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Fred (860 KP) rated Baki in TV

Aug 29, 2019  
2018 | Action, Animation, Drama
7.2 (9 Ratings)
TV Show Rating
Super-violent fighting "action"
I've never seen the original Baki the Grappler series. But on a recommendation from a friend, I decided to watch this one, which is apparently a sequel to the other. Although I feel you don't need to have watched the original, I feel there were a few parts in this one that would have had more meaning if I had seen the original.

Anyway, the story is about 17 year old Baki Hanma. A martial artist, who won an underground tournament, who is now targeted by 5 death-row inmates. Other members of the underground tournament take Baki's side to fight against them. That's pretty much it.

Each character seems to have a unique fighting style or ability & each character has their own special look. But no matter the look, these characters are ugly. I mean real ugly. They may be the most grotesque characters I've ever seen on film. Almost every one has a ridiculously unrealistic over-muscular body. It's as if a 10 year old drew a bodybuilder. Everyone's hands look like balloons, with marbles as knuckles. Everyone's feet look like a rock with tiny grapes as toes. Hideous faces & disturbing eyes. Even Baki, who is supposed to be good looking, looks overly glam. Again, like a 10 year old's drawing. As for the animation, it's not very good. Most of the show is two characters facing each other & talking crap to each other before finally, someone punches or kicks & then it's just a still shot of them hitting the other with a white streak, faking movement. In the cases where we actually see them moving, the animation jarringly switches to the horrible hand-drawn CGI animation that I can't stand.

As I mentioned, each character has their own style of fighting. Whether it's karate or judo or hidden weapons or weapons hidden inside the body, etc... So, there's lots of variety. The show is for mature audiences due to the gore (lots of dismemberment, eye popping, etc...) & nudity. So, no kids, ok?

But here's the main problem I have. I don't care about the characters. I don't care about Baki. In fact, if you pay attention, he's not in most of the series. And when he is, most of the time he doesn't do anything. This show also has one of the most unintentionally hilarious scenes I've ever seen & that his sex scene. He's never had sex before & we get to hear his thoughts. It's almost like the writer never had sex either. I was laughing out loud.

So, why did I watch? Well, so I had a new anime to talk about with my friend. And although I said I don't care about the characters, I still want to see what happens. I would say the show is geared towards men, as there is only one female character & she's played like a stereo-typical damsel in distress. I have 3 episodes left to watch & no sign of a female fighter. I say give it a shot if you want some mindless ass-kicking fluff.

Sarah (7799 KP) rated the PlayStation 4 version of NieR: Automata in Video Games

May 3, 2020 (Updated May 3, 2020)  
NieR: Automata
NieR: Automata
2017 | Role-Playing
Hugely enjoyable
I'm a big Final Fantasy fan and whilst Nier: Automata isn't quite the same size and scale RPG as the FF games, I really enjoyed playing this - even if it isn't perfect.

This game looks amazing. The world they've created here is bleak yet beautifully rendered. The characters are well styled (even if a little inappropriate, but that's to be expected from a Japanese game). The score and music is beautiful. Maybe overly dramatic at times but it really helps build tension and drama in the game. The gameplay itself is a cross between Final Fantasy and a Devil May Cry style game, with a variety of side quests, upgrades and levelling up available alongside a non-turn based open fighting system. For me I actually preferred this style of fighting to the FF games as it's more like a real battle rather than everyone taking turns. There is a lot of detail in this game too, but without going to quite the extremes FF games do. It never quite feels as huge and unmanageable.

The story is different and how the gameplay unfolds took me a while to get used to, especially when you get on to the second and third parts of the story. But when you get over the initial irritation you soon come to love the game play and how you discover all the different aspects to the story. Especially the rather sweet & emotional sides to the characters.

However there are some downsides. The fighting is very repetitive and despite various types of bosses, there is rarely any skill involved to defeating them - continuously shooting and hack and slash seems to be the standard. There's also a lot of grinding involved in this game and it can get a bit irritating. The machines also regenerate very quickly and it can get quite tiresome to run in & out of areas within a space of minutes and have to defeat the same baddies over and over.

Also, unless you're willing to dedicate a large portion of your life then it seems near impossible to get 100% completion. I'm at 72% and have done virtually all of the side quests and endings. Admittedly I havent quite finished yet but when I do I doubt I'll have anywhere near 90% - maxing out weapons and levelling up to level 99 to defeat an otherwise undefeatable machine just doesn't appeal.

Finally, the idea behind the 26 endings to this game is one I'm still undecided on. In a way it feels like a "choose your own ending" style thing like the old Goosebumps books, however it's not obvious how to get these endings (I looked them up). Maybe it's because I'm not a fan of wandering everywhere in an open world trying & hitting absolutely everything, it's a bit of a slog. But knowing where to find the endings for me made them a little more entertaining.

