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Benny Sadfie recommended A Man Escaped (1956) in Movies (curated)

A Man Escaped (1956)
A Man Escaped (1956)
1956 | Drama
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"Then the second one – and let’s say, this was in no particular order – but A Man Escaped, the [Robert] Bresson movie. That has to be my favorite movie of all time, just because it always makes me cry at the end, because I feel like I’ve achieved something that the character achieves. And it tells you what happens in the title, and it makes it no less suspenseful the entire way. You’re literally feeling the sound of the gravel as he puts his foot down – those shots of the foot or the spoon going into the slot. All of these things, the editing of it, the character, the way he’s using these actors who you don’t really know, they just – you feel like they’re real people. It’s just so perfectly put together, and it’s something where I kind of feel like I’m going along with the escape in a way that’s just done by a master. In a weird way, I feel like Bresson is the Fontaine character in that movie. But what’s weird is I’ve watched it again recently, and I had a totally different feeling of it, where it was more about society and how people are talking to each other. And then you realize Bresson is just kind of making the same movie every time, just with different [settings and characters]. One’s World War II, one’s Lancelot."

Emma (2020)
Emma (2020)
2020 | Comedy, Drama, Romance
409. Emma. My favorite characters from this one were these two servants that each scene they were in, the look of utter disdain towards the family members was priceless. I was kind of hoping there would've been a rebellion at some point and ends in a bloodbath, it's not that movie. This is a movie about a girl who can't mind her own damn business. Does she have good intentions? Maybe. So Emma is a matchmaker, and she's terrible at it. However everyone listens to her advice, with disastrous results, probably cause she's cute and rich, not that, that ever influences people's decisions. They certainly don't listen based on Emma's own track record, single since like...forever. Decent period piece, Anya Taylor-Joy looked exactly like you'd think Emma would look like, did a pretty good British accent. Funny and worth checking out. Filmbufftim on FB
Hercules (1997)
Hercules (1997)
1997 | Animation, Comedy, Fantasy
8.2 (75 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Danny DeVito and James Woods (0 more)
Go The Distance
I love this movie, this is one of my favorite animation films of all time. Its a classic. You have great songs like.."The Gospel Truth", "Go The Distance", "Zero to Hero", "I Wont Say" and "A Star is Born".

The plot: Disney tackles Greek mythology in this animated feature. Hercules (Tate Donovan), a son of gods, was snatched as a baby by Hades (James Woods) and forced to live among mortals as a half-man, half-god. Now a teenager, Hercules needs to perform a rite of passage on Earth to prove himself worthy of living with the gods on Mount Olympus. With his plucky satyr sidekick, Philoctetes (Danny DeVito), along for the ride, Hercules must learn how to use his strength to defeat a series of evil creatures.

Such a excellent, classic disney animation movie.
Say Anything... (1989)
Say Anything... (1989)
1989 | Comedy, Drama, Romance
I can't believe this is my first time watching this movie? How did I get this far in life and have not seen this? Especially with my love of the 80s? I'm ashamed.

Regardless, I want Lloyd. Diane doesn't deserve Lloyd, I do. Just kidding (not really). I thought this film was good. Very 80s, duh, but good! It didn't go the way I thought it would. I thought the iconic scene would be at the end, in the way that the iconic scene is at the end of The Breakfast Club (my favorite), but I have lived and learned. It is not at the end.

I think this movie is a perfect cozy-night-in watch by yourself or with friends. I am definitely going to keep it on my watchlist to come back to ever so often. I love Lloyd. Okay, that's all.
Raging Bull (1980)
Raging Bull (1980)
1980 | Drama

"I’m going to go with Raging Bull. I love Raging Bull. That’s another one I saw at a young age, and I didn’t love it at first. I didn’t know what to think of it. I was like, “This isn’t Rocky.” [Laughs] I was compelled and disturbed by what it was doing, stuff I didn’t get at the time. But that movie struck me at my core. I didn’t know if I liked it, but then I had to come back to it, and then I became obsessed with it and his whole career. It’s very hard to pick a favorite movie of his. Raging Bull is one I go back to, and there’s something between the expressionistic filmmaking of those boxing matches. There’s just a neo-realism in the dynamic between him, his brother, and his wife. It’s really powerful and incredibly inspiring."

