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Half Bound (Helheim Wolf Pack Tale #5)
Half Bound (Helheim Wolf Pack Tale #5)
Lauren Dawes | 2018 | Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Thank you, Ms Dawes, for writing these books, I've thoroughly enjoyed delving into this world.
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book 5 in the Helheim Wolf Pack series, the last book and you do NEED to have read the other books before this one. This one pulls everything together but not everything important is recapped.

I found this one a much darker read than the others. The others are graphic and explicit but I thought this one was so much MORE. The violence Vivian expends to get what she wants is described in great detail, what she does and what she has others do. This is the only reason I gave it. . .oh . . no. . .wait, there is ANOTHER reason. Let me try that again! This is ONE of the reasons I gave it 4 stars. Oh but she does get her comeuppance, she really does!

Saxon is captured and Casey allows herself to be taken, on the condition Saxon is freed. Yeah, right, we did not see that one being double-crossed by Vivian! Vivian breaks Casey, she really does, physically and emotionally. It's painful reading, not just the physical stuff, but when Casey comes to terms with what Vivian does to her, what it means for her future, what it means she can never be. And then. . .not yet. . .I'll say soon.

Across the other side of the story, Brax, who left Rhett a while ago because he was addicted to Indi's bite, has to fetch a new pack member who affects him, and his wolf, deeply. But Andrea is damaged, both inside and out, and she doesn't think anyone will want her now her abusive ex has marked her as he did. Besides, all men are gonna hurt her, so she steers clear. When said ex gets too close, Brax and Drae bond, and when they do? Oh it's so beautiful, their bonding, it really is. Said ex also gets his comeuppance, but not quite how I thought he would!

Back to what Vivian does to break Casey emotionally. This is the other reason I gave it 4 stars. Casey loves Saxon and he loves her. But they never really got to tell each other that. After Casey gets free, I'm not surprised she has the thoughts she does. And then there was that "Besides. . . ." when Vivian was gloating! So now my mind is racing and I want answers! At least I know the questions this time!

A very fitting end, and one that spawns another series about Casey and her brothers. I hope to get my hands on them too.

Thank you, Ms Dawes, for writing these books, I've thoroughly enjoyed delving into this world.

4 stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
Stieg Larsson, Martin Wenner | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
8.1 (76 Ratings)
Book Rating
I've finally finished it! Whoop whoop!

This is a very different book to what I usually read. It contains a lot of strong language, sexual references, assault and Swedish finance. It also has a lot of investigating, which was my favourite part.

A financial journalist, Mikael Blomkvist, has been accused of libel after submitting a report about a rival company, owned by Hans-Erik Wennerström. The Wennerström Affair is huge - and has earned Blomkvist a three month stay in prison. This was all a bit hard for me to follow, as I don't know much about this subject. But I still managed to get the general gist of it.

A freelance worker at Milton Security is hired to research Mikael Blomkvist. Her name is Lisbeth Salander, and she's only in her twenties. Even so, she's probably the best worker Dragan Armansky has hired.

The client wanting a report on Blomkvist, Herr Frode, works for Henrik Vanger of the massive Vanger Corporation. Pleased with what they hear, they hire the journalist for a private matter - to solve the mystery of a missing girl from the 1960's.

While Blomkvist is researching the suspected crime, Lisbeth Salander is molested and raped by her legal guardian. She should turn him into the police, but that isn't her style. Instead, she gets her revenge.

Blomkvist finds out about the report written on him, and seeks out Salander. Together they begin to crack the case of Harriet Vanger. They are both put at risk when they discover the reason for Harriet's disappearance, and nobody's prepared for what they uncover.

Although the case is solved, the company Blomkvist works for - Millenium - needs revenge against Wennerström. To his surprise, Salander has just what he needs to really make a bang.

Like I said, this is quite an explicit novel - fathers raping their children, guardians attacking vulnerable young women, men sleeping with multiple women. The relationships seem to be ever-changing in this novel, but I suppose that's just realistic. But this is definitely not suitable for the faint-hearted, and there are some really horrific, visual descriptions that really will haunt you.

