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Disney Villainous
Disney Villainous
2018 | Entertainment
I am a sucker for a great theme. Or themes that turn the game around. Such is the case with Disney Villainous. Not often does a game allow you to play AS the bad guys against the good guys. That premise is interesting to me, and as I saw this release last year, I just knew I had to have it. Now that I have played it several times, with and without the first expansion, what do I have to say about it? Read on.

Disney Villainous (“Villainous” from here on) is a card game that pits players against each other in a race to complete individualized objectives to win the game. Players are in direct competition with each other and have devices to employ to spoil the plans of their competitors. Can Maleficent place out curses on all the lands in her realm before Hades can have three Titans storm on Mount Olympus? Can Prince John attain 20 power before either of them win the game? Such is Villainous.

DISCLAIMER: This game has a few standalone expansions now, with more on the way I’m sure. We are using components from the base game as well as the first expansion, “Wicked to the Core,” for this review. Should we decide to review the expansions as standalone games, we will link to the new material here. Furthermore, I do not intend to cover every single rule included in the rule book, but will describe the overall game flow and major rule set so that our readers may get a sense of how the game plays. For more in depth rules, you may purchase a copy from the publisher directly or from your FLGS. -T

To setup, each player will choose a big bad to play. Each character comes equipped with a colored pawn, a realm board with four locations, a deck of cards with matching pawn colored backs, a Fate deck with white back, and a playbook with tips on how to play that character. Also give every player a reference card that details the actions available. Shuffle each deck separately, give the starting player zero power from the cauldron, the second player one power, the third player two power, etc. Each player draws a hand of four colored back cards. Begin the game with the pawns on the leftmost location on the realm board and you are now ready to play.

Play works thusly: move your pawn to any unlocked location, complete any or all actions available at the location, draw your hand back up to four, next player. You MUST move on your turn, unless a card allows you to stay at your current location on your next turn. Once moved, the location will either show two or four options for actions. These could include play a card, activate a card, discard a card, gain power tokens, move an item or ally, move a Hero card, vanquish a Hero, or play cards from an opponent’s Fate deck. Some actions are self-explanatory (gain power tokens, et al), but some require further explanation.

Some cards will have an activation symbol displayed on them. This means that a pawn has to have been moved to a location with an activate card symbol, and the player must pay to activate the card for its special abilities. Easy. Moving an item, ally, or Hero typically means physically moving the cards from one location to another adjacent location. This is important for some villains’ objectives: cards need to enter play in one location but travel to another as part of the win condition. When a villain moves to a location with the Fate symbol, they will choose an opponent, look at the top two cards of their Fate deck, and choose one card to play and one card to discard. These are especially devious and can greatly hinder the player’s progress. In addition, when a Fate card resides on a realm board it covers the top symbols of a location, thus nullifying the player’s ability to use these symbols on future turns. Using the vanquish symbol requires a Hero to have been played on your board, and having enough strength in allies and items to meet or overcome the Hero’s strength. Heroes and any allies/items used in the fight are then all discarded to the appropriate discard piles.

Play continues in this manner until one player has achieved their victory condition.

Components. I have good and bad news. Good news first. The components are absolutely fabulous! Those pawns. SOOOO good. Each is a somewhat abstracted figure of the villain, but with some concrete callbacks and recognizable features. They are just so dang fun to handle and play with. I think the cards are good quality, but I forgot what they feel like outside of the sleeves I put mine in. The board components are great, the cauldron is flimsy, unnecessary, and unwieldy when putting back in the box, especially if you have one or more expansions. I have not found a decent way to put everything back in one box, so I am resigned to having both boxes with me every time I want to play. That’s the bad. I also have put all my sleeved cards into plastic deck boxes in the main game box along with the cauldron. Everything else gets put in the expansion box. I hope a better storage solution is on the horizon along with future expansions…

