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Neon's Nerd Nexus (360 KP) rated The Peanut Butter Falcon (2019) in Movies

Oct 22, 2019 (Updated Oct 22, 2019)  
The Peanut Butter Falcon (2019)
The Peanut Butter Falcon (2019)
2019 | Adventure
Rule No.1........ Party!
The Peanutbutter Falcon is a heartwarming and charming tale of belonging, ambition and family. I've always loved and admired Shia labeouf and despite all the hate he gets I really do think he is an incredible actor and with how good this movie is I really hope people start to see that. Zak is a person with downs syndrome who escapes from his care home to peruse his dream of becoming a wrestler and upon meeting Shia's character the two form a bond and set of on an adventure together. Seeing these two very different personalities form a friendship is just so beautiful, powerful and endearing with Shia's character tormented/held back by guilt and Zack gottsagen's character desperate to be free to enjoy life, party and be taken seriously. Theres such a great redneck world built here and whilst the film is odd its also so pure with a charming weirdness so realistic you could mistake the film for being a true story. Themes of loss, guilt, motivation, happiness and destiny as well as the line between good and evil. However what I found really interesting was the messages about mental health/learning difficulties/oldage and how we tend to treat people with these conditions like they aren't human too. It even depicts how most people who work in the care industry fail to grasp that these people are just like us and how restricting, patronising and telling them no all the time is inhumane and leads to failing to truly understand them/form a bond with them. Performances are outstanding from both the mains really depicting two different inner struggles and personalities coming together during difficult times thus giving them purpose and hope. Its also stunning to look at too with a perfect soundtrack. If I had to I would liken this movie to Oh brother where art thou and while it does have some great humour it leans more to the serious side most of the time showing us not all families are perfect but no matter how dysfunctional they are the love is no less. Such a lovely film that even made me shed a few tears too.
The Silent Patient
The Silent Patient
Alex Michaelides | 2019 | Crime, Mystery, Thriller
8.3 (39 Ratings)
Book Rating
This complex story is told from two different perspectives, a story which was written down by Alicia, and another one, told by Theo, about his life. I really liked the characters in this book, they are very intriguing, some of them very charismatic, but at the same time very believable. I really liked Alicia’s story and her disturbed personality, but at the same time, I found her quite naive and sometimes annoying. Theo really surprised me, he is too messed up in his head to be a decent psychotherapist. His personality and thoughts were quite scary sometimes, but I absolutely loved the investigation he has done, to find out more about Alicia.

The narrative of this book is very layered, complex, and discusses many issues. The characters are sharing their thoughts about the relationships with their family and their spouses, and how that effected their present personalities. The author creatively incorporated his Greek heritage into this story, filled with Greek Gods and other bits and pieces. The story doesn’t stay still for long periods of time, there are plenty of surprising twists and turns throughout this book and it was a real page turner to me. The author discussed a very wide variety of topics, such as a difficult relationship with parents; blind love for their spouses; drugs; mental health issues etc.

The setting of this book feels very mysterious, and I liked that there are multiple locations used in this novel. The writing style is creative, well crafted, but easy and pleasant to read. The chapters are pretty short, and due to suspense, the pages just flew by for me. I really liked the ending of the book, it rounded the story well but there are many unanswered questions, which left me unsettled.

So, to conclude, this is a very amusing story, filled with complex and unique characters, and a plot, soaked in love, grief and betrayal. I strongly recommend to read this story and find out, whether Theo succeeds in his quest to make Alice speak again or not. I hope you will enjoy it as much as I did
Thank You for Your Service (2017)
Thank You for Your Service (2017)
2017 | Biography, Drama, War
The words “Thank you for your service” have gone from a meaningful statement of gratitude to an empty platitude. As a veteran, I cringe when someone says it to me when buying groceries, at the gym, or at an event where there is a casual reference to veterans. The film Thank You For Your Service examines the lives of those affected by the war directly and indirectly. In the movie, Miles Teller (Whiplash, War Dogs, Fantastic Four) plays Staff Sergeant Schumann, an Iraq War vet who is returning to his family and hoping to return to some sense of normalcy. Unfortunately, he and his friends discover that the war and the horrors that they witnessed cannot be escaped.