But if you like investigative or crime novels, I would definitely suggest giving it a go. It's not a quick read by any means, but it's cunning, it's realistic, and it's gripping. What more could you want from a novel of this genre? I really wasn't sure at first, as I just couldn't get into the multiple characters' stories or the whole situation with Mikael Blomkvist, but I did manage to get into the rhythm of it in the end, and really did enjoy it. For these reasons, I'm going to give Larsson's novel 4 stars. I'm seriously hoping I come across the next books in the series now!
In Safe Keeping (Heroes and Babies #2)
In Safe Keeping (Heroes and Babies #2)
Victoria Sue | 2019 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
8.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
excellent follow up!
Independent reviewer for Divine Magazine, I was gifted my copy of this book.
This is book two in the Heroes and Babies series, but you do NOT need to have read book one, In Safe Hands, before you read this one. There is (or I didn’t pick it up) no relation between the two books, save the Hero and the Baby! But I recommend you do read it, because its bloody brilliant!
Lucas couldn’t save his son, who died in a fire 3 years ago, but saving Owen and baby Mia goes a little way to help. But Owen in clearly running, from what Lucas doesn’t know. His protective instincts are out the roof for Owen and Mia, and Lucas will do anything to keep them safe.
Book one got me out of a bit of a book funk and blew me away, and book two did too!
Lucas’ pain isn’t immediate obvious, and it takes time for the full picture to become clear. I mean, two thirds of the book before you get it ALL laid out for you! And not everything is how you think it’s gonna be! Love being kept on my toes.
The attraction Lucas has for Owen is also slow to become clear, sort of sneaking up on him. While Lucas was married to a woman, he doesn’t question his attraction to Owen, and just runs with it.
Owen’s pain is equally slow in coming out, and it’s not easy reading, not at all. Owen’s attraction to Lucas is powerful, but Owen questions whether that is just the situation, rather than anything real. When they finally get to the “good stuff” though, Owen knows who he wants, he just hopes Lucas feels the same.
Because of the creeping up on Lucas thing, it is not especially explicit, but then again, it doesn’t need to be. It is hot though, it just takes a long time, right till nearly the end of the book!
Again, we get to hear from the bad guy, although said bad guy isn’t quite as bad as one would think, just a man in a really bad place. It is quite graphic, the level of violence that occurs but I think the IS needed, for Owen’s fright to be fully explained, for you to understand what it is he is running from.
Both have guys a say, and you know that makes me happy! I wasn’t sure if Owen would, at first, but he does. Both voices are different, and well written.
I am, currently, listening to book one, and I was hearing Michael Pauley narrate this, so I would hope he does narrate this as well as he does book one!
5 stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
The Turn of The Key
The Turn of The Key
Ruth Ware | 2019 | Thriller
7.7 (10 Ratings)
Book Rating
I’ve read some pretty spooky books in my time, but none have had me on the edge of my seat in quite the same way as Turn of the Key by Ruth Ware did! There’s an underlying menace in this book - nothing explicit - and I think that makes it all the more frightening. I can’t even tell you the amount of times I told the lead character, a Nanny from London, to just pack up, leave the children with the housekeeper, and go home!

So, as I’ve already begun to say, Rowan is a Nanny who has been employed to look after the children of a wealthy husband and wife architecture team. They work away from home, and need someone to take care of their young children (plus a 14 year old who comes home from boarding school at the weekend). It all seems very rushed, and when Rowan turns up to take her post, Sandra (the mum) drops the bombshell that they will both be leaving for a week the next day. The children haven’t even had a chance to get to know Rowan with their mum there! Sandra leaves a huge folder with instructions for EVERYTHING regarding the children, and a very quick lesson on ‘Happy’, the house computer system (kind of like Alexa, but less chatty and far less easy to use!). I would’ve said something here, but Rowan seems to be desperate for the job. She seems to be a nice enough person, but she does make allusions to her temper, and does seem to lose it with the children quite a bit. But I’m not surprised - she is woken up every night, either by bumps and pacing sounds, or Happy seemingly having a huge glitch and playing loud music whilst turning on lights throughout the house in the early hours. Well, Maddie, the 8 year old, did warn her about the displeasure of the ghosts at her interview.....

