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Underworld: Blood Wars (2017)
Underworld: Blood Wars (2017)
2017 | Action, Fantasy, Horror
Action (0 more)
Story (2 more)
First 3 minutes
Too much betrayal and backstabbing
Fun to watch, but story could have been better
The start of this movie was a little off putting. I started with a recap of the series so far. These work so much better in TV shows because you most likely have seen the previous episode within two weeks. Movies not so much, I haven't seen any of the Underworld movies in about 2 years, so the recap really didn't help me understand what was going on. I knew the story a bit and that got me through the movie.

After the first 5 minutes it started to make more sense, but the whole plot of the movie really didn't have much too it. Keep everyone one away from Selene's daughter. Which she didn't know where she was anyway.

The rest of the story line really didn't make much sense either, so much un-need betrayal and backstabbing, I feel like vampires just can't get along with each other. At this point we should start seeing them as the bad guys and the werewolves as the good guys. But I am sure that will never happen.

Really the only good part of the movie was the action and fighting. It kept me awake and engaged in the movie.

I see they are making a 6th Underworld Movie, hopefully someone with a good story telling background can pick up the script and make a better story.

If you like Underworld, see it. Just to keep up with what is going on. Otherwise, just watch it for fun without looking to get something out of it.
Forget You Know Me
Forget You Know Me
Jessica Strawser | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I have to hand it to Jessica Strawser--not sure what's happened to her in her life (ha), but she can come up with some tangled plots. As always with her books, you have to go in expecting more women's fiction than suspense/thriller, and that helps set expectations up front. Still, I have to say, that there are a surprising number of suspects for the black-clad figure who pops up on Liza's web cam. For a suburban neighborhood, it sure is a tangled web of secrets and lies out there!

So I found the plot on this one kind of baffling at first: I think it could have done without Liza and Molly's fight, honestly. Their fighting was awkward and uncomfortable and didn't seem really necessary. But I quickly warmed to Molly and Liza, who were very real characters with flaws and genuine traits. For Liza, much of her life is ruled by her anxiety, while Molly's by her chronic pain. I felt for both of them. Despite being best friends, they are on separate tracks for most of the book, making you wonder where things are going to wind up.

With everyone keeping secrets, telling lies, and basically just being dishonest--both to others and themselves--the book really does keep you guessing about what happened that night. As it does, you're treated to a very realistic look at marriage and friendship. I felt parts of it were overblown and it was a very different sort of read, but I enjoyed it overall. The descriptions and portrayals of Molly and Liza are what really drew me in. 3.5+ stars.

Madbatdan82 (341 KP) rated Gotham in TV

May 3, 2019  
2014 | Drama
Literally everything! (0 more)
The mad hatter (0 more)
Batman Begins
I wanted to wait until I had watched the series finale to do a full review of the whole show. I can honestly say that in my opinion this is tied with Game of Thrones for the greatest TV show ever made...telling the story of a pre Batman Gotham this show focuses on James Gordon's rise from GCPD detective to Captain and eventual police Commissioner. It also tracks Bruce Wayne's journey from young child who sees his parents gunned down to crime fighting vigilante...what makes this show so good is its attention to detail in the shows characters in particular the villains. We get versions of the classics like penguin, riddler & scarecrow but it's the inclusion of lesser known villains like professor pyg, Solomon grundy & azreal that means theres something for fans of the comics as well as casual viewers. There really aren't any bad series and also no really bad episodes. All the stuff with the mad hatter gets a little slow but that might just be coz I didnt like the character - but maybe that's the point as hes not supposed to be likeable!!! all builds to a crescendo in the last season where sometimes so TV shows fall down trying to tie a bow round everything. In Gotham the wait pays off and it the ending feels like watching for all those seasons has paid off...simply put this is not just for comic nerds, it is a quality TV programme the likes of which we may not see again for a while. WATCH THIS SHOW!!!
A Prayer Before Dawn (2018)
A Prayer Before Dawn (2018)
2018 | Action, International, Thriller
There will be blood
#aprayerbeforedawn is a relentless, hard hitting, dizzying trip into the world of addiction while incarcerated in a #notorious foreign prison. #prayerbeforedawn is the true story of #english #boxer #billymoore who is sent prison in #thailand?? & the film uses real #prisoners as cast. More like an experience than a film prayer is exhausting, relentless & at times a tuff watch. Everything intimidates here & with most of the dialog spoken not being in english or having subtitles we are made to feel as alone, frightened & intimidated as Billy. #violence is kept mostly off screen but to good effect giving it a more raw, savage & disturbing feel leaving the worst to your imagination. Sound design is incredible too be it the dread filled #soundtrack or the seemingly ramped up unnerving volume of #prison life around Billy everything seems to make you #anxious & under threat. Billy is #strong physically but his mind is #damaged/tortured & its almost as if #fighting & #drugs are his only escapism. Its depressing seeing him go from seemingly untouchable to a weak/#scared kid & with physical danger everywhere his mind starts to become more & more unstable. #joecole gives such a mesmerising performance here, you feel his #pain, #fear, paranoia & torture & admire what little #fight he has left in him. Infact whats going on in the prison could essentially be a metaphore for the stuggles going on in his head. Visually depressing but stunningly #gorgeous its almost like the director took inspiration from #nicholaswindingrefn #onlygodforgives & even uses some of its talented cast too. I really cant recommend this film enough it truly is a remarkable film & such an incredible, sad & powerful #truestory. #odeon #odeonlimitless #thursdaythoughts #fighter #boxing
Fight Club (1999)
Fight Club (1999)
1999 | Thriller
Amazing cast performances in a dark epic
When I first watched Fight Club I had no idea what to expect I just couldn't resist a film starring Brad Pitt, Edward Norton, Helena Bonham Carter and Meat Loaf (!?!) I was very lucky to go into this dark as it really has a powerful plot twist so if you haven’t somehow seen or been told the deal with this film just go watch it now.

