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ClareR (5789 KP) rated Vicious Rumer in Books
Apr 16, 2018
Rumer Cross believes she is cursed by the mother and violent criminal, who abandoned her. She has been through the foster care system, and suffered at the hands of people who would judge her for that. She escapes the system and becomes a shadow. That way, no one will get close. To get close to Rumer means certain death. She is cursed, after all.
Her day becomes unimaginable bad when a top/ the top London crime boss decides that she knows where something is that he wants.
This is a very dark, violent, action-packed book, and definitely not one for the faint-hearted! And I loved it. Rumer is a lonely young woman, afraid to get close to anyone, and fighting for her life. There are so many twists and turns that it made ME paranoid, never mind Rumer. I'm glad I got the chance to read this through The Pigeonhole, and I'll be keeping an eye out for any other books that the writer writes in the future.
Her day becomes unimaginable bad when a top/ the top London crime boss decides that she knows where something is that he wants.
This is a very dark, violent, action-packed book, and definitely not one for the faint-hearted! And I loved it. Rumer is a lonely young woman, afraid to get close to anyone, and fighting for her life. There are so many twists and turns that it made ME paranoid, never mind Rumer. I'm glad I got the chance to read this through The Pigeonhole, and I'll be keeping an eye out for any other books that the writer writes in the future.

Rose-Marie3071 (67 KP) rated Ready Player One (2018) in Movies
Feb 11, 2019
Contains spoilers, click to show
Since the Matrix, this is one of the first live action VR/AR movies to be made. And very well made it has been. While clearly needing to use a heck of a lot of green screen and digital editing, it is done almost masterfully so that you can tell that it is there, which is not something that can be said for other heavily digitised movies.
This movie incorporates the idea of VR and AR wonderfully, although it leans more towards VR than AR. I enjoyed the many aspects of movie even from my own home.
It shows characters and ideas from such a wide variety of franchises yet the unique design style of the movie makes so that none of them look out of place. This is shown particularly well in the final battle where you can definitely see The Iron Giant fighting along side one of THE original Mobile Suit G.U.N.D.A.M.
Overall, I think that this was a well thought out movie that could potentially be the start of the new VR/AR theme movies and series.
This movie incorporates the idea of VR and AR wonderfully, although it leans more towards VR than AR. I enjoyed the many aspects of movie even from my own home.
It shows characters and ideas from such a wide variety of franchises yet the unique design style of the movie makes so that none of them look out of place. This is shown particularly well in the final battle where you can definitely see The Iron Giant fighting along side one of THE original Mobile Suit G.U.N.D.A.M.
Overall, I think that this was a well thought out movie that could potentially be the start of the new VR/AR theme movies and series.

Auburn (57 KP) rated Umbertouched (Rosemarked, #2) in Books
Apr 10, 2019
As the cover suggests this book is more about umbertouched and the ways to become so. Zivah and Dineas have escaped the capital but not the continent. This follows their progress back to their homeland and what happens afterwards. Can they still fit in and where is their place now.
I enjoyed the relationship between Zivah and Dineas and how that continued to develop. The stress of being back home and back to their old lives was well thought out. The fighting and battle was interesting as well. I liked how each part from the first book to the very last page of this intertwined. Dineas's split personality is well documented and the problems that came from losing his memories in the first are seen.
My only problem was the ending. Is this a duology or will there be a third. I feel like if it is only two there is missing a key wrap up at the end. It feels incomplete. I do not know if that is what the author is going for but I feel a bit underwhelmed.
I enjoyed the relationship between Zivah and Dineas and how that continued to develop. The stress of being back home and back to their old lives was well thought out. The fighting and battle was interesting as well. I liked how each part from the first book to the very last page of this intertwined. Dineas's split personality is well documented and the problems that came from losing his memories in the first are seen.
My only problem was the ending. Is this a duology or will there be a third. I feel like if it is only two there is missing a key wrap up at the end. It feels incomplete. I do not know if that is what the author is going for but I feel a bit underwhelmed.

