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Murder in the Reading Room
Murder in the Reading Room
Ellery Adams | 2019 | Mystery, Romance, Thriller
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Storyline (1 more)
Not Long Enough (0 more)
How Far Would You Go For The Truth
Jane goes on a search to the Biltmore Estate to find Edward and discovers far more than she thought she knew about her own past. Now she must discover what she really wants for her future and her family she has created for herself and her sons. When enemies from the past and the present collide Jane must decide if the secrets of the library should be open for the world to see and read. As more of the story of the Templars and Guardians becomes unwound Jane discovers that everyone is keeping secrets from her both friends and foes that make her want to take a stand and change the rules of what has always been at Storyton Hall.

“Your Stories are their stories' said Uncle Abysius” By Jove, I think I like it.”
Mrs. Adams takes us beyond Storyton Hall to the walls of the Biltmore Estate. She outdoes herself again. As a long time Ellery Adams fan she blew me away with this story-line and how she evolved the characters in this five Book Retreat Series. I must say this is my favorite book of the series. I really recommend this book to anyone who enjoys a who done it, thriller, bibliophile or even a little romance it has all of those and a little history too. It is really worth your time to pick up the book and take a trip to Storyton Hall even if only for an hour at a time to escape to a place where books are protected and cherished and the characters will make you feel like you are coming home.
Hunt the Moon (Cassandra Palmer, #5)
Karen Chance | 2011 | Paranormal, Romance
Chance must have thought readers were bored with the Cassandra/Mircea match, because much of this book is spent with Cassie falling for Pritkin without really being aware that she's getting into dangerous territory.

Palmer isn't one of my favorite characters. She isn't an ass-kicker, but she's probably somewhat more realistic than most paranormal heroines for that fact. She's coming into her own by standing up to Mircea more in this volume, but she does it in childish ways. I find her annoying partially because I'd hate to try protecting her from herself, much less anyone else.

I don't honestly understand why Mircea and Pritkin are attracted to her, either, but part of the romance formula is the heroine has to be irresistible to at least one, preferably more than one man. I do find Mircea and Pritkin interesting (they just have bad taste in women), so they and the plots hold my interest.

To be fair, Cassie seems to be growing up a little bit. Not entirely, but she's growing a little. She does vehemently claim to care about whether or not other people get hurt trying to protect her.

This book also serves as backstory time for Mircea and Pritkin, as we learn a lot more about their pasts. Things drag a bit while they relate their stories, and in fact there seems to be little point in what we hear from Mircea (readers of the series already know a lot about his family and history).

Altogether, I wouldn't have read it if I weren't already so far into the series. I do wish Chance would switch focus to another character. (I'm aware of the Dorina Basarab series set in the same universe, and consider them to be better books in general). I suppose that's unlikely, seeing as it's the Cassandra Palmer series.
Disclaimer: I received an e-copy in exchange for an honest review.

Luna was born in the Netherlands, moved to Spain with her husband, gave birth to two wonderful boys, and then her husband tragically passed. She knows she has ties to Spain via a lost grandfather, and she needs to prove who he was and her relationship to him in order to remain in Spain as a national instead of keeping as Visa as a foreigner. However, trying to track down this man proves to be more difficult than she initially thought, and she meets interesting people and uncovers a lot of secrets along the way, secrets that many in Spain would rather keep hidden.

This was a wonderful story. It bounces back and forth between the late 1930s and 2009/2010, as it provides the actual story of Luna's grandfather as a backdrop during her search. While it did get somewhat confusing trying to keep the relatives and relationships straight, it was a very emotional story with a variety of offshoots, and it was interesting to see how the lives of the people in the 30s affected what was going on 70 years later. The 30s was a time of civil unrest and war in Spain, which is why nobody wants Luna digging up the past, both literally and figuratively. However, she has to know about her family, and we learn all about the tragic tale right along with her.

There's romance, heartbreak, a mystery, and tales of war. This book will appeal to a variety of people, and I recommend you read it, not only if you like romances but also if you want to learn a little about the history of Spain during a time they'd rather forget.

