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Poi: Explorer Edition - Official Nintendo Switch Trailer

Embark on a classic 3D platforming adventure as you set sail on an airship to collect Explorer Medallions and unravel the mysteries of the Milky Way Globe.


Movie Critics (823 KP) created a video about The Belko Experiment (2017) in Movies

Jul 12, 2017  

The Belko Experiment Official Trailer


Imogen SB (4507 KP) created a video about track Foxey Lady by Jimi Hendrix in Live at Woodstock by Jimi Hendrix in Music

Apr 4, 2019  

The Jimi Hendrix Experience - Foxey Lady


Imogen SB (4507 KP) created a video about track Wilson (Expensive Mistakes) by Fall Out Boy in MANIA by Fall Out Boy in Music

Apr 3, 2019  

Fall Out Boy - Wilson (Expensive Mistakes)


Technology lovers and iPhone owners, this list may be of huge interest for you, since it will deal with top most expensive apps for iPhone in 2017.



Business and Productivity

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LogMeIn by LogMeIn, Inc. Get secure anytime, anywhere access to your computers from your iPad or...

MapCog Spectra English

MapCog Spectra English


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MapCog Spectra is a test which helps to detect if a person has an attentional disorder. MapCog...

iVIP Black

iVIP Black


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Luxury Discovery. VIP Treatment. Lifestyle Management. The world's first premium lifestyle app. ...




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Verituner is an advanced piano tuning app for use by professional piano technicians. This new app...




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App Watch

*Rated BEST chair side case presentation software/app by Gordon Christensen's CR (August 2011;...

and 5 other items

Afro-Haitian Experimental Orchestra - Bade Zile

Spearheaded by the legendary Afrobeat/Fela Kuti drummer Tony Allen, the Afro-Haitian Experimental Orchestra rose out of Allen’s 2014 visit to Haiti where he collaborated with some of the countries most notable singers and percussionists.


Entertainment Editor (1988 KP) created a video about Snake Pass in Video Games

Nov 19, 2017  

Snake Pass – PlayStation Experience Trailer | PS4

Join Noodle the snake and his best friend Honeydew, a hummingbird, as they embark upon a colourful adventure to the top of Haven Tor… and help them rid their paradise of the nefarious gate-crasher once and for all.

Borat (2006)
Borat (2006)
2006 | Comedy
It can not be understated how important Sacha Baron Cohen is in the modern comedy landscape. His particular brand of satire has always stirred up controversy, but has always been appealing to me. He arguably hit his peak during Ali G in the USAiii, where he posed as multiple characters, namely Ali G, Brüno, and Borat. It was only a matter of time before the latter got his own feature film.

Borat is offensive in so many ways, but I'll be damned if it isn't clever. The character is anti-semitic, sexist, and homophobic. Of course, Cohen himself isn't any of these things, but this role he plays truly brings out the worst in real life people that he interviews for his "documentary". As soon as he says something unorthodox, his subject will let their guard down, feel comfortable, and join in. It's quite something, and results in Cohen exposing the ugliness of somenof these people.
The over-arching narrative is thread bare (and honestly not intended to be the main focus) but climaxes in such a hilariously surreal fashion.

