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Ghost Moon (The Wolfborne Saga #4)
Ghost Moon (The Wolfborne Saga #4)
Cheree Alsop | 2019 | Paranormal, Young Adult (YA)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Ghost Moon is the fourth book in The Wolfborne Saga and we continue with Zev's story. Isley doesn't feature in this one so I'm guessing she isn't 'the one' for Zev (for now, at least). Instead, we have Zev and the usual crew trying to clear up after the earthquake and also find reason to keep going. Virgo is especially hard hit after the events at the end of the prior book.

Now, I know I said I thought Dark Coven was the best so far, and it was... until this one. This one has just ticked all of my boxes, making me devour the whole book in one sitting.

There are many emotions in this book, some good, and some bad. I certainly feel for Zev, and for Ceren, but in different ways. I thought my heart would break with Virgo but then he had to act like a tool at the end. I know I will still like him for it in the next book, but I struggled to understand just HOW he could do that to Zev. Zev isn't Virgo's pet, to do as he wishes, and Zev's agreement was never sought. I found this to be very disappointing and so am hopeful Virgo will redeem himself soon.

As for the rest of it, you still have an amazing supporting cast, and now the werewolves aren't as many, you can see the different temperaments coming through. The pacing remains smooth and the story keeps you turning the pages.

This is definitely my favourite of the series so far but I also highly recommend reading them in order as it just won't make any sense if you don't.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Sarah Dessen | 2000 | Fiction & Poetry
6.6 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating
Original Review posted on <a href="">Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>
Original Rating: 1.5

<b>Note: </b>Formatting may be lost due to copy and pasting.

     I was told that Sarah Dessen's works were awesome. So I basically went into the frame of mind that it would be a good book when I actually started reading it.

     I don't really hate saying this, but as a first time peep (read: I'm reading her works for the first time) on reading a work of Sarah Dessen's, I left with a pretty "eh..." view. I did try to keep the fact in mind that Sarah Dessen is a good writer, which was why I didn't go all <s>mini stomping off with a hmph</s> frowny faced at the wall.

     I don't exactly hate the book - not really - but I found it very boring from page 1 to the end. I'm pretty surprised I didn't fall asleep. Yet. There was just something missing. While I don't really mind reading gushy romances (YA speaking), I'm not one who prefers reading a book that's pretty much completely - as in 90% or more - lack of action.

     Dreamland is basically your typical realistic fiction in the terms of romance. It was also pretty predictable (but then... I tend to predict things near the bull's eye usually...). And every time a character in a book is getting suspicious of events, it would go down the drain a little more.

     If it wasn't required reading, I probably would've ended up just setting it down, walk away, read another book, and then return it. But, if you're one who likes realistic fiction and romances rolled into one "bookrito," then you probably just got another recommendation. However, if you're one for romance and action rolled into one, then I don't exactly recommend it.... but feel free to read it if you want to try it out, as everyone's reading preference is different....
The Dream Pony
The Dream Pony
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Dream Pony by Shanon Picciolo is a great bedtime story. It does not have too much action in it and has a nice, calming feel to it.

A young girl by the name of Emilie is outside daydreaming when she thinks she hears hoofbeats. She sits very quietly and soon a pony approaches her. Once she gains the pony’s trust she climbs on its back and they go for a ride together.

The pony takes her to a beautiful stream, a faraway valley, and even way up on top of a mountain. Together they play with deer and run with timberwolves. Finally, when it gets dark the pony takes Emilie back home so she can go to bed and dream about a pony in the woods.

What I liked best is that the book takes readers through multiple different areas of the forest and mountains on horseback. Many children dream of having or at least riding a horse one day and Dream Pony takes them on that wonderful journey. What I did not like was that there is one page that is twice as long as the others. Some children with shorter attention spans may have issues with this page as it changes the pace of the story. Parents should be aware of this and ready to help if a child is trying to read it on their own.

Young children will enjoy having this book read to them. Also, children who are starting to read on their own may find this book enjoyable, though they may need help with some of the words. I give this book a rating of 4 out of 4. Other than the one page being longer than necessary there is nothing negative to say about this book. With the book even ending with the words “Good Night” this book gives children something great to imagine right before bed and encourages good dreams.

LeftSideCut (3776 KP) rated The Dead Don't Die (2019) in Movies

Jan 7, 2020 (Updated Jan 29, 2020)  
The Dead Don&#039;t Die (2019)
The Dead Don't Die (2019)
2019 | Comedy, Horror
Several Wild Animals
The Dead Don't Die is truly a bizarre experience.

Jim Jarmusch has crafted a gratuitously deadpan and self aware zombie film that tackles tired genre tropes in unique and confusing ways.
Truth be told, I was ready to hate it. I knew that it wasn't the same style of zombie-comedy as Zombieland, or Shaun of the Dead, and I expected to be bogged down in pretentiousness - I'm happy to admit that I was wrong in this case.

