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Godzilla: Tokyo Clash
Godzilla: Tokyo Clash
2020 | Video Game Theme
Gameplay (2 more)
No expansions...yet. (2 more)
Superb game, could do with some expansions!
A great game for all Godzilla fans!

What can I say? The gameplay is beautiful, simple, fun and quick (despite the terrible rulebook which is stupidly overcomplicated).

The playing pieces, figures of 4 kaiju, Godzilla, King Ghidorah, Mothra and Megalon are a decent size and of a great quality. The design for the game overall is superb!

Now the main downside, the vehicle and small building tokens. While large buildings have plastic 3D tokens, the vehicles and small buildings are all cardboard, and as it shows them from an aerial view, it's usually pretty unclear as to what they are.

Also, Funko Games, this game desperately needs some expansions featuring other kaiju. The base game is great, but it would be great to play the game with Mechagodzilla, Biollante, King Kong, Rodan, so many great kaiju that could add some great twists to the game!
Blood Bowl (2016 edition)
Blood Bowl (2016 edition)
2016 | Fantasy, Fighting, Miniatures, Sports
Blood Bowl is the perfect balance of miniature gaming, Tolkienesque fantasy and honest to goodness fluff and humour. (0 more)
The two teams in the base set don't have all the positional figures but this can easily fixed with team expansions. (0 more)
One of the oldest and best just got a relaunch
Blood Bowl is more than just a boxed game; for some it's a way of life, boasting tournaments and fans all around the world, including players of the many spin-off video games. The base set barely touched the surface of the hobby. I thoroughly recommend seeking out the Death Zone expansions, which add league rules to the mix. There are already many team expansions (such as Elves) released with more to come. The hobby is further supported by an abundance of third party additions. If you like the idea of playing a strategic, turn-based version of American Football with Dwarves and mutant rats the look no further.
Mystic Vale: Vale of Magic
Mystic Vale: Vale of Magic
2016 | Card Game, Fantasy, Game Expansion
Vale of Magic is an expansion to Mystic Vale that adds cards that take effect when bought and a stronger focus on guardian cards. Compared to the other expansions it's relatively boring, but the variety is needed for the base game and guardian combos can be powerful.
Raiders of the North Sea
Raiders of the North Sea
2015 | Medieval, Nautical
The Simplistic game play.... put one out, take one back, two actions. (3 more)
Turns are quick
options are limited by what you did last turn, makes you plan
there are expansions for it too
nothing yet. (0 more)
Great game of Vikings sacking the north! Amazing push and pull, and resource management

Samueljhague (1250 KP) rated Carcassonne in Tabletop Games

May 16, 2021 (Updated Jun 24, 2021)  
2000 | City Building, Medieval, Territory Building
Easy to learn. Art is good. Components are good. This game first used people shaped wooden tokens that became known as meeples. Different difficulty levels. (0 more)
It lasts longer than it should sometimes. It has too many expansions, that add to the playtime. (0 more)
Carcassonne, a tabletop gaming cornerstone...
Carcassonne is a cornerstone of modern tabletop gaming. There are more positives than negatives with this game. It is a great introductory game for people who are unfamiliar with modern board games. This is also a great family game, because you can play the game on different difficulty levels. Removing the farmer option is the easiest variant to start with. The art in the newest version is an upgrade over previous versions. It is nice that the base game comes with a couple of easy mini expansions. I do think that adding expansions is fun, but I don't think you should play with all of them at the same time. This review is a result of a giveaway courtesy of Smashbomb.
2008 | Card Game, Medieval
Lots of potential strategies. (2 more)
Can feel amazing when you get the perfect turn off.
Fun to figure out which combination of new mechanics work well together.
Feels like it lacks theme at times. (2 more)
Attack Cards can ruin the game for certain people.
Limited replayability without expansions.
The Traditional Deck Builder.
2008 | Card Game, Medieval
Lots of different play styles (1 more)
Tons of expansions
This is a great deck building game where the goal is to acquire the most victory points. You build your deck by purchasing various cards, actions, victory points, attacks, monetary cards, and so on. You need to buy victory points to be able to win
Ascension: Deckbuilding Game
Ascension: Deckbuilding Game
2010 | Card Game, Fantasy
I'm always a fan of a deckbuilder. This one works well to balance magic and fight to buy cards to chain and to fight monsters. There are many different strategies to accumulate victory points. I've played almost all of the expansions, however we mixed them so I'm not sure which ones we've played.
Ticket to Ride
Ticket to Ride
2004 | Transportation, Travel
Feel good / involves all players at the same time (0 more)
Too many expansions now (0 more)
Excellent game
Wonderful game. Collect rail truck cards of the colours you require, but don't leave it too long, there are only a very limited number of tracks available to link your cities. If someone beats you to a track, you will need to try to find another (usually longer) route to fulfil your quest. This game keeps you on your toes, as you will need to keep a tight eye on your opponents in case they can scupper you. Points make prizes. A great stand alone game with many expansions available. My advice? Stick to the base game and maybe a couple of expansions later. Don't get too carried away. The base game is great as is. Plays nicely 2-4 players. No excess concentration needed, so a good social game to chat and eat snacks over! Once you have played this a couple of times instead of going out, it has paid for itself and you have it forever more! Well worth the price. Good quality, good value for money. Enjoy! Nige
7 Wonders Duel
7 Wonders Duel
2015 | Ancient, Card Game, City Building, Civilization
The mechanics improve upon traditional 7 Wonders (1 more)
Plenty of expansions available to keep the game interesting
Some people will be frustrated by the luck of the card draws. (0 more)
Not many games are designed specifically for 2 players. 7 Wonders Duel is an effect adaptation of the normal 7 Wonders, that plays wonderfully with 2 players.