Edward Norton stars as a depressed working man who doesn't like his work and gets no sense of satisfaction from it. He starts visiting support groups for patients with terminal diseases so that he'll have people to talk to but he’s not the only weirdo doing this when he spots Marla (Helena Bonham Carter) at several of his support groups and subsequently becomes obsessed with her presence. He also meets another odd individual while on a flight, Tyler Durden (Brad Pitt), a charming soap salesman. Following a fight between them they become friends and roommates finding the release from fighting to be euphoric they fight more and other men join in, the "fight club." When Tyler and Marla hook up things get complicated with Tyler becoming more and more secretive about his real plans.

This film has a load of great performances but Meat Loaf as Bob a testicular cancer sufferer is pretty special to see. There’s a lot of violence and it’s a pretty dark if humorous in many ways. Norton and Pitt play so well off each other, it's great to watch. The cinematography and soundtrack are amazing, you’ll want to rewatch at least once.

Kaz (232 KP) Jun 16, 2019

Great review! This film definitely needs to be watched a couple of times to really appreciate it.


Awix (3310 KP) rated Darkest Hour (2017) in Movies

Feb 10, 2018 (Updated Feb 10, 2018)  
Darkest Hour (2017)
Darkest Hour (2017)
2017 | Drama, History, War
Doesn't quite get to the Nub of the Issue
Yet another trip back to the Second World War, with plucky little Britain taking on the world single-handed, etc, etc. Essentially a kind of companion piece to Nolan's Dunkirk, with Gary Oldman's newly-installed Prime Minister having to oversee the retreat of the British army while contending with voices in his own government who want to enter peace negotiations with the Nazis.

Well, obviously British film-makers do this kind of heritage project quite well, and this is a polished movie even if it doesn't offer anything terribly original. The whole thing is carried along by Oldman's bravura performance - it must be said that Gary Oldman, thanks to the magic of prosthetic make-up it took three hours to apply, does look very much like Gary Oldman wearing three hours' worth of prosthetic make-up, but his performance is good enough to make you overlook the (lack of) resemblance.

You could possibly take exception to the film's rather rose-tinted depiction of Churchill, but for me the real flaw in the film is this - the central question posed by the story is just where Churchill's resolve to keep fighting came from, when everyone around him advised otherwise, and the situation seemed so abject. Was he such an idealistic champion of liberty, or foe of fascism? (Historical evidence suggests otherwise.) Or was he just a contrarian old bugger in love with his own legend? The movie doesn't find an convincing answer to this question. Still, otherwise well-made and engaging, and unlikely to outrage mild-mannered elderly relatives.

Suswatibasu (1702 KP) rated Black Panther (2018) in Movies

Mar 10, 2018 (Updated Mar 10, 2018)  
Black Panther (2018)
Black Panther (2018)
2018 | Action, Drama, Sci-Fi
Strong representation for a change
Hooray for Hollywood for finally making a film in which black people are portrayed as strong and advanced individuals, and more strikingly - an alternative vision of an Africa uncolonised.

In comparison to the other representative blockbuster @Wonder Woman (2017), Black Panther had a less two dimensional villain, and a more developed plot.

Instead of an evil Nazi general or a God of War, who have no other reason to destroy humanity but for the sake of it, Killimonger, played by Michael B. Jordan, is understandably troubled living in destitute conditions as an African American fighting an oppressive system.

