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S1m0ne (2002)
S1m0ne (2002)
2002 | Drama, Sci-Fi
The trifecta of flatness: a comedy with next to no laughs, a satire with no bite, and a drama without sufficient emotion. Yet another technophobic dud that fires on zero cylinders and has nothing to say - try to picture if š˜š˜¦š˜³ was one of the (many) shittier "Black Mirror" episodes. Besides Rachel Roberts' perfectly realized, fittingly mysterious performance (which, of course, is underused) nothing else shines through here - has zero depth beyond a few performative quips and has that rush-through-everything-of-any-importance pacing + structure that I detest. Here we have what could have been a poignantly interesting film about a disenchanted director whose only authentic relationship is with a synthetic A.I. as well as a boiling satire about the state of celebrity, the objectification of women in entertainment, technology, etc. But instead we're left with such a rote, surface-level, come-and-go boilerplate narrative about this thinly-written 'failed director' trope having to hide an obviously fake woman from every idiot on the planet. Skimps out on where it counts, the brief spoof arthouse movies in these are more intelligent and watchable than the actual movie - which ironically feels as insincere and fakey as its central character. Also I miss Jay Mohr.
Christmas in Marlow Center
Christmas in Marlow Center
Jordan Elizabeth Mierek | 2018 | Mystery, Romance, Young Adult (YA)
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Christmas in Marlow Center is a short Christmas-themed romance and mystery story by Jordan Elizabeth. Set in present-day December, Natassia is on her Winter Break and has arrived on her family farm to spend the period with her grandmother. Unfortunately, the family are unable to maintain the farm and are going to have to sell in the new year, therefore, this is Natassia's final opportunity to visit the place she loves. Yet, family secrets threaten to put an end to the Christmas festivities.

Meanwhile, Jesse, the tenant who lives in one of the farm buildings, is being plagued by horrifying family memories that occurred at Christmas-time. Unable to leave the past in the past, Jesse is dreading the coming holiday. Yet, when he meets Natassia, he feels a sense of hope. Perhaps he can move on, develop a new friendship, a relationship and learn to trust that other people will not judge him for the actions of a past family member.

While things are looking up for Jesse and Natassia in terms of relationship, problems with the farm cause enormous worry and strain. Just as things are beginning to fall into place, the remains of a body are found on the premises, unearthing family secrets dating back to 1964; secrets that affect both Natassia and Jesse.

Christmas stories are available in abundance and it is difficult to write something new and fresh without falling into traps, such as overly gushing romance or fake happiness. Jordan Elizabeth has kept the romance to a minimum, concentrating on family relationships, secrets and mystery.

Christmas in Marlow Center is a quick book to read, suitable for young adults and older. It is not too Christmassy, therefore, can be read any time of year. Unfortunately, the manuscript (at least the version I read) has numerous grammar and typographical errors, which slightly ruins the reading experience, however, it does not detract from the well thought out story.
Her Vampire Husband (Wicked Games, #3)
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I really shouldnĀ’t have had such high hopes for this novel. I mean the entire premise of the book is about a werewold princess who marries an elder vampire in hopes that their people would stop killing each other. Really? An entire novel about that? Honey, that is the subplot in half of the other paranormal romance novels I read. What made Hauf think she could she could write an entire novel about a simple idea and expect to impress me?

First off, there is nothing more annoying than a female protagonists who hides her problems behind a mask of fake strength and apathy. Seriously, they are only hurting themselves, making a relationship with anyone impossible. And just ends up annoying the hell out of me. How about they actually go take care of their problem? Nope, thatĀ’s too simple. Seriously, writers, you need to stop creating these types of characters.

I thought that because of them being enemies and of different races, it would actually make this book interesting. How wrong I was. The main couple lacked chemistry even as they were playfully bantering and ogling each othersĀ’ body. I felt that they were just two sexually frustrated people forced to live with each other instead of two people thrown together who eventually fall in love. In fact, it was one of those novels where one page, they were at odds, and the next they were in love.

Oh disappointment, how you leave a bitter taste in my mouth.
City of Lost Souls (The Mortal Instruments, #5)
City of Lost Souls (The Mortal Instruments, #5)
Cassandra Clare | 2012 | Fiction & Poetry, Paranormal, Young Adult (YA)
8.2 (27 Ratings)
Book Rating
City of Lost Souls is the fifth book in the Mortal Instruments series. There wasn't as much action in this book as we normally get making its pacing seem a little slow, but the character development I feel that we receive in this book makes it worthwhile. The ending also packs a punch that the rest of the book generally does not. As this is the fifth book in a series, anything beyond this point could be considered spoilers if you have not read the rest of the series.

After the events of City of Fallen Angels, we find our heroes in disarray because they find that both Jace and Sebastian are missing. They find out that Jace and Sebastian have been linked by the dark ceremony, which means that Jace is no longer himself. He feels that anything that Sebastian does it right and assists him, despite the fact that it would go against his true nature.

