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La Vie en Rose (La Mome) (2007)
La Vie en Rose (La Mome) (2007)
2007 | International, Drama
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"I remember it was showing in New York City, and I walk over with my friend [to the theater] sort of not knowing what I’m about to see, which is always kind of my favorite thing. I try more and more to not read a review of a movie before I go see it, to not read a review of a play before I go see it, so that I’m not inundated with other people’s opinions about things and I’m able to sort of … It really speaks more to my susceptibility to other people’s opinions than it does about anything that could be playing. I want to have a clean experience that’s just mine. I didn’t know anything about Edith Piaf. I had, of course, recognized many of her songs and had loved many of her songs, but I had no connection to, nor did I know historically, what had happened to her and what her story was. But I was just bowled over by Marion Cotillard’s performance. And of course then I started Googling her and trying to understand where she came from. And she had been in that Russell Crowe movie, and she was so much younger than Piaf, playing that part, and it was just another acting feat! The combination of all the beautiful and tragic things you learn about someone who is so gifted, and then also to see it portrayed by someone equally as gifted and once again be transported into a world you knew nothing about – that’s really the power of the movie."

Once Upon a Time in the West (1968)
Once Upon a Time in the West (1968)
1968 | Action, Drama, Western
Harmonica, and the orchestra of sounds (3 more)
The strength of a woman in this time period
a lesson in cinematography
Action has a lot of suspense before it, very thought out.
An epic opera of a western and an amazing feat of cinematography as well.
I adore this movie, it's my favorite western of all time, and the acting is top notch, it's visually stunning, it's a symphony of sounds to the ears. just the scene of the welcoming committee waiting on the train is an amazing piece of cinema. I could go on an on. I love how strong the women are in the film in unexpected ways. I love the traditional good guy as a bad guy. It's just plain amazing. It can be slow by modern standards, but isn't that also part of it's beauty, measured time.

Andy K (10821 KP) Mar 23, 2018

One of my faves!

Bumblebee (2018)
Bumblebee (2018)
2018 | Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi
I was not expecting to like this film at all, I only went to see it for something to do. I'm not a huge Transformers fan, they've all been the same, except for that last one, it was just awful. Most of the Transformers films are filled with overlong sequences with whatever female character running around in very little clothing.

I was pleasantly surprised, this was essentially an 80s buddy movie. It had a great soundtrack and I've been listening to it on repeat for the past few days. The plot was fairly simple and predictable, but it was a joy to watch and I was entertained throughout. Hailee Steinfeld was a compelling lead and her character was realistic, which I really liked. Jorge Lendeborg Jr (Memo) was also really amusing, and one of my favorite characters.
Playing with Fire (2019)
Playing with Fire (2019)
2019 | Comedy
The movie Playing With fire starring John Cena and directed by Andy Fickman was a delight to watch.

Filled with clean family-friendly humor, and touching moments, it is a great film for the whole family to watch together.

It tells the story of a no nonsense smoke jumper named Jake Carson, and how he learns that relationships and family provide support and “keep you going” when life gets tough.


The cast was hilarious!

Especially Keegan Michael-Key who kept the audience laughing with his perfect timing.

John Cena shone in his role of Jake Carson.


While they kept the audience laughing, they also brought a lot of heartfelt moments.

One of my favorite moments was when they were planning a surprise birthday party for one of the 3 kids they were watching because they were survivors of a forest fire.
Men in Black III (2012)
Men in Black III (2012)
2012 | Action, Comedy, Sci-Fi
7.1 (25 Ratings)
Movie Rating
How is it possible that this is the best of the three films?! I'm utterly shocked. I feel like if this film was the first film in the franchise or even the second, it would've made it so much better! This is the film that you really see Kay for who he is and you see a deeper side of Jay where he isn't just the token black man like the first film OR an idiot in the second one!

I still don't think it was very good as a whole film but in comparison to the entire series and the first two? This is the one that stands out as the best. I think in this movie, Griffin was my favorite and I liked Will Arnett's brief appearance in the beginning. Let's see how MIB International holds up.
A Woman Under the Influence (1975)
A Woman Under the Influence (1975)
1975 | Classics, Drama
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"Next to The Wizard of Oz, it’s my favorite movie of all time. The most honest on-screen depiction of mental illness ever. Cassavetes perfectly nails the heartbreak and frustration that eclipses a family when a loved one’s sanity slips away. It’s at times both gut-wrenching and oddly hilarious, and Cassavetes manages to make gorgeous cinema with colors and composition. Besides the impeccable, monumental performances of Gena Rowlands and Peter Falk, the supporting cast is flawless, including both Cassavetes’s and Rowlands’s own real-life mothers, Katherine and Lady, and in particular George Dunn in his role as Mabel’s one-night stand Garson Cross. In any other film the character would be played as a cad the audience would be rooting against. Not so in a Cassavetes film, where the roles of hero and villain shift moment to moment."