Overall this is a very enjoyable game and definitely an 8/8.5. If they had cut out some of the grinding and slogging commonly found in rpgs to make it more achievable to get 100%, I'd definitely rate it at least a 9.
Creed II (2018)
Creed II (2018)
2018 | Action, Drama, Sport
Fighting fit
#creed2 ups the stakes & hits the viewer hard right in the #feels. I was so pumped for this as the first is probably one of my favourite #boxing movies & yet while the second isnt quite as good it still manages to pack an extremely impressive #punch. The thing about #Creed 2 that was instantly noticeable right from its powerful opening is just how god damn good it is at creating relatable/believable #emotion. This is done by creating such a strong believable bond between all of the main characters be it by #love/ passion or rivalry ensuring we care about everyone & really feel the struggles/#pain they experience (which almost lead to me tearing up at times). I also loved how they showed more from the #Drago perspective this time & how he he maybe an unstoppable force in the ring but in real life he's bullied & pushed around like a nobody, this was so refreshing to see & left me rooting for him just as much as Creed in the final #fight. Drago is a man clearly fuelled by #hate & anger kept under control by discipline & respect for his #father yet Creeds motivations are more cloudy, muddled & reckless fuelled more by #revenge & anger than focus/control & I found this to be by far the most interesting/intricate part of the movie. More of a drama than a #brawling film Creed 2 deals with incredibly depressing, realistic & tuff themes of overcoming mental torture, loss, revenge, neglect, conditioning, humiliation, passion, loyalty & at times I found it extremely heavy going with all of the cast delivering some strong & memorable performances adding to the realism. Sound design was also punchy giving tremendous weight to the fights & the soundtrack is a perfect balance between epic & sombre. Camera work is graceful & never hides any of the action & there's some #beautiful imagery that combine with clever set design make for some brilliantly deep symbolism. Only let down by its predictable & cliched second half/some cheesy scenes every now & then Creed 2 is a must watch, its #inspiring, uplifting yet hard hitting & at times emotionally draining. A second round thats well worth a shot. #limitless #sylvesterstallone #fighting #fightnight #rocky #michaelbjordan #rockybalboa
To Die in Spring
To Die in Spring
Shaun Whiteside, Ralf Rothmann | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Let me start this review with this: <b>I cried on the train because of this novel.</b>

Towards the end of WWII, the Russians and the Americans were closing in and Germany were desperate. Boys, as young as 8 !!, were being forced into becoming soldiers and pushed to the front to fight for a country that were losing, brutally. Thousands of children’s lives were lost.

In this book we meet Walter and Fiete, both young men, aged 17, who are forced into becoming SS soldiers. They are best friends, but they’re very different. Walter is reserved and respectful, Fiete is loud, sarcastic and happy to voice his opinion on what he thinks of the war. Unfortunately, Fiete gets pushed on the front line, fighting a war he thinks is idiotic, so he attempts to desert. Deserters get executed by their own men.

This novel is so beautiful yet so horrible. You can’t really think of this novel as fiction when you know the contents within probably happened to thousands of teenagers. It’s so distressing when you think about how people were treated and how they lived during the war and this book represents it perfectly.

Reading this book, the fear and melancholy of being a soldier fighting a losing battle creeps through your bones. You’re there, stuck in a rotting basement, scared of death yet willing it on, just to get out. I applaud Rothmann for making those feelings so real in me… A young woman, sat on her train going into another day of work, of safety, but with goosebumps, because in her mind, she’s stuck outside in the cold, desperately trying to find a hiding place from the American war planes flying over.

This novel is an emotionally charged story about the brutality of war and the awful things young men were forced to do, just to have their pathetic Fuhrer shamefully kill himself and the battle be lost. I urge any person who likes to read war books, to read this one. The writing is stunning, the characters are real, and the story is harrowing.

<i>Thanks to Picador Books for providing me with an arc copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.</i>
Inciting a Riot (Riot MC #2)
Inciting a Riot (Riot MC #2)
Karen Renee | 2018 | Contemporary, Romance, Thriller
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
a good solid 4 star read
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

6 years ago, Lorraine caught Cary (Vamp) in their bed with two other women and her world imploded. Now, he's back and fighting dirty. Fighting for Rainy's love, and for her life, when an ex turns nasty.

This is book two in the Riot MC series, and I have not read book one. I'll come back, in a minute, to why I think I probably should have.

For the most part, I DID enjoy this, I really did. There are just a couple of things that let it down, for ME.

It's told ALMOST entirely from Rainy's point of view, in the first person. While it's clear, after a very short time who is speaking, it would have been nice to have been told. We do get a bit of Cary, in the third person, but not nearly enough for my liking! I needed MORE Cary.

At several points along the way, Cary says something happened to him a few months ago, but it was never clarified just WHAT gave him the epiphany he had that made he realise who he needed to make his life complete. THIS is where I think I should have read book one first. Maybe THAT event is in that book. I NEEDED to know what happened, and we are not told that here.

On a positive note, because it is mostly only Rainy who speaks, the MC stuff takes a bit of a back seat and I did like that. I wasn't too clear whether these guys are into all the illegal stuff that often comes with MC books, but I really don't care.

These guys love their woman, hard, and everyone seems happy. Except Trixie, she's not a happy bunnie and I want her to be! Please Ms Renee, make Trixie happy!

I did like the way the nutty ex thing so so darn complicated!

So,, because of that missing information, because I needed more of Cary, and because I DID read it in one sitting. . .

4 solid stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
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