I'm not conviced that some of the stuff in this movie would fly now (at the time of writing, the second Borat movie is due to release tomorrow so we will see!), but Cohen's recent series, Who Is America?, showed clear as day that he is still as sharp, brutal, and out for blood as he ever has been.
Borat is another fine semi-exposé, that is frequently hilarious, and constantly disturbing, that is still as relevant and needed now as it was back in 2006.
Pickup on South Street (1953)
Pickup on South Street (1953)
1953 | Classics, Drama, Mystery
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"I remember being baffled by the first Sam Fuller film I saw when I was in my late teens or early twenties, a revival at the old St. Mark’s theater on Second Avenue in New York. The audience was guffawing and cheering and I thought it was really stupid: some kind of condescending intellectual slumming, about a movie that looked to me like plain harmless, and pretty much sincere, if inept, cheap melodramatic exposé. It was Shock Corridor. The movie was bad, but the audience was worse. I can’t remember which film turned me around. The Naked Kiss? That’s a great one, as is Shock Corridor. Eventually I also learned how highly Fuller is rated by the most intellectual film analysts. I think what makes Fuller so popular with them is Fuller’s unpretentiousness, not because it’s naive, but because it makes him a purer example of filmmaking talent: since there’s no subtlety, no subtext, no self-consciousness, it means that to enjoy it you’ve got to enjoy it for the pure, abstract methods of film as film. Famously, his roots are in two realms, tabloid journalism and World War II (where he saw a lot of action with the infantry). In a scene at a party in Godard’s Pierrot le fou, when he’s asked what cinema is, he says, “Film is like a battleground: love, hate, action, violence, death. In one word: emotion.” And that’s the way his films feel: like they’re emotion, the way music is. They’re not about ideas except on the most basic level, like a tabloid. They’re “hard-boiled,” and there’s tabloid/sensationalist fury and irony. His fight scenes are thrilling and like no one else’s; you can recognize them in a second. His style altogether is distinctive. Everything is in your face. Lots of close-ups, lots of tracking in for close-ups, long takes with plenty of camera movement. It is like pulp journalism, like a fluid Weegee. Emotion. As corny and cartoony as she is, Thelma Ritter’s last scene in this is really moving. She actually got an Academy Award nomination for supporting actress for the role. The close-up smooching of Richard Widmark and Jean Peters can leave you breathless too, even though the sessions usually end with him mocking or slapping her. In 1974, when I was first singing my song “Love Comes in Spurts” at CBGB, I sometimes used to introduce it with the line that comes when Widmark’s kissed an eager Peters and she’s told him she really likes him and he sneers, “Everybody likes everybody when they’re kissing.”

Jim & Andy: The Great Beyond (2017)
Jim & Andy: The Great Beyond (2017)
2017 |
8.8 (4 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Documentaries, they can’t be trusted, can they? There is always a purpose and a message the film-maker’s have manufactured and edited to suit themselves, I find. They often leave you with more questions than answers. The best ones are open to interpretation enough to allow you in; allowing the source material to speak for itself. The worst ones rely on talking heads too much and can feel very manipulative.

Jim and Andy: The Great Beyond, is fortunately much more of the former than the latter. However, two days after watching this mind-blowing exposé of how Jim Carrey behaved on set of the excellent Man On The Moon, playing genius / lunatic Andy Kaufman, I am still left pondering what to think of it all. Is Carrey an ego maniac who belongs in a straight-jacket, or is he a hippie genius, dedicated to his art, who would do anything to achieve a perfect performance?

It focuses on a fully bearded Carrey reliving his memories of 20 years ago. Reinforced by a plethora of behind the scenes footage, which at turns is hilarious, shocking, confusing and revealing, in uncomfortable and fascinating ways. The premise is that at the time of being cast Kaufman’s spirit inhabited Carrey, allowing him to channel the actual man, and BE him, rather than merely play him!

Whatever your thoughts on method acting, and how indulgent that can be, it is always astonishing to see just how far he went! And why everyone else allowed him to get away with it? Director Milos Forman is forced to cope with never talking to “Jim”, only to “Andy”, and seems often at the point of break-down. Fellow cast members seem to deal with it in different ways too. Danny DeVito seems in awe; Courtney Love seems to embrace it; Paul Giamatti seems very uncomfortable. But the whole show goes ahead with Carrey as king. Simply extraordinary!

The thing is, both 1999 Jim and 2017 Jim never seem entirely insane, but rather totally in control and eloquent. It seems as if every “crazy” thing he did was a choice, conscious or unconscious, that as an actor he was happy to be part of; as if the performance was all that mattered. There have always been mental health questions about Carrey, and this throws a bright spotlight on his technique, personality and self-awareness. At some point you just have to say “wow” and to a degree applaud it.

Your enjoyment of it hinges on how much of a Carrey fan you are? If you have never liked or got him as a performer then you will be screaming at the screen in consternation. If you love his work then this is indespesible viewing! Either way, there is something wondrous about it! Just consider, Carrey won a Golden Globe for this role, and remains the only person ever to do so not to be Oscar nominated…

There is also a suggestion the whole thing is a joke, in typical Kaufman style, using the footage to create a trick on the audience… Documentaries, they can’t be trusted, can they? You decide.