I loved how creepy this was - I didn’t know what was real and what Rowan was imagining because of sleep deprivation, but it made all of the days seem to merge together. You could feel how tired and scared she must have been.

The last fifth of the book was something else though. I can’t think of many books where I’ve actually told a character out loud “No!” (It made my dogs stop and look!). The last few (yes, FEW!) revelations and twists kept the tension running right up to the end.

Have I said that I loved this book? This is my second Ruth Ware book, and it certainly won’t be my last - this is even better than The Death of Mrs Westaway (if that’s possible!).
Many thanks to The Pigeonhole for serialising this book - you did it again! Another absolutely cracking choice!
    Crazy Gears

    Crazy Gears

    Education and Games

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    Are you ready to watch your child kick their learning into high-gear? Crazy Gears is a new-aged...

Defenders, Sons of Olympia Reverse HaremSeries
Defenders, Sons of Olympia Reverse HaremSeries
Helen J. Perry | 2018 | Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
love these!
I was asked to read this book, that I write a review was not required.

However! When a book pulls you in and grabs you so much so you nearly missed your time stamp at work, you really should say a few words, shouldn't you??

This is book 2 in the Sons of Olympia trilogy, but you don't NEED to have read book one, Ravens, first. You SHOULD, because I said so, but not necessary. Both stand alones, but Brenna does pop in this one, on her own journey.

Lauren finds herself tied to a tree, in the middle of the woods, by the local high school bullies. That they aren't in high school anymore doesn't matter to them. Faced with spending her last days as such, Lauren doesn't expect to be rescued, not least by THREE guys who seem to know her! She doesn't feel afraid in their company, these men who tell her they know her SOUL from years gone by. Jasper, Zander and Greg are Spartan, of the 3oo warriors of legend. And since time began, they have loved Lauren, or a version of her, until one day she did not come home. And now, they really don't want to let her go.

Different from book one, in that, once Lauren is told who the guys are, and what they mean to her, and what she means to them, she does NOT run. She seeks them out, each time going to the woods by herself and her newly arrived puppy. She looks for their gifts each day, knowing that accepting them brings her closer to the men who are creeping their way into her heart. She faces a big decision, when her aunt and uncle tell her their news, but really, it's not a difficult decision, not when she knows who she wants.

I gave Ravens 5 stars cos it was hot hot HOT. While this one is also a 5 star read, I did find it not as explicit as book one. Sexy, yes, hot, yes, but quite as much as book one. Not a bad thing, not at all, just needed to mention it! I'm still harbouring some jealousy that these ladies can find THREE guys when I can't even bag one!

The Ravens are mentioned, when Lauren goes to talk to Jade about local legends, and the Brenna is having problems with them, but they play no part here. Also not a bad thing! The Ravens are also different in that they shift, the Spartans here do not.

Again I read this straight through without stopping and it didn't seem as long as Ravens, and when checking there is some hundred page difference.

I am assuming that book three, Architects, will be Jade's story. I hope so. I hope I get to read it, to see if she embraces those legends her grandma used to tell her.

Thank you, Ms Perry, for my copy.

5 full and shiny stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Loving a Warrior
Loving a Warrior
Melanie Hansen | 2018 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
loved it!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

Matt and Shane are in BUD/S training: an intense 6 months training to get them both into the Navy SEALS. They did not account for the intense chemistry between them, know that it can never happen while they are training, if they end up in the same unit. But neither can stay away from the other and anything worth fighting for is never going to be easy.

After all, the only easy day was yesterday.