Thank You For Your Service is able to address an aspect of war that many films overlook; how the men and women who are deployed changed by their experiences. Additionally, it tackles the questions of how their families cope with the changes to them, how they go about living a normal existence, and how people understand how they are harmed by war without any visible injuries?

The film is a testament to the men and women suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). It doesn’t sugar-coat or trivialize their experiences. The emotions are raw. The visual representation of their daily terror is present. With depth, the film shows audiences who may be unfamiliar with veterans or those suffering from PTSD what the world really looks like to them and how they struggle with just existing.

The film takes the statement of “Thank you for your service” and gives it greater meaning in able to connect the problems inherent in the military, healthcare system, and how we as a society view mental health. The film allows for an authentic examination of what servicemembers deal with in their return home from war. It becomes apparent that they themselves may be able to leave the battle, but the battle stays with them, tormenting and haunting them as each day passes. The war they face never ceases. Thank You For Your Service will hopefully help foster substantive discussions about what many men and women deal with in their return from the horrors of war.
<b><i>I received this book for free from Publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.</i></b>
<h2><strong>I enjoyed <em>Black Bird of the Gallows</em>, but if I had to choose between the first and the second, I loved the second so much better than the first.</strong></h2>
<em>Keeper of the Bees</em> is Meg Kassel's second novel, the companion novel to <em>Black Bird of the Gallows</em>. We're brought back to the world of harbringers and beekeepers in a smol town in Missouri (hey, look, my home state!) and their roles in death.

<h3><strong><em>Keeper of the Bees</em> is a bit of a villain story.</strong></h3>
Harbringers flock to where death happens and "absorb" the energy emitted. Beekeepers usually cause the death by using their bees to sting someone, resulting in them reaching their destruction (aka death). <em>Keeper of the Bees</em> tells the story of Dresden, a boy cursed for eternity, and Essie, a girl who eats peppercorn to discern real from unreal.

<h3><strong>Dresden is a precious onion with layers despite being Evil™.</strong></h3>
Most villains are evil and pure evil, but Dresden is a precious little onion who is <em>cursed</em> to be evil. He doesn't <em>want</em> to be evil and <em>shows</em> that he doesn't want to be evil. Throughout the novel, he's struggling to not sting Essie despite the bees inside wanting him to do so.

<h3><strong>Aunt Bel is amazing, and I just want to hug her.</strong></h3>
Essie is part of the Wickerton family, a family with members who are cursed to lose their sanity and eventually end up at Stanton House. Essie's curse is not being able to tell what is real and unreal, at least without the help of peppercorns. Both her and Aunt Bel are in a constant battle with her father and psychiatrist when it comes to her mental health and sending her to Stanton House with other members. Aunt Bel is such a strong advocate for Essie and her Grandma Edie, and she refuses to give in to what Essie's father and psychiatrist want for Essie.

<h3><strong>Reece! Angie! References to the first novel!</strong></h3>
Do you <em>have</em> to read the first novel? Nawh, you don't have to since Kassel gives the 411 on her world for those who haven't read the first, so you're safe to dive into <em>Keeper of the Bees</em> without worrying about being totally lost, <em>but</em> you should definitely read <em>Black Bird of the Gallows</em> first.

