The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951)
Movie Watch
A humanoid alien named Klaatu lands in Washington, D.C., accompanied by an eight-foot tall robot...
Farewell to the Master Journey to the World Flying saucer

Pianist's A-Z: A Piano Lover's Reader
'This book distils what, at my advanced age, I feel able to say about music, musicians, and matters...

Farewell, My Lovely
Raymond Chandler and Colin Dexter
Farewell, My Lovely is a classic novel by Raymond Chandler, the master of hard-boiled crime. Eight...

Jane Campion recommended The Road (La Strada) (1954) in Movies (curated)

The House of Broken Angels
Prizewinning and bestselling writer Luis Urrea has written his Mexican coming-to-America story, his...

Raymond Chandler and Kathy Reichs
Playback is a classic novel by Raymond Chandler, the master of hard-boiled crime. Stalking the...