Swinging Safari (2019)
Swinging Safari (2019)
2019 | Comedy
Whomp Whomp...
I was strongly hoping I had found a hidden gem in Swinging Safari. Not so much…Taking place in 70’s Australia, it follows the lives of three neighborhood families and how their lives swing out of control when they get a little too close.

Acting: 10

Beginning: 3

Characters: 5
There are some instances in movies where the characters alone are enough to carry the movie (see Everybody Wants Some!!). Not so much here. Outside of the two main characters, the rest of the cast was pretty unlovable. Their lack of redeeming qualities made it hard for me to root for anything good to happen to any of them. Typically when the characters suck, the rest of the movie isn’t far behind. Unless of course it’s an action movie…

Cinematography/Visuals: 10
I have no idea what 1970’s Australia looks like but I feel like I was right in the heart of it here. The way this movie captures certain scenes is pure magic and, in some case, extremely original. One scene in particular features all the adults inside playing games and drinking while the kids are outside doing daredevil stunts for a makeshift film. It’s hilarious watching the adults argue while the kids are trying to put out a fire…a fire they purposefully set upon one of the kids. Extremely well done.

Conflict: 5
It’s not that there wasn’t conflict here. It’s just that I didn’t really care enough about it for it to be substantial. Again, conflict against characters you don’t care about is tough for me to enjoy. I was looking for more, something more meaningful.

Entertainment Value: 5
The fun factor of this movie is few and far between. It has its moments, but overall, it feels very average. Dead Horse: Drab characters really put a damper on this movie as a whole.

Memorability: 6
I can honestly say that there are a couple of unique scenes that I’ve never seen before in any other movie. I don’t want to ruin things by diving too much into the dynamics, but there are some flashes of greatness here that I really appreciated. As a whole, the movie was more forgettable than anything.

Pace: 6

Plot: 1

Resolution: 10
I have to say, despite its flaws, this movie has one of my favorite endings of film. Without spoiling anything, we’ll just say it definitely goes out with a bang. It’s a glimpse of what the movie could have been as a whole.

Overall: 61
Swinging Safari sadly strikes out for me. Despite an endearing relationship between the two young characters and a few beautiful shots and setpieces, the movie has glaring holes that can’t be plugged up. I will have to look for my gem elsewhere.

Terry Crews recommended The Pianist (2002) in Movies (curated)

The Pianist (2002)
The Pianist (2002)
2002 | Drama, War

"I want to go into another movie that I gotta bring up. The Pianist with Adrien Brody, Roman Polanski, the whole thing. Now, I don’t endorse his moral behaviors, but I have to say man, that movie… What he did with that character put me there, and I had never been there. Literally, I’m in the theater, and dude, I’m crying, I’m like, “Yo, this is crazy!” I go by emotional moments; if I walk out of the theater and I’m actually changed, you know what I mean? You know, you see the world in a different way. That’s the power of movies, to me. Like, when you go in and you saw the world one way, but when you walk out, I’m like, “I saw the world in a whole different way.” And Adrien Brody’s performance really taught me what an actor should do and should be. He gave everything he had. It was an awesome performance, an awesome movie, and I would just encourage everybody to see that one. That’s one of my favorite movies of all time. I bought that sucker; I got it on Blu-Ray, you know? [laughs]"


Rev Run recommended The Wizard of Oz (1939) in Movies (curated)

The Wizard of Oz (1939)
The Wizard of Oz (1939)
1939 | Fantasy, Musical

"Another favorite movie of mine is The Wizard of Oz. It’s just a beautiful movie all the way around. It would get a little dark and scary for me as a kid when those flying monkeys came out. Hoo-Hoo! Yeah, the flying monkeys kind of threw me off. I’d start watching the movie at three o’clock, by five o’clock the movie’s about to end, and I’m scared and dinner’s ready — I’m giving you too much info. When Dorothy first lands and the house falls on the shoes and the feet curl up, and then she goes walking and finds all these different characters — all of that was beautiful — gorgeous. Matter of fact, it was straight-up genius and it hasn’t been matched… It was too incredible. Who ever penned that was genius. And the director was genius. And the Lion was genius. And the Tin Man was genius — everything about it. I love all the characters but Dorothy was the best character. She was everything. She was a great singer. She was a great actress. She was kind. She wanted to take everybody with her."

