’t enough to lift the acting above mediocre and the Sandin family are as characters, frightfully dull. It’s definitely worth a watch, but don’t let the trailer fool you; it’s not as unique as you might expect.

The new review system breaks down the film into categories allowing you, as the readers to see just where I have awarded points to the film. It is still in a testing stage, so if there are any categories you think could improve it, please let me know.
Daybreakers (2009)
Daybreakers (2009)
2009 | Action, Drama, Horror
A great take on a vampire film
I can't believe I've never seen this film before. Not only do I love vampire films, I also have a soft spot for Sam Neill and Ethan Hawke, so I should've watched this a long time ago!

This is a very refreshing and original take on a vampire film. It's not an idea I've seen before, and it works really well. The background to the story and vampires is flashed over so quickly during the opening scenes and credits, and at a 1hr40 runtime this film really doesn't mess around. The vampire world looks great and I loved the grayscale and darker camera shots whenever the vampires were on screen, it made a stark contrast to the scenes set in daylight. This is such a different version of vampires to what we're used to and there are parts of this where you almost feel sorry for them.

Ethan Hawke is wonderful as Ed, and Sam Neill is deliciously wicked as he has been in other films, despite the fact I cant stop seeing him as Alan Grant! I think Willem Dafoe was a tad underused thought. The best thing I loved about this film was the gore and physical effects. It's an 18 for a reason and I loved all of the blood and guts. Admittedly some of the gore seemed a little over the top and ridiculous towards the end, but this just made it all the more hilariously enjoyable.

This film isn't perfect. I think some of the CGI is dodgy in parts which is a shame as the rest of the effects are rather good. And the sub plot about Sam Neill's daughter seemed a little flimsy. But aside from this, I think Daybreakers is a great underrated vampire film with a unique story, that seems to have gone without the recognition it deserves.
Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets (2017)
Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets (2017)
2017 | Sci-Fi
Valerian and the Unnecessarily Long Title, more like
Another lavishly imaginative and somewhat incoherently scripted sci-fi movie from Luc Besson, somewhat in the same vein as The Fifth Element. Plot mainly consists of running about in spectacular costumes in front of CGI backgrounds; exactly what is going on is frequently unclear.

The script is certainly baffling and doesn't feel like the work of a man credited as writer or co-writer of fifty other movies; the whole section with Rihanna and Ethan Hawke is just filler, in terms of the actual plot. Or is the plot itself only of secondary concern with this movie? It seems that way. DeHaan is arguably badly miscast as Valerian; however, Delevingne is something of a revelation in this movie (very good hair, too). And it definitely has its moments and always looks interesting. If only Besson could keep the script under control for his sci-fi films...
Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets (2017)
Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets (2017)
2017 | Sci-Fi
All style, no substance
It's a shame that Luc Besson has resorted to this. Considering his previous films, this should have been so much better.

The opening title scene starts off fairly well, it's just a shame that it then goes badly downhill with the introduction of Valerian and Laureline. The script is terrible and very cringeworthy, and it isn't helped by the lack of real chemistry between Dane DeHaan and Cara Delavigne. The plot is very weak and really drags out its 2+ hour run time, and it's very predictable. I have no idea as to why they felt the need to include Ethan Hawke and Rihanna, as their part of the plot was filler at best and could've easily been removed with little effect to the overall outcome. The visual effects are fantastic, it's just a shame they've concentrated on this instead of sorting out the horrendous script and weak plot.
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Richard Crump (5 KP) May 4, 2018

I agree, room for improvement but quite charming and to be fair it is an amalgamation of multiple comics from beesons child hood. Multiple plots mashed together. It's his own re-imagining. I actually like it more and more each time I watch it, except for Clive Owen. He always stayed annoying.


Gill Bradley (25 KP) Nov 11, 2019

As an avid fan of fith element and tank girl this movie is fab. Not to everyone's taste. But love the variety of aliens and the effects are good. Story definitely could be better and the script was very poor inplaces,over all though an enjoyable movie

Sinister (2012)
Sinister (2012)
2012 | Horror
7.1 (24 Ratings)
Movie Rating
The Suspense (1 more)
The shocks
Creepy as hell
I went in to this with no idea about it, and after I had watched it I wished I had watched it at a different time, not immediately before having to clean an empty church at 10pm....

Ellison, played by Ethan Hawke, is a true crime writer looking to write the next big hit book and moves his family into a house where a murder took place... and that is about all I'm going to say about the story.

It takes a lot to creep me out, and give me the jitters but this one did, genuinely on the edge of my seat not knowing when the next time I would be shocked, holding my breath awaiting the next moment...

The story might be standard horror movie fare, but the frights are paced perfectly to give you the high points at the right times...

If you are disappointed with normal horror films lack of horror, give this one a try.