<h2><strong>Overall, <em>Keeper of the Bees</em> was a delight to read! I loved seeing from the other side of things where the supposed "villain" is in a constant battle to be a better person.</strong></h2>

<a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>
The Space Between Us (2017)
The Space Between Us (2017)
2017 | Action, Sci-Fi
Gardner Elliot (Asa Butterfield) is a 16 year old boy who has never set foot on Earth. His mother found out she was pregnant on while on a mission to live on Mars for four years. Just after arriving on the red planet his mother gave birth and then sadly passed away. Since his birth was an unplanned surprise to his mother, NASA and Genesis, the private company that made the trip to Mars possible, they all decide to keep his existence a classified secret. So for the next 16 years he was raised on Mars by a revolving crew of a dozen or so scientist who stayed on the space station called East Texas. Gardner relishes the chance to be known and to travel to Earth. On Mars all he has is his self-proclaimed best friend is an artificial intelligent robot named Centaur (voiced by Peter Chelsom) and a couple of people who he can call friends. One is Kendra (Carla Gugino), a mother figure who watches over and tries to protect him. The other is Tulsa (Britt Robertson), a teenage school girl from Earth, who he chats online with every chance he gets and desperately wants to meet.

Gardner finds a box of his mother’s things in a storage room and a photo of who he believes to be his father. His urge to go to Earth and meet his father and Tulsa is to the point he will do almost anything. Kendra seeing the pain that Gardner is in she decides to reach out to Genesis Director Chen (BD Wong) and founder Nathaniel Shepherd (Gary Oldman) and requests they allow him to come to Earth. Shepherd is against it. Pointing out that, due to the reduced gravity of Mars, Gardner’s bones will be weaker and more brittle and his heart will be enlarged. Almost assuredly making living on Earth impossible. Determined to make it to Gardner goes through painful operations to strengthen his bones and intense training to improve his muscles. After 16 years he is finally allowed to travel to Earth. Only to be quarantined and battered with tests upon arrival. Undeterred, he breaks out of the facility and heads out to find Tulsa. He finds her and convinces her to help him find his father. So they head out cross country to find his family and seem to be finding love along the way. But Kendra and Shepherd are hot on their heels. They rush to track Gardner down before his health deteriorates and is unable to survive in Earth’s environment.

The Sci-Fi story is a heartwarming one in The Space Between Us. It is a futuristic love story of two teens who are worlds apart, literally in this instance, but both find the one person in the universe who is meant for them. Butterfield does a good job of playing Gardner and showing how someone removed from this world can be awkward and out of place but also be amazingly honest and forthright. Robertson performance is okay as the tough product of a foster system teen that has a rough exterior but longs for a family. The love story and interaction between these two characters is definitely the bright spot. The rest of the cast is good and the overall story had some original concepts, such as the first human born on Mars. But there are times that are a little cheesy for my personal taste. Also the ending in my opinion was predictable and a forgone conclusion. How the film was presented visually was hit and miss for me. There would be beautiful shots of mountain passes, the ocean or the desert that really captured the beauty of Earth as if they were being seen for the first time. Then there were times when the shot was blurry and you could tell the people, vehicles or aircraft was out of place. The shots of space were very much the same some good some bad.

Overall the movie was good but not really something I would want to go back and see again. It definitely had the feel of a movie you could take the whole family to, very wholesome. I wish it was more constant visually.

Neon's Nerd Nexus (360 KP) rated Frozen II (2019) in Movies

Dec 2, 2019 (Updated Dec 2, 2019)  
Frozen II (2019)
Frozen II (2019)
2019 | Adventure, Animation, Fantasy
The Cucumber
Frozen 2 is not only better than Frozen but it also manages to develop its characters futher, delves deeper into its lore and overall tells a tale thats much darker and way more mature. Its apparent from the start of the movie that this sequel has more to say than just being a cheap cash in and as we check in on Elsa we see that although at first everything might seem happy it becomes aparent shes still struggling with demons and troubled on the inside. They clearly are not children anymore and thus dealing with the loss of both their parents is really starting to hit home as they enter the grieving process. This seems to effect Elsa in more ways than she can begin to process and as she struggles to tame her depression and get a hold on her mental health she closes up and alienates the people that are close to her. Its all incredibly dark stuff and at times it became so bleak that it had both adults and children in our screening breaking out in tears. Olaf does lighten things up occasionally however with some genuinely funny comedy, silly facts and some nice philosophy too with a role that feels important this time rather than there for comic relief. Pact with cool mythology and stuning visuals the film also manages to create not only a great coldness but an incredible warmth to really drive home its message of the importance of family and heritage. Elemental effects are extremely impressive too as is the improved animation quality and while the songs arnt as catchy this time they flow with more heart/meaning and with way more creativity visually too. Frozen 2 might not be perfect but as an adult it spoke to me more than the last one did and seeing it have the guts to mature and progress rather than replicate is a bold move I really respected. A truly magical fable full to the brim with lore and mythology that deals with such grown up isuess so respectfully and realistically that it will speak way more this time to adults than it does kids. Frozen 2 successfully teaches us all the message that we dont have to 'let It Go' or deal with our problems alone and by remembering and talking about those that are gone warms the heart and keeps them alive in us.
A Wedding in December
A Wedding in December
Sarah Morgan | 2020 | Humor & Comedy, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A Wedding in December is a book that was long overdue. I was supposed to read it for Christmas, but yet, here we are in February. Nevertheless, it was an amazing experience and I am so glad I finally read it.

