A Midsummer Night's Dream
William Shakespeare, A.R. Braunmuller and Stephen Orgel
Shakespeare's intertwined love polygons begin to get complicated from the start--Demetrius and...

A Brush of Darkness (Abby Sinclair, #1)
The man of her dreams might be the cause of her nightmares. Six months ago, Abby Sinclair was...

Angel's Ink (The Asylum Tales, #1)
Buyer beware . . . Looking for a tattoo—and maybe a little something extra: a burst of good...

The Darkest Part of the Forest
Children can have a cruel, absolute sense of justice. Children can kill a monster and feel quite...
Young Adult Fairytales

The Odessa Stone
THE ODESSA STONE... is a gem, shrouded through history by secrecy and myth, jealously guarded by...
childrens fiction c c chambers faeries

Cold Days (The Dresden Files, #14)
Cold Days (The Dresden Files, #14) You can't keep a good wizard down - even when he wants to stay...

Kiss of Vengeance
A standalone adult paranormal romance from New York Times Bestselling author Samantha Young writing...

The Martian Ambassador
WELCOME TO LONDON, 1899 It has been six years since the discovery of intelligent life on Mars, and...

Parting Worlds (Once Upon a Curse #4)
She'll risk it all to be with the man she loves… Don't miss PARTING WORLDS, a fantasy romance from...
fantasy retelling

Chasing Midnight (Once Upon A Curse #3)
This faerie godmother has an agenda of her own... Don't miss CHASING MIDNIGHT, a fantasy romance...