A lot of the complaints I've seen about TDDD is precisely that. That, and the fourth wall breaking, but those are two aspects that I actually really liked.
The humour is really subtle for the most part. The dead pan delivery of a lot of the script was quite jarring at first, but it didn't take long for it settle, and I actually ended up finding it pretty funny, just not in-your-face funny (which is a good thing).
The fourth wall stuff verges on being too-clever-for-its-own-good but it just about pulls it off, and gives an interesting alternate thought process to the general narrative.

The cast is brimming with people that I like and love - Bill Murray, Adam Driver (surely a full blown man crush by this point), Chloë Sevigny, Steve Buscemi, Danny Glover, Tilda Swinton... God damn I even love Iggy Pop. It's a great cast list for sure, and the charming and witty script gives them all a lot to do, even if some of the many characters feel under developed at times.

The zombie aspect is a bit if a back seat for me. I was certainly more invested in the aforementioned cast, than any actual zombie action, but I enjoyed the 'classic' shuffling zombies in a small town setting for what it's worth.

I'm not sure what I expected from The Dead Don't Die, but it certainly wasn't what I got, and that precisely why it stands out.

JT (287 KP) rated A Good Year (2006) in Movies

Mar 10, 2020  
A Good Year (2006)
A Good Year (2006)
2006 | Comedy, Drama, Romance
4.3 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
This is certainly not your conventional Ridley Scott film, but it’s one that was well shot but not very well written. Investment broker Max Skinner (Russell Crowe) knows only one thing, how to make money. But when he inherits his Uncle’s chateau in Provence where he spent much of his childhood he must decide between the life he has in London or the life in France.

After arriving in Provence the only thing on his mind is to sell, but with childhood memories floating all around him as well as women it’s not long before the predictable is happening.It provides enough and features some telling performances but it’s simply not funny enough to register as the comedy it so desperately strives to be. The film most notably reunited Scott with Crowe and their first foray into a romantic comedy, with not a great deal of success.

A Good Year has scenery could not be more fitting for a romantic comedy, and the picturesque winery is paramount to the beautiful shots it creates. However, at times it looks more like a car advert than a film.

On the comedy aspect there are a few small laughs but they fall flat as Crowe is not able to deliver on them, you wonder if Hugh Grant might have done a better job. Crowe’s upper class English accent is out of place against the free flowing French that is predominant throughout and he’d probably feel more at home with large sword in his hand as opposed to a wine bottle.

The introduction of Uncle Henry’s supposedly long lost daughter throws a complicated spanner in the works which does more harm than good. It’s a heartwarming tale and it will tug on the heart strings of all the old romantics out there, but Scott and Crowe have never made a romantic comedy before and it certainly shows. It’s not got the characteristics of a fine wine, but may get past some peoples tastes.

Kristy H (1252 KP) rated Summer of '79 in Books

Mar 19, 2020  
Summer of &#039;79
Summer of '79
Elin Hilderbrand | 2020 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is an excellent novella following up with the Foley/Levin gang ten years after the events of Summer of '69. Kate and her children, Blair, Kirby, Tiger, and Jessie, gather again on Nantucket after the death of Kate's mother, Exalta.

"Exalta is dead. She died in her sleep two days earlier in the house on Fair Street, while Mr. Crimmins, their former caretaker, slept beside her."

There are a few books in the world that end perfectly, and you don't need another word. But many books are so engaging--the characters so vivid--that you often wonder what has happened to them. Elin Hilderbrand is such an excellent author and so good at world-building for her characters. It only makes sense that she would allow us to check in on her characters at a later date. And, because she's so good at bringing them to life, the concept works perfectly.

This is a slim e-book (coming out later in book form as part of a tribute anthology to the late Dorothea Benton Frank). I read it easily in one setting and quite enjoyed catching up with Kate and the kids, particularly the youngest, Jessie, who was my favorite in '69 and remains so ten years later.

"She feels like a stranger in her own family, but there’s nothing new about that."

Despite the somber occasion for which the family has gathered, it's quite fun to check in on them ten years later. Hilderbrand switches POV from Kate to all four of the kids, allowing us to see what they've been doing and how they feel. We also find Kate adjusting to moving into the role of family matriarch with the passing of her mother.

Overall, if you enjoyed Summer of '69, this is a great novella to catch you up on some beloved characters. I kind of wish we could have novellas like this for other favorite books. 4 stars.
The Gift (2015)
The Gift (2015)
2015 | Horror, Mystery, Thriller
The new film ‘The Gift’ will be the first movie released by the new company STX Entertainment.