I really enjoyed seeing Jace and Sebastian's interactions, because it showed a more human side of Sebastian. There were times when there was no one else around besides Jace, who was linked to him and had no free will of his own, and Sebastian seemed almost normal. He even had rare moments with Clary, which made you question just how much the demon blood affected him.

You know he is evil and that he has the ability to fake human emotions, but it was those actions that make you wonder, what if? Could the bond with Jace be affecting him, even to a small degree, in the same way that it affecting Jace? Giving him some dimension and the slightest influence of good? I loved how Clare made you question everything that you believed about Sebastian, just as Clary did in the book.

The character development also extended to our other favourite characters, which was nice to see since it's such a large cast. We see Izzy being both strong and determined, and fragile, insecure and hurt. She has a broad range of emotions and her world does not revolve around a boy, which was so refreshing to see. Simon is struggling with his change and who he thinks he is now, still the old Simon or is he cursed now?

Despite the fact that they're not the focus, Magnus and Alec's relationship is wonderfully developed in this book. They struggle with both magical and mundane things coming between them but love one another to always persevere. Alec is still very insecure, so he worries about everything that Magnus does tell him about his past and the fact that one of them is immortal and the other not. Their love and their heartbreak is very real, which was such a redeeming characterization in this book.

Although Clary/Jace is my favourite pairing overall, I definitely love the Magnus/Alec evolution throughout this book and those that come after it. They are a very close second and probably a better portrayal of a relationship in the end. In this book, I worry about the portrayal of Clary and Jace's relationship at times because it's not always healthy. Obviously, people make mistakes, so it is realistic but it can border on obsessive and controlling at times. I understand that Jace is Clary's first love, but he is not the only person in the world and sometimes she is worryingly single-minded.

The plot culminates and plans are laid for the fantastic conclusion to this series. Although the book does not end with a cliffhanger, you are still left wondering exactly what Sebastian's plans are and how our heroes are going to stop him. Or if they are going to be able to stop him. Despite the fact that this is not the most well-written of her three series, I adore it nonetheless and constantly recommend it to people.
Reveal (Hidden Cove Season4, #4)
Reveal (Hidden Cove Season4, #4)
HJ Welch | 2019 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
bloody LOVED this book!
I was gifted the audio file of this book, that I write a review was not required, but I gotta, oh yeah, I GOTTA!!

I have not READ this book, just listened, so if my review lines blur, Iā€™m sorry, but Iā€™m not sure I can split the narration from the story itself, and I ususally at least TRY to.

Jason is a geek, a rocket scientist for Godā€™s sake. Channing, a firefighter. They really donā€™t have much in common, other than a childhood of living next door to each other. So when Channing rescues Jason from the taunting that is a constant in his life from the guys at work, Jason does the only thing he thinks of, and asks Channing to be his *fake* boyfriend for a weekend work retreat. And Channing, the darling that he is, of course, says yes!

Oh! I LOVED these guys! I really did!

Jason is out and mostly proud. The guys at work make it hard for him though. Channing has only ever been with girls. But he thinks nothing of touching Jason, kissing him! Channing is, quite possibly, my favourite Ms Welch character! I loved how, while things creep up on Channing, when he questions them, to his best friend, Remi is, like *duh* well of course you are bisexual, you silly man!

When it all hits the fan, and their *fake* relationship is discovered, I loved how both men, separately and independently of each other, decided that they would wait for the other to make their own minds up, whether they wanted *this* to be real. Even if it meant they broke their hearts and had to walk away from the other. They did, of course they did, but it was painful but beautiful listening, as Jason dug deep into himself and found his TRUE self, not the one he THOUGHT he should be.

Nick J Russo narrates this book. And he does a cracking job!

His voices for Jason and Channing are different and distinctive, showing the marked differences in the lives so far. His reading voice is clear and even, and its part of why I love this narrator so much: his deep clear reading voice. You know the one, the one is telling the story. It makes for such easy listening, to a deaf head like me.

The voices for ALL the characters are clear, and I had no trouble keeping up with multi person conversations. I am intrigued by several of the supporting cast now, simply because of the voices that Russo gives them here! Remi and Kris especially! Harrison too.

Russo gets over all of Jason wish that they can work this out, that it be real. He gets over all of Channingā€™s dawning realisation of his true feelings for Jason, and we get all that love pouring out.

A narrator can only read the words they have been given, though and Ms Welch smashes this one out the park! Well, that was what I *THOUGHT* when I finished listening to this, I thought this was my favourite of this author so far. But before writing THIS review, I read Homeward Bound (Pine Cove #3) and now?? I canā€™t split them!

So, thank you, Ms Welch, for making the start of my work day a little more pleasant and thank you to Mr Russo for bringing these men to my ear (singular, like, cos one donā€™t work!)

5 full and oh so very cute stars for the book and the narration.

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**