Madbatdan82 (341 KP) rated Upgrade (2018) in Movies
May 5, 2019 (Updated May 5, 2019)
What if Robocop wasnt a cop??
Stumbled across this beaut of a film. Premise is man and wife get into a car accident and then robbed. Wife is killed and man is left paralysed below the neck. Mans friend (who is a computer designer type person) offers him the chance at a normal life with a new chip that can operate limbs for you. Man takes off and starts to investigate his wife's murder and mystery and who done it starts. This film is at its heart a thriller but is based in a sci fi futuristic world. It is also has some excellent body horror and gore in it including a 'mouth cut' which was bloody awesome! Some of the dialogue is a bit silly with the main character giving crappy 1 liners whilst fighting the people who he suspects of killing his wife but it's not that off putting and I was able to laugh these off. All in all a really good film and well worth a watch.

Awix (3310 KP) rated Journey's End (2018) in Movies
Feb 7, 2018 (Updated Feb 9, 2018)
Trench to Nowhere
Handsomely mounted and very well-performed war drama that does a good job of hiding its low budget. Made to mark the centenary of the (fictionalised) events it depicts, the focus is very much on the characters of the men in the front line of war, rather than action and adventure - when fighting takes place, it is confused and chaotic, and preceded by an almost palpable sense of dread.
There's a way in which this film adheres to the received narrative when it comes to the First World War, which is that it was a pointless slaughter in which a generation of young men were callously sacrificed by unfeeling senior staff, but this is not overplayed and the uniformly fine acting means that the focus is always on the individuals involved, rather than laboriously sending a message.
The fact that pretty much every speaking role goes to a white male means this is a film which is probably going to struggle to get traction with modern audiences and commentators, but it remains a sincere and powerful piece of drama.
There's a way in which this film adheres to the received narrative when it comes to the First World War, which is that it was a pointless slaughter in which a generation of young men were callously sacrificed by unfeeling senior staff, but this is not overplayed and the uniformly fine acting means that the focus is always on the individuals involved, rather than laboriously sending a message.
The fact that pretty much every speaking role goes to a white male means this is a film which is probably going to struggle to get traction with modern audiences and commentators, but it remains a sincere and powerful piece of drama.

Joni Thomas (33 KP) rated A Court of Wings and Ruin in Books
Jan 25, 2018
Completely engrossing
I couldn't read this book fast enough. I feel like we really got a good look at Feyre's character and just how brave she is. Her time with Tamlin at the beginning of the book was fascinating, seeing how to made everything work to her advantage. I thought I was going to dread it at first but I should have known better. The fighting scenes are rich with detail, I could see it all in my mind as I read. I was so happy to see a return of the Suriel. I also loved seeing and finding out about the other High Lords as well as seeing some of the other Courts. The last half of the book had me breathless. I was laughing and then crying and then on the edge of my seat and then that awkward relief laughing that turns to tears. I felt it all.
Now to wait for ACOFAS. I keep telling myself its not a long wait but it already feels endless.
Now to wait for ACOFAS. I keep telling myself its not a long wait but it already feels endless.

Gail (4 KP) rated Hot Georgia Rein in Books
Jun 4, 2018
Hot Georgia Rein by Martha Sweeney
Five Stars
I loved this book it was funny and steamy. The characters were well written and I enjoyed Ivy's and Henry's connection. I felt so bad for them because they lost so many years together. Neither was ready for what the other offered. I felt that Ivy only needed to leave because she wanted out of the small town life. Henry never left because Georgia is his home and that is where he knew he belonged. They both were stubborn and could've gave in but it made the story that much more fun to watch them jump around each other. I didn’t like that Ivy kept her secret for so long. Even if she didn’t want to cause trouble the man had a right to know. Henry was such a coward for not fighting for her and Ivy was really selfish. It all came together very nicely and I wish it was longer. Big props to the author who had me wishing I could be reading this book instead of working.
Five Stars
I loved this book it was funny and steamy. The characters were well written and I enjoyed Ivy's and Henry's connection. I felt so bad for them because they lost so many years together. Neither was ready for what the other offered. I felt that Ivy only needed to leave because she wanted out of the small town life. Henry never left because Georgia is his home and that is where he knew he belonged. They both were stubborn and could've gave in but it made the story that much more fun to watch them jump around each other. I didn’t like that Ivy kept her secret for so long. Even if she didn’t want to cause trouble the man had a right to know. Henry was such a coward for not fighting for her and Ivy was really selfish. It all came together very nicely and I wish it was longer. Big props to the author who had me wishing I could be reading this book instead of working.