This is only the second book of Ms Hansen I've read. Unquiet broke me, and I approached this one with kid gloves, because, I mean, she BROKE me before! And while THIS book isn't quite as emotionally devastating as Unquiet, it's still a very good read.

Matt joined the BUD/S training to follow in his beloved uncle's footsteps. Shane joins after spending time in the Marines, but his REAL reason doesn't come clear til much later. Neither wanted a relationship, and after graduation they were gonna get this. . . . whatever it is between them. . . out their system. But emotions have a way of coming out of left field, and Shane admits he wants MORE.

This book is quite heavy on the physical and emotional aspect of this kind of training. And at first, I didn't like it too much. BUT as the book moved along with Shane and Matt's relationship, I found myself thinking that aspect is really rather needed. It goes deeper than running the fastest mile, or swimming the longest, or finishing that O course in the quickest time. It goes deep within Matt and Shane, and how far they have to dig to get what they.

To get WHO they want.

It's told well, from both men's point of view, and I wasn't sure that would be the case at first, so when Shane gets his voice, I was happy. Ya'll KNOW how happy I am when everyone important gets a voice!

I didn't find it overly explicit, but it wasn't needed here. It's well over half way before Matt and Shane get to the main event, but the build up to that was great reading. It pitters and patters along, a little more here and there, til they finally decide to let their feelings run free. And it was glorious!

Some secrets revealed that I saw coming, and some not.

There is a second book, Keeping A Warrior in this series, and at first I thought it a follow on to this but it's not. It's about a character who pops up here, and I would like to read it. Especially after what happens to him here, and reading the blurb of THAT book, it ain't gonna end well!

A solid . . .

4 star star read

P.s That tag line " The only easy day was yesterday"?? Gonna stick with me a while!

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Slow Dances Under An Orange Moon (Colors of Love #4)
Slow Dances Under An Orange Moon (Colors of Love #4)
V.L. Locey | 2020 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
6.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
my fav of the series!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

And just like that, back up to 5 full stars AND it's single point of view!

I LOVED this instalment of these hockey players, I really did.

Kye returns home after retiring from professional hockey with two things on his agenda.

Look after his grandad, Dunny.

And get his man back, David.

First one is fairly easily sorted but the second one? Not so much. David is, even after 20 years, angry with Kye. So angry for leaving him, but more so for not even coming home in all that time, not ONCE. David would have had a long distance relationship, but Kye was still in the closet and did not want to ruin his career. Leaving Davey all that time ago killed Kye, but now he is on a mission to get his man back. Will David as he likes to be called, want him, though?

Kye is very vocal about many things, but the biggest thing he has a say about is his regret for leaving David and not coming home. He needs David to understand, even after all this time, he LOVES David, deep within his soul and he just needs a chance to prove that.

There follows a delightful tale of a man on a mission, a woo-ing mission, to get his man back and Kye does it so beautifully! He can see David giving in, with the little twitches of a smile, the sparkle in his eye, the way he wants to go slow about kills Kye, but he knows he has to play David's game if he really has any sort of chance.

Only Kye has a say, yes, I know, but his voice is strong, and fills in all the gaps that David NOT having a voice leaves. David manages to get his point across, though.

I didn't find it as explicit as a couple of the others, but it's not missed. This is more about the LOVE between these two men, rather than that sex.

Some difficult reading about the poachers and what David, as a wildlife conservation officer finds, but I think that probably is needed, to explain a lot of how David feels about his job and what he has to deal with on a day to day basis.

Also, Dunny, Kye's grandfather, is ailing in body and mind, and that is also difficult reading, but extremely well written and absolutely needed.

Arn pops up, and I loved the little digs to Kye about the other couples in this series, I really did! Made me chuckle, what Arn comes out with! Kye had no clue what he was talking about, though, and it shows that there really is no link between the series bar Arn and the colour theme.

Who's next? No idea, but please, keep these guys coming!

5 full and shiny stars

**same worded review will appear elsehwere**