Sarah Morgan has an extremely good talent in human relations and relationships. She puts these relationships on paper so easily… Do you know that feeling where you can sense people’s mood by just walking into a room? She managed to capture this moment in most of her scenes - and it was a true joy to read that.

The Synopsis
Maggie has two daughters: Katie and Rosie. While Katie has always planned everything in her life and never failed (becoming doctor is her biggest achievement), Rosie is the complete opposite. She changes her mind all the time and never knows what she truly wants.

And one evening, Rosie calls her mum to tell her she is getting married. All of a sudden. Not in her hometown in the UK, but in some snowy mountains in the USA. For Christmas. THIS Christmas. In just a few months.

Everything is happening so fast, and Maggie is afraid for her daughter. But most importantly, Maggie is afraid that she will finally reveal to her girls that she is getting divorced from their dad.

My Thoughts
In a lovely snowy atmosphere, we get to see this family, and their different personalities coming together, in a book where love wins in the end. Reading this book under a warm blanket and with a hot chocolate definitely gave me the true feelings of Christmas again.

I encountered some interesting scenes, a couple of plot twists, a bit of a mystery behind one of the sisters. The importance of mental health as well, and how important is to share our troubles with someone. Anyone.

Some of the relationships, new or current, happened at a very fast pace, which wasn't too my great pleasure. There was some sense of unnecessary urgency which didn't feel believable nor relatable to me. But in hindsight, a wonderful book to spend your evenings with.

If you love romance novels and you also love Christmas, A Wedding in December will probably end up being your favourite book. I highly recommend it!
The Stolen Sisters
The Stolen Sisters
Louise Jensen | 2020 | Crime, Mystery
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Thought-provoking and emotional
This is a thought-provoking and emotional story of 3 sisters who were abducted 20 years ago and how that traumatic event has impacted on them as they have grown into adults.

I haven't read anything by Louise Jensen before and although I am unable to absolutely rave about this book, I will say that it's a well-crafted story that will appeal to many, many readers.

Why am I not raving about this? To be honest, it's hard to explain exactly why and I don't really understand it myself! It started off brilliantly and I was definitely hooked but it just seemed to take too long to get anywhere and although there were surprises, they just didn't hit the spot for me and I didn't get that feeling of excitement and anticipation unfortunately. I don't think this is a fault of the author rather than of me as a reader who is used to reading rollercoaster-of-a-ride books which I don't think this is; I feel it's more of a family drama type story with mystery and tension thrown in.

The story is told in the then and now and from a variety of viewpoints; this isn't as confusing as it sounds and I actually found this worked well for the most part however, I felt that the "then" parts worked better for me and were more engrossing than the "now".

The characters are an interesting bunch, not all of them particularly likeable but all the main ones are well fleshed out.

What I thought shone throughout was the strong relationship between the sisters and the way their horrific experience impacted on their lives and their mental health; this was expertly done with sensitivity and I have no shame in admitting that there were parts that made me a bit emotional - I am the youngest of 3 sisters and I did wonder how we would have turned out if this had happened to us but I quickly stopped that because it is too horrific to contemplate.

