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A Series of Unfortunate Events  - Season 1
A Series of Unfortunate Events - Season 1
2017 | Drama, Fantasy
Everything! (0 more)
This is how you adapt a book to a tv show!
A Series of Unfortunate Events is one of my all-time favorite book series and when I found out Netflix was going to be making it into a TV show I'm not going to lie I was excited. The books are just so fun and strange and wonderful that I really wanted to put full faith into them to do a really good adoption and let me tell you I was not let down. From the very first opening of the very first scene you knew they were going to stay true to the book. The set design was absolutely perfection the casting was even better somehow Neil Patrick Harris meet such a perfect Count Olaf and the three actors that played the baudelaire children you're absolutely amazing.

I blew through the first season in the first day in one sitting because I just could not stop watching! I wanted to cry because of just how an amazing of a job adapting the books. It was almost word for word correct abd what was changed was foe the best and I didn't mind at all!

And best of all they kept all the dark humour of the books!

Also they ended on thw perfect book/episode.
Call to Adventure
Call to Adventure
2019 | Abstract Strategy, Fantasy
Different, in a very good way
This is unlike any game I have played before. It is totally possible to create a whole life story in one game, and with a little leap of imagination, the created character could be the Big Bad (or Main Support) for just about any fantasy role playing game.

The game uses a standard format for abilities (strength etc) but "casting runes" instead of rolling dice is quick to work out and able to be done quickly.

Having set "story points" which you need to advance your story, but being able to decide whether you take the positive/noble, or negative/shady path gradually builds to give a really developed character.

From one of the games I played, I was an acolyte; I went to war, but was greatly disillusioned by what I saw, so ended up leaving the faith and joining with the thieves. I encountered a childhood sweetheart, and we stayed together for ages. Finally, during my battle with a demon, to complete my return to favour with the diety I had abandoned, my sweetheart was murdered by the demons followers. Although I succeeded, it was at a huge cost....

This was all determined from the cards played; it's very varied and really well thought out.

Highly, highly recommended
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Note: I won this book Though LibraryThing Early Reviewers for my Honest Review.

This book is about Joanna and her struggles and a bit about Hickory Hallows. I really enjoy this book though the eyes of Joanna. There some so strange about how it starts and ends. She so want to be a wife and mother and waiting for her special someone.

Eben is happens to run into her while they are at the Virginia Beach for Joanna great, great Uncle funeral. Thought Eben has is struggles at home in Indiana. What he has a dilemma and he so love a girl. Will they get what they both want in terms of each other?

They both have their struggles. Joanna struggles with Eben is mean for her or not. Joanna has to work something out while in Hickory Hallow and Eben has to work though his delimma with is family and brother and his family farm.

The book tell you about keeping your faith in the Lord, and teach about separation along with long distance Relationship and that you may need to give a little sometimes. Though I would rather you read this for yourself and decide if this is what you get when you are reading it. I would recommend it folks to read if they enjoy fiction and or Amish. You choose for yourselves.

Lindsay (1717 KP) rated Hearts Made Whole (Beacons of Hope, #2) in Books

Feb 15, 2018 (Updated Apr 9, 2019)  
Hearts Made Whole (Beacons of Hope, #2)
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
We meet Caroline Taylor and her family. What a story this. We see Ryan Chamber who has gotten the cross from his sister, Emma in the first book called "Love Unexpected".

We learn about how Caroline Taylor deals with her loss of her father. We see how she deals with raising her siblings. Caroline finds out from the lighthouse inspector that he hired a man for the job of the lighthouse keeper.

Then we meet up with Ryan Chambers at the Roadside Inn. He asks for directions to the Windmill Point Lighthouse. The story get better has you turn the page. Things start getting worse for them. What is going on in this community and at the Windmill Point Light?

There seems to be action at every turn. Mr. Simmons and Mr. Finich seems to want Caroline out of the lighthouse but why. We meet Arnie Simmons and seem eager to want Caroline Taylor. Will Arnie stop at nothing to get Caroline Taylor? Surprises await them all. Can Ryan and Caroline learn to trust in faith, hope and forgiveness?

The author writes another fastening story. I can not wait to continue on with the next book. Want to learn about Emma and her brother Ryan prior to Ryan getting the cross or how he had the cross?

Sean Farrell (9 KP) rated The Bees in Books

Mar 15, 2018  
The Bees
The Bees
Laline Paull | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
8.4 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating
When I read the description of this book I was immediately intrigued. A novel that takes place entirely from the perspective of a bee? That was certainly different from anything else I'd been reading lately (although there are sections of "Building Stories" that follow a bee). As such I couldn't help but check it out, and it turned out to be one of my favorite novels of the year so far. The story follows sanitation worker Flora 717 on her personal odyssey through the inner (and outer) workings of a colony of bees. Events push her from one faction to another, as she learns all about the inner workings of her hive and the agendas that different groups harbor inside it. As she does, she also learns more and more about herself. While many behaviors demonstrated are very clearly pure fiction, it is hard not to feel like one is actually learning something about the bees one sees around one's neighborhood all the same. It's also a novel about the effects of blind faith, learning to understand the differences of those around you, life under an oppressive regime, and the lengths one will go to for love. This is an absolutely beautiful book that will linger with you after it's done and have a marked change on the way you look at the insects that exist all around us.
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Note: I won this book Though LibraryThing Early Reviewers for my Honest Review.