4 stars
Aiden and Daphne are co-workers in the Coast Guard and have been friends for years. Aiden is the black sheep of his family with most of them believe he is a lost soul who doesn’t stand a chance in the real world. After getting pushed by his parents one too many times to grow up and get married he produces a fiancé, Daphne.

Daphne likes her life, she loves work, spending time with her sister and niece and joking around with Aiden. Her ex boyfriend Frank is trying to worm his way back into her life but she is shutting the door on that history.

Aiden asks Daphne to accompany him to Las Vegas for his brother’s fundraiser, on the way he fills her in on his plans to trick his parents. Daphne agrees to help, neither of them realizing they actually have feelings for each other.

Daphne finds out who Aiden really is, as far as the money he comes from because she knows him down to his core. Can she honestly see herself in his world? Aiden knows he has feelings for Daphne that extend past a normal friendship, can she trust him into her life for the future?

I enjoyed the majority of the story line for this part of the series. I did feel like Frank was a weird addition to have drama in the story line and ended up skimming some pages. Aiden and Daphne are a perfect fit for each other, finding and utilizing their strengths and weaknesses together for the best outcome of a situation. I read and received an advance copy without expectation for review. 4 out of 5 stars for this latest entry in the Redwood Billionaires series
Roseanna's books continue to completely blow my mind! Filled with so much heart-wrenching, heart-stopping, heart-melting events that it literally takes DAYS to recover. My poor heart can't handle any more at the moment. That being said...YOU NEED TO READ THIS SERIES!!! (Start with Book One, A Name Unknown) Set during the beginning of World War I we see a different side of the war than what we may be used to. The Belgium Orchestra Relief Fund...Based in Wales. So.Much.Music! I LOVE it!!!

One of the aspects of this story that struck me in the heart, is the fact that God KNOWS us. And He will speak to us in a unique and individual way that will grip our heart and MEAN SOMETHING to us. For me personally, God uses books, songs, art, and dance...pretty much anything in the 'arts' speak life and truth into my life. For will have to wait and see.

Lukas and Willa create the perfect romantic tension and reminds us that no one is beyond saving. I absolutely adore Margot (Lukas's sister) and am so glad that we also get to see this story from her perspective in Brussels. Her brilliant mind and unique gift for "puzzles" adds a whole different layer to the story. It just goes to show, that when God has given us a gift, there are numerous ways that we can use it to help others and glorify Him.

If you love romance, mystery, history, and have a soft spot for music...You will fall in love with Lukas, Margot, and Willa and her "family" in a heartbeat.

I received a complimentary copy of A Song Unheard from the publishers. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.
The Wayward Prince (Mind + Machine #2)
The Wayward Prince (Mind + Machine #2)
Hanna Dare | 2018 | LGBTQ+, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
great follow up to book one!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

4 years ago, Sebastian stole The Wayward Prince from a young man called Ren. Now, Rem is back and offering Sebastian and his crew a job. Can Sebastian and Ren part again, with their hearts intact?

This is book two in the Mind + Machine series, and I would personally recommend you read book one, Machine Metal Magic, first. Jaime and Rylan plays a huge part here and there is some references to their story. Not necessary just a personal recommendation.

I really enjoyed this one! It's a great follow up to book one. Not quite a five star read but so very nearly!

It's also quite difficult to write a review for this book without giving anything away! There are plot twists all over, and I did not see a single one coming me! And the slightest slip up on my part would spoil that experience for someone else. So, this may well be very vague!

Loved Sebastian. He thinks he's a bad egg but really has a heart of gold. He loves his ship and his on-board family, waifs and strays he's picked up, or indeed, they've picked Sebastian up. And Ren? Well let's just say he's a sweetheart, and he wants to do right by everyone, even to his own heartbreak. But loved his solution to that heartbreak!

Loved the hints that come about each crew member's history! So many stories to tell, those people!

It's told from both men's point of view so we get it all from both of them and you know how happy that makes me feel!

Oh do you know what? I can't find anything wrong with this so . . . .

5 full stars.