So as you can see from our rating graphic on top that we are spread out on this one. I love it, but I don’t see it ever breaching my Top 10 list. It does have a tendency to overstay its welcome with all the Fate cards making it more and more difficult to win the game. Once a player seems to be near winning every other player gangs up, or seems to when I have played. I get that it may come off as a negative, and the play length as well, but it’s all part of villains out-villaining each other. While Josh rated it as a three and may not ever willingly ask to play it, I have it at a five because I think it’s a great game with a wonderful theme, amazing components, and tons of expandability. With that, we at Purple Phoenix Games give Disney Villainous a boding 16 / 24. If you are a big Disney fan, can live with the Take That, and want something that looks incredible on the table, pick it up.
13 Monsters Armed to the Teeth
13 Monsters Armed to the Teeth
2020 | Bluff, Dice Game, Fighting, Game Expansion, Memory
Let’s talk expansions. Some expansions are absolutely worth everything to have in with the base game, and some expansions just take up space on your shelves because either you A) love the base game so much that you can’t imagine anything adding to the experience, or B) just can’t seem to pull the trigger to try them out. What about when expansions completely change the game? And those that merely give you more of the same? And where does this expansion for 13 Monsters land? So many questions!

13 Monsters Armed to the Teeth (which I will call “the expansion” from here) is a big expansion to the successful 13 Monsters that recently fulfilled their Kickstarter campaign rewards. I was lucky enough to be able to preview OG 13 Monsters, and I suggest you take a look there before continuing on if you aren’t familiar with the base game. 13 Monsters can be summed up as, “a game of Memory where you use the pieces you’ve matched to battle your opponents.” Once you add in the expansion, though, the description takes on new veribiage, “a game of Memory where you use the pieces you matched along with enhancement items like weapons, shields, new abilities, and a new elemental species to decimate your opponents.” Intrigued?

DISCLAIMER: We were provided a prototype copy of this game for the purposes of this review. These are preview copy components, and I do not know for sure if the final components will be any different from these shown. Also, it is not my intention to detail every rule in the game, as there are just too many. You are invited to download the rulebook, back the game through the Kickstarter campaign, or through any retailers stocking it after fulfillment. -T

Setup will be the same as base 13 Monsters but with added components to lay on the table. These include a big mini (is that a thing?) of a new character named Trall, new black dice, weapon tiles, shield tiles, Metal monster tiles, and durability counters for the weapons and shields. Once all these items are added the base tile grid the game may begin!
Now, I won’t go into detail how to play base 13 Monsters, but rather give an idea of what the expansion adds. Trall is a smithy who is intrigued by new monstersets matched and added to a player’s tableau, so he will come visit that player once a match is made. On one’s turn, if Trall is visiting, he will allow the player to Forge an item (weapon, shield, or Metal monster tile) by rolling the black dice and taking a tile from the specific pile, or Steal an item from another player by winning a roll-off of the new black dice.

The new abilities given to players are numerous and include names like All Seeing Eye and Oopsie Poopsie. I will leave you to the rulebook to discover all the new abilities.

Obviously, when players attach weapons to a monster they will be able to increase their attack power, but will also have to account for hits in durability using the small counters. Similarly, durability counters are included for the shield tiles that assist in deflecting portions of attacks from opponents.

The Metal monsters are part of a new elemental species of monster and are helpful, but worth less VP at the end of the game.
Components. If you have or know of the component quality in base 13 Monsters, then you will be glad to know that the components in the expansion are just as good if not better. When I opened the box the first thing I grabbed for was the Trall mini. He’s a big guy and while the prototype version is a 3D printed mini, I have seen photos of a cardboard standee in a box (however, my money is on a resin mini of Trall as a stretch goal). The weapon, shield, and Metal monster tiles are the same quality as the base tiles so it’s a match there. The new dice are black with white print, which contrast nicely with the base game’s pink dice and white pips. All in all the production quality is great, even in the prototype!

So is this expansion good or necessary or bad or what? Well, let me state the obvious first: if you are happy with how base 13 Monsters plays, then you do not need this expansion. If you want a lot more meat from your game, then this expansion is absolutely necessary. It adds so many more layers of complexity onto a somewhat harmless base game. Yes, there is battle in the base game and stealing of monstersets, but to me it seems it hurts way more using the expansion because you can spend lots more time buffing up your monsters with the extra battle accessories and such to have them just pilfered away.