Kung Fu Panda 3 (2016)
Kung Fu Panda 3 (2016)
2016 | Animation
7.4 (20 Ratings)
Movie Rating
The new Dreamworks Animation release Kung Fu Panda 3 has several big name actors voicing the characters. Among them are Jack Black as Po, Angelina Jolie as Tigress, Kate Hudson as Mei Mei, Bryan Cranston as Li, Dustin Hoffman as Shifu, Jackie Chan as Monkey,

Seth Rogan as Mantis and Lucy Liu as Viper.

Po discovers a long-lost relative who travels with him to a secret enclave of Panda relatives. Meanwhile, the trapped super-villain Kai escapes, and begins to defeat all the king-fu masters across the land.
Po must gather his new-found relatives and his long-time friends, and tries to train them to work together to defeat Kai.
What results is a heartwarming tale of friends & family working together to beat the odds, and of discovering that your strengths and abilities can be used in situations that might seem otherwise hopeless. It shows you that no matter what your capabilities are as an individual, working together can achieve great things.
The music throughout the film was engaging, and the graphics and animation were superb. This is one movie that is released in 3-D that is actually worth seeing in 3-D!
I had the 3 kids with me and they all loved it. The youngest, a girl, is 6, and her comment was ‘That movie was AWESOME!’, and her favorite part was ‘all the cool fighting scenes’
The oldest, a 9 year old boy, said ‘it was a GREAT movie!’, and his favorite part was when Po discovered his dad again.
The middle child, 7, a boy says ‘I thought it was so great that I wanted to cry’, and his favorite part was the baby pandas doing their tricks to help defeat Kai.
From an adult perspective I thought it was a great family film, with a message of acceptance and working together despite our differences in order to accomplish a common goal. I loved how Po’s adopted father and natural father worked together and got along and that they all ended up as ‘family’, without sides being chosen. I felt that was a really great message in this day & age.
I would give this movie a solid 4.5 out of 5 stars, and recommend it for any family looking for a fun activity to head out to on the weekend.
The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993)
The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993)
1993 | Animation, Family, Sci-Fi
Bone Daddy Nearly Ruins Christmas!
Every Halloween, Jack the Pumpkin King, would go out and scare many people with his frightening theatrics. Unfortunately, Jack has grown tired of doing the same routine every year and wanted to do something different. It was then that Jack accidentally ended up in Christmas Town and he was so awed and amazed at the Christmas visuals and the figure of Santa Claus (who he mistakenly calls "Sandy Claws"), that he decided that he should take over Christmas for the year! This then leads to Santa Claus being kidnapped by Oogie Boogie and Christmas nearly put into disaster!

Can Jack fix all of this before it's too late?

Seriously, this is probably my most favorite film made by Tim Burton (well technically, it was produced by Tim Burton and the poem was written by him, but Henry Selick directed the film). I just loved the cute yet nightmarish visuals in this movie as they gave the movie a creative vibe and I really loved seeing the different kinds of characters that pop up in Halloween Town, with my favorite creatures being the Clown with the Tearaway Face and the Vampires! I also loved the characters themselves as they were all interesting and amusing to look at. Probably my most favorite character in this entire movie was none other than Jack Skellington himself as he was a truly charming and charismatic character! I just loved the way that Jack went about trying something different for a change and it was cute seeing him lit up with enthusiasm as he tried to become the new Santa Claus. I also loved the character of Sally the Rag Doll as she truly cares about Jack and would do anything to prevent Jack from ruining Christmas! The visuals were amazing as all the characters look truly nightmarish (especially the werewolf and the witches) and yet, their personalities are so likable that you cannot help but actually care for these characters. Probably the best part of this movie were the songs themselves as they truly capture the true essence of this film, with my favorite songs being "What's This?" "This is Halloween" and "Sally's Song."

The only problem with this film is that the reason why this movie was rated PG was because of the scary imagery. So, there may be some images, like the various monsters that show up in this film, that might scare smaller children for the most part. Also, there is not enough back stories with any of these characters to really get to know their true motives and their existence, so some people might be a bit confused about where some of the motives of the characters came from, like in the case of Oogie Boogie where we don't know much about his character other than he despises Jack Skellington.

Overall, "The Nightmare Before Christmas" is a fantastic animated film that you can see either during Christmas or Halloween ( a two in one deal, how cool is that)? and it will forever be remembered as a classic film that Tim Burton and stop motion fans will love for many years!

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