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**

Deborah (162 KP) rated The May Bride in Books

Dec 21, 2018  
The May Bride
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The May Bride is not, in fact, so much about Jane Seymour - although she is the first person narrator and was married in May (practically before her predecessor was cold.....) - as about her sister in law, Katherine Folliot, first wife of her eldest brother Edward (later Duke of Somerset and Lord Protector under Edward VI). Edward's second wife, Anne Stanhope, is probably better known to historians or lovers of historical fiction, but there remains something of a mystery around the fate of Katherine Folliot, which Dunn has chosen to take as the basis of this novel.

I realised I had read a couple of Dunn's previous works - The Queen of Subtleties and The Confession of Katherine Howard. Of the former, I remember thinking that Dunn must have done a lot of research into the history of confectionery, but I can't remember anything of the second book, other than it wasn't dreadful, but wasn't the best thing I'd ever read either. I feel a bit the same about this latest offering. There's a lot of detail in there about how a moderately wealthy Tudor family may have lived, but a couple of days after I finished reading it there is nothing that stands out for me. I think perhaps that Jane herself isn't very interesting and Dunn doesn't make her interesting. I think her point is that she's plain and dull and normal and gets on with things because it's just easier.... but it doesn't make for a very entertaining read somehow. Katherine herself, who is the focus of the novel also often doesn't seem very likeable, so it's difficult to like her story or to really feel sorry for her.

In summary, not a bad read and there are far worse out there, but someone it doesn't quite hit the mark for me - just a bit forgettably mediocre.
Valkyrie (2008)
Valkyrie (2008)
2008 | Drama, History, War
6.9 (18 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Surprisingly good!
I will hold my hands up and admit that I can be very critical of films set in Germany and particularly during the Second World War. I’m a bit of a germanophile - I studied German language, literature and history at university. I read into the furore that surrounded the making of this film: the Germans didn’t want Tom Cruise to play the main part because of his affiliation with Scientology (Germans believe it’s a cult, and therefore want nothing to do with it), and Claus von Stauffenberg’s eldest son even asked Cruise to stand down from the role. They all had a rethink though, and decided that it was more important that this story was actually told. And I have to agree with them. There’s a belief that all Germans were complicit in the actions of Hitler and his National Socialists, but this isn’t true. What might be true, is that people were terrified that they would be killed for any opposing thoughts or actions - and they were right.
I was really surprised (pleasantly!) by Cruises acting in this. After my initial horror at the opening sequence where he was talking in German (my children asked if he would be speaking German throughout, and were fully prepared to go to bed early - they didn’t want to read subtitles for a whole movie, I didn’t want to hear the shocking pronunciation!😆), it really picked up! The British actors really made it for me (I could well be accused of bias, but well, I don’t care 🤷🏼‍♀️), and Eddie Izzard was the most surprising - I really need to stop being surprised that he can act well!
It’s a good film! We had a good family film night anyway, and I think it’s worth watching.
The Blake Mistake
The Blake Mistake
I. C. Camilleri | 2013 | Crime, Thriller
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Ben Blake has a talent that can occasionaly help in his job as an intelligence operative. When he forsees a terrorist attack he asks his friend, brother in law and former bad boy Jake Snell to help him prevent it. However Jake is starting to behave oddly, including having periods where he is not aware of what he has done. Could the suppressed memories of his traumatic upbringing be the cause? Meanwhile his wife (and Ben's sister) Emma is delving into Jake's family history. Maybe the secrets of the past are best left alone.

Camilleri aims high with this book - and delivers. It is a complex mix of whodunnit, psychological thriller, paranormal thriller and romance. The plot moves forward dragging the reader with it, the threads and lives of the characters spiralling around the central theme of Jake's past and how it is impacting on the present. There are a number of twists and turns, some as surprising to the reader as to the characters.

The characters themselves are well drawn, benefitting from having developed over previous books (which don't need to have been read to enjoy this). The way the relationships between them change and develop as suspicions arise and certain events occur is excellent, although sometimes frustrating as the reader sees the story from all their viewpoints so can see that sometimes there has just been a misunderstanding or that if something was said everything would be different.

The first third of the book is a little slow as the characters are described and the situation is set up but this allows the rest to move under it's own terrible momentum towards the climax.

Overall a book worth reading and it certainly holds the attention once it gets going.

Caution: Some sex scenes