His anger manifests in his sense of entitlement, of a life that was stolen from him, and feeling betrayed by those in power who could have rescued him. It is similar to the relationship between Professor X and Magneto in the X-Men series where there is still a deep respect between the two and the attempt to solve humanity's problems in differing ways. Here, Marvel continues to excel in story-telling where DC falls behind.

T'challa is also fallible, he is human after all, and so he shows his vulnerability during one-on-one combats, unlike Wonder Woman who is an all powerful weapon to fight the gods. Here, the women in Black Panther surpass other superhero movies as generals, warriors and activists with more than a love interest type role, although some characters played both.

And while I'm not actually a massive fan of the genre - it is a cultural feat to watch diversity on the screens, which is why I'll continue to like Wonder Woman, while profoundly admiring Black Panther. #WakandaForever

Awix (3310 KP) rated Mothra (1961) in Movies

Feb 11, 2018 (Updated Feb 11, 2018)  
Mothra (1961)
Mothra (1961)
1961 | Adventure, Fantasy
You're going to need some bigger mothballs
The film that sets the standard for rampaging-giant-mystic-butterfly pictures is one of the best Toho monster movies, clearly owing a debt to King Kong but adding a lovely veneer of charming Japanese weirdness to the recipe. Evil Rosilicans (i.e., Americans) gatecrash a Japanese expedition to a mysterious island and end up kidnapping the twin fairies in charge of the place and forcing them to appear in a stage musical (this film has some banging tunes, by the way). Disgruntled natives wake up Mothra, butterfly-god protector of the island, who promptly heads for Japan to express displeasure as only a 180 metre long larva can.

Much more of a fantasy movie than the rest of the Godzilla series (with which it is in continuity; Mothra and Godzilla have been fighting together and against each other for over fifty years), and also with an unambiguously sympathetic monster, this is probably a more technically adept and simply enjoyable film than any of its immediate predecessors from Toho. The story is vaultingly peculiar in some ways, but at least it has originality on its side. The attempt to disguise where Rosilica is really supposed to be falls flat as soon as we learn one of its major cities is called New Kirk, but you can't fault one of these movies for being just a little bit odd. Perhaps the lack of another monster for Mothra to fight at the end is a weakness in the story, but if so it is less obvious than is usually the case in this sort of film. An endearing and engaging piece of entertainment.
Little Town on the Prairie  (Little House, #7)
Little Town on the Prairie (Little House, #7)
Laura Ingalls Wilder | 2007 | Fiction & Poetry
8.7 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
I must say that this book was so markedly better than the last one that I have my faith fully restored in the Little House series and is easily one of my favourites so far.

This book covers quite a large spell of time and gives a lovely insight to the life in the town that the Ingalls family have to spend half the year in to avoid being caught out by a bad winter that never seems to materialise. It follows Laura developing into a lovely young lady, her attachment to Almanzo deepens and she finally gets her teaching certificate. Meanwhile, Carrie and Grace continue to develop into sweet girls and Mary finally gets a chance to go to college, a heartwarming piece of good news for the family.

The book is a great improvement on the last one, the writing and flow is much more established, characters are much easier to relate to and also have a greater depth. Grace and Carrie are no longer minor characters mentioned by name only, they are now properly part of the family and as a result the story, adding a much needed new element to the family now that Mary has gone.

I thoroughly enjoyed the growing attentions of Almanzo Wilder. They were a delight to read and it is so touching to see Laura getting what would seem to be the perfect life for her, and the perfect man! I can't wait to see how this develops in the final two books, it would be so lovely to see them all get the happiness they so deserve after fighting for so long.
Stranded with the Secret Billionaire
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Book Review | Stranded with the Secret Billionaire by Marion Lennox
Jilted heiress Penny Hindmarsh-Firth has set her broken heart on escaping high society city life. But she’s trapped by floods in the Outback, and a handsome stranger on horseback comes to her rescue!

After a betrayal shattered his life Matt Fraser withdrew from the world—but he can’t deny Penny refuge. This secret billionaire is reluctantly intrigued as the society princess begins proving there’s more to her than meets the eye…

The reason I have only given it 3 as it was okay but it just didn't grab me like the other Mills and Boon books I have read in the past. I feel I have grown up and want more out the book. I felt I want more from the characters and see more of their emotions. Doesn't mean I didn't like the plot where she was stranded with a secret billionaire Matt he seemed kind and cared for Penny's safety and respected her.

I loved how he was open he was in a relationship before and had a child with her and he was willing to change the house so he's daughter could stay. Penny brought he's emotion out more and got him fighting to see he's daughter more.

I loved how Penny didn't really care that he's a billionaire she didn't fall in love with him for he's money she just felt safe with him and she can be herself around him. I will read more Mills and Boon books and get back into them.

Check the book out for yourself.

Thanks for reading x