ames_morgan (8 KP) rated The Girl in The Tower: The Winternight Trilogy in Books
Jun 19, 2018
I fell in love with The Bear and the Nightingale the second that I started reading it so I was thrilled to receive an advance copy of the second installment in this story.
The story picks up with Vasya driven from her village, orphaned and branded as a witch. She could not face the option of marriage or life in a convent so she decides to become a traveler and explore the world on her own.
Brave and reckless as ever Vasya disguises herself as a boy she travels through Moscow and ends up fighting at the Grand Prince's side as they try to discover the identity of the bandits who have been terrorizing the area.
I enjoyed dynamic between Morozko, Vasya and Solovey. We are also introduced to some new characters and reunited with some old ones as the story progresses.
I found the second installment of The Bear and the Nightingale just as captivating as the first one and am anxiously awaiting the third and final part of the story!
The story picks up with Vasya driven from her village, orphaned and branded as a witch. She could not face the option of marriage or life in a convent so she decides to become a traveler and explore the world on her own.
Brave and reckless as ever Vasya disguises herself as a boy she travels through Moscow and ends up fighting at the Grand Prince's side as they try to discover the identity of the bandits who have been terrorizing the area.
I enjoyed dynamic between Morozko, Vasya and Solovey. We are also introduced to some new characters and reunited with some old ones as the story progresses.
I found the second installment of The Bear and the Nightingale just as captivating as the first one and am anxiously awaiting the third and final part of the story!

Tim Fitzmaurice (1 KP) rated The Adventure Zone in Podcasts
May 31, 2018 (Updated May 31, 2018)
Well edited (2 more)
Worked with fans for new content
Silly, funny, and sometimes a little bit stupid. Overall grear.
Loved listening to this. My physical therapist got me into this podcast. Thanked her a couple times as it was a blast. At first I wasn't too sure how I was going to like it... found I loved the way the characters interacted with each other and the npc's. Reminded me of how my players play... A bit serious but mostly silly. Want to try and charm an enemy instead of fighting it why not? Want to poke fun at npc's why not? Want to eat a unicorn horn because you can? Go for it! This show will make you laugh and even if your an experienced gamer or game master you will discover more exciting and humorous ways to mess with one another.
I know they make money via advertising revenue from this podcast and all. I only put it in there because I needed to put a negative and couldn't think of another.
I know they make money via advertising revenue from this podcast and all. I only put it in there because I needed to put a negative and couldn't think of another.

Carma (21 KP) rated Avengers: Infinity War (2018) in Movies
Jun 18, 2019
A great big cast of heroes take on the big bad Mad Titan
Infinity War was promised to be the big hero movie of the year. Reading from the comics it was looking like a bloodbath, I was curious to see how it would translate to the movies. It didn't slack on fight scenes, just about every represented Avenger was involved in at least 1 fight. Seeing Cap in his Nomad suit and facial hair was enough to get this girl's heart pumping. I preferred IW to Endgame with this being more action filled overall. While IW is darker than a normal avengers movie, it is with a purpose. This isn't a movie where the normal quips and jokes would fit in. While I didn't like the fact that the heroes were spread out over the world, I understand in the bigger scheme of things that it was needed. A great lead in movie to Endgame's payoff.