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Lost in Plain Sight
Lost in Plain Sight
Alan Camrose | 2020 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Thriller
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I freaking loved this! Yes you heard right, if I could sum my review up in 4 simple words that would be exactly what I would write!

So what made this so good I hear you ask?

For starters, Alan managed to bring 2 of my favourite genres together and it just worked, so well. From the 1st page I was sold, it reeled me in and didn’t let go. This was a book I could really sink my teeth into.

Told in multiple POV’s, which trust me when I say it doesn’t always work and you can easily get lost and have to go back on yourself, I can honestly say this flowed with absolute ease. Each Chapter is told by a one of the main Character’s and you know straight away whose POV you are reading as it’s a chapter heading. The main characters are relatable, quirky and I loved getting to know them.

This was really was well written and Alan is very descriptive when setting a scene. As this is not set in a fictitious world and set in Brighton, you can truly imagine yourself there, especially if you know the area well. This is one of the main reasons I loved this so much. As a fantasy lover, I am used to world building and imaginary places, but having the story set in a actual place with the fantasy element running alongside, was refreshing. Everything is there for fantasy fans…..magic, demons, fae folk, The list goes on. For thriller fans there is murder, mystery and an engaging plot.

All in all this had everything to keep me enthralled and not forgetting it had me laughing out loud in places, Alan clearly has a wicked sense of humour which clearly shines through in his writing.

I received Lost In Plain Sight by Alan Camrose for free in exchange for an honest review as part of a blog tour for Love Books Tours
Crimson: A Dark Sidhe Faerie Tale
Crimson: A Dark Sidhe Faerie Tale
Tiffany Speelman | 2023 | Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
First time author nailed it!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

Ok so! As far as I can see this book is the only book currently written by this author. And if this is her FIRST book?? Oh my days, I cannot wait to see what she delivers next!

Because, bar two things, I bloody LOVED this book.

It's dark and deadly, with so much going on sometimes, I had to double back to check I fully understood. And that, for ME, is a good thing! I didn't find it especially explicit, for Kara and Alak, but for the Fae in general, it is. There is a lot of violence here too, but I think it is needed to get the way these folk live across. It's a truly multi-layered story and it takes time to get to where it's going.

Or rather, it takes time to get the whole point of the story across. And again, for ME, a very good thing. It kept me fully engaged from start to finish.


It is a long LONG book, some 500 pages and it's not all easy reading. As I said, it takes time to build up to things. Some peeps don't like such long books. I did here, but it did take me a long time to finish. Mostly because of my next point.


Only Kara has a say. And if Alak had been given a voice, it would have broken this up a bit, and made it not seem quite so long. Because I really needed to hear from him at points along the way, especially when Kara is in danger.

Having said all that, I really REALLY enjoyed it, and I really REALLY hope we get a second book. Because while there is a HFN ending, Kara and Alak's story is by no means finished. And some other characters need a HEA, too!

So, for a first time author, I'd say Ms Speelman nailed it!

4 most excellent stars
Refuge (Relentless, #2)
Refuge (Relentless, #2)
Karen Lynch | 2014 | Paranormal, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
O.M.G.!!! It's been a while since I read Relentless and now I've got a major urge to read it again, just so I can immerse myself in Sara's story right from the word go.

This is one of those books that I bought immediately after I finished Relentless, but just never got the chance to read before life got in the way. Let me just say, that since I've finished this, life isn't going to get a chance to get in the way as I am starting Rogue straight away!!

In Refuge, Sara is living in a 'military-style compound' where she was dumped by Nikolas. Let's just leave it at he is not her favourite person right now. She is struggling in training as she fears losing control of her Mori demon. She hasn't really made new friends, instead stays in phone contact with Roland, Peter, and of course, Uncle Nate.

There is too much to give you a rundown of this book, and seriously, why on earth would I do that? That's what the synopsis is for!! Suffice it to say, Sara has a big learning curve in front of her. With her magic, she is learning new 'tricks', as well as receiving her very own early warning vampire radar.

So many bits made me smile, so many bits made me frustrated for Sara, but most of all, I can't wait to see where it will go next. With one heckuva cliffhanger that really Nikolas should have seen coming a mile off knowing Sara (remember, I'm writing this before reading Rogue so I have no idea if he realises or not!)