It stars Jason Bateman as Simon, Joel Edgerton as Gordo, and Rebecca Hall as Robyn, Simons’ wife.
The story begins with Simon and Robyn just moving back to Los Angeles. He works in cyber security, and she is an interior designer trying to start her own business.
While out shopping for new home decor, Robyn is approached by a man she’s never seen, who says he is an old acquaintance of Simons.
Through a series of instances where Gordo delivers unasked for, and at least in Simons case, unwanted, gifts the story unravels into a twisty path of creepy stalking behavior with an undercurrent of as yet unrevealed plots for revenge.
While Robyn thinks that Gordo is just lonely and trying to make a friendly good impression, Simon insists that Gordo is ‘weird’ and that he has an ulterior motive due to his attraction to Robyn.
While not quite a ‘Fatal Attraction’ story as much as a ‘Revenge’ plot, this movie does keep you interested, invested and involved. It isn’t quite a ‘digging your nails into your palms’ kind of scary but more of a ‘what the HECK is he doing’, and ‘oh my gosh he can’t possibly be doing THAT’ story.
At least twice, the audience jumped and some of us yelped at at least one point.
The movie keeps you not quite sure who to feel most sorry for and not quite knowing who, if anyone, you are ‘rooting for’
The end is a twisted mess (in a good way) that had my jaw dropping and saying to myself ‘oh no no no no no no NO that’s not happening, it can’t be that way…..’, even though I had seen it coming.
I liked the movie and think people looking for a psychological thriller will really enjoy it.
I would give this movie 4 out of 5 stars.
Captain America: The First Avenger (2011)
Captain America: The First Avenger (2011)
2011 | Action, Adventure
Captain America: The First Avenger is a return to form for the Marvel comic-book film universe, and a solid final lead-up to the multi-hero film The Avengers, coming next year.

Chris Evans does a fantastic job of introducing us to the wiry little guy with guts who eventually becomes Captain America. Such unashamed, honest virtue is different from the typical superhero movie we’ve come to see over the last few years, and for good reason: internal conflicts often make for dramatic films. However, I don’t think such unwavering idealism would have worked with any other comic-book character than Captain America. Stanley Tucci and Tommy Lee Jones add heart to the movie, but the soul of this movie really is the Captain. Hugo Weaving as The Red Skull plays a satisfying villain here, but his motives aren’t clarified enough to warrant his fervor for evil. Hayley Atwell, playing love interest and British agent Peggy Carter does a more convincing job in her role than Hugo Weaving does in his.

The plot of the film was pretty standard fare. Hero battles villain. The ending was more climactic and earnest than I had expected walking into the theater, and it gracefully sets up the Avengers movie. Like many of the other Marvel movies of recent note, there is a decent amount of self-deprecating comic book humor that helps break up the slower parts between action scenes.

The effects of the film were solid. They were pulpy enough to feel like a Marvel universe, rather than our own, but they still carried the action to an exciting level. The art department and cinematographer did a good job recreating the 40’s asthetic throughout the film, though there was enough exotic comic book elements to bring you back into a world where superheroes really do exist.

Despite its own flaws, this is one of the better Marvel films to come out since Iron Man, and count me in to watch The Avengers next year.
See You Yesterday (2019)
See You Yesterday (2019)
2019 | Sci-Fi
6.8 (5 Ratings)
Movie Rating
A Fresh New Take On Classic Time Travel Film
See You Yesterday is a sci-fi movie directed by Stefon Bristol and written by Stefon Bristol and Fredrica Bailey. It was produced by Spike Lee and production company 40 Acres & A Mule Filmworks and distributed by Netflix. The film stars Eden Duncan-Smith, Dante Crichlow, Brian "Stro" Bradley, and Jonathan Nieves.

Two teenage prodigies, C.J. Walker (Eden Duncan-Smith) and her best friend, Sebastian Thomas (Dante Crichlow) spend every spare minute working on their latest homemade invention: backpacks that enable time travel. When one of their older brothers is killed, they put their unfinished project to the test to save him and face the perilous consequences of time travel.

This movie was very emotional. It didn't always make sense but it had a good narrative that sustained the entire film. This movie was equal parts very realistic and fantastically unreal. At its core, it's a story about grief and second chances. Who wouldn't want to go back in time and prevent a tragic event if they could. I mean that's what one of my favorite movies The Time Machine is all about. It also had a lot of social commentary. I believe the writer/director did an awesome job in this their directorial debut. Eden Duncan-Smith's acting was also top notch and really made you feel for her through her struggles and really brought to life a very relatable character. What I didn't like was that as smart as the kids were in the movie, and as good as the time travel logic was in making sense, to me it still wasn't believable that they would have been able to create time travel devices. Also the special effects weren't always the best but seemed to work well. But if you can get past that hiccup it is an emotional roller coaster and a surprising fresh take on a classic sci-fi trope. I give it a 7/10.