Like I said at the beginning, I am unable to say this has been one of my best reads of 2020 but I will certainly read more by this author in the future.
Thank you to HQ (an imprint of HarperCollins UK) via NetGalley for my copy in return for an honest, unbiased and unedited review.
MirrorMask (2005)
MirrorMask (2005)
2005 | Drama, Family, Sci-Fi
8.0 (6 Ratings)
Movie Rating
The Mirror World of Weirdness
Now, I will admit that even though I have read many of Neil Gaiman's works, I had never heard of this movie before, until just recently and I must admit that I really enjoyed this movie a lot! What was the most interesting thing to me about this movie was that the drawings that Helena had drawn throughout the film was none other than Dave McKean's drawings, who was well known for doing a lot of the artwork for Neil Gaiman's books! I loved the way that the drawings provided a haunting and surreal atmosphere for the film as I found myself either being memorized by the imagery (the scenes with the City of Lights were beautiful) or being frightened by the imagery (the scenes with the sphinx cats really creep me out). I also loved the fact that this film is somewhat of a spiritual successor to "Labyrinth," another film from the Jim Henson Company, as both films dealt with the main character having problems with their families and once they enter another world, they have to save the people who resemble their family members from whatever dark force happens to come upon them. The actors and the actresses in this film were fantastic, with my favorite character being Valentine as he was played wonderfully by Jason Barry and he really brought so much humor to the film. I also loved Stephanie Leonidas' portrayal of Helena as she is shown to be a spunky girl who doesn't seem to be afraid of the frightening world she ends up in and it really makes me get into her character.

The only problem that I had with this film was that the story tend to get a little confusing at times to the point where I don't exactly know what is quite going on with the characters. Like for instance, the movie didn't really explain about what kind of condition Helena's mother had that caused her to go to the hospital in the first place and even though it wouldn't be a major part of the film, I still would like to know what kind of disease Helena's mother had that would be so dangerous to her health.

Overall, "Mirrormask" is a fantastic and surreal film that anyone who is a huge fan of Neil Gaiman's works or surreal movies in general will definitely enjoy for many years to come!
Gods & Monsters ( Book 1)
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
16 of 235
Gods & Monsters ( Book 1)
By Janie Marie

Monsters are real, legends are truth—and the man who saves Jane's life is an immortal knight. But it will be her secret past with the Angel of Death that changes everything.

Gods & Monsters - Book One
When the plague of all plagues begins its destruction, it isn't a miracle cure by scientists or even our military that saves us.
No, our saviors are monsters.

Jane appears to be nothing special. In fact, she's a sad sight to behold. Afflicted by the sorrow of her tragic past and failing marriage, the young mother of two is as terrified as every other soul when humanity faces doom. Yet, when hope seems lost, Jane does something even her estranged husband fails to--she fights. And she's not alone.

David and his companions are what our world has dismissed as mere legend. Their duty to the human race brings them across the country, and they all know it is no coincidence when they cross paths with Jane.

As it happens, Jane is special. She's destined to rid the world of darkness.

With monsters from every nightmare seeking her out, a noble immortal knight showing her what love truly feels like, a secret past that even Jane can't remember, and even more powerful beings wagering the fate of her soul, Jane will embark on an epic journey to save her family and the world.

So what will happen when they realize she's the greatest monster of them all?

Gods✔️ monsters ✔️ Arthur and his nights as immortals ✔️ what’s not to love right? Well I’m stuck as I wanted to give it 4 stars but there were a few draw backs for me the main one being it felt rushed in some places and sometimes abit over explained and slightly cheesy! But I absolutely love all the gods and mythology and all at war. All on sides you don’t expect I was enjoying the book then bam Hades and yea I’m a sucker for the God of the underworld!

Warnings: Triggers for abuse, sa, mental health disorders. Heavy violence, horror, strong language, emotional and controversial themes, sex, rape(not praised), will have multiple loves for the heroine.