If you want a paranormal romance that is full of Mori demons, the fae, griffins, Alex the wyvern (love him!), hellhounds, vampires, shifters, absolutely gripping, full of action and adventure, romance, and 'real-life' reactions, then look no further. I really can't recommend this highly enough!!!

* Verified Purchase on Amazon *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Jun 7, 2016
The Darkest Part of the Forest
The Darkest Part of the Forest
Holly Black | 2015 | Young Adult (YA)
7.9 (9 Ratings)
Book Rating
Folklore (0 more)
The Knight is Young
Holly Black sticks with folklore for Faeries and still is able to make her own twist about a town called Fairfold where the townspeople coexist cautiously with the Fae. In this town there is a boy who is a changeling pretending to be human, a boy who wishes for love out of fairy tales, a girl who desires to be more than ordinary, and a horned prince in a glass coffin all of who are very important to the story because without one it is possible none of which is happening would be happening.

Ben and Hazel are on the hunt for their prince who's awoken from the glass coffin, but what is the cost of finding him when his freedom is the start of the town pointing fingers at Jack? Will these once duo in hunting the wild faeries drift further apart? Will Hazel be able to decide who she wants to be? Can she decide which side she must be on? Or will be betray those she loves, those who have confessed to her what they hold for her to keep her place? Will Ben betray his sister for the horned prince? Will he allow his jealousy for her to overcome him to ensure he is able to finally have what he wants? Will he ruin his friendship for all this?

And is anyone safe in town?

The flow of this book was amazing. We're introduced to our key characters, minor ones, and even less important ones within the first few pages or throughout without any of the development taking from the story or plot. It takes off into the action without pause and even though one would think not skipping a beat would be bad to convey the story it works here as there is so much occurring to piece the puzzles pieces together. The relationship between brother and sister despite what is between them is wonderful as it shows you can care for someone no matter what you believe within your own mind. Their interactions are what makes TDPOTF so great. I believe without Hazel's and Ben's siblinghood this book would have not worked.
Avenged by Fire (Between Ruin and Salvation #3)
Avenged by Fire (Between Ruin and Salvation #3)
V.J. Silvey | 2023 | Paranormal, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
AVENGED BY FIRE is the third book in the Between Ruin and Salvation series and you must read these books in order, as one follows on from the other.

I won't rehash the storyline - you've got the blurb for that. Suffice it to say it is full-on action once again. Now Ava has beaten Alpha Thomas, she has set her sights on the Council. After all, they do have her parents, child, and mother-in-law! Together with Makaii, they set off around America to form alliances in a bid to take them down. While doing that, the full horror of what the council is doing comes to light - and there is no way that Protector Ava or her associates are going to stand for that!!!

Ava is just as kick-ass as in the other stories and I am finally warming up to Makaii. In fact, I actually felt for him in this book as he tries his best to go against his instincts to wrap Ava up in cotton wool to keep her safe. I may not have been that keen on him but I love their relationship. There are mistakes being made, give and take between two very strong individuals. They haven't just immediately fallen into this perfect life.

Ava also gets to meet more of her family - together with a Fae Prince who is a bit of a jerk, if I'm honest. Mind you, Ava does manage to bring him into line in spectacular fashion. That may be my favourite scene out of the whole book.

Oh, and Bailey sniffs out her mate but avoids him like the plague. I know which one I want for her but I will have to wait and see.

One helluva cliffhanger wraps up one helluva book! I really can't wait for the conclusion and to see Ava in action again. HIGHLY recommended by me.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Apr 12, 2023
First Snow (Northbound #2)
First Snow (Northbound #2)
Saga Nansen | 2023 | LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
If Arttu has to get on his knees for a murderer, so be it.
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book 2 in the Northbound series, but it can be read as a stand alone. There is a minor on-going story arc that can be quickly picked, with most being recapped in this book.

I loved book one, Midnight Sun, and while I really REALLY enjoyed this one, it doesn't quite meet up to book one's grab-you-and-not-let-go kinda vibe, and it pains me, deeply, to say so!

I liked Arttu, I really did. He wants to find out what happened to his friend in London and if he has to get on his knees for a murderer, so be it. But Jareth is so much than the skin he wears. Yes, he has killed beings and people that break the rules, but never in cold blood. He is Half-Fae, a Lord of his people, and as such wears a glamour most of the time. When Arttu finally sees Jareth true form, he isn't quite sure what he is seeing, but he knows he needs Jareth, in any form.