Blade Runner 2049 (2017)
Blade Runner 2049 (2017)
2017 | Sci-Fi
Great Introspection On What it Means to Be Human
Thirty years after the events of the first movie, Blade Runner 2049 follows the story of replicant K (Ryan Gosling) who unearths a secret that could rock the world to its core. I remember watching this for the first time and scoring it high 90’s. While I still think it’s a damn good movie, I feel it falls just out of Masterpiece range.

Acting: 10
Gosling was stellar in his performance as K. Replicants walk the line of being human, but robotic at the same time. In some cases Gosling provides responses that are straight out of the mouth of a program while there are some scenes that require him to capture raw emotion, both unexpected and welcomed by me as a viewer. There were some other memorable performances as well, particularly by Sylvia Hoeks in her role as Luv. I’ll be honest, she frightened the hell out of me, but in a good way. She was calculated and controlled, but you could always sense a rage waiting to surface. I love what she did with this character.

Beginning: 10
The opening scene of this movie sees K tracking down a replicant that’s been trying to fly under the radar. The tension is built slowly before it bubbles over. In the climax of this scene, we get a taste of what is to come for the rest of the movie. That’s what beginnings are all about: Leave us wanting more!

Characters: 10

Cinematography/Visuals: 10
While the entire film as a whole may not qualify as a masterpiece, the visuals and cinematography most certainly are. Throughout the movie, you get a chique futuristic feel that’s also dreary and dank at the same time. It’s like you’re watching two worlds collide. I love their play on robotics and weaponry here as well, definitely a step up from the first film.

Conflict: 10
It’s not just about the action here, but also K unravelling a mystery before our eyes. You want him to get to the bottom of everything going on and you’re taken on a wild ride along the way. Between the shootouts with hi-tech guns and the hand-to-hand fights, there is more than enough to keep you entertained.

My favorite scene in particular occurs when K and Rick Deckard (Harrison Ford) meet for the first time and square off. They are in some kind of concert hall where holograms are performing. Both are relying on the singing of the holograms to improve their striking position. It really is fun to watch.

Entertainment Value: 9
It doesn’t take you long into this movie to realize you’re watching something special. The time and energy that went into the creation of this movie shows up on screen. Yes, it could have been shortened, but I still had a great experience.

Memorability: 10
There is a scene that sticks out in my head where replicant creator Niander Wallace (Jared Leto) is looking over one of his creations. It’s unsettling to put it lightly and you feel like it’s just an average monologue…until it’s not. There are a number of scenes just like this that press on my brain. I also loved the continued exploration from the last movie of what it means to be human.

Pace: 8
I do appreciate that the story took its time to unfold. However, I do feel like it could have been a smidge faster in spots. There were a few moments where I was thinking, “Man, I got things to do! Let’s go!” Mostly forgivable save for a few instances.

Plot: 10

Resolution: 1
Without giving anything away, I will just say that this is my least favorite part of the movie. To have started so strong only to end like this? Not impressed. I wanted more for K is all I will say.

Overall: 88
There’s nothing like good sci-fi when done well. Blade Runner 2049 will take you on highs and lows while giving you a visual feast in the process. I was not disappointed in the least and you won’t be either.
Yoga Hosers (2016)
Yoga Hosers (2016)
2016 | Action, Comedy
Not too much to laugh aboot
When I sit down to watch a comedy/horror film, i usually laugh a little at some of the jokes. But being Canadian... I found this movie offensive as hell......
Not really. I found it subpar and slightly stupid.
Kevin Smith is and always will be one of my favorite writer/directors. His earlier films, Clerks, Mallrats and Chasing Amy are right up there with some of my favorite flicks. Amd his attempt at horror, Red State, was a really good try at entering a genre that he doesn't have much business being in.
Don't even get me started on Tusk... What the fuck?!?!
This is kind of a sequel to the aforementioned walrus horror flick. A few characters from Tusk are in it. Including the Colleens, the pair of Zed Convenience store employees, who are now thrust into the main character roles.
The only light in this dark tunnel is Justin Long who plays Yoga Guru, Yogi Bayer... His portrayalof him is pretty awesome... right down to arguing on the phone with a lawyer from Warner Brothers about violating copyright infringement for his name... it's pretty sweet.
Johnny Depp returns to the sequel as Guy Lapointe French Canadian manhunter... and he is horrid...
Didn't think it was possible for that to happen.
So watch at your own risk.