This book is about Joanna and her struggles and a bit about Hickory Hallows. I really enjoy this book though the eyes of Joanna. There some so strange about how it starts and ends. She so want to be a wife and mother and waiting for her special someone.

Eben is happens to run into her while they are at the Virginia Beach for Joanna great, great Uncle funeral. Thought Eben has is struggles at home in Indiana. What he has a dilemma and he so love a girl. Will they get what they both want in terms of each other?

They both have their struggles. Joanna struggles with Eben is mean for her or not. Joanna has to work something out while in Hickory Hallow and Eben has to work though his delimma with is family and brother and his family farm.

The book tell you about keeping your faith in the Lord, and teach about separation along with long distance Relationship and that you may need to give a little sometimes. Though I would rather you read this for yourself and decide if this is what you get when you are reading it. I would recommend it folks to read if they enjoy fiction and or Amish. You choose for yourselves.
After the Fire
After the Fire
Will Hill | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry, Young Adult (YA)
8.8 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
I was provided with a complimentary copy of this book so I could give an honest review.

"After the Fire" is a chilling look at a young adult's tale of growing up in and surviving a fictional cult. I have read from the perspective of an adult but this was through the eyes of a young girl, "Moonbeam". She lived for years in the fanatical religious cult with her mother and her "brothers" and "sisters". We are given a glimpse into her thought process, her true faith, and relationships with the other cult members.

By Will Hill selecting Moonbeam as his central character to tell the story of what happened before and after the fire, we are able to empathize with her and the other "family" members. As with any group, there are good and bad, young and old, male and female. We are able to see they are regular, every day people who believe they are following a prophet.

"After the Fire" was inspired by the 1993 Waco siege in which members of the Branch Davidian sect, including children, and government agents died in a fire fight. This story imagines what it was like to like in a similar base (Moonbeam does not like the word compound) and is told mostly through an interview and flashbacks.
Storm Siren (Storm Siren #1)
Storm Siren (Storm Siren #1)
Mary Weber | 2014 | Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating
Be prepared for a tale full of twists and turns that will knock you off your feet and steal the very breath from your lungs. Infused with the powers of the Elementals Storm Siren has everything a YA Fantasy novel should posses.

Epic battles, devastating loss, search for purpose, simmering romance, bad guys that are the most vicious sort of people and good guys that will sacrifice everything for the good of the people. Nym has totally swept me into her world and I am looking forward to reading the next books in the series (which I was SMART this time around and placed all three books on hold at the same time at my library).

While the elements of faith are not blatantly in your face. I do recognize the threads weaving through the story. The constant battle between good and evil, the enemy being a deceiver, the good sacrificing everything. But maybe most importantly is seeing what is inside ourselves...and recognizing it for the GIFT it is rather than a curse.

If you enjoy Young Adult Fantasy with clean content and decent morals, you should definitely check this series out! Stay tuned for my thoughts on the remainder of the series.

I borrowed a copy of Storm Siren from my local library. I was not required to write a review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.
I have always loved the way Melanie Dickerson can take a fairy tale and weave in scripture and faith seamlessly. Our leading characters in The Noble Servant are faced with so many trials. But through the hard things they face, they allow God to change their hearts. To mold them into a better person. And if it wasn't for their worlds falling to pieces around them. It is possible that their paths would not have led them to each other.

In the midst of chaos it can be hard to see God's blessings. To put your trust in God when your world falls apart can be easier said than done. Yet time after time (at least for me personally) He always has a way of making something beautiful blossom from the ashes of what once was.

This book has adventure, deceit, romance, betrayal, and a twist on The Goose Girl that is sure to captivate you. I love the friendship that Steffan and Magdalen build. Trust, honor, truth, "Chivalrous to the core." As they both undergo a transformation set in motion by their circumstances, their relationship grows and their trust in God's plan does too.

I received a complimentary copy of The Noble Servant through NetGalley.I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.
Every book in this series has completely blown me away. And through it all, I have been LONGING for more about Barclay. I was so ecstatic when I found out Roseanna White would be featuring him in the final book of the series. Now, don't get me wrong, Evelina is the perfect match for him, and I enjoyed her story too...But BARCLAY...SWOON...

He truly deserves the title of "Swoon Worthy". From the care for his family to his undercover work, to learning about his childhood...Your heart will ache, cheer, and be encouraged. The author has created a whole world of people that carve out their own place in your heart. There is no going back once you dive into this realm.

True to her style, Roseanna seamlessly weaves faith, love, and bit of mystery into this story. Set in the midst of The Great War, this is the perfect story for anyone who loves Downton Abbey or WWI history. Or maybe, you are looking for something new-to-you. You won't go wrong with this series. Start with A Name Unknown and fall in love with Rosie and Peter first!

I received a complimentary copy of An Hour Unspent. I was not required to write a review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.