That still doesn’t answer if I think 13 Monsters Armed to the Teeth is good. Here are my negative points off first. Adding in the expansion content will most certainly add length to the gameplay as well, especially with higher play counts. Players have a ton of options available on a turn now and though some events will be triggered via dice rolls, the new abilities will adjust how players play this versus just the base. A game can now be well over two hours depending on how players play and which type of players are playing. To help combat this, the rulebook advises ways of reducing game time by 50% and I highly suggest you take that advice. I did and games are still around 90 minutes with players who know how to play.

On the positive side, though, there’s more 13 Monsters goodness in this box! And while I do not classify this as “more of the same,” I enjoy more 13 Monsters goodies. This definitely amps up the pressure for each turn and players are involved at all times. Now, I will not be using the expansion when pulling out the game with new players or when I might use 13 Monsters as a gateway game. The expansion just adds too much complexity. But, after a couple plays of the base game, go ahead. Throw it in and watch the eyes widen in anticipation.

So yes, 13 Monsters Armed to the Teeth is a great expansion to a great game. If you like 13 Monsters and want to add more complexity and options, then definitely pick up this expansion. If you missed out on backing 13 Monsters last time, maybe the team at Twisted Stranger will offer them during the next campaign for this expansion. I am quite happy to be adding this to my collection and I know it will see lots of table time for me. Good job team! Now go obliterate your friends! I mean, their monsters.

Jim LeBaron (69 KP) rated Terraforming Mars in Tabletop Games

Mar 12, 2019 (Updated Mar 12, 2019)  
Terraforming Mars
Terraforming Mars
2016 | Business / Industrial, Economic, Environmental, Science Fiction, Territory Building
Smooth Game-play (2 more)
Good Replay Value
Games go a little long for many groups (2 more)
Player boards need trays
Rule book isn't great
Making Their World a Better Place
What a great game. I've played this a few times now and still really like it. It does take a while to teach/learn but once you get going it is really cemented because you are repeating your actions each turn. The end game conditions are very clear so it is easy to see when you are approaching the end of the game. The biggest challenge for me in this game is making hard decisions about which tracks to pursue and which ones to leave alone. I want them all! There is some player conflict but I would say it is minimal, most of your effort will be on building your own corporation.
The games I have played have been 2-3 hours which is fine for me but tends to be a little long for more casual gamers. Each game has been different since you get a random corporation and you don't know which cards you are going to end up with. I'm looking forward to getting the expansions which have additional maps and more cards.
The player boards end up with a lot of cubes on them and if the table gets bumped it can be disastrous so I would recommend the overlay trays that keep the cubes in place. These can be 3d printed or purchased from several locations. It would be great if they fixed this by doing a raised board in a future printing.

Peter Shephard (2822 KP) rated Warhammer Quest in Tabletop Games

Aug 8, 2019 (Updated Aug 8, 2019)  
Warhammer Quest
Warhammer Quest
1995 | Adventure, Fantasy
The rules, the replayability, the potential for continuing adventures (0 more)
The cost! (0 more)
Dungeon crawling goodness
The gaming group I am in played Warhammer Quest (or just Quest) for probably nearly two years, virtually every weekend for at least 4-5h. We loved it.

The basic rules involve the adventuring party (the players) choosing their adventurer, and exploring a hidden dungeon realm to find their objective room, battling monsters, earning gold and finding treasures and items. Pretty typical.

What makes Quest stand out is that it can be done as random, single adventures with "Dwarf" and "Elf" and "Barbarian" and it plays fine, but it can also be an extended campaign for names characters, with ongoing objectives and goals, and an added "between dungeon" system to determine what happens (good and bad) post-Objective Room.

With using miniatures, the game is really easy to visualise; using a standard 1in square makes the game simplistic to learn and easy to navigate, although it can be a little restrictive with some abilities.

The only bugbear I have about Quest is the cost, especially for the expansions - if you get lucky and can get the game at a good price, snap it up. If you have Warhammer fantasy armies, especially pre-Age of Sigmar, you will have ample models to represent most enemies you will face. Having them painted makes it even more involving and interesting. There is also a HUGE amount of player-created material available, some of which is overpowered (as you would expect) but a lot of it is flavourful-tweaking.

....I really wanna play Quest, now....