Jareth, not so much. I don't know why, but my overwhelming feeling about Jareth is "I don't like you!" That said, I did like how drawn he was to Arttu. He knows Arttu is keeping secrets, he is a master at that himself, but still. He wants Arttu in a way he never wanted anyone before.

I liked that Jamie and Finn pop up (from book one) I liked the supporting cast, both the support for Arttu and Jareth is great in very different ways.

I'm still not sure quite what happened with Lord Briar and his wife though!

And I thank you, Saga Nansen, for the glossary at the end!! I found in immensely helpful!

I'm sorry I couldn't love it as much as Midnight Sun, but I did thoroughly enjoy it.

4 very VERY good stars

*same worded review will appear elsewhere
I wanted to read this book for the first story by Mercedes Lackey, since I am a fan of the Five Hundred Kingdom series. This story featured Leopold and Brunnhilde in a setting straight out of Greek mythology. In short, I loved it. It weaves Leopold's quest for immortality in with the tale of Persephone and her union with Hades. The perspective is different from the usual story of a victimized Persephone, and turns her into a strong, young woman who will stop at nothing to be with the man she loves. To make Greek mythology fit in with the rest of the series, Lackey explains that the Gods and Goddesses of Mount Olympus are half-Fae who have forgotten their origins thanks to the power of The Tradition.
I am not familiar with the second author, Michelle Sagara. This short story is a prequel to her Chronicles of Elantra series and introduces the reader to the character of Kaylin Neya. I was a little lost when I began this story because of the variety of characters that I was introduced to at the very beginning. I actually was not even sure who the story was about at first. The story seemed a bit bogged down with details and descriptions, and Kaylin seemed to get lost in the mayhem of Sagara's attempt to introduce the reader to the world of Elantra in such a short tale. I stuck with it, though, and by the end of the story I was intrigued enough to want to continue on with the series in Cast in Shadow (The Chronicles of Elantra, Book 1).
The third story, written by Caleron Haley, is meant to be a prequel to Mob Rules (Luna Books). I am not familiar with this author either, and when I began this story I realized immediately that this story was heavily-flavored with gangster-style speak and vocabulary, even more so than the urban fantasy elements. I really tried to adjust to the language used in the story, but the lack of explanation to accompany such terms as "juice" and "outfit", as well as the overabundance of foul-mouthed language and typical gangster lingo like "capping" someone mad me lose interest in the actual plot of the short story halfway through. I am sure there are other readers that enjoy this style of story-telling, but I am not one of them.

Rachel King (13 KP) rated Quatrain in Books

Feb 11, 2019  
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book is four short stories that each take place in a different world of Shinn's creation. I am only familiar with two of those worlds, so I read the corresponding stories first, starting with Flight. This story was interesting as it gave me a peek into the corruption that was occurring at Windy Point with the Archangel Raphael, and how the lesser people viewed the angels at this time. The ending was slightly disappointing, but I understand that Shinn could not cause any major drama regarding Raphael since this story is meant to be a prequel to Archangel (Samaria, Book 1).
The second story I read was Flame, which centered around Senneth, the mystic who wields fire, with appearances by several of the other characters that appear in the Twelve Houses series, starting with Mystic and Rider (The Twelve Houses, Book 1). I enjoyed this story because it gave me an idea of what Senneth did when she was a lone nomad, as well as how the people of Gillengaria reacted when a new mystic was discovering her abilities. I can't imagine being in such a situation and not reacting similarly. This story also shows how Senneth and Tayse first meet and her first thoughts at this meeting, which is intriguing enough that I hope she writes more in the Twelve Houses series.
The third story I read was Gold, based in the world from her book, Summers at Castle Auburn, which I have not read. This story centers around a princess living in the land of Alora for a time, which is strikingly similar to the concepts of the world of Fae, and how she fights to resist the allure. I enjoyed this story so much that I intend to read the book it is based on to get more of the tantalizing story between Orlain and Zara. This was my favorite short story of the book.
I read maybe two pages of the story Blood before I lost interest and shut the book. This story is based on her previous work Heart of Gold, which is a science fiction title. I have very little interest in this genre, and I did not feel compelled to read this particular story, which is not to say that the story was bad. It's just not my cup of tea.